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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 47

by Red Phoenix

  She looked back at Mr. Reynolds, wondering at his presence here, but she didn’t have to wonder for long. “I know it must be a shock to see me, but I have known Thane for a very long time. Since he was a baby, in fact.” He pointed at Sir across the room. “You see, he’s my nephew.”

  Brie gasped. Mr. Reynolds was related to Sir? She stared at Mr. Reynolds and nodded stupidly as she tried to take in his words.

  “That night you met, he was actually coming by to visit me. Apparently, he was so taken by a certain young lady that he up and left without even saying hello. I have to admit I was shocked he left the card, and even more so when I saw you wearing his collar.”

  Mr. Reynolds knew what was going on the entire time?

  “Thane’s either at work or over at the Center. I had high hopes when I saw the collar around your neck, but I should have known better.” He laughed lightly and held up his glass in a mock toast to Sir. “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.”

  Brie’s gaze gravitated towards Sir. He was smiling at some remark Master Coen had made, but his smile made her sad. Sir had poured everything into the Submissive Training Center. Lea, Mary and she were all products of his dedication and would move on from the school, partnered with Doms worthy of their new training. He, however, would remain behind—alone.

  “So, Miss Bennett, have you decided who you are going to ask to collar you?” Mrs. Reynolds asked excitedly.

  “Judy! You don’t ask something like that,” Mr. Reynolds scolded, putting his arm around his wife’s shoulders. “We don’t get out much. Please forgive her enthusiasm.”

  “That’s okay,” Brie replied, but she began looking around for a means of escape. She saw Faelan standing a short distance away, obviously wanting to talk to her. She made her excuse to the couple. “I’m sorry, there’s someone I must speak to.”

  Faelan’s blue eyes were trained on her. She walked away, listening to Mrs. Reynolds’ profuse apologies, feeling the weight of Faelan’s stare as she approached. Brie kept her eyes down, unsure how to begin.

  “It changes nothing,” he declared, lifting her chin up to look into her eyes.

  “What did you do with her?”

  He shook his head. “That is privileged information, blossom. It would be uncouth to speak of our encounter.”

  “I didn’t care for it,” she said simply, turning her head from him.

  “It couldn’t be helped,” he answered, forcing her to look him in the eye.

  “Do you want Mary?”

  His reply was quick. “She’s a beautiful girl.” His answer did not please Brie and he knew it. “Blossom, it is you I want to collar. I have wanted nothing more since that night on the beach when I discovered what you are. Do not doubt that.”

  She glanced over and saw Mary watching their exchange. “Excuse me. I need to talk to that woman.”

  Brie left Faelan standing there and headed straight towards Mary. The woman stiffened visibly, and Brie watched her transform into her nemesis of old.

  “What?” Mary growled. “I told you I wanted my chance with him. I never hid my intentions from you, bitch.”

  “You know I am considering Faelan as my Master.”

  “Which is exactly why I had to make my move tonight.”

  The look in Mary’s eyes was something new. There was a look of vulnerability underneath all the bravado. Brie didn’t need her to complicate matters further. “Stay far from him,” she snapped, then walked away before she said something cruel.

  Lea caught up with Brie. “What’s going on?”

  “Do you know what Mary did?”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe she would go after Faelan like that. What did he say to you afterwards?”

  Brie sighed. “Well, he claims I’m the only one he wants to collar, but he admits he has the hots for the cow.”

  “What about Tono? What happened with him?”

  Brie rolled her eyes in an attempt to keep the tears from forming. “Oh, his dad thinks I’m no good.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Lea blurted loudly. Several groups of people turned towards them and Lea clamped her hands over her mouth. “I’m sorry, Brie,” she whispered, “but I just can’t believe that. You are the best sub to graduate from this place. How can he say that?”

  Brie struggled to say the words that rang in her head. “He says I have a ravenous soul…”

  Lea wrapped Brie in her arms and pressed her against those very large breasts. “No! Don’t even go there. You have a beautiful soul and Tono is lucky to love you.”

  Brie buried her head in Lea’s chest, suddenly feeling like a little kid. “I love him, Lea. I do, but…”

  “But what, sweetie?” she asked, moving Brie’s hair out of the way so she could hear her better.

  Brie said in the barest of whispers, “I don’t know if our love will be enough.”

  Lea squeezed her then, long and hard. Brie could feel the blood pounding in her head from the lack of oxygen, but she didn’t move from her friend’s embrace until Lea let go. She held Brie by her shoulders and smiled. “What did the sadistic Dom say to his helplessly bound sub as he cut at her bonds with a machete?”

  Brie shrugged, struggling to participate in Lea’s poor attempt at distraction.

  Lea answered with a huge grin, “Tonight, we’re going vanilla!”

  Brie shook her head at the terrible joke, but let a weak smile make its way to her face. Lea was always good for a laugh. “I’m going to miss you, girl.”

  Lea protested. “Oh, no, you’re not getting rid of me that easy. Sorry, Stinky Cheese, you are stuck with me for life.”

  Brie gave her an overenthusiastic hip bump that set her off balance. Lea was just about to return the favor when her face went slack and her jaw dropped.

  “Radost moya.”

  That deep sound reverberated through Brie and she turned slowly towards his voice. Rytsar Donkova stood before her in all his Russian glory. She suddenly felt shy standing before the impressive Dom. Brie quickly looked to the floor and tried to calm her erratic pulse as she bowed before him.

  Brie sneaked a peek, and then smiled when she saw the mischievous glint in his eye. “My warrior returns,” she whispered.

  His low rolling laughter filled the entire commons. “Radost moya has grown up, I see.” He lifted Brie off the ground and crushed her to his chest. She’d forgotten how strong and muscular he was.

  She wasn’t sure how to act, now that she knew he was a prominent Dom in Europe. It was as intimidating as she’d thought it would be. Brie looked up at him shyly, “It seems you speak English.”

  He winked as he lifted her higher and kissed her hard on the lips. She was instantly transported back to her warrior fantasy, where he had fulfilled her every desire. It left her shaky and weak.

  Rytsar placed her back on the ground and motioned to one of his entourage. The beefy bodyguard produced a package and handed it to Rytsar, who in turn handed it to Brie.

  “This is for you, my little joy. In honor of your graduation.”

  Brie slowly unwrapped the gold paper and lifted the lid of the box. Inside was an exquisite set of golden handcuffs encrusted with small jewels. She touched the multicolored stones in admiration. “Thank you, Rytsar. It’s stunning.”

  “Something useful your Master might enjoy.” He looked up and motioned Sir over, then slapped him heartily on the back. “I cannot stay, moy droog. However, I wanted to congratulate you on training such a rare beauty. If she could handle Russian winters I would claim her for my own.”

  Sir looked genuinely pleased when he answered Rytsar. “I am glad you came, Donkova, although I am disappointed that you cannot stay. We should get together and catch up.”

  “Yes. Drag your sorry zhopa out of this school for a couple of weeks and join me in Russia. I promise to show you a grandiose time.” He raised his hands in the air, spreading his arms wide.

  Sir’s laughter warmed Brie’s heart. “Yes, well, some of us have to work for a living.�

  Rytsar growled loudly. “Peasant.”

  Sir answered in mock disgust, “Aristocrat.”

  The muscular Russian laughed as he smacked Sir hard on the back again. “Come join me later tonight. You know where.” He turned his attention back to Brie. He took her hand and turned it palm up before planting a sensual kiss in the center. “Choose wisely, radost moya.”

  With that, he left with Sir, who escorted the entire entourage out—the impressive Rytsar and his three beefy bodyguards. When they were out of earshot, Lea whispered appreciatively, “Damn…”

  “Yeah,” Brie replied.

  Lea asked to look at Rytsar’s gift and dug the handcuffs out of the box, holding them up for a better look. “Girl, he couldn’t have come up with a better gift for a sub who likes bondage.”

  “Yeah, yeah, put it back,” Brie ordered, feeling embarrassed by the expensive gift.

  “Oh, no, you have to wear this. It’s far too pretty to keep inside a box.” Lea took the key attached to the cuffs and opened one up, looping it around the chain on Brie’s waist. She stood back to admire her work. “Yes, now you are utterly irresistible.”

  Brie looked down and swung her hips, listening to the pleasant jingle of the cuffs. It did look like a lovely accent piece. She looked up to thank Lea, but saw that her friend had moved over to talk to the Sheik and his five comely harem girls.

  Rachael Dunningham took the opportunity to step over and talk to Brie. “Hello, Miss Bennett. I want to let you know what a pleasure it has been to work with you.”

  “No, thank you, Rachael. It was your helpfulness and professionalism that convinced me this school was legit. If it weren’t for you, I never would have enrolled.”

  “Speaking about enrollment, you might be happy to learn that the young lady you emailed about has contacted the school. Candy Moore will be starting the next session in two weeks.”

  Brie was thrilled by the news. “Rachael, that’s absolutely wonderful! I’ve worried about her ever since that day on the bus.” She gave Rachael a big hug, and then another for good measure. “I’ll start payments next week.”

  Rachael smiled amiably. “No need. She has procured a sponsor.”

  Brie leaned in close. “Can I ask who?”

  “Normally, we don’t divulge such information. However, you have a vested interest in the girl so I don’t see any harm. Mr. Gallant is paying her tuition.”

  Brie glanced over to where Mr. Gallant stood with his arm around the waist of his submissive wife. What an extraordinary man.

  “Please do not let him know I told you. He’s an excruciatingly humble person,” Rachael warned.

  “Duly noted,” Brie answered, but she couldn’t help staring at the short yet imposing Dom. She had always admired her teacher, but Mr. Gallant truly was a man above all men.

  Marquis Gray motioned Brie over and announced, “It is almost time. Are you ready?”

  Brie nodded, confident in her decision. Of the two men, she knew whom she wanted to serve, despite her reservations.

  Marquis guided her to a separate room that held a small, round table. The table was elegantly dressed in red velvet with an exquisite collar in the center. The silver piece was delicately engraved. Brie lightly touched the pearl that hung in front. Even more enchanting was the heart-shaped lock that fastened in the back. Beside it lay an intricate key on a chain. The key would be worn by her Master.

  “You will wait here until your name is announced. Stand beside Headmaster Davis and he will speak a few words to the community. Once he gives you permission, you will walk up to the Dom of your choice and kneel before him, holding up the collar and key. If he accepts your offer, a formal Collaring Ceremony will begin. During the ceremony, you will give your vows to one another and your Master will place the collar around your neck, accepting you as his submissive.”

  Brie felt the butterflies start just listening to his instructions. In a few minutes, she would be kneeling before her Master. She took a couple of deep breaths to calm her nerves and then smiled at Marquis Gray. “This is it.”

  “Yes, pearl. Your time has come. Embrace it with courage and don’t look back.”

  “I will…Master.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “Master to you no longer.”

  She heard Sir’s strong voice outside the room. “As a graduate, each submissive is given the opportunity to partake in the Collaring Ceremony. This year, one submissive has chosen to do so. Miss Bennett, present yourself to the community.”

  Marquis offered his arm and escorted her out. She made her way to Sir with her eyes downcast and her poor heart beating like a snare drum. Once she was at his side, she knelt down, facing the community, and waited for him to begin.

  “As is tradition for our school, a submissive who feels she has found her Master at the end of the course is allowed to present a ceremonial collar to the Dom of her choice. If accepted, a formal collaring ceremony will immediately follow.”

  Sir turned and looked down at Brie. “Such a union is not to be entered into lightly. Are you secure in your decision?”

  She glanced up at him and nodded. “I am, Sir.”

  He then commanded in an official tone, “Miss Bennett, present your collar now.”

  Brie gracefully rocked off her heels and stood up, looking at Tono and Faelan on the other side of the room. The men stood side by side, but both only had eyes for her. She held herself erect as she started towards her Master. She walked fluidly and with confidence, just as she had been taught.

  Brie peeked at Tono. He was smiling, peace and assurance flowing from him like a river. Beside him stood his father. The small man was also staring at her, but his mouth was a hard line, his disapproval easy to read.

  She glanced at Faelan. He was gazing at her intently, a half-grin gracing his handsome face. Brie caught a glimpse of Mary behind him and saw a look of complete devastation. It made her stop in her tracks.

  Brie could feel the tension rise in the room.

  Time slowed down to a crawl as everything suddenly came into focus. As much as she loved Tono, he would not be able to meet her deepest desires. Faelan shared those same desires, but she did not love him. Brie knew what she wanted beyond a shadow of a doubt. There was no other choice—there never had been.

  She turned around and walked towards Sir, the delicate collar held out before her. She saw the slight shake of his head but she ignored it.

  Brie knelt down at his feet and held the collar and key up to him. Silence filled the huge room. She patiently waited for Sir to take them from her. As the seconds dragged by, however, a cold chill entered her heart.

  He finally spoke a soft but commanding, “No.”

  Brie shuddered in disbelief, her heart crushing in on itself as she remained bowed before him. He had warned her that this would happen… This is my fault. Now the entire room knew her choice and there was no turning back.

  Tears fell as she slowly stood up and turned from him. Her feet made their way to the exit as if of their own accord. No one spoke as the crowd silently parted in front of her.

  She would scream later, in the privacy of her own pain. Right now, her only goal was to make it out of the Center with what little dignity she had left. She lifted her head, even though she could not see through the tears. Don’t run, Brie. Walk…

  Brie Bows Before Him

  Before she could make it to the elevator, his voice floated over the sea of people. “Brie.”

  She pressed the button, unsure if it was her own wishful thinking.

  “Come back and face me.”

  Brie inhaled deeply before turning around. She wiped the tears away and looked Sir straight in the eye as she hesitantly made her way back to him. His eyes conveyed nothing—neither hope nor disapproval.


  It took all of her will to kneel before him again. She felt his hand on her head and gasped at the warmth that flowed into her soul. He announced in a voice that encompassed the entire r
oom, “I resign as headmaster of the school.”

  Brie could feel the shockwave ripple through the multitudes.

  “I offer up Master Anderson as a worthy replacement, but the panel will be in charge of the final decision.”

  The room remained hushed.

  “Offer your collar to me again,” Sir commanded. She held her breath as he took the collar and key she held out to him. “I accept this collar as a symbol of the offering of yourself, and promise to thoughtfully guide and lead you.”

  A chime sounded, marking the beginning of the formal ceremony.

  Breathe, Brie, breathe…

  He knelt beside her, stating, “You belong to me from this day onward. I will do all within my power to protect and keep you as you join me on this journey.”

  Her lips trembled as she felt the hands of her Master fasten the collar around her neck and click the lock into place.

  Sir stood back up. “You will wear this symbol of my ownership as a sign of our commitment to one another.”

  Brie’s voice shook as she made her vow to him. “I accept this symbol of your ownership and will wear it proudly for all to see, Sir.”

  “And I shall wear this key as a symbol of our commitment,” he said, placing it around his neck. His next announcement filled the room. “You now belong to me.”

  Brie felt the heat rise in the core of her being at his declaration. “I now belong to you, Master,” she agreed breathlessly.

  “I accept your request to serve me and will honor your needs and desires. Trust that I will always put your best interests foremost in my dominance over you. Your happiness, health and well-being are in my care, and I will consciously tend to them because you are a part of me.”

  A part of you… “Sir, I will honor and love you as I serve you to the best of my ability. My submission to you is freely given. I am now a part of you and will respect your dominance over me as our lives become one.” She leaned forward and kissed both of his feet as a gesture of her submission.


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