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The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies: Book 1 in this suspenseful, action filled, and sizzling paranormal romance.

Page 10

by A K Michaels

  Rose didn’t reply straight away and when she did she was cautious. “I’m not sure. I’ve heard stories, but to be honest, you don’t appear to be the person that’s in those stories.”

  “I’m not a monster.” Cassius shook his head slowly. “I admit I can be a little intense and I carry out punishment to those that do wrong, but, I would like to think that I’m fair. I only want to try and sort out this mess we’re all living in. I don’t believe this nonsense about a Witch bringing death and destruction to the world. Fuck, we’ve done that all by ourselves. Instead of fighting each other we should be working together.”

  “That’s a tall order,” she murmured, suddenly sleepy. She struggled to focus as she fought to stay awake.

  “You need to rest.” He stood and smiled down at her. “I’m going to continue the hunt for a Witch that I can then try and bribe to come and heal you. Wish me luck.”

  She thought she mumbled just before sleep took her. “You don’t need it.”

  Rose heard his voice faintly as she slipped deeper into darkness. “Val! Val! We made a mistake. It wasn’t a Fairy so we need to mend some bridges with their leader.”

  “Good,” Rose thought as she lost the struggle to stay awake and finally sank into darkness.

  Valentine stood with hands on hips as Cassius returned to the living area. “What did you say?”

  “She says she knows Fairies, has trained with them, whatever the hell that means.” Cassius ran a hand over his face as he paced back and forth. “Marie says that the thing that attacked her was definitely not a Fairy but was made to look like one. We need to sort this before it escalates.”

  “Fucking hell.” Val scowled. “No wonder they were so angry. I’ll deal with it. You’ve got enough on your plate.”

  “What about our hunt for a Witch? Any luck with that?”

  Val shook his head. “No. I’ve put out the word that you need one to heal someone and that you’ll pay handsomely for their services. But let’s be honest, boss, who’s gonna take the chance of admitting they’re a Witch? I don’t think we’ll find one unless it’s someone who knows about one and just wants to make some fast bucks.”

  “There must be one somewhere.” Cassius’ face rippled with anger as he strode over to the window, staring out over Central Park. “Surely they’re not all gone. What a fucking world we’re living in if we’ve made extinct an entire sentient species.”

  Valentine walked up behind him, patted his shoulder. “I know. You still miss him, don’t you?”

  Cassius nodded grimly. “Every fucking day. We may not have been in touch every day, but hell, I knew he was out there. Now I know he’s not, it eats away at me. Do you have any new information on the hunters that took him?”

  Cassius turned to stare at Valentine. “Well?”

  Val shrugged. “Maybe, nothing concrete yet but as soon as I do I’ll let you know.”

  “Whatever it takes, Valentine. I want them here, before me, as soon as you find them.”

  “Hey,” Valentine shook his head. “I’ll find them. You know I will, and I’ll get them here as soon as I can but I’m no magician. I can’t just make them appear here.”

  “You have access to the jet, use it.” Cassius’ voice hard as he turned away to look out the window once more. “I need to look those fucks in the eye when I end them.”

  “You will, boss.” Valentine turned away. “I’m going to contact some more people to see if I can get my hands on a Witch.”

  “Make sure they know I won’t harm them.” Cassius turned to look at his friend. “I want it known throughout the whole fucking world that I don’t agree with these hunts and the nonsense about Witches. In fact, what if we put it out there that this is a safe haven for them? Do you think that would help?”

  Valentine stared at Cassius and stayed silent for a moment before shrugging. “Shit, boss, if you do that you’re gonna have even more enemies than you do now.”

  “I don’t care,” Cassius said firmly, his jaw tense and eyes fiery with resolve. “Someone needs to make a stand and I’m going to be the first. Get it out there, Valentine.”

  “Sure.” Val shook his head. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “What I’m doing is letting everyone know that here in my domain everyone, whatever species, is safe. If we need to fight to get our point across then so be it.”

  “I’ll double the guards. Just in case there’s any fallout from this.” Valentine turned to leave, stopping at the door before turning back. “I’m with you, boss, you know that, but there’s many who don’t agree with you on this. You need to be careful.”

  “I’m always careful.” Cassius grinned as Valentine snorted.

  “Yeah, sure you are.”

  Cassius sighed heavily as he thought on the young woman lying in his bed. If he didn’t find someone with magical powers then she may very well die. That wasn’t something he could let happen. She should’ve been safe and yet she’d been attacked less than a hundred yards from his front door. Something just didn’t add up and he needed to get to the bottom of that. As soon as possible.

  A cough brought his attention back to the man standing in a corner looking very uneasy. “Sorry, Doctor. So, can you see if you can find someone a little more experienced in this type of injury?”

  “Yes. Of course. I’ve got a couple of contacts I can try and speak to.”

  “Good.” Cassius sat down in his favorite armchair, stretching his legs out in front of him and trying to relax his tense muscles. “Let me know how you get on. But, Doctor, time is of the essence.”

  “I know.” The man nodded before escaping quickly.

  Once he was alone he tugged out his phone, glad that he and his close associates could keep in touch via the satellites sent up into space decades before. He hadn’t been able to reach Valeria in the past two days and hoped she was now within an area that had coverage. The call connected and he sighed in relief as he heard it ringing several times before she answered. “Good evening, Cassius.”

  “Nice to hear your voice, Valeria, I’ve been trying to get you for a couple of days.”

  “I’m sorry.” Valeria’s soft voice tinkled down the line. “I’ve been travelling to source some items for the Ball. Unfortunately, some of the areas do not appear to have any signal. So, my intense friend, what can I do for you?”

  “We’ve had this discussion before but I’d like to give you a heads up before the gossips get to you.” Cassius took a deep breath. “I’m letting it be known that I don’t agree with the hunting of Witches.”

  He paused, knowing his friend well and she didn’t disappoint, butting in, “You will make some enemies, Cassius. But, of course, you are well aware of that. Aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” Cassius bit the bullet and carried on, “That’s not all. I’m putting it out there that Witches will be safe here. In fact, I’m actively seeking a Witch right now. I have a young woman who’s been injured and she needs a Witch to heal her. If not then she may die and as she was attacked right outside my home I feel responsible.”

  “My dear Cassius, you are too kind for your own good sometimes.” Valeria laughed softly for a moment. “But, as always, I’m in your corner. You know if there’s any throats needing ripped out then I’m your gal.”

  Cassius grinned. “I sure do know that. You are one of the most beautiful women I know as well as being one of the deadliest. I appreciate the support and if you get a bead on a Witch then please let me know.”

  “I’ll put some feelers out for you, honey. Leave it with me.”

  “Again, thank you.” Cassius was just about to say goodbye when she added.

  “I would like to offer you some of my men.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Not my men, but my guards. I think you should have as many as you can get your hands on right now.”

  “That’s a good idea. Send them over and I’ll get them settled.” Cassius sighed. “I think there may be a few fights over this and my stance on un
iting the species. Best to have as many guards as possible.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Valeria replied seriously. “We need to unite on this, Cassius. Together we’ll be unstoppable.”

  “I hope so, Valeria.” Cassius let out a long breath. “At times I wonder if it will be possible but then I think on the alternative and my resolve hardens. There is no future for any of us if we don’t make this work.”

  “We can do this. Don’t ever think we cannot.”

  “You always know how to get me back on track.”

  Valeria’s laughter tinkled in his ear as she purred, “Now, if only you were my soul-mate then everything would be perfect.”

  Cassius knew she had feelings for him but he’d always thought on her as a sister. Not once in the hundreds of years had a lustful thought about Valeria entered his head. He also knew it upset her. “I’m sorry.”

  “Nothing to apologize for, Cassius,” she said graciously as his thoughts wandered to the injured woman in his bed.

  “I need to go and check on the patient. Let me know if you can get your hands on someone that can help her.”

  “I will and I’ll see you in about a week. I’ve some other items to source for the Ball but I’m hoping to have them in my hands soon.”

  “Okay, see you soon. Oh, Valeria, take care out there.”

  Her laughter was a little cold this time. “Anyone stupid enough to get in my way will soon find out I am most definitely not the lady I portray. Take care, Cassius, and watch your back.”

  “Same with you. Goodbye for now.” Cassius hung up and thought on everything he wanted to achieve. Knowing his path was a dangerous one but also knowing he had to do it. Nothing was going to stop him from, hopefully, bringing the species together and forging a better world for them all.

  Brendan kept his speed as fast as was safe as they made their way towards New York. He’d been surprised at the way Kuan had coped with the grueling journey so far, and the pace he’d set. Only stopping when absolutely necessary and mostly at the side of a deserted highway. On the few occasions they’d spent some rest time within a building, Kuan had muttered under his breath and assured Brendan that they would be safe.

  The first time Brendan had refused to rest, keeping watch for hours. When he’d heard the approach of some undesirables he almost morphed in case he had to take them on. He watched the very tough looking gang as they stopped right outside the building they were in. Vampires. His eyes locking with the leader as his adrenaline kicked in, readying him for the fight he was certain to come.

  However, it appeared the man didn’t see him, and Brendan shook his head slightly to see if the movement would catch the Vamp’s attention. Why he did that he wasn’t sure, because it was a certain way to have them attack. But, the man didn’t flinch as he continued to stare through the broken wooden slats of the window where Brendan stood. As if he was invisible.

  If the man’s sight was compromised then surely he’d scent him. Brendan was certain that these were Vamps and they should’ve been able to scent him from streets away. But, again, nothing, no sign that they knew he or Kuan were there.

  Brendan had been shocked and turned to see Kuan sitting up and smiling benignly. When he’d questioned the man, he’d only repeated that they were safe and that Brendan should rest. Very weird indeed and Brendan had looked on the Chinese man differently from that moment on.

  He had power, but what and how much, Brendan had no clue.

  He’d checked in with Seth who’d said he was about three days away from Manhattan and Brendan thought they were about the same. With the pace he’d set they’d made up a lot of time but when they got there he knew he’d need to rest for a full day to regain his strength. His body protesting at the way he was pushing it as his Wolf howled in complaint at not being let loose. He was one of the fortunate Wolves who could morph at any time of the month. Not ruled by the Moon’s cycle, but it also meant his beast liked to roam free every few days and they just didn’t have the time to stop and allow it its freedom.

  Well, it’d just have to bide its time and wait until they reached their destination. He wasn’t stopping for anything other than enforced rest. Even those were only short periods of napping before he urged Kuan back onto the bike and he sped off again. So far, not once had the old man complained. Good. Because if he did Brendan had every intention of leaving him behind.

  His one, his only thought was to get to his daughter as quickly as possible and nothing would stand in his way. Nothing.

  Rose slowly came awake, her head feeling even worse and her comprehension that something really wrong was going on within her. She couldn’t think straight, her thoughts jumbled and making no sense as she fought to clear the fog. It was dark outside and the room was dimly lit by a lamp in the corner. Her mouth felt bone dry and her lips cracked and sore. As she tried to move she realized something was in her hand. She looked down to see a needle inserted on the back of it, taped on and a thin tube snaking away upwards to a plastic bag full of liquid.

  Panic flared inside as she looked at it, not understanding what it was or what was being forced inside her body. A small moan escaped her as she tried to remove the tape holding the needle in place. Seconds later a hand covered hers as a soft voice tried to soothe her.

  “Hey, it’s okay. Leave it be, Marie, it’s there to keep you hydrated.”

  She sought the owner of the calming words and saw Cassius staring down at her, his hand gently removing hers from her task of removing the needle. “What?” she only just managed to get out.

  “It’s fluid to keep your body hydrated.” Cassius sat down on the side of the large bed, still holding her hand. “The doctor said you’d gone too long without fluids and if it carried on your organs would start to shut down. It’s keeping you alive until we find someone who can help.”

  “How long?” she asked as she tried hard to focus on staying awake.

  “Almost a week.” Cassius said slowly.

  “A week?” she asked as shock ran through her.

  “Yes.” He nodded then smiled. “But, we may have someone who can help. We got a rather cryptic message saying that this person could help and he’d be here soon. All you need to do is hang on. Okay? Can you do that, Marie? Can you stay strong for just a little while longer?”

  “Sure,” she whispered.

  “I’ve got so many things I want to talk to you about. Apart from the job that is.”

  “The job?” she asked as she tried to make sense of his words.

  “Yes. You came looking for a job, remember?”

  “No, yes, maybe.” She coughed and as she did the pain in her head intensified.

  “Shh, here, try a sip.” He held another bottle with a straw to her lips and she managed a tiny amount before she had to stop. She was so weak she couldn’t even suck the water up into her mouth.

  “I think I need to tell you something,” she gasped, knowing she was near the point of no return and if she didn’t do a healing spell soon she’d be too far gone.

  “No, don’t talk. You need to just hold on. He’ll be here very soon.”

  “Who?” she asked as she thought she really did have to tell him she was a Witch. Time was running out and she needed to heal herself before it was too late.

  “I’m not sure exactly. I have a name only, Seth, and he said he’ll be here in a few hours.”

  Her heart stopped. Literally stopped. It took a few seconds before it started up again as she processed Cassius words. Seth. It could only be her Seth. Panic seared her insides and she tried to shake her head. As soon as she did her vision blurred as intense pain radiated inside her skull. She couldn’t let Seth come here. She had to stop him and the only way was to cast her own healing spell.

  As she tried to muster the power and words her vision didn’t only blur, it vanished, as darkness sucked her under. She barely heard Cassius’ voice as she sank deeper and deeper into the abyss.

  “Fuck! Valentine! Get out there and find this guy
. We need him here now!”

  “What? Are you fucking nuts?” Brendan cursed when Seth told him he was going into Allarde’s home to heal someone.

  “I have to go, Brendan.” Seth paced back and forth in the ravaged living room of the apartment he’d set up in on his arrival in Manhattan.

  “No, you don’t.” Brendan shook his head as he glared at his friend.

  “Brendan, will you just shut the fuck up and let me explain fully?”

  Kuan laid a hand on Brendan’s arm. “Let him speak.”

  “Shut up,” Brendan spat out. “You don’t get to decide anything here.”

  “I’m not trying to make any decision I am merely saying you need to listen.”

  “Sorry.” Seth looked at Kuan, frowning. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m Kuan and I’m here to help.”

  “That doesn’t tell me very much,” Seth said as he glared at the much smaller man.

  Brendan raised a hand, waving it in front of Seth’s face. “Hey, don’t bother about him just now. We need to discuss your suicide mission.”

  “Sit down, Brendan.” Seth pointed to the tatty sofas before going over and sitting down. Leaning forward with his elbows on his knees he waited until his friend was sitting. “Okay, first things first. I have not, repeat, have not been able to contact Rose. That means she is incapable of replying. Second, Allarde put out a request for someone with magic that can do healing spells—aka a Witch. He has this message going out all over the country, in fact farther, it’s everywhere. He states he has a half-wolf who’s sustained a head injury and they are seriously hurt and require help. He’s . . .”

  Brendan shot up, rushing to the window and looking out. “Is it Rose? Seth, is it my girl that’s hurt?”

  Seth sighed. “I don’t know for sure but I think the odds are pretty high it’s her.”

  Brendan swore, panic in his voice. “Fuck, I need to get to her. I need to go get her.”

  “No,” Seth and Kuan said together. Seth raised an eyebrow at the Chinese man but carried on talking to Brendan. “I’ve already contacted and said I can help. He, Allarde, has said that he ensures the safety of anyone that can help. In fact, Brendan, wait ‘til you hear this. He’s broadcasting that this is a safe place for any Witches and that he’ll protect them if they come here.”


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