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How to Be a Dictator

Page 32

by Frank Dikotter

  Italian empire here

  Jacoby, Annalee here

  Jennrich, Paul here

  Johnson, Lyndon B. here

  Julius Caesar here, here

  Juche Tower here

  Kaganovich, Lazar here, here, here, here

  Kalinin, Mikhail here

  Kamenev, Lev here, here

  Kang Sheng here

  Kaplan, Fanny here

  Kapp, Wolfgang here

  Kébreau, Antonio here

  Kennedy, John F. here

  Kershaw, Ian here

  Khmer Rouge here

  Khrushchev, Nikita here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Kiev here

  Monastery of Caves here

  Kihiss, Peter here

  Kim Il-sung here, here, here, here

  attacks bourgeois culture here

  badges here

  biographies here, here, here

  birthday celebrations here, here, here

  and Ceauşescu here

  Chollima Campaign here

  crowned president here

  death and mausoleum here

  epithets here

  faces criticism here

  guerrilla fighter in Manchuria here

  images and statues here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Juche Thought here, here, here

  land reform here

  loyalty gifts here

  loyalty oaths here

  and Mao Zedong here, here, here

  ‘on-the-spot guidance’ here

  opposition to de-Stalinisation here

  public works here

  purges here, here, here, here

  his relatives here, here, here, here

  slogan trees here

  songs about here

  and Stalin here, here, here, here

  and Third World here, here

  Kim Il-sungism here

  Kim Jong-il here

  Kim Jong-un here

  Kipling, Rudyard here

  Kirkpatrick, Ivone here

  Kirov, Sergey here

  Klemperer, Victor here, here, here, here

  Knickerbocker, Hubert here

  Khomeini, Ayatollah here

  Knox, Colonel Frank here

  Korean War here, here, here, here

  kulaks here, here

  Lamont, Thomas W. here

  League of Nations here, here, here, here, here

  Legion of Honour here

  Lei Feng here

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Duvalier here

  and Ethiopia here, here, here, here

  and Mao Zedong here, here, here, here

  his mausoleum here, here

  and North Korea here, here

  and overseas communists here, here

  and Stalin’s succession here

  and vozhd title here, here

  Lenin’s Testament here, here, here

  Leningrad, siege of here

  Leninism here, here

  see also Marxism-Leninism

  Ley, Robert here, here, here

  Libya here, here

  Lin Biao here, here, here, here

  Lincoln, Abraham here

  Liu Shaoqi here, here, here, here, here

  Lloyd George, David here, here

  Locard, Henri here

  Louis XIV, King here

  Louis XVI, King here

  Louverture, Toussaint here

  Luce Institute here, here

  Ludendorff, General Erich von here

  Ludwig, Emil here, here, here

  L’Unità here

  Lussu, Emilio here

  Lyons, Eugene here, here

  MacArthur, General Douglas here

  Magloire, Paul here

  Malenkov, Georgy here

  Maltoni, Rosa here

  Manchuria here, here, here, here

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda here, here

  Mandelstam, Osip here

  Manescu, Manea here

  Mangyongdae here, here

  Mansudae Hill here, here

  Mao Zedong here, here, here, here

  anti-corruption campaign here

  badges here

  and Ceauşescu here

  Cultural Revolution here, here, here, here

  death and mausoleum here

  and democracy protests here

  and Duvalier here

  Great Leap Forward here, here, here

  Hundred Flowers campaign here, here, here

  images and statues here, here, here, here

  intellectual aspirations here, here, here

  and Kim Il-sung here, here, here

  land reform here

  leader of peasants here

  Little Red Book here, here, here

  Long March here, here

  meeting with Nixon here

  On New Democracy here, here

  opposition to de-Stalinisation here

  philosophical essays here

  his poetry here

  poses as democrat here, here, here

  purges here, here, here, here

  Rectification Campaign here

  remoteness here

  slogans here

  Socialist Education Campaign here, here

  and Stalin here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Three Loyalties and Four Boundless Loves here

  and vozhd title here

  Mao Zedong Thought here, here, here, here, here, here

  Markixova, Gelia here

  Marx, Karl here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Ethiopia here, here, here

  and North Korea here, here, here

  Marxism here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Sinification of here

  Marxism-Leninism here, here, here, here

  and Ethiopia here, here

  and North Korea here, here

  and Romania here, here, here

  Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought here, here

  Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism here

  Massacre of the Sixty here

  Matteotti, Giacomo here, here, here

  Maurer, Gheorghe here, here

  May Day celebrations here, here, here, here, here

  May Seventh Cadre Schools here

  Mekhlis, Lev here, here

  Menelik II, Emperor here, here, here, here

  Mengistu Haile Mariam here, here

  biography here

  and civil war here

  and Ethiopian terror here, here

  exile in Zimbabwe here

  images and statues here, here

  inauguration of Workers’ Party here

  National Day celebrations here, here

  personal qualities here

  purges here

  rise to power here

  and ‘villagisation’ here

  Michael the Brave here

  Mikoyan, Anastas here

  Mircea the Elder here

  Mobutu Sese Seko here

  Mollier, Madeleine here

  Molotov, Vyacheslav here, here

  Morrison, Herbert here, here

  Mostra della Rivoluzione here

  Mount Paektu here, here

  Mount Paektu here

  Mugabe, Robert here, here

  Munich Agreement here, here, here

  Mussolini, Arnaldo here, here

  Mussolini, Benito here, here, here, here

  and ancient Rome here, here

  appearance and manner here, here, here

  assassination attempts here

  assumes personal rule here

  biographies here, here, here

  and Ceauşescu here, here

  decline and fall here, here, here

  and Duvalier here

  founds Italian fascism here

  heads Salò regime here

  and Hitler here, here, here, here, here, here

  images and statues here, here, here, here, here, her
e, here, here

  international image here, here

  invasion of Greece here

  and Italian empire here

  March on Rome here, here, here, here, here

  preparations for war here, here

  purges here, here, here

  receives gifts here

  remodelling of Rome here

  and Stalin here, here, here

  tours Italy here, here

  Myohyangsan, International Friendship Exhibition here

  Nanjing, rape of here

  Napoleon Bonaparte here, here, here, here

  Nazi Party (NSDAP) here, here, here, here, here

  Negri, Ada here

  Negussie Fanta here

  New Economic Policy here, here

  Nixon, Richard M. here, here, here

  Nkrumah, Kwame here

  NKVD here

  North Korea

  Ceauşescu and here, here

  Mao Zedong and here

  Mengistu and here

  see also Kim Il-sung

  Nuremberg rallies here, here, here, here

  O’Connell, Cardinal William here

  October Revolution here, here, here, here

  Ogaden War here, here, here

  one-party states here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Order of Lenin here

  Ordzhonikidze, Sergo here, here, here, here

  Orwell, George here

  Ostrovsky, Nikolai here

  Pacepa, Ion here

  Pact of Steel here

  Pak Hon-yong here, here

  Papailler, Fr Hubert here

  Park Chung-hee here

  Patrascanu, Lucretiu here, here

  Paul VI, Pope here

  Pearl Harbor here, here

  Peng Dehuai here, here

  Petacci, Clara here

  Peter the Great here

  Piacentini, Marcello here

  Pini, Giorgio here

  Pirvalescu, Constantin here, here, here

  Pius XII, Pope here

  Plato here

  Pochonbo here, here, here

  Pol Pot here

  Poland here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Polevoi, Boris here

  Popolo d’ Italia here, here, here, here

  Poskrebyshev, Alexander here

  Pravda here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Predappio here, here

  Price-Mars, Jean here

  Pueblo crisis here

  Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts here

  Pyongyang revolutionary museum here, here

  Pyongyang Times here

  Rákosi, Mátyás here

  Rastafarians here

  Raubal, Geli here

  Red Guards here

  Red Star over China here

  Reichstag fire here, here

  Rhineland coup here

  Riefenstahl, Leni here, here

  Rizzi, Arturo here

  Rockefeller, Nelson here

  Röhm, Ernst here, here, here

  Rome, ancient here, here, here

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. here, here

  Rosenberg, Alfred here, here

  Rossi, Cesare here, here, here

  Rumiantsev, Ivan here

  Rust, Bernhard here, here

  SA here, here, here, here, here

  St Augustine here

  Salisbury, Harrison here

  Samedi, Baron here

  Sarfatti, Margherita here

  Sauter, Robert here

  Schleicher, Kurt von here

  Schuschnigg, Kurt here, here

  Scinteia here, here

  Scornicesti here

  Secondé, Sir Reggie here

  Securitate here, here, here, here

  Selassie, Haile here, here, here, here

  Service, Robert here

  Shanghai, Battle of here

  Shaw, George Bernard here

  Shirach, Baldur von here, here

  Shirer, William here, here

  Siegert, Heinz here

  Sino-Soviet treaties here, here

  Slocombe, George here, here

  Smith, Al here

  Snow, Edgar here

  Socialist High Tide here

  socialist realism here, here, here

  Solidarity trade union here

  Somalia here, here, here

  Somaliland here

  Song of Stalin here

  songbun here

  South Korea here, here

  Soviet Union

  and China here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Ethiopia here, here, here, here

  Hitler and here, here, here

  Mussolini and here

  and North Korea here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Romania here, here, here, here

  and ‘socialism in one country’ here

  see also Stalin, Josef

  Speer, Albert here, here, here, here

  Stalin, Josef here, here, here

  biographies here, here, here

  birthday celebrations here, here

  and Ceauşescu here

  commissions Short Course here

  death and mausoleum here

  economic policy here, here

  and foreign celebrities here

  Foundations of Leninism here

  and Hitler here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  human side of here

  images and statues here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Khrushchev’s secret speech here, here, here, here, here

  and Kim Il-sung here, here, here, here

  and Mao Zedong here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  and Mussolini here, here, here

  and post-war world here

  purges here, here, here

  and renaming of cities here

  succession to Lenin here

  and terror here, here, here, here, here

  and Trotsky’s downfall here

  and vozhd title here, here

  and war here

  and world leaders here

  Stalin Canal here

  Stalin Peak here

  Stalin Prize here, here

  Stalin’s Constitution here

  Stalingrad, Battle of here, here

  Stalinism here, here, here

  Starace, Achille here, here, here, here, here

  statues here, here

  Ceauşescu refuses here

  Duvalier refuses here, here

  Hitler refuses here, here, here

  Kim Il-sung and here, here, here

  Mao and here

  Mengistu and here, here

  Mussolini and here, here, here

  Stalin and here, here

  Stephen the Great here

  Steriade, Mihai here

  Stiehler, Annemarie here

  Stresemann, Gustav here

  Sudetenland here, here

  Sukarno here

  surong here

  surveillance here, here, here, here, here, here

  swastikas here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Sweeney, John here

  Syngman Rhee here

  Taiwan here, here

  Teferi Banti, General here, here, here

  Thackeray, William Makepeace here

  Third World here, here

  Thompson, Dorothy here

  Thule Society here

  Tiananmen Square here, here, here, here

  Tiglachin Monument here

  Tikhonov, Nicolai here

  Timisoara here

  Tito, Josip Broz here

  tonton macoutes here, here

  Tower, Henrietta here

  Treaty of Versailles here, here

  Troost, Gerdy here

  Trotsky, Leon here, here, here, here, here

  Turati, Augusto here, here, here

  Ulbricht, Walter here

  United Nations here, here, here

  UN Economic Commission for Africa here
/>   Valéry, Paul here

  Via Triumphalis (Berlin) here

  Victor Emmanuel III, King here, here, here

  Villa Torlonia here, here, here

  Volga–Don Canal here

  Völkischer Beobachter here, here

  Voodoo here, here, here, here

  vozhd here, here, here

  Wall Street crash here

  Wang Jiaxiang here

  Weimar Republic here, here, here, here

  Werth, Alexander here

  White, Theodore here

  Windsor, Duke and Duchess of here

  Winner, Percy here

  World Committee Against War and Fascism here

  World Congress of Writers here

  Xi Jinping here

  Yalta conference here, here

  Yan’an here, here, here

  Yezhov, Nikolai here

  Yi Sang-jo here

  Yugoslavia here, here

  Zhdanov, Andrei here

  Zhou Enlai here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  Zhukov, Georgy here, here

  Zimbabwe here

  Zinoviev, Grigory here, here

  Note on the Author

  Frank Dikötter is Chair Professor of Humanities at the University of Hong Kong and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. His books have changed the way historians view China, from the classic The Discourse of Race in Modern China to his award-winning People’s Trilogy documenting the lives of ordinary people under Mao. He is married and lives in Hong Kong.

  Plates Section

  A postcard of Mussolini based on a photograph by Gianni Caminada, 1921.

  Mussolini on horseback at his Villa Torlonia, September 1930.

  Mussolini on the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia in Rome after his declaration of war on Ethiopia on 2 October 1935. The photo was widely reproduced, but is a montage of a picture of a crowd with a photograph of Mussolini taken between 1931 and 1933.

  A huge portrait of the Duce at the Duomo in Milan, November 1933.

  Mussolini declares war on Ethiopia over the radio, 2 October 1935.

  Effigy of Mussolini carved by soldiers in Adwa Valley, Ethiopia, February 1936.

  Hitler rehearsing in 1925 while listening to a recording of his own speeches. After seeing the photographs, Hitler ordered Heinrich Hoffmann to destroy the negatives, but he disobeyed.

  Hitler election poster, 1932.

  Hitler surrounded by admiring young militants in Berlin, photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann, 1933.

  Hitler welcomed by supporters at Nuremberg in 1933.

  Heinrich Hoffmann Photography shop, Düsseldorf, July 1939.

  Hitler and Uschi Schneider, the daughter of Herta Schneider, a close childhood friend of Eva Braun, at the Berghof, Berchtesgaden, 1942.

  Joseph Stalin at his desk in the Kremlin, 1935.

  Stalin with Gelia Markizova, June 1936.


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