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Fade to Black

Page 26

by Unknown

  Rich cut off her words by pressing his lips to hers, trampling the boundaries that had been set up.

  Kate’s mouth moved under his. Her body relaxed and a moan escaped. Then, as if she’d been slapped, she jumped back. “That wasn’t exactly friendly.”

  “Sorry.” Breathing heavy, Rich touched his fingers to his lips. “It’s just so sweet that you would defend me to her.” He forced himself to take a step away from her, just to be safe. “Come on, I’ll be good. Let’s finish our dinner. I’m starving.”

  Her stomach grumbled, and she wrapped her arms around her middle. “Yeah, me too.”

  Extending his hand to lead the way, they both walked back in and returned to their secluded table in the corner. “Thank you, Kate.” She smiled, then her eyes narrowed at something over his shoulder. “What is it?” he asked, turning to follow her gaze, only to groan.

  “Hey, stallion,” one of the girls from the other night purred. “Is she the reason you wouldn’t join the two of us?” When Kate gasped, the big-haired blonde winked at her and said, “Can you say ménage-a-trios, honey?”

  A growl rumbled in his chest as something between mortification and revolution bubbled in his gut.

  The giggling girls glanced at him then turned to look at the wide-eyed Kate. “I’ll bet he’s really good in bed. You can tell us.”

  Kate’s answer wasn’t what Rich expected. “Oh, he is. The best lover I’ve ever had.” She leaned forward and stage whispered to them, “He’s hung like a horse and can go all night.”

  Botox-filled lips fell open and gaped at her.

  “Come on, lover,” Kate said as she stood and grabbed him by the hand. “I’ve decided I want dessert…now.” Her tongue darted out and ran seductively over her lower lip.

  Yeah, Rich was ready, too. He had to remind himself that this little production was nothing more than an act. But he would gladly follow Kate to hell and back if she were going to talk like that. Talk about a turn on.

  As they got to the doorway to the lounge, Kate glanced over her shoulder and winked at their audience before grabbing a handful of his butt. Her action surprised him and he jumped. She tilted her head so her lips rubbed against his ear as she whispered, “Sorry.”

  He leaned in to reply softly in her ear, “You still want to go upstairs?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, but only because I’m tired, not because…” She trailed off.

  “Okay.” With his hand on the small of her back, Rich guided her toward the elevator, but waited until they were safely alone behind the closed door before daring to speak. “Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell was that?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” Having her devour him like a dessert sounded like a great way to spend the last of their time together.

  “You know, sometimes I have the overwhelming urge to protect you. Like with Shea this morning and just now with those two floosies.” She was focused on his face and waited until he looked at her before she continued, “Did they really offer you a three-some?”

  The elevator door opened, and he walked out into the hall without answering her question. What was he supposed to say? Yes, but I’m so hung up on you that I couldn’t do it. He continued past his door and stood next to Kate’s. “Would you like to order some dinner? We could still eat it together.” Dare I hope? “Where would you be more comfortable, my room…or yours?”

  “Mine, I guess.” She slipped the keycard in and waited for the light to flicker green, then invited him in.

  The flowers were still there, a glaring reminder of who had left only a few days ago. Thankfully, Kate had put away the little black piece of silk and lace. “I was thinking we could order room service first.” With phone in hand, he asked “What do you want?” and plopped down on the bed next to the nightstand.

  “Something light. I’m not really that hungry.”

  “Burger? Sandwich?”

  “Sandwich, turkey, light mayo,” she said over her shoulder as she walked into the bathroom.

  Rich placed the order, and the pleasant voice assured him it would be ‘less than a half hour’. “Kate?” His knuckles tapped lightly on the door.

  “Hmm?” she called back.

  “The food will be here in a half hour. I’m going to go…” The door swung into the tiny room, sucking his breath with it.

  Kate stood in a tank top and flannel pajama bottoms. She’d washed her face and had pulled her hair out of the rubber band. It now rested on her shoulders. Her eyes dropped down over her ensemble then returned to his ogling gaze. “I hope it’s okay but I just wanted to get comfortable.”

  “Um…” Shaking his head, Rich tried to clear out the x-rated thoughts that seemed to have crept in. “Of course that’s okay. I was just going to go change into something—” He chuckled and shrugged. “—more comfortable.”


  “I’ll be back in a few minutes then.”

  She nodded, and Rich walked through the adjoining door to his room. There was a real potential for an inferno in that next room. The lighter was in his hand, all he had to do was flick the little wheel. Kate was comfortable with him, and Rich believed somewhere deep down, she had feelings for him. Maybe she even loved him. Maybe.

  Rich wouldn’t let her go back to Jesse tomorrow without at least acknowledging those feelings. Rock bottom was a brutal place. He outta know, he’d hit it the other night. Now, there was only one way to go, and that was up. Kate was worth it, she was worth all of the heartache.

  As soon as he got back, Rich would make that call to Claudia. Waiting for Shea to freak wouldn’t get him what he wanted, what he needed. Staying married to Shea wasn’t an option anymore, and the clock was ticking on how long Kate would stay within his reach.

  Soft cotton pajama bottoms slid over his legs and a t-shirt over his head, the hem coming to rest at his waist. Rich started toward Kate’s room with his phone in hand, only to stop, turn off the ringer, and set it on the nightstand. Interruptions weren’t welcome tonight. He would share dinner with Kate, and then he would tell her how he felt about her, leaving nothing unsaid. She deserved to make an educated decision.

  The knock on Kate’s door was clearly heard from Rich’s room, and he hurried to pay the man with their dinner. “I’ll get that,” he said as soon as he rounded the corner, his wallet in hand.

  Both sets of eyes sought him out. The tray was wheeled over to the table and the plates set on it. As Rich handed the bills to the room service guy, Kate began to uncover the food he’d ordered.

  The door closed with a snap and she cleared her throat. Rich turned to see her glaring at him. “What?” Obvious confusion was in his voice.

  “Cheesecake and—” She lifted a little silver lid. “—some really yummy looking chocolate brownie thing.”

  “Decadent Brownie Dessert,” he informed her, “with fudge sauce.”


  “Don’t worry, they’re both for me.”

  “Oh.” Her face fell just a bit.

  He fought a smile and offered, “I’ll share.”

  She grabbed a fork and the plate with the oozing, still steaming, brown dessert and dug in. She sunk into the chair, resting her heels on the edge of the seat next to her bottom. Her lips wrapped around the fork, and she pulled it out slowly. “Mmm, oh my…” she said dreamily. “Rich, you have got to try this.” The fork scraped against the plate, and before he could protest, she held it out. “Come on, I don’t have cooties.” She looked so beautiful, so intoxicating, and he wanted to kiss away the remnants of chocolate still on her lip. The tip of her pink tongue slowly wiped away exactly what he’d been fixated on.

  Blinking quickly, he attempted to remain in the here and now. His hand gripped the chair on the other side of the table for support. “It’s that good, huh?”

  She nodded. “Here.” Her arm moved forward, hovering over the table, extending the fork with it.

  His eyes focused on hers as he leaned fo
rward to take what she was offering into his mouth. Despite the anxiety, the defensive numbness oozing from every cell, his taste buds worked just fine. The dessert was delicious. “You’re right, that is good, but shouldn’t you eat your sandwich first?”

  “Nope, I believe in eating dessert first…before I get too full.” She took another bite and chewed slowly. “So, you never answered me.”

  “You didn’t ask me anything.” His mind began to spin, trying to recollect a question that Kate had asked, and staring into the deep green of her eyes. The plump perfection of her lips wasn’t helping matters.

  She smiled. “Yes, I did.” Her fork dropped onto the plate, and she stared at him. “Those girls in the lounge—”


  “—did they really offer you a threesome?”

  A huge lump formed in his throat and he swallowed hard. “Yes.” Surely, Kate couldn’t think he would…

  “Why didn’t you…? Never mind, it’s none of my business.”

  Rich leaned forward in his chair and waited until she looked in his eyes. “Kate, casual sex doesn’t interest me.” His voice was quiet, but strong. “I believe in making love. And I only want to make love to the woman…I love.”

  She didn’t speak for several painful moments. Her face was somber. “Right, you’re married.” Her fork plunged into the dessert, lifting another mouthful toward her lips.

  “My wife is not that woman.”

  She stared at him, blinking, while his revelation began to sink in. The dessert teetered precariously in the air. Her face grew tense and her full lips pulled into a tight line. “I, uh…Rich, I’m…” Since her mouth wasn’t doing a very good job of communicating, she decided to opt for using her hands, sending the brown dessert flying toward him. It hit his chest with a splat, and Kate jumped to her feet. “Oh my goodness. I am so sorry.” With napkin in hand, she violently smeared the glob into an enormous stain that now covered the entire front of his shirt.

  He took her hands, stopping the movement. “Kate, it’s okay. I’ll just change.” His fingers caught the hem of the shirt and lifted it over his head. “I’ll get cleaned up real quick then we can finish our dinner.”

  Three steps into his room and his feet wouldn’t move any further. His soul ached to tell Kate exactly how much she meant to him. His lungs needed to be filled with her scent as she melted herself into his embrace. His heart longed to tell her that he loved her, that she was the only woman for him, the one he wanted to make love to.


  How long have I been standing here? “Just give me one second.” Rich tried to refrain from a full out sprint into the bathroom and ended up doing some galloping thing that probably looked even more ridiculous than it felt. But his mind was too busy to care what he looked like. His heart pounded with the excitement of finally being able to put a voice to the feelings that had been eating him up on the inside.

  Tossing the dirty shirt on the counter, Rich picked up a washcloth, ran it under the water and quickly wiped the remnants of the dessert from his skin. He plucked at the chocolate in his hair with the cloth, doing the best he could to get it out of his hair. A shower would definitely be on the agenda later.

  The door between their rooms was still open, and he could hear Kate quietly humming a tune he didn’t recognize. When he got to the suitcase, however, he realized that Kate had managed to dirty his last clean t-shirt. A button-up would look stupid, not to mention uncomfortable as hell. Shirtless it was.

  After sucking in a deep breath to calm his nerves, Rich started toward the woman of his dreams. Well, this is it, he told himself as he walked slowly back into Kate’s room.

  She was sitting at the table, picking at her French fries. The moment that she realized he was back, her eyes caught his, only to drift down over the exposed skin of his chest. The movement was so slow and deliberate, as if she were memorizing every inch. She gave her head a quick shake then managed a weak smile as her eyes jumped up to his face. “I thought you were going to put a new shirt on.”

  “Oh, yeah…” His hands ran down his chest in a nervous motion. “You ruined my last clean one.”

  “I ruined it?” She stood up and took a step toward him. “I am so sorry.”

  His teasing had lightened the tension he was feeling just a bit, but it all came back with a vengeance as the knowledge of what needed to be said crept back into the forefront of his mind. “Kate, I really need to talk to you.”

  Her eyes searched his. “Is everything okay?”

  “No. Yes. At least, I hope so.” His heart was a battering ram against his ribcage. He took her by the hand, hoping that his palms weren’t sweaty, and led her toward the bed.

  She laughed nervously but sat down on the corner. “It’s that bad, huh, that I need to sit down?”

  “I just want you to be as comfortable as possible.” Comfortable, physically at least, since there was no way this would go over without a little uneasiness. He mirrored her position, sitting with one leg bent under the other, facing her. “Kate.” It came out as a croak. After clearing his throat, Rich tried again, “Kate, do you know how I feel about you?”

  “Oh, um…” Her eyes dropped to the comforter on the bed and she played with a loose string, tangling it around her finger. “Rich, I don’t think…”

  “Don’t think. Just feel.” Taking his own advice, Rich inched closer to her and lifted her hand in his, pressing it to his chest. Her eyes followed the movement and were now glued to the point where they were connected. “Do you feel that, Kate?” he paused, just letting the wild thumping of his heart fill the gap in his declaration. Having her touch his naked flesh made his insides stir. Suddenly this became even more important than before. “Do you feel my heart?”

  She nodded, but didn’t lift her eyes from his chest.

  “My heart pounds like that every time I’m near you, every time I see you, every time I even hear your voice. Kate, you make me feel things I haven’t felt…well, ever. You are beautiful and kind and loving and…”

  “Rich, don’t.” She lifted her face and her eyes glistened with tears yet to be shed. “Please don’t do this.”

  “Why?” The question came out a strained whisper. “There’s little doubt that you know how I feel, but I need to tell you. I need to know that there is absolutely no confusion. You deserve to know exactly how I feel about you, how much I…”

  “Rich.” Her hand pulled away from his chest and out of his grasp. She stood and walked toward the window, sliding the curtains out of the way to stare out into the night for only a moment before her head drooped loosely on her shoulders. Her arms wrapped around her middle. “Oh,” she said on a sigh.

  Unwilling to let her just walk away from this conversation, he followed her and weaved his arms around her waist. His breath was held uncomfortably in his lungs until she leaned back into his embrace. Her hair tickled his bare skin.

  “I’m not that girl, Rich,” she muttered quietly.

  He kissed the top of her head softly, feeling confused but happy that she was at least still speaking to him. “What girl is that, love?”

  Her shoulders lifted with a sigh, and she turned in his arms, leaning back to support herself against his clasped hands. “I never thought…” Her eyes were full of confused pain while her voice was soft, shaky. “Rich, I’ve always been a good girl. I never even skipped school, not even one class. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I could be the girl that would fall in love with a married man.” She pulled away from his embrace and avoided his eyes. “But here I am.”

  Her revelation had his heart soaring. She had finally said she loved him. “Oh, Kate, you really…”

  She nodded slowly then began to speak again. “Rich, you are married. Shea may be crazy, but she is still your wife.”

  “She won’t be forever,” he assured her quietly.

  “Even still, I’m supposed to be with Jesse, in love with only Jesse. He’s a great guy who will make a wonderful husb
and and father. But my heart…” A tear flowed over her lid and slid slowly down her cheek.

  Tipping his head down, Rich lightly kissed her tear away, and when she didn’t pull away or slap him, he allowed his lips to meet hers. Electricity flowed through his veins, captivating him with emotions unfelt for years. The soft, full lips began to move beneath his and Kate moaned in pleasure as her nails bit into his shoulder blades. His tongue moved out and caressed her lips and…ruined everything.

  Kate’s hands moved to his chest and pushed against him. “Rich, I can’t…”

  Rich was disappointed, but only lifted his fingers to his lips, sealing in her kiss, and then stepped backward. “I promise not to make you do anything you don’t want to do, Kate. I still need to tell you everything. Maybe it would be best if I laid it all out on the table, so to speak, then you can decide what you want to do with the information.”

  She sniffed and nodded.

  “Come here.” His hands wrapped around each of hers, and he again led her toward the foot of the bed. His palms were sweating as his temperature rose with every ounce of nervous energy. Even if she took his words and threw them back in his face, Rich needed to say them.

  With her seated again across from him, he opened his mouth and poured his heart out to her. “Kate, you mean the world to me. I go to bed with you on my mind and wake up thinking about you. Some nights, you even spend the entire night loving me in my dreams. Tomorrow morning, you’re going back to….” A groan communicated what he couldn’t. “I can’t bear to even think of it, let alone say it.”

  Her eyes drifted closed then floated open to peer deeply into his. She began to wring her hands together but stopped to reach out to take hold of his.

  He took that as her encouragement and continued, “Kate, I want you to be with me, for you to accept my ring, to love only me. I want to be the one who gives you children, the one you grow old with.” His heart was pounding so hard in his chest, it was actually painful. He’d said almost everything, but now it was time to completely reveal all his feelings. “Kate, I can’t hide behind the pretenses anymore. This is time for no-holds-barred, Hail Mary’s, whatever it takes to make you understand that I…”


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