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A Second Chance at Love

Page 8

by Max Hudson

  We fell asleep tangled together, our bodies covered in sweat. For all of his brutality, he was a generous lover, ensuring that I came before he did. By the time he was through, every inch of my body felt raw. I’d allowed myself to be consumed in the lust that sprung up between us, and I had no regrets.

  Chapter Twelve

  I woke up on Daniel’s chest and fought with an overwhelming sense of deja vu. Only the familiarity of my home and the large tattoos etched into his flawless golden skin kept me from believing that I’d traveled ten years into the past. Once again I was covered in red and pink marks, naked, feeling sore and delicious and wonderfully loved over.

  I didn’t dare ,move. I just laid there and watched his sleeping face, listening to his breathing. As the sun rose higher into the sky, I decided to snag my phone from the floor and capture the moment. I held the phone aloft and snapped a quick picture of me draped across his perfect chest and his gorgeous sleeping face on my pillow. I wore a cheeky smile and half a dozen love bites on my neck.

  “I hope you got my good side,” he said.

  “How long have you been awake?”

  “Long enough to know that you giggle in your sleep.”

  “I do not!” I pinched him hard before attempting to hoist myself up off of his chest. He wasn’t amenable to that idea, choosing instead to pull me down hard against him and turn over, wrapping me in a cocoon of muscles and smooth skin. I pretended to struggle for a minute before accepting my fate and snuggling deeper into his embrace.

  “This is nice,” his deep voice rumbled under my ear. I nodded.

  After several more minutes like that, he sighed and reluctantly rolled back onto his back.

  “I have a meeting this evening.”


  “I want you to come. It’s with a lifestyle network guy. It’s not really a meeting as much as it’s an event, but he wants to see me there and do some introductions.”

  “Why do I need to come along?”

  “It was your work that got his attention. The videos you guys produced caught his eye and now he’s talking about doing a project for his network. You have to come. We might even be able to get you guys a few gigs with some of his other talents.”

  “Okay, so why don’t you sound excited?”

  He turned over to look at me, resting his arm across one knee and looking down at me.

  “How do I introduce you?”

  “Mischa Vee.”

  “Right, Mischa Vee, the producer, and my boyfriend?”

  “I usually just stop with my name,” I chuckled.

  He nodded as if I’d just given him some deep wisdom.

  “Then what about PDA’s?”

  “Public displays? Were you planning on putting on a sex show during cocktails?” I chuckled.

  “I’m serious. What are the rules here? Can I hold your hand in public? If somebody asks, do I tell them that we’re a couple? It’s a little early. On one hand I want to give us some time to get solid, but on the other hand, I don’t want to hide. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed,” his eyebrows crumpled together as he spoke and his voice got increasingly deep as he increased his intensity. He’d obviously been thinking about this for a while.

  It was sweet and earnest and wonderfully transparent.

  “Is this what radical honesty looks like?”

  “You asked for it? Can’t handle it?”

  “First thing in the morning?”

  “It’s nearly noon.”

  “Ugh,” I finally sat up and looked him in the eye. “What are you afraid of? Are you afraid I’ll be disappointed or that others won’t know what to make of us?”

  “I don’t care who knows, but I don’t want to ruin this.”

  I kissed him lightly and rested my forehead on his chin.

  “Holding hands is okay and if anybody asks you can tell them we’re dating, but there’s no need to introduce me as your boyfriend. It still sounds weird, even to me.”

  He tilted my chin up so that we were nearly eye to eye.

  “Does it?” He gave me a heated look, making me blush all over without laying a finger on my skin.

  “It does.” I scooted away from the heat radiating off of his body but he just smirked and leaned forward.

  “Then how should I call you? Baby? Sweety? Honey?”

  His breath tickled my skin and despite the cringe-worthy nature of his teasing, I found myself smiling. “Mischa is fine.”

  “Is it?” His hand shot under the blanket and grabbed my thigh.


  “Ooh, I love it when you call my name. Say it again.” He slid his hand up higher, the back of his hand grazing my balls and sending a renewed surge of heat through my body. Despite our best efforts the night before, it seemed, my body wasn’t completely drained.

  I pushed against his chest. “Let me get up and shower. We need to change the sheets as well.”

  He pulled me back to him and wrapped a heavy arm around my shoulders.

  “Why bother when we’re just going to make them dirty again.”

  “Pervert! We both have work to do.”

  “Work can wait, but I can’t,” he pulled me in tighter and let me feel his burning rod against my back. “How am I supposed to concentrate at work with this, huh?”

  “You’re a grown-up, handle it yourself,” I squirmed trying to get away from his grip, but that only ended up leaving us both aroused and breathless. After several minutes of tumbling around, he finally pinned me beneath his muscular body and rubbed his cock against my ass cheek suggestively.

  “See?” he said in my ear. “You made it worse. Shouldn’t you take responsibility?”

  His hand slipped between my chest and the mattress, locating my nipples and rubbing them between his fingers. I was disarmed in seconds, unable to put up a fight but unwilling to concede defeat.

  “Fuck you,” I moaned.

  “Fuck me? Apparently, you think that I’ve gone soft over the years. Let me tell you something,” he ground his hips down harder, slipping his cock into the crevice between my cheeks. “Just because I’ve evolved doesn’t mean I’m soft. My bite is just as sharp as it always was.”

  He bit my shoulder for emphasis and I nearly came.

  “Lucky for you I have a soft spot where you are concerned. If anybody else had tempted me the way you do, I would’ve fucked them to death by now.”

  He rolled off of me and stood up, watching me with his hands on his hips and his chest heaving. His cock stood aloof from his body, proudly pulsing in the air. I was reluctant to turn over, instead, I buried my face in the mattress and tried to slow my breathing down, hoping that my erection would begin to ease as I got centered.

  “Since you insist on showering, we might as well do it together,” he said impatiently.

  I turned my head and peeked at him from over my shoulder. Goddammit, he was such a fine fucking specimen. His dark, broody good looks, tribal tattoos, and rugged muscles were an invitation for every secret desire to come bubbling to the surface. And now he was calling me to go shower with him? I wasn’t foolish enough to turn that down.

  I jumped up from the bed and tried to walk confidently into the bathroom. I did my best to stay out of his reach but was unsuccessful in the end. He caught me up against his body and invaded my mouth. Our cocks pressed against each other; the friction was like a tempest building between us. The more I felt, the more I wanted. Our legs crossed as we made our way into the bathroom.

  Daniel held me tighter as he leaned over to turn on the shower and adjust the water temperature. With both of his hands full I took advantage and bit his ears, sucking on the lobes and running my tongue along the sensitive skin. He growled low in his chest but didn’t push me away. He stood up abruptly and pulled me into the hot water with a sudden jolt. My feet nearly left the ground when I decided to go with it and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  Using my arms to hoist myself up on his large body, I buried my fingers
in his hair and looked down at his wet face. There was the sexy boy from my memory, but also the painful scars and soft lines from all of the years we missed. Maturity had grown into his face and I had missed it all. Something in me was determined not to miss anything else. I snagged the body wash from the shower caddy and worked up a good lather on his skin, letting my fingers explore his chest, back, and dip lower.

  I jumped as my back made contact with the cold tile of the shower wall. He pressed me hard against the wall and then pried my thighs from around his waist. He spread my legs, pressing under my knees so that I was left open to his view.

  He licked his lips, devouring me with his eyes. I fisted my cock, giving him a show as I used my soapy palm to pleasure myself. He stared with rapt attention, powerless to do anything other than watch.

  “Rub yourself right there,” he said softly. I didn’t have to guess where “there” was. I slipped a hand between my legs and rubbed the tips of my fingers along the tight rosebud he was staring at.

  “Like this?”

  “More,” he grunted. I obeyed, slipping the tip of my finger into the hole as I stroked my cock. I let my moans echo off the walls, uninhibited. The longer he watched, the more I wanted to show him. Finally, my legs began to shake as I began that inevitable descent into a realm of absolute pleasure.

  “Oh, Daniel, oh please! Oh shit!” I begged and yelled as I came hard, my whole body spasming as hot jets of thick fluid shot from my body. Daniel watched with an intensity that made me a little afraid for my well-being.

  He slowly released me, keeping a hand on my body until it was clear that I could stand on my shaky legs. He grabbed the showerhead and helped me to wash my body clean. The whole time his thick cock didn’t soften in the least bit. I turned my attention to him, using the excuse of washing him to run my hands all over his body. He closed his eyes and let his head loll back.

  “You can’t help yourself, can you?”

  I looked up at his face and smiled innocently. “Can’t help what?”

  “You can’t seem to avoid playing with fire.”

  I palmed his cock and stroked it slowly, increasing the pressure as I reached the tip.

  “What do you mean?” I showed him another innocent face and smiled.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he grabbed me and spun me around so that his cock was against my back.

  “Warn me?”

  “Still playing innocent?” he whispered in my ear, gripping my nipples roughly. I arched my back into the torturous sensation, rubbing my ass against his cock. “I’m going to fuck you until you love me.”

  I was tempted to tell him he’s already accomplished that task, many years ago, but I wasn’t foolish enough to prolong my won pleasure just to sound clever. Instead, I bent at the waist, bracing myself with my hands on the wall. He lightly slapped my ass, smoothing over the chastened skin with his other hand.

  “When did you become such a slut?” He pressed the head of his cock against my tight entrance. “I guess I will have to work hard to keep you satisfied. I don’t want you showing this sight to anybody else.”

  Before I had a chance to respond he pressed hard, invading my body with his soapy cock. After the previous night, my body was more prepared for the invasion. After just a few strokes he had pushed deep into my body. He grabbed my soft cock and began to stroke it mercilessly.

  I moaned and cried out as he pounded into my body. He was relentless, his fingers bit into my flesh. He kept driving his hips into my body until the sound of our heavy breathing and helpless moans ricocheted off of the walls in a syncopated rhythm.

  Daniel drove his hips forward one last time and then shuddered as he came inside me. If it was anybody else, I would feel disgusted, tainted, and wrong. Daniel planted his feet and pulled me hard against his chest, cradling me gently. I could still feel his muscles shaking as they recovered from the strain.

  “Somehow I don’t think I’m clean,” I said softly.

  “You want another shower?”

  “With you?” I looked at him skeptically and frowned.

  He chuckled and planted a kiss on my neck.

  “Let's hurry up and get dressed. I’m starving.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “The food here sucks, why do people eat here?”

  Daniel snorted softly.

  “There are only two reasons for a place like this to exist; the food or the company,” he said.

  “The company?”

  “Look around,” he glanced around the room. It was full of people dressed to impress. Some faces I could vaguely recollect, but for the most part, they were all strangers to me. I looked up at Daniel and shook my head.

  “Everybody here has a list of credits to their name that can make or break a career. They aren’t A-list celebrities yet, but they know people. They can get you a meeting, help greenlight your project, or have your agent receive a very important phone call.”

  “So it’s like a room full of assistants?”

  He smacked the back of my head playfully.

  “You really know how to suck the wind out of people’s sails, you know that?”

  “Suck what?” I turned my head toward him. “Say it again, I didn’t catch that last part.”

  He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Don’t tempt me.”

  I took another sip from the cup in my hand and smiled sweetly. I wasn’t above poking a bear, but this was neither the time nor the place. I followed Daniel around the place, saying hello to the people he knew and handing out my business card like candy. I smiled and shook hands with dozens of people, most of whom were in some way associated with some of the biggest and most successful projects in the last five years. Daniel was right, these weren’t the A-listers, but they might as well be.

  Finally, we were stopped by a sweaty, stout man who’d obviously had too many drinks. His red nose and obnoxiously loud voice were as offensive as his heavy gold jewelry, but Daniel embraced the man warmly so I resisted the urge to gag and gave him a smile.

  “Bosco, I’d like to introduce you to the producer behind all of those videos you like so much. He’s really the mastermind behind it all,” Daniel gushed.

  “Mischa Vee,” I said, offering my hand.

  “Oh, so you are Mischa!” he ignored my hand and instead grabbed my chin and turned my face from side to side. “You’re on the wrong side of the camera, boy!”

  “I told you he’s a looker,” Daniel said proudly.

  “And he obviously knows his shit. I know good production value when I see it. It’s exactly the kind of look I want to bring to his new show.”

  “New show?” I nearly choked on my drink.

  “Yeah, didn’t Dan tell you? We are putting together a new show on our network for Dan the Man. The branding is solid, and we’ve got some talented people putting it together,” he said, only slurring once or twice. “If everything goes well, your boy here will be the host of a weekly show.”

  Dan looked down at his feet, his color changing slightly. He clearly wasn’t as used to having other people talk about his accomplishments as I would have expected.

  “That sounds about right; I shouldn’t even be surprised by him anymore,” I patted his back softly. He nearly jumped out of his skin and then returned fire with a heated glare.

  We made small talk for a while longer; Bosco, like most people in media, had a gift for making everything seem grander and more original than it really was. Even drunk, he was still incredibly lucid and infectious. By the time we walked away even I was convinced that Daniel would be the next Oprah.

  “With him on your side, the future looks bright,” I said.

  “And settled.”

  “Ready to settle down already, old man.”

  “No. But there’s this guy who I want to share a few adventures with. Unfortunately he owns a company and has a real office and everything,” he said.

  “Sounds boring. Dump him and come home with me.”

  We shared
one of those smiles that made me sick when it was on Jeremy and his Daniel. One of those “what would I do without you” smiles. As soon as I realized what we were doing I pulled back. I knew I’d told Daniel that there was no reason for us to hide, but there was no reason for us to broadcast either. In some ways, the world was a lot kinder than it was when I was a kid, but there were still bullies on the playground.

  “What’s wrong?” Daniel, the perceptive jerk, looked concerned.

  “Nothing, I just had a sour thought.”

  He looked skeptical but didn’t push. I let the issue drop and went to the bar to order myself another fruity drink. The food was shit but the drinks were great, so that made circulating a lot easier. Honestly, this scene was more of Faedra’s expertise. She knew how to look and sound interested without actually caring. She was great at making a great first impression and charming the pants off of anybody who had the misfortune of being caught in her crosshairs. I was busy missing her presence when I thought I saw a familiar face across the room.

  I did a double take, half hoping that I was hallucinating but very concerned that I might not be. My eyes zeroed in on the profile of a man standing too close to a woman whose dress left little to the imagination but whose body language made clear she was not interested. She rolled her eyes, turned on her heel and walked away quickly, leaving the stranger in the lurch. For a moment it looked like he was going to follow her, but thought better of it. He raked his fingers through his hair and looked around. That was when I got a good look at his face.

  I knew that face.

  Donovan Murphy.

  Jesus, what was he doing here? I’d heard he went to jail. I’d also heard that he died violently. Maybe it was just the wishful thinking of his victims. Donovan was the one guy I never had to deal with, and I was glad about that fact. If Daniel was trouble, Donovan was hell on earth. I’d heard he cornered one kid after school and held him prisoner for nearly three hours. There were a lot of whispers about what happened during that time but what I know for sure is that Donovan and the kid both stopped coming to school for two weeks. When Donovan got back he was tight-lipped about the incident, and the other kid…he changed schools.


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