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Brie Learns the Art of Submission: Submissive Training Center

Page 48

by Red Phoenix

  “Stand before your Master.”

  Brie stood up, quivering with joy. Sir lifted her chin and kissed her in front of the crowd, to seal their commitment. The entire room broke out in applause as the chime rang out three times to end the ceremony.

  As the last ring dissipated, Sir lifted her off the ground in a flurry of motion, cradling her against his chest. He walked towards his office, announcing to the other trainers as he passed, “I will be clearing out my things.”

  Brie was unaware of anything but his masculine scent as she buried her face in his chest. That, and the sound of his confident stride echoing through the hallway. He did not speak as he opened the office door, carried her in, then locked it behind him.

  Sir swept the items off his desk with one hand as he held her with the other. Then he gently set her down upon it. “Do you realize what you’ve just done?”

  She looked up at him lovingly. “I could not deny my heart, Sir.” Then she added, “But I did not mean for you to resign from the Center.”

  “There was no other option. Surely you understood that.”

  She closed her eyes in guilty admission. “I did not think that far ahead.”

  He chuckled softly. “No, you wouldn’t. You run on instinct—you always have.”

  She braved his steady gaze, afraid to voice her next question but determined to ask. “Do your regret your decision?”

  “Regret?” He rubbed his chin, seemingly giving thought to the question before answering. “Regret is not something I do. However, I am surprised to find myself in this predicament.” He looked at her accusingly. “For a submissive, you’ve never quite grasped the idea of following orders.”

  She blushed, unable to defend herself.

  “Mercifully, your disobedience was exactly what I required.”

  Sir glanced around the room at the numerous bookshelves of leather-bound books, mementos, and pictures. Then he gazed down at her with a possessive smirk that melted her heart. “Mine.”

  “All yours, Sir.”

  She cried out in need when he grasped the back of her neck and pressed his lips against hers. My Master’s lips…

  The contact sent her on a sub high all its own. His love, mixed with his dominance, was something she hadn’t experienced with Sir before.

  He broke away from her and said huskily, “You cannot know the number of times I sat in this office, imagining what I would do if I had you all to myself.” He looked around. “Since this will no longer be mine once I leave, I think we should indulge my fantasies.”

  “Your will is my pleasure,” she answered breathlessly.

  He pulled on the key attached to her golden cuffs, breaking the string that held it. Then he undid the lock and unhooked the cuffs from her belt. “Time to break these in.”

  Brie held out her arms to her Master and watched him tighten the cuffs around her wrists. Although they were made of metal, they had been crafted with rounded corners so they did not cut into her skin. The clicking sound as they locked into place made her wet. He must have sensed it because he slipped his hand between her legs, stroking her clit with his thumb. She moaned in appreciation, loving the feel of Sir’s touch.

  He looked towards the ceiling and then lifted her off the desk. Holding her arms above her head, he secured the cuffs to a small hook attached to the ceiling—one she had never noticed before. It left her almost tiptoeing in a lean, beautiful pose. His hands traveled down the curves of her body as he whistled appreciatively.

  “I’ve always found your body irresistible, Brie. From that very first meeting in the tobacco shop I knew I wanted to possess it… You.”

  She whimpered when his mouth claimed her again. He was so totally male, completely enveloping her spirit. Sir pulled back and retrieved an item from his desk. It turned out to be a box cutter. She watched in fearful fascination as he meticulously cut each tie of her expensive corset and let it fall to the ground.

  “Better,” he complimented as he cupped her breasts in his strong hands. He then removed the intricate arm bracelet and tossed it in the trash. Her long, brown curls tumbled down as the wolf comb found its home in the trash bin next to the dragon.

  His hands traveled farther down, removing her tight-fitting skirt and thong. “You’ve always looked good in just hose and heels, babygirl.” She felt his warm breath on her neck and her nipples became hard as she anticipated his teeth on her skin.

  “You smell of other men. I must remedy that.” Sir exited the room and quickly returned with a washcloth and a bowl of warm, soapy water. He washed every inch of her exposed skin with citrus bubbles, including the area between her legs. He left her again, then returned with fresh water. Once he’d made Brie pure for him, Sir began nibbling on her neck.

  Brie’s knees would have buckled if she hadn’t been held up by her restraints. His teeth grazed her skin down the center of her chest. He stopped to gently nip her breasts before heading down her stomach, making his way to her bare pussy. Sir grabbed her ass in both hands and dragged his tongue over her swollen lips. “Fuck, you taste good.” He separated her outer lips and took another long lick. She groaned as she twisted on the hook.

  Sir smiled and stood up, then moved over to his desk to sit down. “I imagined you just like this, bound to be used at my disposal. To taste at my leisure.” He picked up a box of books from the floor and dumped them out. Then he began the task of clearing out his office, starting with his desk.

  It was distressing to see Sir emptying the office of his belongings, but whenever he looked at her she experienced an electric jolt, feeling only gratitude that he had given up his position for her. After several minutes, he put down the box and approached her again with a strip of cloth in his hand.

  He tied it over her eyes, murmuring, “Ah, the allure of the unknown. Where will I touch you?”

  She inhaled as his fingertips lightly traced the contours of her arm. She giggled and flinched when he reached her armpit. When his hand fell away, she instantly regretted her reaction and hoped he would return.

  His fingertips resumed their teasing, trailing down the other arm. She moaned, enjoying the tickling fire of his touch as the sensations traveled to her groin. “I love you, Sir,” she whispered.

  She felt his hot breath next to her ear. “What did you say?”

  “I love you.”

  His mouth landed on hers as he crushed her in a tight embrace, but then he moved away and she heard him throwing more items into his box. The exchange left her disconcerted. He hadn’t returned her words of affection. Goose bumps rose on her skin at the thought he might not love her, and a soft whimper escaped her lips.

  She felt him return to her side. His fingers traced her jawline and lightly grazed her trembling lower lip. “The day I took your anal virginity, I’d never felt so vulnerable yet so powerful in my life. I fell in love with you then, and have only suffered for it ever since.”

  She whispered, “Suffer no more.” The only thing she wanted at that moment was to feel his love inside her.

  “Are you suggesting I take you, Brie?” He moved away and went back to packing. She heard him haphazardly throwing items into the box. It seemed so unlike his neat and orderly persona. She realized she was the reason—it was an intoxicating power to have over Sir.

  He spoke as she listened to him rummage through his bookcase. “I always told myself that the second I stopped caring about the Training Center, I would resign. When I saw you walking away from me, I knew that moment had come. The bravery it took to defy protocol and risk everything was inspiring, babygirl.”

  His words touched the core of her, the same way his touch invaded her skin.

  “I have avoided you for so long, it seems like a sin to partake of you now.” He paused and added in a sultry voice, “Fortunately, your Master enjoys sinful pleasures.”

  He unhooked Brie from the cuffs, removed the blindfold, and laid her on the carpeted floor. He joined her after relieving himself of his clothes. She worshipped hi
s masculine chest and princely cock framed in dark hair.

  Sir’s hand trailed over her skin as he spoke. “All this time wanting to slip into your womanhood, but having to watch others enjoy it.”

  She looked at him questioningly. “Why couldn’t you have taken me, Master?”

  He traced her lips with his index finger. “I knew if I ever allowed myself the luxury, I would be utterly lost.”

  “You were, regardless.”

  His eyes narrowed. “At least I had the illusion of control.” Sir kissed her then, without restraint. All the love, passion, and lust communicated itself through his lips. Brie met the kiss, equally desperate to express the pent-up feelings she’d been forced to hold back for so long.

  They bruised each other in their violent embrace, releasing a torrent of emotion. “Babygirl…” His hands grabbed, clawed, and pressed her against him. He was a man ravenous for what was now his, and she gave herself over to his need, reveling in her Master’s fierce desire.

  Her Master’s body nearly crushed her as he lay on top of her small frame, his tongue plundering her willing mouth. She fully expected his taking of her to be equally wild, but he stopped himself.


  She was sure he’d said it to himself. Sir’s lustful gaze softened and she saw the hint of love behind it. The love she had longed to see, fully reflected in his eyes.

  He looked down at her as if she was his princess, his treasure. “So breathtaking.” He spread her legs apart and settled in between them. “This will not be fast, babygirl. I will take you excruciatingly, tortuously slow. I’ve waited too long to rush.”

  He pressed the head of his cock against her opening. She tried to grab his buttocks, but he commanded, “Lie perfectly still. I want you to fully experience and remember the first time you were taken by your Master.”

  Brie lay back, her heart racing at the thought. He kissed her breasts as his cock slowly pushed against her and then breached the entrance. She gasped in pleasure.

  Master was inside her…

  His lips moved up to her neck as his shaft made its way farther in. Tears pooled in her eyes as his princely cock filled her mind, body, and soul. There was nothing more she wanted, nothing more she needed.

  His mouth found hers again as he made his final push into her depths. They both cried out at the connection.

  “May I, Master?” she whispered.

  When he nodded, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Sir grabbed her face and kissed her fiercely as he began stroking her with his shaft. Brie moaned in ecstasy. Nothing she’d experienced compared to this—nothing.

  His thrusting came faster and faster as he gave in to his lust. She met him stroke for stroke, forcing him into her as deeply as her body would allow. “My Sir…”

  He put his hand under the small of her back, tilting her hips more severely so that he could reach deeper inside her. She screamed out in pleasure as his cock claimed all of her. He fucked her, then—hard, deep, and without pity. She took it joyously, never wanting it to end, but then he commanded, “Come for your Master.”

  “Yes…oh, yes!”

  The instant his cock began its deep shuddering, Brie’s body responded by squeezing hard, caressing his manhood with her own intense orgasm. Reality blurred as she lost herself in him. Sir bit her neck as he shot his seed deep inside her, his love bursting throughout her entire body.

  I have never known such bliss…

  When he pulled away, she saw the look of vulnerability she’d seen several times before. This time, however, he did not hide it. He looked her in the eye. “You are mine, Brie Bennett. I will never let you go.”

  After his pronouncement, he got up off the floor and went to his desk. He pulled something out of the drawer and came back to her with an impish grin. He took the top off the permanent marker and, with fluid strokes, wrote a word on her chest. He sat back with a self-satisfied smirk. Brie looked down and saw that he had written the word Mine in big, flowing letters.

  He handed the pen to her and presented his chest. She smiled shyly as she wrote on his hairy chest. He nodded his approval when he read the word: Master. Sir fisted her hair and drew her to him, kissing her possessively. “Never forget that.”

  She shook her head. “I won’t, Sir… I can’t.”

  He commanded her to re-dress as he put on his clothes. When she came to her corset, she held it up to him and pouted.

  Sir grinned lustfully and took it from her, then threw the useless piece of clothing in his box. “You won’t be needing it, babygirl. You already have on what I want you to wear.” He nodded at her chest.

  Brie looked down at his word with pride. Yes, it was enough.

  He hoisted the box, grabbing the golden cuffs from the hook as he walked towards the door. Sir looked over his office one last time. “It’s been a good run.” He escorted her out and locked it behind him.

  Sir held out his right arm and she gratefully wrapped hers around it.

  “Head held high, but at a respectful angle.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Chest out,” he commanded. Then Sir added with a captivating smirk, “Exude elegance and poise, confident in the knowledge you are mine.”

  Brie hid her smile as they walked back to the commons, which was still full of people. The chatter stopped and the whole room became eerily silent as the crowd turned towards the couple. Brie scanned the masses, but saw no sign of Tono. She did notice Mary standing beside Faelan. He wore a look of sheer disbelief.

  Sir gave Mr. Gallant the keys. “Call if I have forgotten anything or you have questions.”

  “I will.” Mr. Gallant looked at Brie. “Are you happy, Miss Bennett?”

  “Yes, Mr. Gallant. Very much so.”

  “Fine. Then I wish you the best.” He nodded at Sir. “Both of you.”

  “Thank you, Gallant,” Sir replied affably, moving towards the elevator.

  Marquis Gray pressed the button for them and then stood to the side. When Brie sneaked a glance, he nodded at her with the slightest hint of a smile. Did he know this would be my choice tonight?

  When the elevator doors opened, the two walked into it and turned to face the assembly. Master Anderson held up his drink and toasted Sir. “Wishing you the best, Thane. You should know that your service to the Center has been greatly appreciated.”

  “Hear, hear!” someone shouted.

  Glasses were held up, to an enthusiastic chorus of, “To Headmaster Davis!”

  The room filled with applause as the doors closed. Tears streamed down Brie’s face. She was overwhelmed by how much Sir had given up to be with her.

  He looked down at Brie and winked. “No need to cry, babygirl. This is just the beginning.”


  Thank you for joining me on Brie’s journey into submission. I have enjoyed sharing my world with you. ~ Lady Red

  You can follow Brie’s life after the Submissive Training Center beginning in 2013

  Series Coming Soon in Paperback:

  Blissful Series

  Sensual Erotica Series

  You can find Red on:

  Twitter: @redphoenix69


  Facebook: Red Phoenix

  Mail Address:

  Red Phoenix

  5023 W. 120th Ave. #115

  Broomfield, CO 80020

  eBooks by Red Phoenix:

  Blissfully Snowbound

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish)

  Blissfully In Love

  (Sexy Ménage a Trois—The sequel to Blissfully Snowbound explores the loving relationship between one girl and two passionate men)

  Blissfully Broken

  (Scandalous Threesome—The third in the Blissful series. The sexy threesome is headed towards rough waters after a certain ex-friend exacts her revenge)

  Blissfully Taken

  (Sweet Finale—The fourth and final in the Blissful series. The mé
nage has shattered, but the love shared will not die despite a scorned woman’s best efforts)

  Sensual Erotica: The Erotic Love Story of Amy and Troy

  (Sexual Adventures—True love reigns, but fate continually throws Troy and Amy into the arms of others in this short story series)

  Keeper of the Wolf Clan

  (Sexual Secrets—A virginal werewolf must act as the clan’s mysterious Keeper)

  In 9 Days

  (Sweet Romance—A young girl falls in love with the new student, nicknamed ‘the Freak’)

  9 Days and Counting

  (Sacrificial Love—The sequel to In 9 Days delves into the emotional reunion of two longtime lovers)

  And Then He Saved Me

  (Saving Tenderness—When a young girl tries to kill herself, a man of great character intervenes with a love that heals)

  Play With Me at Noon

  (Seeking Fulfillment—A desperate wife lives out her fantasies by taking five different men in five days)

  Varick: The Reluctant

  (Savory Vampire—A dark, sexy vampire story. The hero navigates the dangerous world he has been thrust into with lusty passion and a pure heart)

  Brie Learns the Art of Submission

  (Submissive Exploration—A young woman enters a world of new experiences when she enrolls in the Submissive Training Center)

  Table of Contents

  Brie’s First Day of Submissive Training

  Brie Learns to Obey

  Brie Learns Her Power as a Submissive

  Brie Lives Her Fantasy

  Brie Practices Her Oral Skills

  Brie Embraces Bondage


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