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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

Page 9

by A K Michaels

  “My name’s Brendan and I’ve been told you might be able to help me.”

  “I’ve been expecting you,” the voice replied as several bolts were released and the door opened. “Come in quickly,” a small Asian man said.

  Brendan slipped inside, taking in the short man before him. He definitely didn’t look like someone who could be a threat, but Brendan knew never to take things at face value.

  “Come.” The man had re-bolted the door and motioned for Brendan to follow him into a small living room. “My name is Kuan Ti, but you can call me Kuan, and I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  Brendan’s gaze swept the room, focusing on the dimly lit and shadowed corners, for any threat. It appeared they were alone but he was still on high alert as the small man spoke again, “You’re safe here. Please, sit.”

  Kuan motioned to the table where two chairs sat on opposite sides of the scarred wood. Brendan crossed over the room and sat down. It was the first time he’d rested in over twenty four hours. He watched the much smaller man closely as he prepared what looked like tea in a decorative china teapot. Brendan couldn’t remember the last time he’d drank tea. He was a black coffee guy, the stronger the better.

  “We will not be interrupted.” Kuan placed the teapot on the table and then two matching cups. They were so small and delicate that Brendan thought he would break them in his large hands.

  “You said you were expecting me.”

  Kuan poured the tea, minus milk, and pushed the cup towards Brendan. “Drink, it’s herbal. It will soothe you and help you to rest.”

  Brendan looked at the cup. “I don’t need to rest. What I need are answers and information.”

  “Aaah, Brendan,” the old man sighed. “You do need rest. You have journeyed far to reach me and you will be my guest this evening. We can talk and then you can stay the night. You’ll need to gain your strength for what is ahead.”

  Brendan picked up the cup carefully, smelling the tea before taking a sip. “It’s good,” he admitted as he sipped again then set the cup back onto the table.

  “You are seeking information on the reason behind the Witch killings. I understand you have a vested interest in this matter.” Kuan sipped his own tea, looking at Brendan over the top of the china.

  “Yes.” Brendan fidgeted in the seat, wanting the man to get to the point. “What can you tell me?”

  “A lot.” The small man raised an eyebrow. “But I will try and tell you only those things that are pertinent to your quest.”

  “Carry on.” Brendan cocked his head to the side, weighing up the man before him. He wasn’t sure if the man had information or if he was yet another person who’d send him on a wild goose chase.

  “She is very important, Brendan. Neither of you know what she is, or her role in the grand scheme of things.”

  Brendan scowled over at the man and snarled, “Who?”

  Kuan raised his eyebrow again. “Your daughter, of course. Rose.”

  “How the fuck do you know I’ve a daughter? Or her name?”

  “Brendan.” Kuan put his cup down then placed his hands palm down on the table. “I am not your enemy. I’m what could be called a Mystic. I see what has gone before us and I see what is to come. Rose plays an important part in all of our futures. She is the one that the hunters have tried to find and kill.”

  Brendan hissed and a growl erupted from his throat. “I won’t let them harm her. I’ll die first.”

  “Yes, you would.” Kuan nodded. “First, I need to explain some of my talents. I see things that are possible. However, one minor detail could be changed and that would change the path of those involved.”

  “What does that even mean?” Brendan snapped, growing impatient.

  “Well, I could see a young woman about to cross a road. Her phone rings and she ignores it and carries on, tripping as she reaches the other side and only being saved from falling by the arms of a young man. She thanks him and they go for a coffee which leads them to going for dinner, falling in love, having children, and a long and happy life together.”

  Brendan shook his head in annoyance. “What’s that got to do with Rose?”

  “But,” Kuan carried on as if Brendan hadn’t spoken. “I also see that she stops to answer the ringing phone. Spending a few minutes to talk to a friend and then crosses the road. She trips, but, this time she falls to the ground as the young man had passed by moments before. She never gets caught in his arms, they don’t go for coffee and do not, in fact, meet at all. Love lost, all because she stopped to answer a call.”

  Brendan scowled again as the smaller man gazed off into space. “Then again, she trips a moment or two earlier, while still in front of vehicles and this time she is knocked down and killed. A myriad of different possibilities for one simple action of crossing the street.”

  Sighing in frustration Brendan shrugs. “I still don’t see what this has to do with Rose.”

  “I’ve seen her and she has many different futures.” He looked up at Brendan and his eyes were full of feeling. “Some are good and happy and others are not.”

  “Tell me,” Brendan ordered as his heart beat hard in his chest.

  “I cannot tell you all but I can give you guidance.” Kuan reached over the small table and patted Brendan’s arm.

  “Firstly, the so-called ‘legend’ of a Witch bringing death and destruction. The reason that has been given for them being hunted to almost extinction. This is wrong.” Kuan shook his head sadly. “She brings with her a freedom that the species have not encountered and it is because of this that some do not wish things to come to pass.”

  Brendan stood up abruptly, pacing back and forth. “Can you please stop talking in riddles?”

  “If she finds true-love, finds her one true-mate, then on their proclamation of their love something miraculous will happen.” Kuan gave a small smile. “Something that is meant to bring all species together and put them on what you could call, an even playing field. Vampires will be able to go out in the daylight, Wolves will all be able to morph on command. Human blood will no longer be able to be taken by force, if it is then it will be like poison to the blood-drinker. Wolves will no longer be able to escape with doing wrong, their Alpha will know if they do and be able to deal with them. Something similar to what the Vampires can do already. Most importantly, all species will be accountable for any crimes they commit against each other as the leaders of all come together to work to rebuild this shattered world.”

  Brendan stared open-mouthed as he tried to process what the man had said. “Are you sure?”

  Kuan shook his head. “No. That is only one outcome. If she is caught by the hunters then this will not happen. If she refuses to accept the man who has been chosen for her, then this will not happen. If she leaves where she is now, before finding out about this man, then this will not happen. There are too many variables that could affect things and change the outcome, Brendan. I speak to you in the hopes of you being able to help her to her rightful path.”

  “Fuck.” Brendan sat down, shaking his head in disbelief. “My little Rose is that powerful?”

  “Yes.” Kuan nodded. “But there is someone who will try and stop this. Someone who is a threat not only to Rose but to every living being in this world.”

  “Damn.” Brendan ran his fingers through his hair roughly. “You like to give a man a hard job, don’t you?”

  “I do not usually become involved. However, this affects us all and if the world is ever to obtain peace then we must make sure Rose fulfils her role.”

  “We?” Brendan frowned down at the old man.

  “Yes, we.” Kuan shrugged. “I’m afraid I’m not leaving this burden only to you, Brendan. I’m leaving with you in the morning.”

  “What?” Brendan stood again, shocked. “No, you’re not. I don’t mean to sound unkind but you’re old and won’t be able to withstand my pace. I have a motorbike stashed a few streets away and once I leave I’ll only be stopping when I can’t
carry on.”

  “I assure you, Wolf, I’m much stronger than I look.”

  “I work alone or with people I know and trust.” Brendan shook his head furiously. “Sorry, Kuan, but neither of those are you.”

  “I understand your reluctance but I am going with you. You need to know that no matter what you say, or try to do, that I will be with you on this journey.”

  Brendan growled, the rumble starting in his massive chest and making its way up and out of his throat. “What’s that supposed to mean? What I try to do.”

  “You’re thinking you’ll pretend to go to sleep and as soon as I am, then you’ll leave.” Kuan looked calmly up at him, causing goosebumps to rise on Brendan’s skin. “Or, you’ll try and knock me out and then leave, or . . .”

  Brendan huffed. “Okay, okay, I get it. You can obviously see where my thinking is going but that doesn’t mean you’re coming with me.”

  Turning quickly, using his Wolf speed, Brendan raced towards the door he’d come in. As his hand reached for the bolts, he was stunned when Kuan’s hand covered his. The strength in the man’s grip was even more surprising as Brendan reached with his other hand to try and remove it. Kuan held on, tightening his grasp as pain lanced through Brendan’s hand and wrist.

  “I told you, Wolf, I’m not what you expect when you look at me.” Kuan removed his grip, smiling up at Brendan. “I am going with you so please stop this nonsense.”

  Brendan stared hard at the man as he looked up at him. “If you do anything, and I mean anything, to put my daughter in danger then I won’t think twice. I’ll end you.”

  “I assure you my intentions are pure.” Kuan walked back through to the living room. “You’re a Wolf, Brendan, use those abilities of yours and see if you can find any deceit within me. I guarantee you I am on your side and I think there’s going to be a moment in time when my assistance is going to be crucial.”

  Brendan did as the man suggested, sending his power out to seek out any lies. He saw none. “Very well, you can come. But it won’t just be us two.”

  “Yes, I know.” Kuan gave a knowing smile. “Her savior, Seth, will be joining us.”

  “How the hell . . .” Brendan stopped, shaking his head. “Never mind.”

  He pulled his sat phone out and pressed speed dial two. “I’ve a call to make.”

  “Yes, you do,” Kuan replied as he left the living room. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  The call was answered almost immediately. “Brendan, what’s wrong?”

  Seth’s voice was clipped as he answered, knowing Brendan only called him for urgent matters. “Seth, we’ve got something we need to do. It’s to do with Rose.”

  Seth interrupted, “I’m on my way to her location now but it’ll take me several days. She’s in Manhattan.”

  “Fuck.” Brendan’s jaw tightened. “I’ll meet you as soon as I can get there.”

  “What’s up?” Seth asked, worry clear in his voice.

  “You wouldn’t fucking believe me if I told you. Best that I tell you when we meet.”

  Seth sighed and swore under his breath before replying, “Okay, I’ll see you soon, Brendan. Take care and travel safe, my friend.”

  “Always do,” Brendan said then hung up the call, his mind in turmoil with everything the small Chinese man had revealed. He would do anything, absolutely anything, to ensure his daughter’s safety. He’d take out anyone, or anything, that stood in his way.

  Rose heard voices but they seemed far away and muted as she tried to open her eyes. Her head pounded and her lips felt dry and cracked as her tongue darted out to try and moisten them. It didn’t seem to help as her tongue appeared to be just as dry. Forcing her eyelids to lift she was instantly confused. A load of medical paraphernalia was the first thing she saw and she wondered where the fuck she was.

  A hospital? Hell, there were no hospitals.

  She could hear a conversation nearby and tried to concentrate on the words. Someone was giving some kind of report. “I can’t say for sure. I’m sorry but she has a severe concussion with a small bleed inside her skull. I can’t operate on her, Mr. Allarde. I’m not qualified for that sort of surgery. I’m not even sure if there’s anyone left that could do it safely.”

  “You’re a doctor and one I’d been led to believe was a surgeon.”

  She recognized the second voice and for no reason the sides of her mouth tugged upwards.

  “Yes, and yes, but I was a heart surgeon. I’ve never operated on a brain before. If I do something wrong she could die.”

  “For fuck sake!”

  Allarde sounded pissed and she heard the distinct sound of something smashing.

  “I’m sorry.” The other man’s voice sounded scared.

  “Is there any way to find out if there’s someone that can do the procedure?” Allarde’s tone was clipped as he spoke and she realized she liked hearing his voice, even if he did still sound angry. Her muddled brain knew that was wrong. He was her target for goodness sake. She’d come here for one thing and one thing only: kill Cassius Allarde.

  The stranger’s voice muttered, “Possibly, I’m not sure.”

  “That’s not a fucking answer,” Allarde shouted and she decided she’d try and save the other man from any more grief.

  “Hello.” She tried to shout and was more than a little surprised it came out as barely a whimper.

  She fought to get up into a sitting position but stopped when her head pounded even more. Nausea gripped her stomach and she stayed still, not wanting to vomit again. Jeez, she’d puked more in the last day than she had in years. Raising a hand to her face she felt her head, cold and clammy, equaled not good. Shit.

  “You’re awake.” Allarde’s voice broke into her consciousness. “How are you feeling?”

  She gave him a small smile. “Where am I and I’ll apologize now in case I puked on your nice carpet.”

  His hand waved away her words. “Don’t worry about it. Please.” He sat down next to her. “Don’t try and move. You’ve got a bad head injury.”

  “Really?” Rose asked as she watched him stare hard at her, his gaze intense and strangely comforting.

  “Yes.” He reached for a small bottle of water, opening it and placing a straw inside. “Here, have a few sips.”

  “Thanks.” She gratefully sucked on the straw to get the beautiful liquid into her painfully dry mouth.

  “You’ve been out for almost three days.” Allarde pulled the straw from her mouth and she almost groaned at the loss. “Just a little right now, until we see if you can keep it down.”

  “What?” She frowned. “Did you say I’ve been in this bed for three days?”

  “Yes. You’re in my bed.”

  She looked around, saw the luxurious room which was now littered with a dozen different medical machines. “What’s all this?”

  “Everything we could get our hands on. Luckily they work because we have power, so the doctor has been able to monitor you but he says you have an injury inside which needs to heal.”

  “Fuck.” Rose swore, if she could use her magic she could heal herself. Obviously that wasn’t an option open to her.

  “From what I can gather it’s serious, Marie.” Allarde reached over, patting her hand. “I’m sorry. This was my fault. I should’ve dealt with that tribe of Fairies weeks ago but they seemed peaceful. Well, as peaceful as Fairies can be.”

  Rose frowned, his words not making sense. “What’re you talking about?”

  “The person who attacked you.” His face hardened and he looked very angry as he carried on. “Their leader has denied it was one of their tribe but his words are meaningless. I saw it for myself.”

  “Wait.” Rose fought to get the words out, her brain all jumbled up and her voice sounding weak. “It wasn’t a Fairy.”

  “Yes.” Allarde nodded. “It was. I saw it clearly.”

  “No.” Rose reached for his hand as she thought on the repercussions of his delusion. “It wasn’t. It
looked like one, but I know them. I’ve trained with them and that thing only looked like a Fairy. It wasn’t.”

  “Are you sure?” Allarde looked at her as if she was talking nonsense.

  “I’m sure.” She tried to move again and nausea overtook her again, her hand flying to her mouth.

  Allarde grabbed a bowl and held her head as she vomited the small amount of precious water she’d drank only moments before. “Fuck.” He swore as her head began to spin furiously.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Allarde,” she croaked out, wondering how many times this man would see her puke.

  “Cassius, call me Cassius and you have nothing to be sorry for.” His eyes met hers and he smiled for a moment before scowling again. “I fucking wish I could get my hands on a Witch.”

  Rose recoiled as he placed her head gently back onto the pillow. “Pardon?” she whispered, terrified of his answer.

  “If I could find a Witch, then they could heal you.” He gave her a small smile again. “But I’m afraid I’ve tried already and I’ve come up with nothing. None are to be found and anyone that knows of any still alive are most definitely not talking.”

  “I see.” She tried to focus on his body language to see if his intentions were good, or not. “I suppose folks would be scared to admit knowing one. It’s not good for your health if you do.”

  “I know.” Cassius held his hands up as he shrugged. “It’s hellish what’s gone on. One of my closest friends was a Witch.”

  “Was?” she asked, knowing the probable answer.

  “Yes.” His eyes clouded over and she was certain it was pain she saw within them. “He was like a brother to me but I got word a few months ago that he’d been caught in Europe and well, I guess you know the rest.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, looking at him with new eyes. “So you’ve never hunted Witches?”

  “What?” His look was shocked and more than a little indignant. “Of course not. What kind of man do you think I am?”


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