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A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story

Page 8

by Fergus Hume



  In due time the body of Daisy Kent was buried. Her remains were laid bythose of her father in the very churchyard about which she hadcomplained to Giles a short time before the tragedy of her death. Warebeing still ill, did not attend the funeral, but a large concourse ofpeople from all parts of the county followed the coffin to the grave.

  Morley was the chief mourner, and looked haggard, as was natural. PoorMrs. Morley remained at home and wept. She did little else but weep inthose days, poor soul!

  When Mr. Drake had finished the service, and the grave was filled up,the crowd dispersed. There was a great deal of talk about the untimelydeath of the girl and the chances of her murderess being caught.Everyone believed that Anne was guilty; but as Steel had kept his owncounsel and Mrs. Parry held her tongue, no mention was made of the tallman.

  The chatter of Cissy Jinks and Martha Gibbs certainly seemed toinculpate him in the matter, but only the villagers talked of thisespecial point. It never reached the ears of the reporters, and did notget into the papers. But the journals gave a good deal of space to theaffair, and hinted that it was what the French call "un crimepassional." Still, no paper was daring enough to hint at Giles and hispresumed connection with the tragedy. It was merely stated that he hadbeen engaged to the deceased girl, and felt her death so deeply, as wasnatural, that he had taken to his bed. Of course, this was anembellishment of facts, as Ware was simply laid up with an attack ofpneumonia. But for the benefit of the public the journalists ascribed itto romantic and undying love. Giles, who was a matter-of-fact youngEnglishman, did not see these descriptions, or he would have been muchdisgusted at the sickly sentimentality.

  Meantime no news was heard of Anne. It was not known that the tallstranger had been with her, for several people had seen the car passingon its way to Tilbury. It was a lucky thought that had made Trim takethat particular direction, and merely by chance that he had stumbled onthe motor overthrown in a hedge. Evidently an accident had occurred, butno one was near at the time, as it took place some little distance fromTilbury and in a lonely part. But it was conjectured that the twooccupants had proceeded on foot to Tilbury. A boatman was found whorelated that he had taken a lady and gentleman across to Gravesend, andthat the gentleman walked a trifle lame. They landed on the Gravesendshore, and here the boatman lost sight of them. It was the lady who paidhis fare, and he said that she appeared to be quite calm. He did not seethe face of the man, but described that of Anne and her dress also.There was no doubt but what she was the fugitive.

  However, here the trail ended. Once in Gravesend, and all trace of thepair was lost. Steel made inquiries everywhere, but without success. Thetwo might have got away in a ship, but this he could not learn. Thenight was foggy and dark, and no ship had gone out of the river,according to the boatmen. Steel could discover nothing, and resolved tothrow up the case. But at the eleventh hour he stumbled on a clue, andfollowed it up. The result of his inquiries made him return at once toRickwell, where he sought out Mr. Morley.

  The little man had sent his wife and family away from The Elms, as theatmosphere of the house was melancholy in the extreme. Mrs. Morley, notaverse to more cheerful surroundings, elected to go to Brighton with thetriplets, and took two servants with her. Morley remained behind with areduced staff, and promised to join her later. He desired to wait untilhe could see the detective. His wish was speedily gratified, for threedays after the departure of his wife Steel made his appearance. Morleyreceived him in the library.

  "How do you do, sir?" said the detective, as they shook hands. "I amglad to see that you are looking better."

  "I am getting over the shock," replied the other, "now that the poorchild is buried; there is no use mourning further. I have sent my wifeand family to Brighton and propose to follow myself in a day or so."

  "I am lucky to have caught you, then?"

  "What? Have you found any clue?"

  "I think so. It is connected with the Scarlet Cross."

  Morley, who was warming his hands over the fire, looked round eagerly,and his eyes flashed.

  "I thought there was something in that reference. You remember theletter, Steel?"

  "Yes. And I showed it to Mrs. Parry."

  "To that meddlesome old woman. Why?"

  "It's too long a matter to go into. But it was just as well I did. Shegave me this little ornament."

  Morley turned over the enamelled cross and examined it carefully."Humph! It is the kind of thing Miss Denham said was worn by her deadfather."

  "Exactly. Well, Mr. Morley, either the father is dead as she told youand that cross was worn by a stranger, or the man who called to see youhere was the father."

  "How do you make that out? What do you mean?" said Morley, and his faceexhibited genuine amazement.

  For answer Steel related what Mrs. Parry had told him about thediscovery of the cross, and how she had put two and two together.

  "And now, sir, you must see that in some way this stranger is connectedwith the crime. He called to see you. May I ask what you know of him?"

  "Absolutely nothing," replied the other emphatically. "Wait! I must showyou something." He rose and went to his desk. "Of course, I am tellingyou my private business," he added, opening a drawer, "so don't pleasespeak about it."

  "If it has nothing to do with the murder I won't; but if----"

  "Pshaw! that is all right, I know as much about these things as you do.However, we can talk of that later. Meantime cast your eye over that,"and he placed a document on the table.

  "A judgment summons for five hundred pounds," said Steel, with awhistle. "Did he serve this?"

  "Yes," replied Morley, returning to his seat with a gloomy face. "Youwill see that it is dated three days before he came to me. I have outrunthe constable, and have the greatest difficulty in keeping my head abovewater. This man--I don't know his name--said that he came from thosesolicitors----"

  "'Asher, Son, and Asher,'" read out the detective.

  Morley nodded. "Of twenty-two, St. Audrey's Inn. A firm of sharpers Icall them. The money has certainly been owing a long time, but I offeredto pay off the sum by degrees. They refused, and insist upon immediatepayment. If they would only wait until the war is over, my South Africanshares would go up and there would be a chance of settling the matter.But they will not wait. I expect a bankruptcy notice next."

  "I am very sorry for you, Mr. Morley, and of course, I shall not betraythe confidence you have placed in me; but the point is, what is the nameof the man who served this?"

  "I don't know; I never asked him his name. He entered by the front doorand served this here. I sent him out by the window, so that the servantsshould not see him again. He had the look of a sheriff's officer, andone can't be too careful here. I believe Mrs. Parry pays my servants totell her what goes on in my house. I didn't want her to learn about thissummons."

  "I can easily understand that," replied the detective; "and I see nowwhy you let the man out by the window. You left the room with him?"

  "Yes. I didn't say anything much at the inquest beyond that he was avisitor, and I was relieved when I found that no questions were asked.But I walked with him to the end of the terrace and saw him go down theavenue. Then I returned to this room, and found Miss Denham waiting bythe desk. I asked her what she wanted. She asked for her wages, as shewas leaving the next day. I had no ready money, and promised to see toit before she departed. Then she went out, and shortly afterwards MissKent came in to say she had seen the man go down the avenue. She askedme who he was, and I was rather short with her, poor creature!" andMorley sighed.

  "I wonder why the man went to church."

  "I can't say that; but I can guess that when he knew who Daisy was hewanted to speak to her."

  "What about?" asked Steel eagerly.

  "About me and the summons. You see, Steel, there is a half-uncle ofDaisy Kent's who went to Australia. He said that if he made his fortunehe would leave the money to her. Whether
he is dead or alive I don'tknow, but certainly she did not get any money left to her. Powell'ssolicitors are Asher, Son, and Asher----"

  "Powell? I thought the uncle would be called Kent, unless, of course, hewas uncle by the mother's side."

  "I said half-uncle," said Morley dryly. "Powell is his name--WilliamPowell--and his solicitors are those who issued that judgment summons. Iexpect the clerk wanted to tell Daisy about my position and warn heragainst lending me money. As though I should have asked the girl forsixpence!"

  "I don't see why this clerk should warn Miss Kent."

  "Well, you see, Daisy had a hundred a year, and they pay it to her. Asshe might one day be an heiress, I suppose they think it as well to keepan eye on her. This man could not have known that Daisy was in church,and may have just gone there to kill time. But when he saw her and knewwho she was, I daresay he wrote that note asking her to come outside andbe told all about me."

  "It might be so. Was the note found?"

  "Not to my knowledge. But you should know, being a detective."

  "I'm not omniscient," replied Steel good-humoredly; "it is only innovels that you get the perfect person who never makes a mistake. Well,to resume. I don't see why the clerk should have killed Miss Kent."

  "He did not kill her," insisted Morley. "I was in the room with him fromthe time he entered by the door to the time he left by that middlewindow. He had no chance of stealing the stiletto. Now Miss Denham had,for she was in the room alone for a few moments."

  "But why should she have taken the clerk with her on the car? If shekilled the girl her object must have been to escape herself?"

  "I can't explain. Perhaps this clerk saw the crime and hoped to makemoney out of it. Had he given the alarm he wouldn't have gained anyreward. So I suppose he mounted the car with her, so that she should notescape him."

  "A wild theory."

  "It's the only one I can think of," responded Morley; "but if you wantto know more of this man go up to Asher, Son, and Asher. I daresay theywill be able to give you his history."

  "And the Scarlet Cross?"

  "I know nothing about that. I did not even notice if the man had such across on his chain. In fact," added Morley frankly, "he was too shabbyand poverty-stricken to have a chain. I think Anne Denham killed Daisy;you think this man did, and----"

  "Pardon," protested Steel. "I have not yet made up my mind. But the twofled together, and there must be some reason for that."

  "If so, it will be found in the past history of both, or either. Youknow where to look for the man. I can get from my wife the address ofthe Governesses' Institute where she engaged Miss Denham. That is all Ican do, unless I take up the case myself."

  Steel looked up with a laugh. He was copying the address of thesolicitors from the summons, but could not help pausing to reply to thisegotistical remark. "Why, Mr. Morley, what do you know of such work?" heasked, bantering.

  "Much more than you would give me credit for. Did you ever hear of--bythe way, this is another of my secrets I am telling you, so please don'trepeat it."

  "Are you going to say that you were in the profession?"

  "I am. You may have heard of Joe Bart."

  "I should think so," said Steel quickly. "He had a splendid reputation,and was much thought of. But he retired before I came to London. I wasin the country police for a long time. But"--he started up--"you don'tmean to say that----"

  "That I am Joe Bart?" interrupted Morley, not ill-pleased. "Yes, I do. Iretired over ten years ago, more fool I. You see, Steel, I grew weariedof thief-catching, and as I had a chance of marrying a widow with money,I took the offer and retired. But"--he looked at the summons--"the gamewasn't worth the candle. I have had nothing but trouble. Still, I amdevoted to my wife and her children."

  "And you have forgotten your former glory," said Steel enthusiastically;"surely not. That Hatton Garden jewel robbery, the man with the red coatwho committed the Lichfield murder, and----"

  "I remember them all," said Morley, with gentle melancholy. "I have afull report of all the cases I was engaged in yonder"--he nodded to adistant shelf. "Sometimes I take those volumes down and think what anass I was to retire."

  "But see here, Mr. Morley. You are hard up; you want money. I am surethey would be glad to have you back at the Yard. Why not recommenceyour detective life with searching out this case?"

  Morley, late Joe Bart, shook his head. "There is no difficulty aboutthis case to tempt me," he said. "Anne Denham killed the girl. But Imust say I should like to find out about this clerk, and why he went offwith her. Still, it is useless for me to become a detective again. Inthe first place my wife would not like it, and in the second I have lostmy keen scent. I am rusty--I am laid on the shelf. No, no, Steel, youlook after this matter yourself. Any advice I can give you I shall, butdon't tempt the old dog out of his kennel."

  Steel looked admiringly at his host. Bart had been a celebrateddetective in his day, although not one of the best. Still, he had made areputation on two or three cases, which entitled him to respect. "Ishould be proud to work with you, Mr. Morley."

  "Well, well," said Morley, rather pleased, "we'll see. At present I mustput my wits to work to get money to prevent my being made a bankrupt.Now don't give me away, Steel."

  "I'll say nothing. I suppose your wife knows that you were----"

  "Of course. But she made me promise to give it up. Therefore you see Ican't take up the life again. But my advice to you--if you care to takeit--is to look after the governess, and leave the clerk alone. She isguilty; he is not."

  "I'll look after both," said Steel firmly, "after both Mr.--Bart."

  Morley laughed. "Report to me all you do," he said, and this Steelwillingly promised.


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