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Always Page 24

by Randa Lynn

  Tears fill her eyes and, for a brief second, I kind of feel bad for her. But that second quickly passes. She did this to herself. She’s not the victim here, but Elli will be if she tries to barge into her life. I’m going to try to make sure that doesn’t happen. Her eyes drop and scan the concrete beneath our feet before shooting back to mine. She still has tears, but they’re mixed with rage. “I will get to know my daughter. You can’t stop me.”

  My hands are trembling with fury. The audacity of this woman to stand here and call Elli her daughter when she couldn’t tell you the slightest detail about her. Some nerve she has. “You see, Vanessa. That’s where you’re dead wrong. We can stop you, and we sure as hell will.”

  She whips her head to the side, making her hair fall behind her shoulders. “You really think Wes has enough money to fight me? Ha! You’re sadly mistaken. I’ve hired the best attorney in Atlanta.”

  Oh this delusional, uneducated bitch.

  “Oh really? And who might that be?” I mock her and put my hand on my hip.

  “Gary Blackmon. He’s usually not one for custodial fights, but I’ve got it on good authority that he’ll take this case on.”

  I cannot help the smile that spreads across my face. Gary Blackmon. My father. Ha!

  “Is that so? And have you given him the name of the man you plan on fighting to regain custody from?” She shakes her head no. Oh, I am so going to enjoy this. “Firstly, you willingly gave up all parental rights to Elli. It is impossible to reverse unless fraud takes place or the custodial parent is proven unfit. And it won’t be proven. Secondly, I guarantee Gary Blackmon will never, in a million years, take your case.”

  She chews at the inside of her cheek as she stares at me. “And how are you so sure about that?”

  I hold out my hand for her to shake, knowing she won’t. I just need dramatics to further enjoy myself. “Hi, I’m Lenora Blackmon, Attorney at Law. Also known as Gary Blackmon’s daughter. Now, remind me again how he’s going to take on your asinine case?” I wait for a response that doesn’t come. “If you find someone else who will even entertain the idea of taking this on, I’ll consider it a challenge accepted. If I can’t represent Wes, I know plenty of Atlanta’s finest who would be more than willing to. You can’t come back after four years and pretend that life didn’t go on. You can’t weasel your way into Elli’s life thinking she’s going to know who you are, because I assure you, she won’t have a clue.”

  She shuffles closer to me. The scent of her perfume stronger than a whorehouse, making my stomach churn, but I ignore it. “Let’s get one fucking thing straight, I won’t weasel my way into my daughter’s life, because she’s just that, my daughter. Not yours. I gave birth to that seven pound eleven ounce little girl. I have a C-section scar to prove it. So do yourself a goddamn favor and leave my daughter alone.”

  Before I know what’s happening, my fist connects with her jaw full force, knocking her back. Shit, that hurt. Her hands fly to her jaw. “You psycho! You punched me!”

  I step closer to her, not letting the height difference deter me. I get as close as I can and in a low, heated voice I warn, “Nobody threatens me. And no one will come in and try to break up my family. I would do anything in this world for Elli. Anything! So do yourself a favor and leave my daughter alone. She might not have my blood, but she’s got my entire heart. You wouldn’t know the first damn thing about what a mother’s love is, because you’ve never been one. Think about where you’ve been for the past four years before you try to pretend you know who Elli is.” I walk away with nothing left unspoken.

  I swing the door of Zoe’s car open and drop down on the seat. The bright neon lights from Tatum’s one and only movie theater in my direct line of sight. I focus my eyes on the neon sign and take slow, deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart.

  I knew she was back. I should have expected this, expected to see her. But I didn’t expect it to be so soon. Our encounter was less than friendly, to say the least.

  I gaze down at my shaky hands. The hand I hit Vanessa with is red, and I’m sure it’ll be swollen this time tomorrow. It’s a price I’m more than willing to pay.

  No one, and I mean no one, will try to hurt what I love. Vanessa trying to barge her way into Elli’s life after four years will do nothing but hurt her and cause her utter confusion. If she wanted to be a mother, she should have been one when she had the chance.

  “Holy shit, Len. You just made me so fucking proud back there.”

  I look over to see Zoe starting the car. I hadn’t even realized that she had gotten in, too wrapped up in my own thoughts to notice anything else.

  “I can’t believe I hit her,” I admit.

  “But did you see her face? God, that was priceless.”

  “Elli looks so much like her,” I deadpan. I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now. I’m mad, because she has no care as to what’s best for Elli. I’m scared because I don’t want Wes to have to fight her over Elli. I’m happy, because I know that this won’t tear Wes and me apart. But I’m sad, because the only one who will suffer in this is Elli, and she’s the innocent one.

  “But that’s all she got from her, thank God. Len, don’t let this get to you, okay? She’s all bark and no bite.”

  I go to reply, but the nausea hits me again with an unstoppable force. I swing the door open and expel the contents of the food I just ate in the parking lot.

  I’m still hunched over, fearful that the attack isn’t over when I hear Zoe. “Lenni, do you have anything to tell me?”

  Oh, gosh. Do I?

  Chapter 36


  “Good morning, sunshine.” I kiss Lenni gently on her sleepy eyelids.

  She groans as her eyes flutter open, and a sleepy smile shines on that gorgeous face of hers. “Good morning, birthday boy.”

  “It’s my birthday?” I tease.

  She laughs, “December 7th. I’m one hundred percent certain that’s the day you were born.”

  “Ah, it’s just another perfect day with my two favorite girls.” I scoot in closer, bringing her into my arms.

  “What are you now, forty?”

  I flick my thumb playfully on her nose. “You, Miss Blackmon, should be really glad you’re gorgeous or else that wouldn’t fly.”

  She scrunches her nose. “Is that so?”

  A grin spreads across my face. “Yes, ma’am. I just might have to think about spanking you—“

  “Daddy!” Elli runs into the bedroom at full force and jumps in the bed beside Lenni, snuggling against her.

  Of course my adorable daughter would decide to wake up at the worst possible time, when I was about to take my birthday present.

  Just my luck.

  Lenni’s brow crinkles. “Why are you so happy this morning, little miss? You are not a morning person.”

  Elli’s dimples shine, mirroring my own. I hope Lenni feels up to what we have planned this morning. I also hope she doesn’t bust my balls about planning something on the day of our little cookout.

  She came home last night not feeling well after her encounter with Vanessa. When she dropped the bomb on me that she and Zoe saw Vanessa when they went out to eat, I nearly flipped my shit until Lenni told me what she did. My girl took up for us and that is the sexiest thing in this world. Had I been there, I probably would have done the most gentlemanly thing I could have thought of and cheered her on.

  “Daddy said we could go fishin’! Just me, you, and him.” Her grin widens.

  Lenni looks at me in mock anger, then back to Elli. “Did he now? Well, since it is his birthday, I guess I can’t really argue with that.”

  Elli’s hands fly to her face. “I forgot it was Daddy’s birthday!” She jumps up and soars across the bed, barreling into me. “Happy birthday, Daddy! I love you.”

  These are the moments I live for. The simple moments where there’s no grand gestures, no trying, it’s just love and life. Love is great, and life is greater with these two in it.

  I rub Elli’s hair and kiss her forehead. “I love you too, Scooter.” My eyes travel over to Lenni, who’s lying there, looking like an angel. “And I love you, my pretty little thing.”

  Lenni sits up and moves in closer to Elli and me. I wrap my girls in my arms, hearing Lenni whisper, “I love you, too. More than you both know.”

  Oh, if she only knew just how much my heart beats for her. She’s changed me, made me into a better man. I never expected it, but I couldn’t ask for anything more than what I’ve got right now.


  I loaded up the fishing poles and the rest of the fishing gear only to realize I didn’t have worms or crickets for bait. When I told Elli we had to make a pit stop at The General Store, she took that as an approval to ask for a million different things.

  “Daddy, can I get these? Oh no, can I get these?” Elli asks, holding up a bag of gummy worms. “Oh, and these too?” She grabs a pack of M&M’s and waves them both around in the air.

  “Ask her.” I point to Lenni, because let’s face it, she’s the boss. I will not make her angry by getting Elli candy at 8 AM without her approval. Plus she’s been slightly moody lately, and I’m not about to step on those toes. She might not be big, but she’s fierce.

  She looks at me then back at Elli. “I suppose. Just those two, okay? And no eating them all at once. It’ll make your tummy hurt.”

  Elli runs up to Lenni and hugs her legs. “Thank you, Mommy. I won’t eat it all at one time. But can I eat it at two times, and not three?”

  “Two times and not three,” Lenni repeats, laughing.

  “Yay!” She takes off running down the candy aisle and Lenni takes off after her.

  I walk through the area where some small appliances are situated to the section that has fishing and outdoor gear. I walk to the small cooler that houses the live worms and grab a styrofoam container of them. After I grab the worms, I walk back through the store and find Elli and Lenni back at the candy section. Elli is standing there twirling her two bags of candy and Lenni is squatted down looking at the bottom row.

  “Got a sweet tooth?” Lenni looks up at me, her eyes widen like she’s just been busted committing a crime.

  She throws the candy back on the shelf and stands up abruptly. “Uh, no. I was just looking.” She looks back at the candy. “I don’t need it, anyways.”

  She’s acting strange, that’s for sure. But I ignore it, thinking maybe she’s just flustered because she hasn’t gotten anything ready for this evening. I grab a pack of Reese’s off the shelf. “You’re perfect. You can eat fu…,” I stop and look down at Elli. “I mean, freaking candy.”

  Elli pulls on Lenni’s shirt. “Mommy, Daddy almost said a bad word.” She turns her cute little face back to me and gives me a disapproving glare.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Daddy.” She grins so big that her eyes squint close. “I can’t wait to get my present.” Elli cheers as she sways from side to side.

  Lenni eyes me curiously, then moves her gaze back to Elli. “Oh, really? What’s that?”

  Elli’s eyes go wide as she looks at me over Lenni’s shoulder. I put my finger over my mouth to let her know to not say anything. She cannot open her mouth right now. It’ll ruin all of our well made plans. She holds up both hands, candy in each. “My candy! Thank you, Mommy and Daddy.”

  Phew. Crisis averted.

  “Okay, let’s get this paid for and go fishing until we have to go back home and get ready for tonight.”

  I suddenly feel a sense of unease in the air. I look around, but don’t see anything. I shrug it off and chock it up to being nerves.

  “Are we gonna have cake tonight?” Elli tugs on my shirt tail.

  Cake. Haven’t even thought of that one. I think I’ve passed the age of needing cake to remind me I’m another year older. Guess it’s better than the alternative, though.

  I turn my gaze to Lenni. “Lenni?”

  She laughs then chimes in, “Of course we are. Don’t worry, Mommy bought your favorite kind.”

  “Scrawberry with the yummy icing?” Her eyes dart between Lenni and me excitedly.

  “You know it, pretty girl.”

  We finally make it up to the register and pay for the worms and snacks and head to the lake.

  “Could you please bait my hook?” Lenni asks, handing me her pole with a look of disgust on her face.

  I tilt my head to the side, giving her a disapproving look. “You, Miss Blackmon, will have to learn how to bait your own hook if you plan on staying with me.”

  She rolls her eyes at me teasingly. “Well, if that’s the deal breaker, I’m afraid this needs to end now. Sorry for wasting your time.”

  I bait the worm on the hook and set the pole down, pulling her into me. “Baby, you know you could never waste my time. I don’t care if I have to bait your hook for the rest of your life as long as you’ll come fishin’ with me.” I bring my lips down to hers and kiss her softly. That damn cherry lip gloss she always wears is there, and it drives me crazy as hell.

  “Daddy.” Elli slaps my back over and over again. Lenni releases from my hold and I turn to Elli.

  “Yeah, Scooter?”

  She smiles, letting her dimples mark that cute little face of hers and she swings her arms back and forth. “Could you stop kissing Mommy and get my fishing pole? I got fish to catch.”

  Well, if that isn’t the cutest demand I’ve ever been given, I don’t know what is. I salute her. “Yes, ma’am.”

  I get her fishing pole baited and she stomps off to her ‘spot’ and throws the line out.

  Damn, it makes me proud to see her know how to fish. At least I know she’ll never go hungry. She can bait her own hook, but Lenni freaks out saying she’ll hook herself, so I do it when she comes with us.

  Lenni has been a little quiet since we got here. Like she’s lost in her own thoughts rather than being in the present. I want to ask her what’s the matter, but I’m scared it’ll cause tension, and I don’t want that today. Especially not today.

  Fuck, I can’t not ask. It’ll just make me insane.

  I set my pole down and make sure Elli is fine before I walk over to Lenni, who’s quietly sitting on the ice chest. “Hey, babe.”

  She looks up at me and gives a shy smile. “Hey, handsome.”

  I stoop down close to her. “What’s got you all zoned out?”

  She shakes her head slightly as she looks down into her lap. “Nothing. I’m just feeling a little under the weather, that’s all.”

  I don’t believe her for a minute, but I’m not going to push it. I’ll let her continue to muddle through whatever it is. I just want to make sure she knows that today is going to be a damn good day.

  At least I hope.

  I lean in and kiss her on the temple, letting it linger. “Okay. Well, get better soon, because tonight is not a time to feel sickly. I’ve got plans for you.” I waggle my eyebrows and walk back towards Elli.

  “Daddy, nothing is biting. I don’t like fishin’ today.” Elli slaps her pink fishing pole at the water, aggravated. For a girl who loves fishing, she’s pretty impatient.

  “Alright. Mommy doesn’t feel good anyhow.”

  I load up the gear, and my girls, before we head home.

  Chapter 37


  Elli is sound asleep by the time we get to the house. I turn in and creep my way up the bumpy driveway when I spot a car I’ve never seen before sitting in my yard like it belongs.

  I lean in closer to the steering wheel, trying to get a better look, but I’ve still got no clue.

  “Who the hell is at the house?”

  “Huh?” Lenni asks, looking up from her phone. Her mouth falls and a very loud gasp escapes her throat. She drops her phone in her lap and leans up in her seat. “Oh my God. What in the fuck is she doing here?”

  Whoa, holy hell. Lenni hardly ever says fuck or any other real cuss word. “What is who do
ing here?”

  Lenni scoots up in her seat, places her hand on the door handle like she’s about to bolt from the truck any fucking second. “Your ex-wife.”

  Oh, fuck.

  I put the truck in park and hop out, leaving it cranked since Elli is asleep in her booster.

  I rush around to Lenni and stop her from storming over to Vanessa. The fury in her eyes is enough to make me want to just leave her be, but Elli is in the truck. “Babe, stop. Elli could wake up any second, so don’t do anything you wouldn’t want her to see, okay?”

  Her head falls on my chest in defeat. “I just want her to leave us alone. Why won’t she leave us alone?”

  I wrap my arms around her. “I don’t know baby, but let’s get this over with. Together.”

  She looks up at me with tears in her eyes, and my heart fucking cracks because she’s hurting from this. I don’t know what she’s feeling, because I’m not in her position. I don’t have the fear that Elli’s birth father could try to barge in, because I am her birth father.

  I just hope this little meeting we’re apparently having doesn’t turn into a blood bath. Because I see Lenni’s mama bear side coming the fuck out with a vengeance if Vanessa doesn’t keep it civil.

  “Okay,” she breathes out.

  We make our way over to Vanessa’s car with Lenni nestled into my side. I’m nervous as shit as to what Vanessa is here for, but I won’t let Lenni see it. She’s been beaten down enough over this whole ordeal, I won’t add to her worry.


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