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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 27

by Red Phoenix

  Brie growled under her breath when she saw Blue Eyes at the door of the Training Center later that evening. He might think he was all cute with his daily flirting, but she had no patience for him now. Her heart was torn between two worthy men. That boy had absolutely no chance with her, and she needed to put a stop to it.

  Brie took on a Mary-like stance, putting her hands on her waist and cocking her hip to one side. “Whatever you are trying to do here, Todd, it needs to stop! I have no interest in you.” She powered past him and headed towards the elevator.

  “Has anyone ever told you how sexy you look when you’re pissed?” he called after her.

  She had to bite her tongue to stop her foul-mouthed reply. Brie just threw her hand up in the air in a dismissive manner. Her training as a submissive definitely helped her maintain control as she escaped to the elevator.

  She sat down in Mr. Gallant’s classroom, transfixed by the pile of papers on his desk—their evaluations from the last auction. What had Tono said? He was a Kinbakushi, after all; trained to bring his models to that spiritual level of harmony. Maybe it wasn’t unusual for him.

  She held her breath as Mr. Gallant handed over her evaluation. “An eight, Miss Bennett? Highly unusual for your third auction. Take it as a compliment from an admirer, but do not let it go to your head. You have much to learn yet.”

  She looked up at him. “I agree, Mr. Gallant.”

  He nodded and moved on to pass out the remaining two packets. Brie dove into her evaluation, her heart pumping as she did. ‘Miss Bennett has a rare gift with the rope. Able to connect on a level seldom experienced by this Master.’ ‘Both independent and trusting.’

  She finally got to his criticisms. ‘Hesitated to state need for urination. Spoiled several shots because of strained look.’ Brie giggled under her breath. ‘Lack of experience holds her back, but is charming to overcome as a Dom.’ Tono had added at the end of the evaluation, ‘Hope to work with toriko again. Could easily make a career of Kinbaku.’

  Brie imagined herself joining Tono on the stage at one of his live performances and felt her heart quicken at the thought of a future with the man.

  Mr. Gallant’s lesson centered on living the Dom/sub lifestyle daily in the vanilla world. “When maintaining the relationship in a world of bills, friends and family, your goal should be to intertwine the lifestyle into your everyday life. Many D/s couples choose to live with two separate worlds, but it does not have to be that way. You can weave it into your day so that even in the most common situation, the D/s element is still apparent. Find a comfortable fit and be willing to change and grow as issues arise.”

  Mary raised her hand, waiting to be called on. “What if you don’t want your family or friends discovering your secret?”

  “The power play can be subtle, Miss Wilson. Something no one would think twice about. For example, you go out to eat and wait for your Dom’s permission to take the first bite. You play with your napkin and talk to the guests at the table until you see his nod.” Mr. Gallant leaned against his desk. “No one is the wiser but the couple maintains the bond. It’s a matter of simple adjustments, but requires communication and creativity on both sides to make it work.”

  A shiver traveled down Brie’s spine at the thought of being a submissive twenty-four seven. What would it be like to be under a Dom’s rule in front of unsuspecting people?

  “Tonight you will be meeting with an assigned trainer and discussing his or her expectations of your behavior in public. You will then go downtown and interact as you have been instructed.” He smiled at the girls. “It should be a real eye-opening experience.”

  The three were told to meet in a new classroom on the other side of the school. Brie and her classmates chattered nervously as they made their way through the hallways. Pleasing their Doms in the outside world would be a challenging assignment indeed!

  Brie was surprised to see there was a fifth trainer at the table as they walked into the classroom. She stood in respectful silence, sneaking peeks at the dark-haired Dom. He had a classic, model-type face and spoke in a deep voice that demanded attention.

  Sir addressed the group of students. “I would like to introduce Master Anderson. He will be running a Training Center of his own and has joined us for the next few weeks to observe and help train this class. Although he is new to this Center, he is an experienced Dom and I expect you to give him the same respect you give all trainers here. Do you understand?”

  All three girls answered in unison, “Yes, Sir.”

  Master Anderson stood up. He towered above the others, which highlighted just how tall the guy was. “I do not take this responsibility lightly. I shall train you well, but in turn I expect complete obedience.”

  Brie suddenly felt the urge to bow to her new trainer. She followed that gut instinct and knelt before him. The other girls followed suit.

  She felt him approach and then he asked in a deep baritone, “What is your name?”

  “Brie Bennett, Master Anderson.”

  “Look at me, young Brie.”

  She looked up into his intense green eyes. Damn, he is good-looking. Not as handsome as Sir, of course, but…close.

  “I appreciate a slave who understands the importance of a bow.” He nodded once before turning from her and sitting back down.

  Such a simple interaction, but it had made her all shaky inside. She noticed that Sir patted Master Anderson on the back, as if they were old friends. It was such an endearing gesture that she almost burst out in a smile.

  Sir looked pleased when he caught Brie’s eye. “Class, I will be staying behind to walk Master Anderson through our school. Miss Wilson, you will partner with Master Coen for this practicum. Ms. Taylor, you’ll be with Ms. Clark, and Miss Bennett will work with Marquis Gray.” He paused as he looked each of the girls over. “Take this opportunity to discuss protocols and ask questions before you head out. Pay particular attention to your trainer’s instructions. You will be critiqued on how well you blend into the vanilla world while fulfilling your Dom’s protocols.”

  Brie was disappointed to see Sir stand up with the new trainer and leave. Her eyes followed Sir until they rested on Marquis Gray, who happened to be staring at her intently. “Pearl, are you ready to learn my demands?”

  She blushed at being caught ogling Sir. Nothing escaped Marquis’ sharp eyes. “Yes, Master.”

  After a half-hour of discussion and a visit to the bathroom to follow an order from him, Marquis handed her more casual attire. It consisted of a simple black cocktail dress and four-inch heels. Such a luxury! She quickly dressed under his watchful eye, and then he escorted her out of the Center with the two other girls and their trainers.

  Brie’s heart hammered in her chest as she held onto the arm of Marquis, whom she was to call ‘Mister’ Gray for the evening. He had commanded that she maintain contact with him in some form at all times. She was excited about the challenge and appreciated the fact he wanted her to touch him in public.

  Instead of taking a car like the other two trainers, he took her to the bus stop in front of the school to wait. Brie watched Lea follow Ms. Clark to her car. Apparently, the Domme preferred her sub to walk behind her. Mary walked beside Master Coen without touching him. Looking at the four of them, Brie did not see anything unusual. No one would suspect the D/s dynamics going on.

  When the bus pulled up, Marquis Gray boarded first. Brie grabbed onto the belt loop of his dark pants and sat beside him with her thigh pressed against his. He did not look at her, did not respond to her in the slightest, but she was a bundle of excitement knowing they were touching. The contact was such an intimate yet subtle exchange.

  She met the gaze of a man sitting opposite her. She quickly glanced away, but gasped loudly when she felt the vibration of the toy strapped against her clit. She clutched Marquis Gray’s thigh as he ramped up the speed of the little device. He leaned over and whispered, “No coming.”

  Brie nodded as she dug her fingernails into
his leg and struggled not to whimper. The buzzing was so loud that she was certain everyone on the bus could hear it, but other than the man sitting across from them, no one paid any attention.

  Marquis changed the rhythm to pulsing and she groaned softly. Being in public and having someone watch but be unaware of their unique exchange was thrilling. The bus slowed down, as did the vibrator, until it eventually stopped. Marquis stood up and Brie placed her hand lightly on his back as they made their way off the bus.

  He held out his arm gallantly and she wrapped herself around it. She looked at all the people walking in the opposite direction. Everyone seemed in a rush to get somewhere, while the two of them strolled at a relaxed pace amongst the multitudes. She caught the eye of an agitated businessman and smiled in sympathy.

  Brie stumbled when the vibration hit.

  “No fair, Mister Gray,” she whimpered, straightening herself back up and trying to walk with grace while her pussy tingled in delight.

  “Completely fair, pearl.”

  They walked down the crowded sidewalk, heading towards the music and lights of the downtown scene. He hadn’t told her what his plans were, which only added another layer of excitement to this practicum.

  Before he guided her into an extremely popular celebrity restaurant, Marquis turned the toy down to its lowest setting. She was surprised that they were immediately seated in the corner of the crowded dining room. The table was elegantly set with a long, white table cloth, fresh flowers and romantic candlelight.

  She figured Marquis must know somebody, because it was impossible to get into the place. The fact was that Brie had never been here before, and had only heard about it from friends whose friends had managed to get in years ago.

  Brie looked around, suddenly realizing she was in the presence of some very influential people. People who could make her film career a reality. The host tucked the chair behind Brie and then did the same for Marquis Gray. Remembering his command, she slipped off her shoe and ran her foot against his leg.

  Her nervousness increased twofold at the knowledge that there were so many prominent people about, but Marquis’ smile was easy. “See anyone you recognize, pearl?”

  “Yes!” She couldn’t hide her excitement at knowing directors and producers were just a few feet away. She pointed demurely at a charismatic gentleman entertaining two attractive models and whispered, “That’s Mr. Holloway. He’s the producer of not just one, but two of the most popular cable series running right now.”

  “Is he? Well, then, I would suggest being discreet when you crawl under the table and take me into your mouth.”

  Brie stared at him in shock. Here in the crowded restaurant? What kind of impression would that make on the very people she needed to impress? She hesitated and his eyes bored into her. “Which is it, pearl? Are you my submissive or not?”

  She closed her eyes. This was so much bigger than a simple sexual request, and she felt chills of indecision consume her. It was a defining moment for Brie, and she knew it—one of those forks in the road where, once the decision was made, there would be no turning back.

  Brie finally opened her eyes and looked around the dining room. People were engrossed in conversations or staring at menus. Being in the corner, she and Marquis Gray were not that noticeable. Of course, there were the random people walking to and fro, but she would just have to take a chance with them. With a casualness she did not feel, she dropped her napkin and bent down to pick it up. In the process, she lifted the linen tablecloth as if it were an ordinary thing to do, and ducked under the table.

  Once she found herself hidden from view under the table, Brie felt the thrill of her assignment. She crawled between Marquis’ legs and slowly unzipped his slacks. The simple action was made difficult due to the bulge in his pants, but feeling the rigidity of his shaft made her even wetter. This scenario was equally exciting for them both.

  She freed his cock from his briefs and was just about to place the head of his shaft into her mouth when she heard the waiter return. “Are you ready to order, sir, or would you like me to wait for the young lady?”

  Marquis Gray guided her mouth onto his cock with his hand at the back of her head. “I will order for both of us…”

  Brie swirled her tongue around the ridge of his member before taking him deeper. Even in the shadows under the table, she could see his uniquely curved shaft. It excited her and she sucked even harder.

  She was rewarded with the sound of his grunt. He adjusted the vibrator to a much faster rate and she moaned softly around his dick. When he had finished with the order and the waiter was presumably out of earshot, she heard his reminder from above: “No coming, pearl.”

  She opened her throat to him and took his entire shaft then. The curve of his manhood forced her to take him at a different angle, but she was still able to press her red lips against his dark pubic hair. He stiffened as she made her subtle thrusting movements while taking his cock deep in her throat. The waiter returned and asked if he would like pepper on their salads.

  Brie wasn’t sure how Marquis managed it, but he answered in a normal tone, “No pepper for either of us, thank you.” When the man moved away, Marquis fisted her long hair and guided her. She gave in to his rhythm and pace as he leisurely face-fucked her under the table.

  Brie couldn’t believe that she was in the middle of a famous restaurant, deep-throating her trainer while a vibrator buzzed between her legs. It was surreal and erotic. She was almost disappointed when he came. His essence slid down her throat and she licked up any remaining traces before zipping up his pants and wiping her mouth with the napkin she’d dropped. She remained between his legs while he eased the vibrator back down to the lowest setting. Brie waited until she heard the command, “You can join me now.”

  Brie lifted the white cloth and as nonchalantly as she could, sat back down on the chair, placing her hand on his upper thigh. She sneaked a glance in Mr. Holloway’s direction and was grateful to see he was still engaged with his girls.

  Marquis turned off the vibrator and looked at her knowingly. “That was not an easy command for you to follow. Do you regret it?”

  Her eyes did not waver when she answered, “No, Mister Gray. I enjoyed it.”

  He nodded and ordered, “Eat your salad.”

  After dinner, they made their way back to the bus stop. The streets were still packed with people enjoying the LA nightlife. Brie noticed a sweet couple walking hand in hand. As they passed by, the girl smiled at her and the guy winked.

  Marquis abruptly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and grasped the back of her neck, kissing her deeply as he turned the vibrator on full blast. Her knees gave out, but he held her in his arms and thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. Not coming at that moment was extremely difficult—pure torture, to be exact.

  He pulled away. “Nicely done, pearl. You denied your pleasure, but I am concerned.” Marquis looked into her eyes, penetrating her soul with his gaze. She could barely breathe under his intense scrutiny. “It’s painfully obvious there is much for you to learn.”

  She wobbled in her shoes when he took away his support. He turned the vibrator to the lowest setting and held out his arm again. She took it warily and leaned against him as they walked.

  She couldn’t bear the thought that he still found her lacking. “What do I need to learn?” When he remained silent, she begged, “Please, Mister Gray…”

  He looked down at her with stern tenderness. “The fact you would ask shows how far you have yet to go.”

  Brie wilted on his arm in defeat. She heard his warm chuckle. “You are unique, pearl. To many you seem wise beyond your years, but the truth is that they mistake your instincts for actual knowledge.”

  She expected the bus ride home to be uneventful, but she should have known better with Marquis. It was much less packed, but the group sitting opposite them must have been bored and stared at the two shamelessly.

  He used the situation to challenge her. Marquis whi
spered in her ear, “Do you think you can come without anyone being the wiser?”

  She automatically answered, “I’ll try…” She was desperate to please him, but she stopped midsentence. Try was not an option with Marquis. She looked at him apologetically and corrected herself. “Yes, Mister Gray.”

  He adjusted the control in his pocket and the buzzing began. Brie turned her head to look out of the window, trying to keep a stoic face. She squeaked when he turned the vibrator up. She let her hand, which had been resting on his shoulder, travel down so she could intertwine her fingers with his. She squeezed his hand hard when he turned the vibrator up to the highest setting.

  Her breaths came in desperate, muffled gasps. She pressed her thighs together and softly mewed when Marquis Gray placed his warm lips on her neck. The contact sent her over the edge and her entire body stiffened before there was a burst of release. He kissed her on the lips, making her body pulse with electricity. Brie moaned into Marquis’ mouth as her body finally gave in to the luscious feeling.

  When her muscles relaxed, he reached into his pocket and turned off the vibrator before sitting back in the seat. As far as the group watching was concerned, they’d just witnessed a kiss, not a sexual power play between a Dom and his submissive. Brie adored it!

  She grabbed onto his belt loop when they left the bus, still riding the high from their encounter. She gratefully took the arm he offered and cuddled against him as they walked towards the Center. Brie hadn’t understood just how fun living the lifestyle under the watchful eyes of the world could be. She smiled up at Marquis Gray, hoping her eyes adequately expressed her gratitude. “Thank you for tonight, Mister.” He gave her a wry smile at the vanilla title.

  Marquis stopped just before they reached the entrance of the school and lifted her chin to look her in the eye. “There will always be more to learn, pearl. Don’t ever stop, and don’t you dare settle for the status quo.” He didn’t let go of her chin until she’d nodded. Brie couldn’t help wondering if he was talking about her growth as a sub, or her future choice of Dom.


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