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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 26

by Red Phoenix

  He gestured to a low table with two pillows. He held out his hand and helped her kneel down on one. He sat cross-legged on the other and smiled at her. “Tea is good for the soul, toriko.” He poured from an earthenware pot and handed her a small cup decorated with an orchid. She smiled, recognizing the same design as on the wax she had at home.

  Tono poured himself a cup as well. She waited to take a sip until he put his cup to his lips. They both swallowed the tea together, looking at each other. The brew caressed her throat like a warm blanket, and she sighed in contentment.

  “Drink more, toriko,” he insisted at intervals, and filled her cup several times. She didn’t mind. The tea had a soothing quality to it, much like the sound of the waterfall, and she felt completely at ease.

  “Do you know much about Kinbaku?” he asked.

  She smiled at him bashfully. “Only what Mr. Gallant shared in class. He said it was beautiful, though.”

  “Yes, my intention is to create harmonious art using the beauty of the model and the intricacy of the rope. But it is more than art, toriko. I plan to carry you to that other plane of consciousness where you can soar free.”

  She looked at him questioningly. “What do you mean?”

  Tono took another sip of his tea and encouraged her to do the same. “This week you had Doms show you the American way to bring a submissive into subspace. Today I will show you a different way.”

  “How is it different?”

  He reached across the small table and lightly ran his index finger down her arm before answering. “The American way is to cause pain to quickly bring a rush of endorphins into your bloodstream. My way is much more subtle, but equally effective.” Brie’s skin warmed at his touch, and she looked at him lustfully as he continued.

  “By constraining you with rope, I will free you to enter that realm without the need of a whip or cane.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes, toriko. The physical journey I will take you on is without violence. I hope to open up a whole new world to you.” He stood up and gave her his hand. “Shall we?”

  She followed him back inside his home and was surprised to see that the main room had been transformed into a photographer’s studio, complete with background, lights and reflectors. In the middle of the room was a black velvet sofa, and a green straw mat covered the floor.

  She looked around but did not see Akira. “Where’s your assistant?”

  “Normally she stays to help, but today I prefer to work alone.” He placed a single finger under her chin and lifted her face up to receive his kiss. His tongue explored her mouth, tasting of green tea and manliness.

  He went over to his stereo system and turned on soothing flute music. “This is a long process, toriko. It is essential that you and I are in sync.” He motioned for her to kneel. He knelt behind and wrapped his arms around her, pressing Brie against his chest. “Find my breath and copy it. Breathe with me, toriko.”

  She was startled by his request, but calmed herself enough to listen to his breathing. She began matching her own with his. Tono’s breaths were consistent and measured. She had to slow way down to harmonize. Soon she felt her entire body relax as she became one with him. “Good…” he murmured softly. “If you feel anxious at any point, I want you to match your breath with mine.”

  Brie nodded. He picked up a long jute rope and showed it to her. “Today, this simple material will transport you to nirvana.” She touched it and was surprised that it felt both soft and rough. “Smell it, toriko.” She took in its earthy smell and smiled.

  “We are all in harmony. You, me…the rope.” He released her from his embrace and asked her to lift her hands in the air. He opened the kimono slightly, exposing her cleavage. Then, with an artist’s precision, he began to slowly wrap her chest in a bra-like fashion. The rope crisscrossed above and below her breasts, making them stand out alluringly. Brie noticed that the rope’s tight hold restricted her breathing, and it frightened her.

  “Breathe with me, toriko,” he reminded her. She calmed her quick, shallow breaths to match his breathing again. Instantly, she felt calmer. “What is your color?”

  “Green, Tono.”

  He asked her to place her left hand behind her back. He took his time as he secured it to the intricate ties he’d already created. Then he held out his hand and helped her up. He guided her to the black sofa and told her to lie down on it. Tono grabbed his camera and turned on the photo lamps.

  “Put your hand to your face and look at me. Imagine our first time together when you watched me take you in the mirror.”

  Brie’s body flushed as she recalled the way he’d unleashed his passion on her, and the alluring way her tits had bounced in response to his pounding. She looked up at Tono with that image clearly planted in her mind. She ignored the camera.

  “That’s it…” He took several shots and then had her change poses. After a few minutes, he asked her to slide down onto the mat, and then he joined her. “Give me your other wrist.”

  She put it behind her back and he began an intricate lacing between both arms. It took a long time, but the feel of the rope as he tugged and pulled was relaxing. When he had finished, Tono took several pictures of her kneeling on the green mat. Then he showed her the pictures on the camera’s digital screen.

  Brie was amazed. The knots trailed down her back in a beautiful pattern. Just as he had made her art with wax, she was now art with rope. “It’s beautiful,” she murmured.

  “No, little one, you’re beautiful. The rope simply accentuates it. Close your eyes and feel the rope. Feel the restriction and embrace it.”

  She did as he said. Not only was her breath restricted, but she couldn’t move her arms at all. It was both alarming and thrilling. Tono took another set of pictures of her kneeling on the ground and then commented, “You’re beginning to feel the call of the rope, my little slave. I can see it in your eyes. Don’t fight it—give in to it.”

  Brie wanted to, but the tea was beginning to have an undesired effect. She squirmed a little, reluctant to tell Tono that he would have to undo his elaborate binding.

  He lifted her back on the couch and took several more photos, but eventually stopped. “You are not relaxed. What’s blocking you?”

  She was embarrassed to say it, but she could no longer remain still. She really needed to pee. “I’m sorry, Tono. I need to go to the bathroom. I’m so sorry, Master…”

  He shook his head in amusement. “No need to be sorry, toriko.” He picked her up off the couch and carried her to the bathroom, plopping her down on the toilet and hiking up her kimono.

  Brie’s bladder was about to burst. She looked up at him in desperation.

  “Pee, little one.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can and you will. You bladder isn’t going to last much longer.”

  She felt a little escape between her legs without her consent. The tinkle echoed in the tiny bathroom and she blushed.

  “That’s it, toriko. Your Master wants you to pee so he can get back to his work.”

  She threw caution to the wind and relaxed, letting a solid and overly long stream flow into the toilet.

  Tono smiled approvingly. “Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  He set me up! That was the reason he’d kept refilling her cup.

  Tono lifted her off the toilet when she was done, and cleaned her off thoroughly with the gentle touch of a lover. Instead of feeling embarrassed, she felt cared for and cherished.

  “Thank you, Tono.”

  “My pleasure, toriko.”

  “No, I mean thank you for helping me face that obstacle. I didn’t realize you knew.”

  “The Doms who bid for you know the progress of your training, my slave. That is why so many want you.” He looked at her lustfully. “Are you ready for more?”

  She nodded and followed him out of the bathroom. He led her to the couch and asked her to bend over the overstuffed arm. She heard the swis
h of silk and then felt his hard cock press against her moist entrance. “You will find that being taken while bound like this feels completely different.”

  Brie moaned as he slowly pushed into her. He was right; it was strangely exhilarating to be penetrated while tightly restricted. She couldn’t adjust or scream because the rope’s tight constriction didn’t allow for it. She could only lie there and enjoy his manly onslaught.

  Brie felt delightfully helpless. Tears ran down her face from the sheer joy of her powerlessness. “I love it, Tono,” she breathed softly.

  “I know, toriko. You and I are in harmony.” His cock stroked her leisurely at first and then he slowly built up to a burst of energy, letting out a flood of lust that left her breathless. She rode the wave of his lovemaking, thoroughly mesmerized. He groaned as he came, his hot seed bursting deep inside her. Then he stopped, his cock still hard. Just like the time before, her body began to tense around him and pleasant chills took over.

  “Yes, my slave…”

  She whimpered when her clit began to pulsate and then her inner muscles started their rhythmic dance around his cock as she climaxed. He kissed the nape of her neck, growling softly until her orgasm spent itself.

  He caressed her ass as he pulled out, and then cleaned her again. Tono picked up the camera. “Look into the lens, little one. I want to capture that fresh-come look.”

  She smiled at the camera with no need to pose. She was satiated and it radiated from her naturally.

  “So beautiful, toriko,” he said repeatedly as he continued to shoot.

  He put the camera down and grabbed another piece of rope. “Now, I will heighten your arousal.”

  He told her to lean back. The way in which he had tied her arms allowed them to support her now. He took hold of her ankle and bent her leg so that her ankle rested against the inner thigh of the same leg. He bound them together and then spread her leg out, securing it to the other rope with another set of decorative knots. When he stepped away to get his camera, Brie couldn’t help herself. She tried to struggle against the constriction, but the jute held her tightly in its grip. A gush of wetness ran down the crease of her ass. She loved being at the mercy of the rope. Brie threw her head back and moaned in satisfaction.

  “Don’t move. That’s lovely.” She lay perfectly still as he preserved her state of bliss on film. She thought he was going to start on the other leg and squealed when she felt him lick her sex.

  “Oh, too much, too much!” Brie’s clit was extra sensitive in the wake of his pounding. She didn’t think her poor body could handle being eaten.

  His chuckle was low and vibrated on her clit. “That is the beauty of the rope, little one. I am in control. I say when it is enough.” His tongue swirled around her clit and outer folds, tasting her juices. When he began sucking, it sent a shockwave through her. She tried to pull away, but all he had to do was hold down her untied leg and he was free to continue. She whimpered and begged him to stop as the feeling grew stronger. It didn’t feel like a normal orgasm approaching, and it unnerved her.

  “Please, Tono. Stop,” she whimpered.

  He ignored her pleas. Whatever it was, it was coming over her and she was powerless to prevent it. When it hit, time stopped for Brie. An ice-cold wave gripped her body and held her in its grasp. Her pussy contracted in response and refused to stop.

  She made little mewing sounds, unable to speak—to think. She was at the mercy of this new orgasm, and Tono’s constant suction was the source. He kept her there for an undeterminable amount of time and then broke away. Slowly, she felt herself returning to earth.

  He helped her sit up and wound the rope over her eyes to make a blindfold. He lay her back down, and she vaguely heard Tono moving around as he took more photos. Then his gentle hands took hold of her unbound ankle and began the process of restraining it. Her body trembled under his touch, familiar with the remarkable power he had over her.

  Tono murmured praises as he took additional photos, but she was floating and could hardly make out what he was saying. She didn’t respond to him until she felt his lips on her clit again. “Ohhh…”

  He took her on a journey back to that place where pleasure meets otherworldliness. His tongue kept her there for so long that she barely noticed when he broke away. But she smiled when she felt his manhood slide into her heaven to join her. Together, they rode the tide of pleasure as one. He was a part of her. They were conjoined in a way she had never experienced. If she had been able to, she would have wrapped her arms around him and drawn him even farther into herself.

  Brie became lost in the sensations and was surprised when she opened her eyes to find herself in Tono’s bed, wrapped in his arms instead of the rope.

  “You’re back.”

  She looked into his brown eyes and sighed contentedly. “Whatever that was, whatever you did… It was amazing.”

  “I’m glad you respond so well to the call of the jute, toriko. Most do not embrace it as fully as you.”

  “How did I get here?” she asked, looking around his bedroom.

  “I cut you from the ropes when I saw how deep you were into subspace. We’ve been lying together for over a half-hour.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be, little one. Watching you fly is beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”

  A giant yawn escaped her lips. She covered her mouth and apologized again.

  He put a finger to them. “No more apologies. I’m not surprised you are tired. You’ve had quite a journey.” His finger left a trail of tingling sensation on her lips. “I will call for a cab.”

  She was disappointed he wanted her to leave so soon, and he must have read it on her face.

  He smiled with open affection. “I want to drive you home, toriko, but it would not be deemed appropriate.” He tugged on the collar around her neck. “I cannot fraternize with you beyond the confines of the school until your training is complete.” He glanced over at the clock on his nightstand. “According to the clock, it’s getting close to twelve. Class ends at midnight, does it not?”

  She nodded her head glumly.

  “So, I will call the cab and while we wait for it to arrive, we can discuss the scene together. I promised your trainers we would, and I do not break my promises.” He looked deep into her eyes, “My word is my honor.”

  “I know, Tono. That tongue of yours is honorable in so many ways.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. It pleased her to hear his laughter. She wanted to hear more, but he got up to telephone the cab. As he walked away, she noticed he was naked. She admired his tight, round ass. So fine. An ass she wouldn’t mind waking up to every morning…


  Twenty minutes later, she was back in her school uniform and heading to her apartment. She quickly texted Lea, figuring that she and Mary would just be leaving the Center.

  Hey girl! You two wanna come to my place? We can film how our days went.

  Her phone soon buzzed back.

  Mary said she’ll come, but she isn’t going to record herself.

  Tell her that she’s a pussy.

  I told her, but also added that pussies are welcome at your place.

  LOL… That they are! See you soon.

  Brie rested her head against the car window for the rest of the drive, lost in thought. Up until this point, her loyalty had belonged exclusively to Sir—it hadn’t even been in question. However, today Tono had managed to change that, and she was falling hard.

  Staring out into the dark, Brie wondered if her heart could survive being devoted to two Masters, knowing one day that she would have to choose. A tear traveled down her cheek. She whispered into the night, the declaration spoken out of desperation. “I still love you, Sir.”

  (Week 4)

  Brie On Display

  Navigating the Vanilla World

  Brie was wrestling with her new feelings for Tono. The day she’d met Sir, she had known he was the One. Tono had simply been the gorgeous
Dom she’d wanted to play with. However, after spending Auction Day with him, she couldn’t get Tono out of her mind…or her heart. He had introduced her to the seductive art of Kinbaku, or Japanese bondage. The call of the rope, combined with his skill, had opened her eyes to another world—one that now haunted her thoughts constantly.

  Sir was a powerful magnet. Her soul longed to be dominated by him in every way. Tono’s call was different—more like the ocean. His beckoned her to lose herself in the waves of their harmony.

  Her conflicting emotions caused her to be distracted at work. Mr. Reynolds jokingly commented as he handed the inventory sheet back to her, “Another exciting weekend, Brie?” She was in charge of ordering stock and, looking over the sheet, she saw that she’d forgotten to include several brands they were running low on.

  Brie sighed. “I’m sorry.” Mr. Reynolds was a kind boss and rewarded her hard work with regular raises. She hated letting him down. “I’ll double-check the orders before I send them out.”

  “See that you do,” Mr. Reynolds said, then as an afterthought he added, “You mentioned that you were taking training classes at night. Are you enrolled in extra film courses or something?”

  Brie was unprepared for his question and just stood there, smiling like an idiot, while she formulated an answer. She played with the collar around her neck as she spoke. “Actually, the classes are going to help with my film career, Mr. Reynolds. Thank you for asking.”

  She figured she wasn’t really lying. The documentary she was filming, based on her experiences at the Submissive Training Center, would help her career. She was confident she could snag the interest of someone in the industry when she was done. It was Brie’s destiny to open the eyes of America to the hidden lifestyle.

  “So when is your boyfriend coming to the shop? I still haven’t given my approval yet,” Mr. Reynolds said teasingly.

  His protective nature was endearing. However, there was no way the old man would approve of her new BDSM lifestyle, nor would he understand there wasn’t just one Dom she was attracted to at the moment. Nobody in the ‘vanilla world’ could relate to what she was going through. It was a lonely feeling.


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