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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 28

by Red Phoenix

  He guided her into the Center and the two made their way to the small classroom in silence. The other two girls were already standing before the panel. Brie let go of Marquis’ arm and stood with her fellow students, her head bowed respectfully.

  “As with every practicum, we need to discuss your performance so that you can learn from the experience,” Sir reminded them. “Master Coen, why don’t you start us off?”

  “Fine.” He laced his fingers together and stared at Mary intently as he spoke. “Miss Wilson began our outing well, remembering my protocols up until dinner. She found it amusing to try to feed me bites from her plate even after I clearly expressed my displeasure. It quickly became apparent she was seeking punishment.” Master Coen’s voice turned cold. “I do not care for disobedient subs, Miss Wilson—very few Doms do. Do not think for one second that you will get the punishment you were craving. There will be no spanking tonight. Instead, I will see you spend a half-hour in the stockade…alone.”

  Sir added, “We are training submissives, Miss Wilson. The bratty sub may be endearing to a novice, but to a true Dom such behavior is viewed as disrespectful.”

  “I am sorry, Master Coen,” Mary said. Brie glanced sideways, surprised to see that she did not look fazed in the least. Brie figured that her indifference was a façade and that she must be mightily unhappy that she would be heading to the stockade after class.

  “Marquis, can you share what you observed with Miss Bennett?”

  “Unfortunately, Miss Bennett never picked up on why I was using the vibrator tonight.”

  Brie’s heart fell. Now she, along with everyone else, would hear of her failure.

  “Please elaborate,” Sir stated.

  The heat rose to her cheeks while she waited. It felt just like those first nights when the panel had picked her apart.

  “Miss Bennett still struggles with eye contact. Even though she was in the presence of her Dom, she continued to make eye contact with other males.”

  Brie wanted to melt into the ground and disappear.

  Ms. Clark jumped right on it, naturally. “You better explain yourself, Miss Bennett.”

  Brie refused to look at her, feeling completely embarrassed and ashamed. “I wasn’t thinking, Ms. Clark. I just naturally look people in the eye when I am outside the Center.” She sighed deeply before continuing, “Obviously, it is a habit I need to break.”

  “No, Miss Bennett,” Sir answered. “It is not a habit you need to break. It is one you need to be aware of when you are in the presence of your Dom.”

  Brie was grateful that he understood it was a part of who she was. Yes, she could learn not to look people in the eye, just as she had inside the walls of the Training Center, but to change that natural inclination would change a fundamental part of herself.

  “Is there anything else to note?” Sir asked.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact there is,” Marquis Gray replied amiably. “When presented with the choice of impressing potential film execs or following my order, she chose to follow my order. Although she hesitated, I was pleasantly surprised.”

  “Hesitated?” Ms. Clark snapped. “After how many weeks of training?”

  “Although I would normally agree with you, Rhonda,” Marquis Gray answered, before turning his attention back to Brie, “I set the situation up specifically to see which was more important to you, Miss Bennett—your role as a sub or your potential career. I don’t think even you could answer that until tonight.”

  Brie suddenly felt nauseous. She wasn’t only a submissive; she still wanted a career in film.

  Sir saw the devastation written on her face and a smile played across his lips. “Miss Bennett, it is not a case of either or. You can still be successful as a businesswoman as long as the Dom you select knows and agrees to support you in your career.”

  Master Anderson’s baritone assurance followed. “You would be surprised how many prominent couples are living out the D/s lifestyle, Miss Bennett.”

  “Thank you,” Brie said quietly, looking to the ground to hide her utter relief.

  Lea was the last to be critiqued. Sir turned to their female trainer and asked, “Ms. Clark, how did Ms. Taylor do outside these walls?”

  Ms. Clark seemed to glow when she spoke of Lea. “I must say, Ms. Taylor has the unique ability to read my wishes before I speak them. Had I not been with her these past few weeks, I would have mistaken her for a more experienced sub.”

  Brie couldn’t help wondering if Lea had gotten to spend some alone time with Ms. Clark and enjoy that pretty blonde pussy. A good orgasm seemed to do wonders for Ms. Clark’s attitude towards a girl, but then, she always had liked Lea.

  “So, Ms. Taylor handled herself well in public?” Sir asked.

  “She was practically flawless. A real treat to escort.”

  After Lea’s positive critique, she and Brie were allowed to leave. Mary, however, was forced to follow Master Coen. She had an almost haughty air about her as she walked down the hall.

  Poor Mary—she was still her own worst enemy.

  Her First DP

  Brie was stunned to see Blue Eyes talking to Master Anderson at the front door of the Center the next evening. The two were in an intense conversation, which she was surprised to hear was about world politics. She hadn’t thought they’d notice as she passed by, but before she was through the door that Blue Eyes was holding open, he called out, “Good evening, Miss Bennett.”

  She was startled to feel a small thrill that he hadn’t forgotten her, but did not turn around to acknowledge him. As she walked away, however, she began to feel agitated. What right did that boy have to talk to one of her trainers? It felt like an invasion of her space, her life. She turned around and glared at the boy. Tomorrow she was going to give him a piece of her mind—right between the eyes.

  After Mr. Gallant’s class, the girls headed to the auditorium. Brie enjoyed practicums there, because they tended to be the most elaborate and exciting.

  The girls sat down and Lea was the first called onto the stage. “We noticed last week that you had a particular affinity towards the violet wand,” Sir explained.

  Brie saw her friend quiver in anticipation. “Yes, Sir.”

  “We felt it only fair that you enjoy the instrument under the hands of a master.”

  An older gentleman entered the stage. He had an Obi-Wan Kenobi vibe to him because of the large, hooded robe he wore.

  “Undress and lie down, pet,” he commanded Lea. She artfully removed her clothes and then lay down on a bench. It was so low that her feet touched the floor. He tied her ankles to the legs of the bench, as well as her wrists so that all of Lea’s womanly parts were open and exposed. Brie could see her large, unnatural breasts rising and falling rapidly. It was obvious to Brie, even from her seat, how excited Lea was.

  There was a case on a small table, which her Dom opened. He attached a round glass ball and plugged in the device. Instantly, a buzzing sound filled the auditorium. “We’ll start you off slow, pet,” he said in a low, ominous tone.

  Brie shifted in her seat, getting turned on by Lea’s scene. Her friend made a light whimper when the wand touched her stomach. He ran the wand over her skin, from her thighs to her fingertips. “Color?”

  “Green, Master.”

  “Call me Dominus,” he said as he turned up the intensity, letting a spark fly from the wand to her left nipple.

  She squealed before she answered. “Yes, Dominus.”

  “You enjoy the electricity—in fact, I would say you crave it,” he murmured, keeping the wand from her.

  Her body writhed on the bench. “I do, Dominus. I crave the wand.”

  He allowed another spark to fly, caressing her right nipple with the tiny stream of purple light. Lea’s moan of ecstasy reached Brie’s groin.

  The wand made a slow and sensual descent to her nether regions, crackling as it went. Both Mary and Brie were on the edge of their seats by the time they heard Lea’s squeal of pleasure.
  Dominus turned the wand off, leaving Lea gasping in desperation. He then attached another device and slipped it into his pocket. He looked at both Brie and Mary and informed them, “I have just electrified myself.” He attached metal talons to his fingers and smiled wickedly. “Everything I touch becomes a conduit and will feel the bite.” He turned back to Lea.

  She struggled as he approached her, but moaned loudly when he raked his fingers over her skin with the electrified claws. He played with her nipples, making her buck and squirm. “Yes, Dominus,” she cried.

  Brie found herself equally caught up in the scene. She cringed when the Dom traced one finger down Lea’s neck, lingering around the swell of her breasts and then tickling her bellybutton. He dragged his fingers up the insides of her thighs, teasing as he got ever closer to her sex. She was begging for more when he stopped and removed the talons. Next, he picked up a small metal whip with two tails made of metal chains. He glided them over her skin, causing her to whimper and gasp.

  Just when Brie thought Lea couldn’t take any more, Dominus untied her and commanded that she present herself. She moved unsteadily as she got down on all fours and offered herself to him. He opened his robe and engulfed them both, hiding their movements under the cloak. It was incredibly erotic to hear her passionate moans but not see what was happening underneath.

  Brie bit her lip, aching with need. Their cries of a shared orgasm soon filled the tiny theater. Brie sat back, frustrated and unsatisfied. She would have to give electricity a try. Until tonight, it hadn’t interested her in the least.

  After their scene, the stage was cleared and reset with a bed and side table. Brie crossed her fingers. The sexual tension straining in her body screamed to be unleashed.

  “Miss Bennett, make your way to the stage,” Sir instructed.

  Brie had to compose herself, straightening her skirt and walking slowly up the steps. From the other side she saw Baron climbing the stairs. Brie quickly glanced down at the floor, excited at the prospect of another session with him.

  When he reached her side, he ran his fingers over her arm. She loved the sharp contrast of his chocolate skin against her creamy white. “Baron,” she purred, lifting her eyes to look into his beautiful hazel ones.

  “We meet again,” he said with a grin.

  She echoed his smile, grateful to be partnered with her dark Dom. However, Brie was so hot and bothered she was worried that she would not be able to hold back her orgasm if he demanded it of her. Especially when his thick lips landed on her mouth and that wicked tongue tasted her. She trembled in his arms, a hotbed of lustful desire.

  He ordered her to undress. As she folded her clothes in a tidy heap, he removed his briefs, exposing his thick shaft. He sat down on the bed and motioned her to him. She walked over, swaying her hips sensually, wondering how he was going to use her.


  She immediately bowed at his feet and he tied a blindfold over her eyes. She heard him move farther onto the bed, and then he directed her, “Come to me. Lick my balls and suck my cock, kitten, before I ask you to impale yourself.”

  Brie purred, loving his command. She held out her hands and found the edge of the bed. She crawled onto it and made her way between his legs. She kept her ass in the air as she bent down to lick his balls. They were salty from sweat. She caressed both with her tongue, moaning as she pleased him with her mouth, needing him to hear her pleasure.

  “Suck me.”

  She took his shaft in one hand and repositioned herself over his cock. Gliding her lips over his shaft, she fluttered her tongue over the frenulum. His intake of breath turned her on and she sucked him with more enthusiasm. Soon, however, he commanded her to stop.

  “Impale yourself, kitten.”

  Brie’s loins contracted in pleasure. She blindly climbed on top of Baron and rubbed her moist pussy over his shaft. Bracing her legs, she slowly guided the head of his generous manhood into her. Brie paused just before she descended onto his hard cock, letting it fill her completely. She ground herself onto his base and sighed in contentment.

  Baron grabbed her hips and began pumping her up and down on his shaft. “I have something new planned. Something you haven’t tried before.”

  Her interest was piqued. Whatever it was, she completely trusted Baron.

  “Lay your head on my chest,” he ordered huskily.

  With his cock still lodged inside her, Brie laid her cheek against Baron’s muscular frame. He wrapped his arms around her possessively and held her there. She could hear his heart beating loud and clear, bringing a sense of peace to her neediness.

  Then she felt his touch…

  Brie gasped when he ran his hand over the curve of her ass. The trail of tingling sensations left in the wake of his hand left her with no doubt who it was. She whispered, “Sir…”

  “Yes, Brie.”

  Her whole body became an electrical current, making it almost impossible to breathe.

  “You will be taking both of us at the same time,” he said smoothly, as his hand continued to leave a trail of fire on her skin.

  “Yes, Sir.” She licked her lips, not quite believing what was happening. She had been whipped, spanked, and even fucked by a colossal cock, but never by two men at once.

  The idea of taking Sir with Baron still deep inside her was frighteningly erotic and it made her gush with wetness. “She’s ready, Thane,” she heard Baron say beneath her.

  Sir confidently replied, “I know she is. I can tell she’s hungry for it.”

  Brie heard the slippery sound of lube and imagined Sir coating his princely cock with his masculine hand. Brie whimpered softly into Baron’s chest.

  “Relax, kitten.” Baron chuckled lightly. “You are about to please your two favorite Doms. A submissive’s dream.”

  The bed moved as Sir positioned himself behind her. He lightly touched her tight hole, coating it with lube before he slipped a finger inside. She mewed softly as his finger covered the walls of her taut ass. It felt completely different from before. Her pussy was already stretched fully by Baron’s thick shaft, making Sir’s simple finger penetration more pronounced.

  “Relax, Brie. I always start off slow,” Sir reminded her.

  His rich voice calmed her and she felt her body respond to it. She was desperate to feel Sir inside her. “I need to please you, Sir,” she implored.

  “You will,” he replied confidently.

  He pressed the head of his shaft against her tight sphincter. Her body resisted his invasion, even though she longed for it. He began slapping her ass lightly. “Let me in, Brie.” The gentle slapping relaxed her muscles and she gasped as the tip of his cock disappeared inside.

  “Good girl,” Baron praised beneath her. His hands ran lightly over her skin as Sir pressed his shaft deeper into her ass.

  Sir’s grunts of pleasure almost undid Brie. Her body willingly opened itself up even though it was being stretched beyond capacity. She felt him push in farther and she whimpered.

  “You’re so sexy, kitten,” Baron murmured, lifting his head up and finding her lips. They kissed as Sir gently thrust his shaft deeper into her tight ass. She groaned into Baron’s mouth, excited to be taking both cocks at once.

  “Put your hands behind your back,” Sir commanded.

  When Brie did, he crossed her small wrists and held them against her back with one hand. The feeling of restraint excited Brie and she felt another wave of moisture coat Baron’s cock.

  “She likes that,” Baron commented.

  “I know exactly what this submissive needs.” Sir grabbed a fistful of her hair with his other hand and turned her face towards him. His kiss was demanding and passionate. A flood of emotion passed between their lips. When he pulled away, she was shaking from the intensity of it.

  He immediately began stroking her ass with his rigid cock as he held her wrists behind her back. After several lengthy thrusts, Baron took hold of her hips and joined Sir, the two thrusting in opposite rhy

  Brie’s whole body tingled as she took the manly thrusts of both Doms. The heated groans and grunts of the two Dominants blessed her submissive heart. She soon joined her voice with theirs as her body relaxed and took their passionate assault.

  After several minutes of the pounding, Sir let go of her wrists and asked Baron to help him. She felt Baron lift her by the torso while Sir gathered her into his arms and held her against his chest. It gave the three completely new angles to enjoy and allowed Baron access to her clit. His hand reached between her legs and began stoking the fire. “There is no escape,” she heard him growl.

  She whimpered against Sir as Baron flicked his fingers expertly, making her pussy sing. “You come first,” Sir commanded. Both men stopped thrusting.

  Baron concentrated on her clit while Sir let his hands rove over her breasts, caressing, pinching and tugging. “Come for me, Brie,” Sir whispered.

  Brie leaned against his shoulder, letting out of cry of frustration and deep emotion. “Yes,” he growled into her neck. “Let it out, Brie. Release…”

  Her body contracted violently against both cocks, caressing them with her orgasm. Sir pushed her back down onto Baron and the two men began thrusting into her. Her body was now open and ready to receive their gifts. Brie verbalized her ecstasy as Baron climaxed inside her, the auditorium echoing with her impassioned cries.

  Sir slowly pulled out. “I am going to come all over your sweet ass.” She felt the burst of warm liquid on her skin. It felt as if he was marking her as his, and she moaned in delight. He rubbed his cock over her, spreading his seed on her skin.

  Once he had moved away, Baron lifted her off his spent shaft. She took the blindfold off and dressed, purposely leaving Sir’s essence on her. She stood between the two Doms and faced the panel.

  Master Coen asked, “How would you rate the scene, Miss Bennett?”

  “A nine.”


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