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Gender Swapped Volume One

Page 16

by Sophie Pert

  Sober in comparison to the ladies at the bar at least, which means they are far more susceptible to being picked up and taken home for the night. Heck sometimes you didn’t even need to take them home.

  You should though, as I learned.

  Look it’s not my fault, lets just be clear about that. What happened. Not my fault. In the heat of the moment I doubt anyone would choose differently.

  Let me lay it out here.

  I was working like it was any ordinary day. Taking my time working my way through the place when this girl starts making eyes at me.

  She was just my type, straight black hair with nice full breasts that somehow manage to be big and bouncy and perky all at the same time. Not too skinny but not fat, just enough cushion for it to be fun. Pale skin, red lipstick and smoky eyes. The whole package.

  She even had the personality to match, that kind of strong and willful woman who was just the sort to grab me by the arm while I was walking past the bathroom and drag me inside.

  Which is exactly what she did.

  We were all over each other, a flurry of hands and lips and tongues as we smashed through the door of the bathroom and made our way back into the room. She almost shoved me backwards into the handicap stall and followed afterwards.

  Her eyes were on fire with something and she pushed me against the wall of the stall. Her lips locked onto my neck as her hands unbuckled my pants. I felt her slim fingers dart inside my pants and grasp my hardening cock.

  I moaned into her mouth as she guided me to sit on the toilet. Then, with the lithe movements of a cat, she straddled me and guided my cock into her tight, little pussy.

  God she felt fantastic, she did that flexing thing that I love and I felt the walls of her hot slit tighten around my shaft. I grabbed her hips with an iron grip and just started bouncing her up and down on top of me while she moaned and held onto my shoulders.

  She was wearing this dress, real slinky even sort of thing with thin shoulder straps. This thing was way too classy for the bar we were in and the fabric was so sleek it hugged her perfect curves and showed off everything. The straps slid off her shoulders and she did this shimmy that made the top half just slip off her upper body.

  My god her breasts were perfect.

  Milky white and capped with pale nipples that had that slight upturn. She looked like a 50s movie star, but she was far too lewd to ever truly be that.

  Her mouth was open in a wide O and her eyes were shut as her head rolled from side to side.

  All of this had happened in near perfect silence, only the slight swish of our clothing and sounds of our flesh audible over the dim music playing from the bar. That made the door to the bathroom opening that much more noticeable.

  At that sound, that and the footsteps signalling we were no longer alone, her eyes shot open and locked with mine. Her hips didn’t stop but she got this wicked grin on her face and all I could think was, ‘My god I could marry this woman,’ before she let out a loud, low moan.

  The footsteps stopped dead in the middle of the room.

  “Oh god,” my mystery woman screamed, “Yes! Fuck me harder baby!”

  The footsteps scrambled over to the door to our stall and slammed it open.

  Perhaps now is the time I should tell you that the “friend of a friend” who owned the bar was a woman. Perhaps it’s also the time to tell you that she didn’t exactly find it impressive that I was fucking a customer in her property while being paid to do it.

  She did not react well.

  There was screaming and accusations. There was shouting and statements. There was my firing. Worst of all in all the mess of it my mystery woman slipped off with a grin like a jackal and I never saw her again.

  Instead I was booted out the back door of the bar with what little I brought and a handful of cash for the night. I did the only logical thing, the only thing one does when you’ve just been fired from a shit job in the middle of the night and have nothing else to do. I found a different bar and spent all that cash.

  By the time I got back to my friends house it was all I could do to collapse on the couch before I had a peaceful rest.

  I woke up the next morning with a slight headache, a monstrous need for food and drink, and a sense that my time in this town was about done. To be honest, as much as I liked Jack, this town was dull. What had happened last night was the highlight of my time here. It was this tiny little town with next to nothing to do. What I needed to do was find some way to get a bit of cash together so I can gas up and go, I’ve got another friend a couple hours away I can probably convince to let me stay, and he’s single and living in a big city so there’ll be plenty of work and plenty of women for me.

  I rolled off the couch and plodded over to the kitchen, which is where I was met with quite the sight.

  So like I said, Jack had moved away a while ago. You see he’d gone a little away from our hometown for college, just to this place like an hour or so away. While there he’d met a girl, and as someone does from time to time they had become serious.

  Now this girl was from a little town across the country from where Jack and I were from, and she was just in town for her college. Once she got her degree she had every intention of moving back home.

  So after school was finished Jack tags along like a little puppy, and they set up shop here in her hometown.

  Now I sound like I’m putting him down, and in a way I am because frankly I just don’t understand the idea of settling down that early when there is so much opportunity and talent out there.

  Partly though, I totally understand his motivation.

  His wife, oh dear god she was a knockout. Most women rate on a scale of 1-10 in my books. The woman from last night? Easy 10.

  That’s not to say it’s easy to make 10 for me, I’d just happened to be a bit lucky.

  Anyways most women rate 1-10 but every once in awhile there is an exception to the rule. Someone comes along who blows up the entire scale and messes it all up for everyone else.

  Jack's’ wife was that kind of woman. The kind of woman who put other women to shame. The kind of woman who made perfect 10s look like 5s.

  If you were to boil it down with a boring ordinary description she would sound in a lot of ways like that woman last night. Straight black hair, pale, milky skin, and full, perky breasts. There was nothing on her that didn’t exist on other women. No stand out part of her that you could point to and say that right there is the key.

  But there was something.

  Something in the way it was all put together and wrapped up. Something natural about her that was indefinable and unattainable for anyone except for her.

  Jessica. Her name was Jessica.

  She was extraordinary and I totally get why Jack fell for her, even if I can’t excuse him for it.

  She was in the kitchen when I walked in, wearing a pair of tight black yoga pants and a white tank top, nothing out of the ordinary and yet on her it looked like fancy evening wear. She had her back to me, staring idly out the window at the backyard, and so I took the opportunity to really get a good look at her before the inevitable happened.

  I had to fight the urge not to just reach out and grab her tight ass and give it a good squeeze.

  Shaking my head I thought to myself briefly how much of a shame it was, here I was showing restraint and I wasn’t going to get any credit for it. Instead I knew exactly what was going to happen.

  I crossed the room, opened the door to the fridge, and glanced in. From off to one side I heard a sigh.

  Jessica was not my biggest fan. I knew exactly what she thought of me, she thought I was an asshole and a freeloader. She wasn’t happy that I was crashing on her couch at all, let alone that I’d been there for a few weeks.

  But she knew that Jack liked me, that I was his friend, so rather than out and out fighting with me she was usually content to just silently ignore me. Like now, a single sigh and then she is just studiously staring out the window. She doesn’t even ac
knowledge that I’m here.

  Such a bitch.

  Still there was very little in this world I wouldn’t give to bend her over the counter and fuck her hard. Hell there was very little I wouldn’t give just to see her naked one time. Just to be able to grab that perfect ass in those yoga pants.


  I grabbed the milk out of the fridge and almost dropped it in surprise as she acknowledged me.

  “Oh, Adam, you’re up,” she says, with so much vitriol it’s a wonder she didn’t spit acid with the statement.

  I grabbed the box of cereal, a bowl and a spoon. I was always surprised that she called me by name and didn’t have some special swear word reserved for me. I responded with a simple, “Yeah.”

  As I sat at the table she continued the small talk while turning to look at me, “How was work last night?”

  “Not the best,” I said, pouring out cereal and milk, “I got fired.”

  “Oh,” she said without an ounce of sympathy, “Well that sucks. What did you do?”

  This is the crap I’m talking about. I dropped my spoon in my bowl and looked up at her, meeting her eyes. She has deep blue eyes that would ordinarily make a man speechless, but now I’m angry.

  “Nothing,” I said, “Why do you assume it was something I did?”

  Her brow furrows slightly as she gets a little pouty and I’ll be damned if that look doesn’t look amazing on her as well, “Well you got fired. Usually that means you did something. People aren’t generally fired for no reason.”

  “I just,” I said, “Nevermind.”

  I went back to my cereal.

  For a moment there there was silence, just the sound of crunching as I ate and the dead air between us.

  “When is Jack getting home?” I asked.

  “He’ll be home in just over an hour,” she replied.

  Then we lapsed into silence again.

  I finished my cereal as quickly as possible. Head down as she just stared at me. I didn’t want to look at her but I could feel her stare burning a hole in the top of my head. I wanted to get out of there, to go somewhere where I wouldn’t be judged quite as harshly for no good reason.

  As soon as I was done I pushed away from the table and went to leave the room.

  “Come on,” I heard her whine behind me, “Please clean up your bowl.”

  I stopped in the door, taking a deep breath to steady myself, “Fine.”

  I grumbled and turned back. Grabbing the bowl I made my way over to the sink. Head down I walked. I was afraid that if I made eye contact with her, if I saw the naked hatred she stared at me with, that I would say something I would regret.

  That is why I didn’t notice her until I was already upon her.

  We slammed into each other and with me stooped over as I was our heads collided.

  I remember a flash of pain and then the feeling of falling. Then a moment of darkness as we both fell to the floor.

  I’m pretty sure I wasn’t out for long, just a momentary flash and then I was back and registering myself sitting on my ass on the floor.

  I felt wet and cold, and staring down I saw that my entire chest was covered in milk.

  Oh man, I first thought to myself, I must have spilled that bowl all over my breasts.

  Wait, I though with realization slowly creeping in, what?

  I looked up and saw myself picking up the bowl. I watched my body as I stood and grumbled a half apology. My body made its way over to the sink, and from my position sprawled on the floor I watched it move with resignation.

  I shook my head slightly, blinking rapidly to try to fix this perspective shift.

  Nothing happened, I was still watching myself from the floor.

  From inside a different body.

  From inside Jessicas body?

  I felt my heart start to race, felt it pounding in my chest. Panicking and shaking I pulled myself up off the floor and darted out the room. I ran upstairs in a flurry, not stopping until I was standing in the master bedroom with the door closed.

  Jessica and Jack had a full length mirror in there, and I stared at myself in the reflection.

  Not myself.

  I stared at Jessica. I was in the body of my friends hot wife.

  What the hell?

  I raised my right hand and in the mirror the reflection followed suit. Hopping on one foot, spinning around, slapping my face. All of these movements the reflection mimicked. There was no doubt about it.

  This was weird.

  There was one thing. One ultimate test that would prove things once and for all. Prove that I wasn’t imagining this.

  I reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt.

  With a deep breath I pulled it up and over my head, tossing it to one side.

  Jessica was wearing a white sports bra underneath the tanktop, one that was just as soaking wet. So I peeled that off as well.

  In the mirror I saw unequivocal proof that I wasn’t crazy.

  Jessica's naked upper body was staring me in the face.

  She had a tight stomach, flat and lightly defined but with a good layer on it so that it didn’t seem too hard. Not washboard, feminine but fit. I barely even noticed that though, because all I could do was stare at her breasts.

  Her breasts were amazing. Bigger than a handful they stood out proudly from her chest without a hint of sag. They were perfect teardrops, not a blemish on the pale and milky skin. In the light of the room they shone with a slight sheen, the last remains of the spill from downstairs. Her nipples were medium sized, slightly puffy but not overly so. They stood proudly on the upturned tips of her breasts, a pale colour that faded into the rest of her skin. Her nipples were just starting to harden in the cool air of the room and I watched them with fascination.

  There was a flush to her skin, undoubtedly partly from the exertion of running upstairs and partly from the excitement of standing bare before my gaze.

  I hooked my hands into the waistband of her tight black yoga pants and drew them down over her thighs.

  Her smooth, pale, and flawless skin continued on her bottom half. Her calves tapered down perfectly to her dainty feet. Her thighs were pale and toned, she was obviously not a stranger to cardio. There was a gap, just a slight one but obviously present, between her thighs and it led all the way up to the space between her legs.

  She was shaved perfectly smooth, and the flawless lips of her pussy were puffy and sleek. There was a slight sheen on them, and the flush of her skin left a slight reddening between her legs.

  She was naked, fully naked in front of me.

  I took a deep breath and her reflection did the same. There was no doubt in my mind, somehow I had wound up in the body of my friends hot wife.

  With a mischievous smile forming over my face I knew exactly what I had to do next.

  I fell back onto the bed with a blissful sigh, watching as Jessica’s pillowy breasts bounced and jiggled with the movement. I stretched languidly like a cat, feeling all of her muscles pull and relax as I closed my eyes and let out a breath of contentment.

  The tips of my fingers played lightly across her tight belly. With my eyes closed I felt the pull of the skin as I pressed in and pushed against the hard muscle just under the cushion.

  Both hands drew up her stomach, over the hard crest of her ribs as they danced at the sides of her breasts. I felt the firm flesh of her bountiful bosom, and my hands moved quickly to grasp them fully.

  The sensation was amazing.

  At first I didn’t know what was better, the feeling of touching those perfect orbs or the feeling of those perfect orbs being touched. The debate was quickly settled after my fingers found her nipples and pinched. The shock of pleasure went through her body and I heard her unconsciously mewl with arousal.

  Biting her lip, her right hand slid down between her legs.

  I felt the slick wetness of her sex, the dew of her arousal just barely coating the outside of her lips. My fingertips dipped just below her folds, parting th
em to play in the wetness inside.

  My god she was turned on.

  She was soaking wet and I coated my fingers in that wetness. Drawing them out I played up and down her lips once, twice, three times before pausing at the top of her sex. I felt the nub of her clit, still hiding beneath its hood.

  My finger lightly flicked over it.

  The feel of that made her gasp out loud as the pleasure spread through her body. My back arched involuntarily on the bed as my head slumped to one side and I let out a low moan.

  I played again over her clit, strumming it like a tight string. It made my body vibrate again and again and again as my jaw trembled and my eyes flew open. I gasped loudly.

  My left hand left my breast and I pushed myself up to a sitting position.

  I had to see this.

  My eyes locked onto the mirror as I stared at the reflection.

  Jessica was staring back at me. Her face and upper chest were flushed, her mouth was open and she was almost panting with arousal. Her heaving breasts were full and her nipples were rock hard. I saw goosebumps breaking out all over her smooth, pale skin.

  Between her legs her hand was a blur as it played over her clit again and again and again. Her thighs were spread with and she was fully on display for me.


  My body.

  Flush with passion.

  I watched her lock eyes with me, and in that instant I had everything I ever wanted. Jessica, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, was staring at me with bare and unmasked need and arousal.

  Her pale blue eyes bored into me and I watched as a quiver ran through her body leaving her shaking in its wake. It spread through her like a shockwave and I saw her abdomen contract and then loosen.

  From deep within this borrowed body the fire of my strumming spread. It burned through my veins and ripped a long low moan from somewhere deep inside of me. I lost control of my hand, lost control of my body as I slumped to the bed and shook with arousal.

  Time and again and again it rocked over me, like a boat thrown in a storm, until it slowly ebbed. Bit by bit I came back down to earth, control returning once again over this foreign body.

  “My god,” I heard Jessica's lilting voice on the air, “I’ve never felt anything like that before.”


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