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Always Page 26

by Randa Lynn

  “Of course.”

  She looks at me for a moment, eyeing me, making me feel uncomfortable as hell. “Promise me you’ll always take care of my girl. She’s been through the ringer in her adult life and she deserves to have a constant surrounding of love and adoration.”

  I know she has, and I will spend every day trying to give her what she deserves. “Yes ma’am,” I say nervously. “I can’t promise I’ll always be perfect, but I’ll never hurt her. I’ll always love her. Aside from my daughter, she’s the only thing in this life that matters to me.”

  “You’ve only been together a short time…” Her words are left hanging in the air like a string waiting to snap.

  I quickly reply, trying to ease the discomfort I feel she’s having. “I know that. I also know it seems like things have been rushed. But, ma’am, your daughter has been nothing but an absolute blessing in my life since we first met. I wasn’t looking for anyone, and quite honestly, I didn’t want anyone. But Lenni came along and I couldn’t quit thinking about her. Hell, I still can’t quit thinking about her and she’s just inside that house. I know we’ve got a lot more to learn about one another, but I want to spend a lifetime learning something new about your daughter. ‘Cause I’ll never get tired of her. She was made for me.”

  When I look into her eyes I notice she’s crying. Tears trickle down her aging cheeks as she quickly wipes them away. Oh fuck. What did I say? What did I do? I swear to God, I’m always making people cry. Not good. Not good at all.

  “You have no idea what that means to me,” she says through her sniffles.

  Uh, okay. “What what means to you?” I ask, confused.

  She releases a small laugh and grabs a hold of my hand, squeezing it. “That I can feel how much you love my daughter. People can say they love someone all day long, but until they actually mean it, it’s just words. There is no depth to it, no meaning behind it. But I can feel it. I believe with my entire soul that you love my Lenora Jade. The time you’ve been together has no grounds on what I believe. Gary and I only dated ten months before we got engaged. There is no timestamp on how slowly or quickly relationships can move. I just wanted to let you know that as long as you’re good to my daughter, I’ll be good to you.”

  Thank God it wasn’t a scolding. I can breathe a little easier now. “Well, Mrs. Blackmon, expect to spend the rest of your life being good to me, then.”

  We get up and she offers me a hug. As she releases me she says, “Thank you for being what she needs.”

  She walks back inside without saying another word.


  “You ready?” I grab Elli’s hand and lead her around to the side of the house, just out of sight from where everyone is gathered.

  “Yes, sir!” Her eyes are lit up with excitement, her smile is as wide as I’ve ever seen.

  My heart is beating a thousand beats a minute, damn near racing out of my chest. I stop, tugging Elli’s arm so she’ll stop with me. I can’t do this without her. I won’t do this without her.

  “What’s wrong, Daddy?” Her little lips turn down into a frown as she fiddles with the flowers in her hand.

  I bend down, so that we’re eye level, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Nothing, Scooter. Daddy just needed to take a second.” She hands me the bouquet of flowers we picked from the flowerbed in front of the house.

  My mom planted them about a year before she passed away. I had tried helping her, but I ended up hindering more than anything. I am not a gardener, and I have no idea how to plant and grow flowers. It’s only by luck, a little bit of mom’s touch, and God’s help that these flowers still grow.

  “Daddy, I love you.” Elli wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes me tight. “I love you so much.”

  And I melt. I love being this little girl’s daddy more than anything in this world. She never ceases to amaze me with the things she does and says. She knows exactly what I need when I need it most. Her little hug, those three little words—“I love you”—help all the nerves dissipate.

  She releases her hold from around my neck. “Got it? I ask.

  She holds out her hand. “Got it!”

  Chapter 39


  I woke up this morning expecting to keep the secret about my pregnancy for at least another day. Of course Zoe knows because she was with me when I bought the tests last night, but I didn’t want to tell Wes today. I wanted his birthday to be all about him. Plus, I was terrified he wouldn’t take the news well. I was up and down all night with nausea. I’m not sure if it was from the baby or from worry, maybe it was both.

  It turns out, I had nothing to worry about. Wes took the news better than I could have ever expected. He amazes me more every day. The second I think he can’t get any more amazing, he proves me wrong.

  He gave me hope when I was hopeless. He showed me beauty in an ugly world. He gave me light when the darkness threatened to swallow me back under. Wes Taylor was shaped and molded by everything good in this world and put into one perfectly sculpted package just for me.

  “Hey, have you seen Wes and Elli?” I ask Zoe as I walk out of the house to the backyard.

  She looks at me and gives an impish smile. “No, but I’m sure they’ll show up soon.”

  My stomach starts to feel a little woozy. “You feeling’ alright?” she asks.

  I shake it off, not wanting to cause anyone to worry. It’s normal. It’s just normal. I looked it up on Google last night.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just need to get something to drink.”

  “I’ll get it,” Zoe replies as she walks towards the ice chest.

  She gets back, holding a bottle of water. “Drink.”

  So demanding.

  I take a second to stop and look around, soaking in everything, everyone. I’m not afraid, I’m not sad, I’m not anything other than happy. Happy because life is good, and I have more love surrounding me than I ever thought possible.

  “Hey hookers.” Amber waltzes over to us with an annoyed look on her face.

  “Why do you look so pissy? You should be happy because you get to see me after a month apart. That’s a record for us,” I reply.

  She rolls her eyes and then darts them over to the other side of the backyard where Cameron is playing corn-hole with Dee, Damien, and my dad. “Could someone make him leave? Then I’d be chipper as a fucking stripper’s knickers.”

  Say what? “I don’t even want to ask. You two make me dizzy with your back and forth game you play.”

  Zoe chimes in. “With Cameron it’s hard not to go back and forth. The man has more moods than the moon has phases.”

  Amber holds up her hand for a high five. “Finally! Someone understands my struggle. Because the shit is real, I’m telling you.” She sips on her beer and then looks down to my chest. “Christ, Len, your boobs look phenomenal. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you got some silicon in those bad boys.”

  She’s so crass. “Good thing you know better, hey?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Her eyes travel to the guys again. “I should have hooked up with Dee or Damien instead of Cameron. They seem less…complicated,” Amber blabs.

  Zoe jumps in. “I can assure you, Damien isn’t less complicated. He’s just a different kind of complicated.” She looks over to Damien for a second and then turns back to Amber with that look in her eyes. “He’s also off limits. I can go from lady to crazy in point five seconds flat, so why don’t you remain on the Walker train? Damien Greene isn’t interested.”

  Amber holds up her hands in surrender. “Hey you feisty little kitten. I’ll take Dee. It’s not like him and Damien don’t look identical.”

  Zoe scoffs at her and rolls her eyes. Those two are absolutely incorrigible.

  I go to find Elli and Wes when I feel a tug on the back of my dress. I spin around to see who it is. “Hey, beautiful girl. I’ve been wondering where you were.”

  Elli’s eyes squint from the huge grin on her face. Her dimples shine as she
twists her little body from side to side. “I got a question.”

  I bend down, making sure my dress is still covering the areas it needs to be, and give her a little tap on her nose, causing a small giggle to escape her mouth. “And what’s that pretty girl?”

  “Will you be my mommy?”

  I’m a bit confused, so I reply, “But you already call me Mommy, silly.”

  I see Zoe walk off to the side by the stereo. Music starts softly flowing through the air. After a few moments I realize what song it is—Bryan Adam’s “Heaven”. It’s the song Wes and I listened to on our first date. My heart surges in my chest.

  I look back to Elli, who is shaking her head from side to side in a fast motion. “No, my for real Mommy.” She brings her hands from behind her back and holds out her hand for me to take something. I hold out mine and she drops it into the palm of my hand.

  Oh my gosh. Oh my….

  I gasp, throwing my hand over my mouth. Tears start to pierce my eyes as I stare at the beauty that’s in my hand.

  I quickly stand up, scared I’m going to lose my balance being crouched down, when Elli looks up at me and says, “Turn around, Mommy.”

  I do as she instructs. My heart sputters in my chest as the tears fall freely from my eyes. Every dream I’ve ever had of the perfect man doesn’t even come close to comparing to what is in front of me. Down on one knee is the man that was undoubtedly made for me—the man who calms my fears, washes my worries, and evaporates my self-doubt.

  My hands are shaking as Wes hands me the bouquet of flowers. He grabs the ring from my hand and holds it between his fingers. I can’t take my eyes off of it. It’s a beautiful vintage gold band with a single teardrop diamond front and center. It’s simple and elegant and absolutely perfect, just like him. I finally pry my eyes off of the ring and Wes looks at me from those big, beautiful golden browns. Nothing but pure love emanating from them, sending a shockwave to my already racing heart.

  “Lenni Blackmon, you came into my world when I least expected and turned it upside down. We haven’t always had it easy, but nothing in life worth having comes easy.” He pauses as Elli comes to his side. He pulls her into him. “You loved my little girl instantly, accepting her as a part of who I am without question. You’ve done nothing but be an absolute Godsend to her and me since the day we first met.” Tears fall harder now, my heart filled with nothing but complete adoration. “I don’t want to spend another second without you by my side, because every day with you is a day I spend in heaven.” He removes his arm from around Elli and takes my left hand with his. “This ring is the ring Pops gave to my mom when he asked her to marry him. It holds nothing but love and promises left unbroken. I couldn’t imagine anyone else besides you wearing this. You are the single most incredible woman I’ve ever known and you make me happier than I ever thought possible. Lenora Jade Blackmon, will you always be my pretty little thing? Will you marry me?”

  I take a long moment to let this sink in. To memorize this moment—this perfect and incredible moment. Standing before me are the two most amazing people in my life. The two people who make my days happier. The two people who love me unconditionally, and I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else than right here.

  Fate brought us together, but it’s love that will keep us here.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes, yes, yes!” I squeal and cry the happiest tears I’ve ever shed. Wes takes my ring finger and, with trembling hands, slides the ring over my knuckle to its final resting spot. I’ve spent my days in the darkness. I’ve had my time of dread, and I used to be bitter for all the things I’ve endured, but now I’m grateful. It’s taught me to be a fighter, made me stronger, and it’s brought me here. Here is where I was always meant to be.

  Wes’s lips find mine as his hands make their way up to the nape of my neck. He kisses me deeply, and it takes my breath away. This moment, this man, is perfection. He releases my lips and presses his forehead against mine. “I love you. God I love you so much, baby.”

  A smile tugs at my lips and I reply with every ounce of love I have in my soul. “I love you, too, Mr. Taylor.”

  He releases me as everyone starts to come in and congratulate us. “She said yes! She’s gonna marry me, y’all!” His smile is the brightest I’ve ever seen. He snatches Elli up and swings her around in a circle as they both yell from happiness.

  This is what it feels like to be completely in love and loved in return.

  Tears fall from my eyes, but I don’t wipe them. I let happiness rain down.


  I never expected this, on his birthday of all days. This day was supposed to be about him, his special day, but once again he made me feel like the most extraordinary person in the world. I woke up this morning happy, but tonight I’m happy beyond anything I’ve ever dreamt possible.

  If you would have asked me a year ago if I would be living in a small town, I would have told you that you were crazy. A year ago I was in an unhealthy relationship, merely treading water to survive. I had all the riches in the world—the mansion, the expensive cars, jewelry that would make a jewelry store jealous—but the one thing I didn’t have, the only thing I wanted, was love. Today, I have none of those material things, but I’ve got more love in my life than I ever thought I’d have.

  Glancing at myself in the mirror, I smile. I don’t see my imperfections as reasons to scour anymore. I don’t see my scars as ugly any longer. Every imperfection on my body is a stamp in time, a story to be told. Wes has changed the perception in which I see myself. He’s changed the way I see life. He’s changed me for the good. He and Elli have shown me true happiness, and that is something I’ll never get used to and never tire of.

  I walk out of the bathroom and find Wes placing the flowers he gave me earlier on my nightstand. “Hey, my beautiful fiancée,” he greets as he turns to see me. I’ve got my silk night robe wrapped tightly around me, and it’s obviously piqued his interest because his eyebrow cocks up and a smirk hints at the corner of his mouth. He stalks over towards me and wraps his strong arms around my waist, inching his hands closer to my butt. Then he scoops me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, giggling like a little girl.

  “I can’t believe you want to marry me,” I admit in between his kisses.

  He stops mid kiss and looks straight into my eyes, causing goose bumps to prickle over my entire body. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” He grabs my wrist and slowly brings his hand down to where my ring finger is on display. “I’ve never wanted to use this ring before. No one was ever worthy. But you, baby, you’re worthy of it and so much more.” He places a gentle kiss on my hand. “You are the angel I never knew I needed.”

  And it’s at this moment I realize that everything I’ve ever faced in my life was for a purpose. Every broken road I’ve ever traveled down, every heartache I’ve endured, lead me straight to him. The road to get here wasn’t pretty, it was downright ugly, but the view I’ll get to have for the rest of my life is worth every bit of it.

  “You are beyond incredible, Wes Taylor. I’m still trying to find a flaw in you, but I can’t find one.”

  He waggles his eyebrows before giving me a wink. “You should know by now that I’m flawless.”

  I laugh as he marches us towards the bed and tosses me on it. My night robe falls open, displaying the lingerie underneath.

  His eyes go wide with hunger. “Holy shit, woman. What the hell is this?” He climbs up over me, gliding his finger up my leg, over my hips to my stomach, and over my breasts. Once he reaches my chin, he cups it gently. “Are you trying to kill me? First you tell me you’re pregnant, then you wear that sexy as hell dress, and now this little number.”

  I play the innocent card. “You don’t like it?”

  He takes his fingers and slowly unsnaps my bra. “Like it? Baby, I love it. Only problem I see is that it’s on you and not on the floor.”

  I shimmy underneath him, shaking my boobs in his face. “Well I got it for your b
irthday, sir.”

  He unsnaps the last clasp and the bra falls to my sides. He bends down and laps his tongue gently along my nipple, causing them to instantly become pert. He lifts his head slightly, peering up at me. He smirks, his dimples taunting me. He looks primal and sexy. Every nerve ending in my body becomes immensely sensitive.

  Wes makes his way down, gripping the sides of my thong and slowly pulls it down my legs and throws it to the side. My breathing is heavy and my heart is racing. Oh sweet goodness. He breathes hard over my opening, sending shivers down my spine. “Who’s is this?” he growls.

  His tongue starts to circle the sensitive bud. “Yours,” I moan.

  “Always, baby.”

  And he takes me, every piece of me, until I fall apart.

  Then he makes love to me, filling me mind, body, and soul.



  I can’t believe this is happening. I never expected that my life would lead me here. I had always imagined it would be just me and my little Scooter forever, and I was okay with that, or at least I thought.

  I still remember that day at the lake when Lenni carried Elli in her arms. I knew right then that there was something special about her. Something guarded, yet pure. Something sad, yet beautiful. Something I wanted to unravel. Something I needed to explore.

  Turns out, Lenni was exactly what I needed in my life. For some crazy reason, she thinks she needs me in hers, too. I couldn’t be happier. I never knew life could be this good. Happiness is something I’ve become damned used to since Lenni came into my life like a blaze of fiery glory.

  After today, my family will be complete. My world will be absolutely perfect. I’m nervous, I’m excited, and I’m happy as hell.

  “Daddy!” Elli runs up to me. “Mommy said that I needed my white bow.”

  White bow. Where is it? If I were a white bow, where would I hide? I look around the bathroom and spot it on top of the dirty clothes basket. Of course. “Found it. Now take this to Lenni because I refuse to mess that beautiful hair of yours up.” She grabs the bow and runs back out of the bathroom as quickly as she came.


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