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How to Be a Dictator

Page 31

by Frank Dikotter

  20NARA, RG 59, 1978STATE106159, 26 April 1978.

  21PRO, FCO 31-2251, C. M. Carruthers, ‘Leading Personalities of Ethiopia’, 19 May 1978; NARA, RG 59, 1978ADDIS02129, 11 May 1978.

  22NARA, RG 59, 1979ADDIS01388, 19 April 1979; Donald L. Donham, ‘Revolution and Modernity in Maale: Ethiopia, 1974 to 1987’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 34, no. 1 (Jan. 1992), p. 43.

  23Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 71, ‘A Communist Ethiopia?’, 1981.

  24NARA, RG 59, 1979ADDIS01388, 19 April 1979.

  25Shambel, Misikirnet be Derg Abalat, p. 327.

  26Habtamu Alebachew, Ye Kesar Enba (Tears of Cesar), Addis Ababa: Far East Trading Publishing, 2007, pp. 122, 142–3, 145 and 150.

  27Dawit Wolde Giorgis, Red Tears: War, Famine and Revolution in Ethiopia, Trenton, NJ: Red Sea Press, 1989, p. 58; BArch, DY 30/IV 2/2.035/127, Report on Propaganda, 4 April 1978, pp. 253–6; Baalu wrote the critical memoir entitled Oromay, used elsewhere in this chapter, and vanished in 1984, presumably killed.

  28Dawit Shifaw, The Diary of Terror: Ethiopia 1974 to 1991, Bloomington, IN: Trafford Publishing, 2012, p. 72; Begashaw, Yecoloel Mengistu Haile Maryam ena Yederggemenawoch, p. 378.

  29Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 68, ‘Revolution Day’, 12 Sept. 1977, pp. 16–17; the fines are mentioned in PRO, FCO 31-2093, D. M. Day, ‘Mengistu’, 15 June 1977; see also Giorgis, Red Tears, p. 59.

  30MAE, 326QONT/28, Pierre Nolet, ‘Chronique mensuelle’, 11 Dec. 1979; Habtamu, Ye Kesar Enba, p. 122.

  31MAE, 326QONT/28, ‘Note: Situation intérieure de l’Ethiopie’, 27 Feb. 1981.

  32Clapham, Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia, pp. 70–77.

  33Ibid., p. 77.

  34François Jean, Éthiopie: Du bon usage de la famine, Paris: Médecins Sans Frontières, 1986, pp. 21–5; Harold G. Marcus, A History of Ethiopia, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1994, pp. 204–5.

  35BArch, DY 30/11498, 6 May 1982, p. 12; BArch, DY 30/27158, 3 Dec. 1982, p. 3; PRO, FCO 31-3895, D. C. B. Beaumont, ‘Meeting of EC Ambassadors’, 23 Sept. 1983.

  36Ethiopian Herald, 6 and 26 July 1984.

  37Henze, Layers of Time, pp. 306–7; Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 72, ‘Communist Ethiopia: Is it Succeeding?’, Jan. 1985; Giorgis, Red Tears, p. 135, mentions ‘hundreds’ of North Koreans; see also p. 59 for the trip to North Korea in 1982.

  38Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 71, ‘A Communist Ethiopia?’, 1981; Korn, Ethiopia, the United States and the Soviet Union, pp. 122–3.

  39Ethiopian Herald, 4 and 7 Sept. 1984; the biography is mentioned in Giorgis, Red Tears, p. 172.

  40Korn, Ethiopia, the United States and the Soviet Union, pp. 122–3.

  41‘Ethiopians Mark 10th Anniversary of Socialist Revolution’, United Press International, 12 Sept. 1984; Ethiopian Herald, 16 Sept. 1984.

  42MfAA, C 1852, Travel Report, April 1978, p. 58; Donham, ‘Revolution and Modernity in Maale’, p. 29.

  43Korn, Ethiopia, the United States and the Soviet Union, pp. 123–4.

  44Henze, Layers of Time, p. 307; Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 72, ‘Communist Ethiopia: Is it Succeeding?’, Jan. 1985; box 73, ‘Exploiting Famine and Capitalizing on Western Generosity’, March 1986, p. 91; Korn, Ethiopia, the United States and the Soviet Union, pp. 124–6.

  45Laurence Binet (ed.), Famine et transferts forcés de populations en Ethiopie 1984–1986, Paris: Médecins Sans Frontières, 2013; Alex de Waal, ‘Is the Era of Great Famines Over?’, New York Times, 8 May 2016.

  46Gebru Tareke, The Ethiopian Revolution: War in the Horn of Africa, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009, pp. 218–61.

  47Charles Mitchell, ‘“Operation Red Star”: Soviet Union, Libya back Ethiopia in Eritrean War’, 20 March 1982, UPI; Messay Kebede, Ideology and Elite Conflicts: Autopsy of the Ethiopian Revolution, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011, pp. 307–24.

  48Alex de Waal, Evil Days: Thirty Years of War and Famine in Ethiopia, New York: Human Rights Watch, 1991, pp. 302–7.

  49Henze, Layers of Time, pp. 327–9.

  50Paul Henze archives, Hoover Institution, box 68, ‘Travel Diary, 1991 June’.


  1Elleni Centime Zeleke, ‘Addis Ababa as Modernist Ruin’, Callaloo, 33, no. 1 (Spring 2010), p. 125.

  2‘How Kim Jong Un Builds his Personality Cult’, The Economist, 8 June 2017.

  3Joseph Willits, ‘The Cult of Bashar al-Assad’, Guardian, 1 July 2011.

  4Kadri Gursel, ‘The Cult of Erdogan’, Al-Monitor, 6 Aug. 2014.

  5Tom Phillips, ‘Xi Jinping: Does China Truly Love “Big Daddy Xi” – or Fear Him?’, Guardian, 19 Sept. 2015.

  6Rowan Callick, ‘No Turning Back the Tide on Xi Jinping Personality Cult’, Australian, 25 Nov. 2017; Viola Zhou, ‘“Into the Brains” of China’s Children: Xi Jinping’s “Thought” to Become Compulsory School Topic’, South China Morning Post, 23 Oct. 2017; Jamil Anderlini, ‘Under Xi Jinping, China is Turning Back to Dictatorship’, Financial Times, 11 Oct. 2017.


  A very faint idea of this project goes back to my first year as an undergraduate student in 1981, when I came across ‘La fabrication d’un charisme’, a riveting article on Stalin’s cult written before its time by my teacher Bronisław Baczko at the University of Geneva. Professor Baczko was a pioneer in cultural history, and I would like to acknowledge, belatedly, that his body of work has shaped my approach to history to a much greater extent than I realised at the time.

  Writing about the cult of personality can be a risky business. Every historian of Mussolini is deeply indebted to Camillo Berneri, who published an illuminating study entitled Mussolini Grande Attore (Mussolini the Great Actor) in 1934, only to be killed by a squad of communists in Spain three years later, probably on the orders of Stalin. Great dictators often attract great writers, and one of the pleasures in working on these tyrants is to be in the company of so many gifted scholars, whether they wrote at the time or with hindsight. My debt to them is indicated, however inadequately, in the footnotes.

  I spent many a week in archives across Europe, but would not have been able to make sense of the documents in the Arhivele Naţionale ale României in Bucharest without the help of Ştefan Bosomitu, a researcher with unparalleled knowledge of the Ceauşescu files. In Addis Ababa, Eyob Girma read patiently through dozens of memoirs in Amharic, while Jen Seung Yeon Lee helped with propaganda material from North Korea. A seemingly infinite amount of material on twentieth-century war, revolution and peace can be found at the Hoover Institution, and the staff in both the library and the archives were unstinting with their help.

  Robert Peckham rekindled my interest in the history of image and power by lending me a copy of Peter Burke’s The Fabrication of Louis XIV. A number of people have read and commented on draft versions, especially Peter Baehr, Gail Burrowes, Christopher Hutton, Peter and Gabriele Kennedy, Françoise Koolen, Andrei Lankov, Norman Naimark, Robert Peckham, Priscilla Roberts, Robert Service, Facil Tesfaye and Vladimir Tismaneanu. Others were generous in sharing stories and sources, in particular Paul S. Cha, Mihai Croitor, Brian Farrell, Sander Gilman, Paul Gregory, Paul Hollander, Jean Hung, Mark Kramer, Michelle Kung, James Person, Amir Weiner and Arne Westad.

  I am indebted to my publishers, namely Michael Fishwick in London and Anton Mueller in New York, and my copy editor Richard Collins, as well as Marigold Atkey, Chloe Foster, Genista Tate-Alexander, Francesca Sturiale and Lilidh Kendrick at Bloomsbury. I would like to convey my gratitude to my literary agent Andrew Wylie in New York and Sarah Chalfant in London. I thank my wife Gail Burrowes, as always, with love.

  Hong Kong, December 2018


  Adwa, Battle of here

  Afabet, Battle of here

  Agronsky, Martin here

  Ai Xiaoming here

  Albania here, here, here, here

  Alexander the Great here

  Alfieri, Dino here

  Allilueva, Anna here

  Aman Andom, General here, here, here

  Angkar here

  Apostol, Gheorghe here

  Assad (father and son) here, here

  Atatürk, Kemal here

  Atnafu Abate here, here

  atomic bombs here, here

  Augustus, Emperor here

  Austria, Hitler’s annexation of here, here

  Avdeenko, Aleksandr here

  Axum here, here

  Badoglio, Pietro here

  Balbo, Italo here, here, here

  Baltic States here

  Barbot, Clément here, here, here

  Barbusse, Henri here, here

  Barre, Siad here

  Battle of Britain here

  Bavarian Socialist Republic here

  Bay of Pigs here

  Bedel, Maurice here

  Beethoven, Ludwig van here

  Benjamin, René here

  Béraud, Henri here, here, here

  Berghof here, here, here

  Beria, Lavrentiy here

  Berlin Olympics here

  Berlin Wall, fall of here

  Bessel, Richard here

  Bierut, Bolesław here

  Bismarck, Otto von here

  Bodnaras, Emil here

  Bokassa, Jean-Bédel here

  Bolsheviks here, here, here, here, here, here

  Bolshoi Theatre here, here

  Braun, Eva here

  Brezhnev, Leonid here, here, here


  National Theatre here

  Palace of the People here, here

  remodelling of city here

  Bukharin, Nikolai here, here, here

  Bulgaria here, here

  Burebista, king of Dacia here

  Byrnes, James here

  Carter, Jimmy here

  Castro, Fidel here, here, here, here, here

  Catchlov, Donald here

  Ceauşescu, Elena here, here, here

  Ceauşescu, Nicolae here, here, here, here

  and ancient traditions here

  biographies here

  birthday celebrations here

  control over culture here

  decline and fall here, here

  and Duvalier here

  and growing discontent here, here

  and Hitler here, here, here

  images of here, here, here

  ideological writings here, here

  international titles and honours here

  July Theses here

  and Kim Il-sung here

  and Mao Zedong here

  and Mussolini here, here

  and presidency here, here

  promotes relatives here

  purges leadership here

  refuses statues here

  rise to power here

  and Stalin here

  tours country here

  Ceauşescu, Nicu here

  Ceauşescu Doctrine here, here

  Ceauşescu Era here, here, here

  Chamberlain, Neville here, here

  Changchun, siege of here, here

  chemical weapons here, here

  Chen Boda here

  chengfen here, here

  Chiang Kai-shek here, here, here, here, here


  Ceauşescu visits here

  and North Korea here, here, here, here, here

  and Soviet Union here, here, here, here, here, here

  see also Mao Zedong

  Cho Gi-cheon here

  Cho Man-sik here

  Christophe, Henri, see Henri I, King of Haiti

  Churchill, Winston here, here, here

  Ciano, Galeazzo here, here, here, here

  Citadelle Henri Christophe here

  Clapham, Christopher here

  Cold War here, here, here

  collectivisation here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Comintern here, here, here

  concentration camps here, here, here

  Congress of Victors here, here

  Corner, Francesca here

  Corriere della Sera here

  Courlander, Harold here

  Creole here

  Cromwell, Oliver here, here

  Cuba here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Czechoslovakia here, here, here, here, here

  Soviet invasion here, here

  Dalí, Salvador here

  d’Annunzio, Gabriele here

  Das Kapital, published in Amharic here

  de Gaulle, Charles here, here

  Déjoie, Louis here

  Deng Xiaoping here, here

  Denis, Lorimer here, here

  Derg, the here, here

  Dessalines, Jean-Jacques here, here, here

  de-Stalinisation here, here

  Deutscher, Isaac here

  Dominican Republic here, here, here

  Draghici, Alexandru here

  Drexler, Anton here

  Du Bois, W. E. B. here

  Dumini, Amerigo here

  Duvalier, François ‘Papa Doc’ here, here, here, here

  birthday celebrations here

  and blackness here, here

  Catechism of the Revolution here

  and Ceauşescu here

  death and mausoleum here

  Essential Works here

  and exodus of professionals here

  illness and return to power here

  images of here, here, here, here

  improves image here

  and the masses here

  and Mao Zedong here

  and Mussolini here

  occult associations here

  practises medicine here

  and presidency here, here, here, here

  purges here, here, here

  refuses statues here, here

  relations with Catholic Church here, here

  relations with US here, here

  and tonton macoutes here

  Duvalier, Jean-Claude ‘Baby Doc’ here, here, here

  Duvalier, Marie-Denise here

  Duvalier, Simone here

  Duvalierism here

  Dzerzhinsky, Felix here

  East Germany here, here

  Eckhart, Dietrich here, here

  Edison, Thomas here

  Eisner, Kurt here

  El Alamein, Battle of here

  Elizabeth II, Queen here, here

  Engels, Friedrich here, here, here, here

  and Ethiopia here, here, here

  and North Korea here, here

  Enukidze, Avel here

  Erdogan, Recep Tayyip here

  Eritrea here, here, here, here

  Esposizione Universale Roma (EUR) here, here

  Estimé, Dumarsais here


  Italian invasion here, here

  see also Mengistu Haile Mariam

  Ethiopian Orthodox Church here

  famine and starvation here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Farinacci, Roberto here, here, here

  fasces here

  Felice, Renzo de here, here

  Finland here, here, here

  Foch, Marshal Ferdinand here

  France, fall of here, here

  Franco, Francisco here

  Gaddafi, Muammar here

  Gaetano, Vincenzo de here

  Gandhi, Mohandas here

  Gao Hua here

  Garbo, Greta here

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe here

  Gentile, Emilio here

  Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe here, here

  Gibson, Violet here, here

  Gide, André here

  Giobbe, Salustri here

  Girma, Baalu here

  Glowania, Paul here

  Goebbels, Joseph here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Goering, Hermann here, here, here, here, here

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von here

hev, Mikhail here, here

  Grandi, Dino here, here, here

  Gravelli, Asvero here

  Graziani, General Rodolfo here, here

  Great German Art Exhibition here

  Great Pyramid of Giza here

  Great Wall of China here

  Greece here

  guerrilla warfare here, here, here

  Haffner, Sebastian here

  Hamelet, Michel-Pierre here

  Han Chae-tok here

  Han Sorya here

  Hannibal here

  Hassell, Ulrich von here

  Hearst, William Randolph here

  Henri I, King of Haiti (Henri Christophe) here, here

  Henri, Jacques-Victor here

  Hess, Rudolph here

  Himmler, Heinrich here

  Hindenburg, Paul von here, here

  Hitler, Adolf here, here, here

  anti-Semitism here, here, here, here, here

  appearance and manner here

  assassination plot here

  becomes chancellor here

  Beer Hall Putsch here, here

  biographies here, here

  birthday celebrations here

  and Ceauşescu here, here, here

  decline and fall here

  failed presidential bid here

  failing health here

  and First World War here

  Gleichschaltung (synchronisation) process here, here

  holds referendum here

  images of here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and interior design here

  judge of character here

  master of disguise here

  Mein Kampf here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Mussolini here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  newsreels and films here

  Night of the Long Knives here, here, here

  and political violence here

  refuses statues here, here, here

  renaming of streets here

  rhetorical skills here, here, here

  and Stalin here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and war here, here

  Hitler salute here, here

  Hitler Youth here, here

  Ho Kai here

  Hoffmann, Heinrich here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Hollander, Paul here

  homosexuality here

  Hou Bo here

  houngans here, here, here, here

  Hoxha, Enver here, here

  Hua Mulan here

  Hungary here, here, here, here, here

  revolt and Soviet invasion here, here

  Hussein, Saddam here

  Iliescu, Ion here, here, here


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