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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 18

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “The car had gotten so close to me that it kept hitting my back. I saw another car appear from almost nowhere and I got so distracted that I ended up smacking into a pole. I remember the feeling of being dragged out of my car, but that’s all I could remember from that night.” She said, tearing up again.

  I reached into my pocket and gave her my handkerchief. “Thank you.” She said giving me a short smile before wiping her face. “Were you able to see your kidnapper?” I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows.

  “When I regained consciousness, I was able to recognize one face among two other strangers. He was Vincent. He even said it was him, himself. After that, I never saw him again.” She said and sniffed, wiping her face more. “He appeared cold and angry. I was scared.” She added, her voice getting smaller.

  “You said that Rae was kidnapped. I know for a fact that Vincent took her. He’s always been that way about her, he’s always been so stuck on her.” She said, throwing her arms in the air.

  “Do you have any idea what he’d want with her?” I asked, already having a clue. Gigi shook her head, no. “I’m not sure, but he’s a clever man. If you kidnap someone wife, of course her husband is going to come out the shadows. I think he might want revenge on you, Stefano.” Gigi answered me. Her bangs fell over eyes as she looked downward.

  So, it’s obvious to everyone.

  “Get some rest.” I said to her before leaving her room.

  I was met outside with Enrico, Ricardo, Angelo, Thomas, and Louise. They were speaking in hushed tones, trying to suppress the intensity of their emotions. Walking into the group, I put my hands in my pockets as Enrico filled me in.

  “As you probably already know, that goose chase was just to buy time. We were never going to find Louise with that tracker. It’s like we played into their trap.” He told me, furious. I nodded my head. “I know. They’ve had us by the balls the whole time. The real prize was my wife and the bastard gave us that address purposely for us to find Accardi and Moreno.” I said.

  “Meaning, you wouldn’t have found me if it wasn’t for the address being freely given.” Louise replied to me.

  I clenched my jaw and stepped closer into the circle. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at everyone’s faces. “We’re going to The Prince’s Haven tomorrow evening. We’re going fully equipped with soldiers but we’ll be there keeping a low profile.” I said firmly.

  “They’ll be just as prepared to meet us. You heard Accardi earlier yourself. They’re expecting us.” Enrico chimed in.

  “Yes, and we'll be expecting them. We can’t expect Morelli of the Brooklyn band to squeal easily, so we’ll just have to squeeze information from his lap dog.” I said back to Enrico. “Prepare yourselves.” I said, walking away from the group.


  Vincent’s POV

  I continued to flip my knife around my index finger as I paced in a linear fashion. I glanced at Raelyn’s beautiful face occasionally to observe her countenances. I didn’t know how to describe this feeling of seeing her up-close and personal like this. It was almost bone-chilling but a hot thrill rushed through my veins instead.

  It’s been a few years and although Raelyn appeared to be different on the outside, she hadn’t changed much.

  She looked back at me with knitted eyebrows and tightness around her eyes. “I remember it very vividly. You were taken out of the motel before Stefano shot my shoulder and grazed my arm. The agony that I was in at that hour.” I said, chuckling at the last part.

  Tears were slipping through Raelyn’s eyes and she bit her lip as well. Her eyes closed slowly, as if she were reliving that day all over again. I grinned slightly and continued my story.

  “Mmm. Your husband had always seen me as a threat, ya know?” I asked her, crossing my arms. “Such a coincidence that he found me the day your wedding was supposed to be. No, there’s much more to that.” I said, leaning on the cold hard wall right next to her.

  “My good friend Adriano let me in on plenty useful information.”

  Immediately, Raelyn turned her neck towards me. Just by looking at her slacked jaw and raised eyebrows, I knew I’d hit a nerve. “Anyway, it was Stefano’s plan to get rid of me from the very beginning once he saw I wanted you just as much as he wanted you. I was like an insect he needed to get rid of.”

  “Where are you-you going with this?” She asked in a whisper-like manner. Her lips looked soft and pouted even in the dark.

  “Vanzetti was prepared for you to run away. Especially, he was ready for me to follow you. He couldn’t waste the opportunity of getting rid of me that way. But, for some reason he just couldn’t finish me off.” I smiled and reached to fix a strand of her hair that was out of place but she moved away.

  I stood up straight I chuckled. “The power you have over that bastard.”

  “He couldn’t kill me himself, so he tortured me instead and gave his cousin authority over how to handle me. Hm, if you truly knew how wicked your husband was, you’d never look at him the same.” I said, holding my knife firmly. “Take it from me, I know what I’m talking about.”

  “There were moments where against my arrogance, I’d just beg for him to just finish me off. That wasn’t possible though as, he wanted me to regret ever going against the damn Pride.” I could feel my insides boiling and the darkness swarming my heart tighten against the muscle.

  Her lips trembled as she looked downward. I knew I was stirring up conflicting thoughts in her head. My goal wasn’t to get her to hate Vanzetti as much as I did, but I didn’t mind.

  “It was horrific.” I said now standing in front of her. I position the tip of the knife over my chest and abdomen, tracing the scars Vanzetti left behind, remembering exactly how he’d cut me.

  “How he moved the knife like this and like that…” I covered my mouth as I threw my head back laughing. I heard Raelyn beginning to cry and sniff. “I was tortured for about a week until he got tired. That’s when his cousin got into the picture. Adriano was a different kind of made man. He didn’t mind being a backstabber or going against his own organization.” I continued.

  “Long story short, he hated that son of a bitch’s guts probably more than I did, and he knew if he wanted to bring him down, he had to be allied with others that disliked him just the same. We faked my death and he explained to me his plan to pull the rug from underneath Stefano. To destroy everything he built for himself and take his place was the end goal and he didn’t care what it took.” I said, recalling the memory as if it were yesterday.

  I tilted my head to the side with a pout. “However, he fell short of that dream. I continued it just for the sole purpose of revenge. I couldn’t care less about taking Vanzetti’s place though. That being said, I have been watching you, Rae. I know a lot more than you think.”

  Raelyn shook her head and raised it to look at me. “Adriano is sicker than I thought. This is all just for the sake of revenge. You just want to get Stefano back for what he’s done to you.” She said, her voice wavering.

  “You’re clever.”

  “This isn’t the way Vincent, it’s not.” She pleaded. I raised my chin as I narrowed my eyes at her.

  “Then what is the proper way? How do you tell a man who was emasculated in front of the woman he loved, tortured night and day and had life stripped away from him to turn the other cheek?” I asked her, my voice rising with every word.

  “Thrown, cast to the side, left to rot like a diseased animal! All for the sake of the very same thing I still lack.” He continued.

  “Is it love?” She whispered.

  I stared at her for a few seconds before chuckling.

  “Everything was taken from me. You even fell in love with him. You bear his last name and birthed him his dear son.”

  She remained quiet and I smirked. “You don’t want me talking about your son do you? Ya know, I find it interesting that his middle name is Dante. Do you remember, Rae?” I asked her, my eyes still narrowed.

  “Yes.” She replied

  I walked up to her and she didn’t flinch once as I lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes. “The nerve of you, Rae.” I smirk. “To fall in love with the man that killed me…That once pained me. It left a wound in my heart.” I confessed.

  “Vincent, I-” She started But I cut her off.

  “I thought one day we’d find ourselves back together. I’d rather us be fools together than sensible without each other.” I said back, softly.

  I then stepped back as her eyes remained trained on me. “But, I can’t have you anymore. You have a life of your own. Me, I have no reason to live anymore. Youth is wasted on the young, they say.” I said, raising my arms in the air.

  “You’ve been the one behind the attacks in the neighborhood, the one causing the made men so much trouble…” She said, bringing up an interesting topic. She had a disappointed and knowing tone.

  “That’s right.” I answered, leaning forward. My lips nipped at her ear and I found it funny how she’d try to move her head away like her moving wasn’t restricted.

  “You’re scared of me, aren’t ya?” I asked, teasingly,

  “No, you just want me to be.” She struggled to reply. I knew Rae very well and she was just putting on her famous tough-act.

  “This is my fault. This is all my fault.” She cried. I pulled away from her ear and narrowed my eyes at her. “I shouldn’t even have told you I was running away. I only told you so you could move on and get closure. It was never my intention for you to follow me. I should have tried harder to stop you.” She rambled.

  I lifted her chin with my thumb and finger and wiped her tears away with my other hand.

  “Unfortunately, I didn’t stop you. It was not because I didn’t care about the consequences, but because I wanted your company so badly.” She said shaking her head in regret.

  “I did this to you. So, if there’s anyone you want to get back at, it should be me.” Rae said, her head stilling and her eyes locked with mine.

  My lips thinned into a straight line and I let go of her chin. “If only you knew the storm brewing in my heart, you’d take back your words.” I told her. I knew exactly what Raelyn was attempting to do. She wanted me to focus on her and let my revenge on Vanzetti go. Little did she know, I’m not one to be swayed easily.

  “I broke your heart and-” She started again and I slammed my hand against the wall to shut her up.

  “You’re just trying to cover that bastard’s ass.” I whispered. I heard a whimper escape from Rae, in response.

  I stood up straight and hardened my gaze at the woman in front of me. “I’m far from done yet. I’m going to cut him down, inch by inch. I’m at the brink of destroying everything he’s worked for and stripping him of everything he holds dear.” I said to her, lowly. I could hear Rae’s breathing getting chopped.

  “Yes, my hate runs that deep. He’ll be shivering like a leaf in the wind. I can’t wait for that day when he’s completely at my mercy.” I added, a smirk in my face as I looked down at my hands. I then balled my fists.

  “Vincent, are you angry with me?” Raelyn asked me.

  “I’m not sure how I feel towards you, Rae.” I replied back.


  Stefano’s POV

  “Either my eyes are deceiving me or it’s Stefano Vanzetti standing at my door.” The elderly priest said, stepping to the side to allow me in his home.

  “I’m sorry to arrive at your house at such an ungodly hour.” I replied to him, taking off my coat. Father Roberto took my coat and hung it on the coat hanger.

  “Please, sit.” He said gesturing towards the couch. I sighed and took a seat, resting my hands on my knees. I closed my eyes and bowed my head, trying not to lose my composure. So many things were swarming my head and I felt immensely stressed out.

  I didn’t know what to do anymore. I didn’t know what step to take next or what my next moves were. I just knew I had to get my wife back and put an end to Vincent Vandal.

  “I haven’t seen that look on your face for a long time, Stefano.” Father Roberto said, solemnly.

  I rubbed my hands down my face. “I’m sure you’ve heard what happened yesterday.”

  “I have, and I’ve been praying for you.” He replied. I shook my head and scoffed. “Praying for me?” I asked into the air. With my track record, I was sure that God didn’t even respect me.

  “Isn’t that why you came here, Stefano? You look like a man desperate for divine intervention.” Father said, lacing his fingers together. He was right, but I just didn’t know how to go about things. It’s been so long since I’ve prayed or even attended service. With my occupation alone, it was all just a waste of time anyway.

  I’m a killer, a thief, a wicked criminal.

  But, I did need help. I needed a new way because I haven’t at all been successful. Then I thought, why would God help someone like me? I’ve done so many inhumane things in the past, and now I’m coming here to beg for help?

  How pathetic am I?

  This was a mistake. “No, I’m beyond redemption.” I shook my head, squeezing my knees.

  “Not true.” Father Roberto said reaching to the coffee table and picking up his bible. I watched him as his fingers skillfully flipped through the many pages.

  He stopped on a page and turned the book towards me, placing his finger on a section. “Read this, my son.” He said. I took the book from him and began to read. “Mark 2:17, On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."” I read and finally closed my eyes.

  Father Roberto took the book from me and closed it. A man like you does deserve everything that comes towards him. But, you can redeem yourself. With the lord, change is possible. What have you done about your lifestyle, Stefano? Are you content with it?” He asked me.

  I clenched my jaw as I covered my eyes. “I thought having a wife and children would suddenly turn me into a good man. No, all I did was get more blood on my hands to protect them.” I said. I looked at the graying man, his wrinkles were more apparent as he frowned. “He’s punishing me, isn’t he? He wants me to know what it’s like to feel loss. Isn’t that right?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at the father.

  “Stefano, that-”

  “It’s true, isn’t it?” I asked him.

  “There’s only so much I can do to help you, my son. The lord has made peace with you. It’s up to you to make your peace with him, now. Are you ready?” He asked me.

  I stood up from my seat and stormed to get my coat. “Stefano!”

  “No, I don’t need this.” I said, leaving through the door.

  Chapter 22

  Stefano’s POV

  Later that morning

  “Richard, please. He’s doing everything he can. He’s going to get our daughter back. Hunny...” my mother in-law said, calming down her husband as he shook in despair. I shook my head and looked down at the marbled floor of my living room. I knew sooner or later Raelyn’s parents would come to tell me off.

  “I gave you my daughter because you said you’d protect her.” Richard cried, balling his fists before placing both hands on his head. I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again to see the redness in his own eyes.

  “You failed to protect my Raelyn.” He said again, his voice cracking, a look of disappointment in his eyes.

  I bit my lip. The statement was a drowning force and I had no choice but to swallow it’s truth.

  “Richard…” Jazmine trailed, resting her forehead on his shoulder. She sent me an apologetic look, knowing I’ve been working all day on this matter. But, in those eyes I could see she felt the same as her husband.

  “Jazmine! You know it too. We all saw the condition Moreno’s daughter was in.” Richard said, shooting up from his chair. Jazmine bit her lip and I met eyes with Richard.

  “We all know this enemy wants you!” Richard said, pointing at me. I clenched my jaw in response. “Which means my daughter m
ight not even be found in one piece!” He yelled, furious. I clenched my jaw at his statement.

  “Richard!” Jazmine said, grabbing his arm. He pulled back his arm and stormed out of my living room, getting ready to leave my house. I watched him hard, sizing him up as he left. As I did, I could feel my eyes beginning to blur.

  “Stefano, he’s as upset as all of us are. He didn’t mean what he said.” Jazmine said clasping her hands together as she gave me pleading eyes. Her philosophy was that the last thing we needed was tension and chaos in the midst of this situation.

  “Out of abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He meant what he said, and I don’t blame him.” I said back to her.

  I failed to protect my wife, and I don’t think I could ever forgive myself for that. Jazmine left to follow her husband, most likely to calm him down.

  When I was left alone to think about this whole situation and the danger my wife could possibly be in, I blinked my eyes once more and felt a wet substance roll down my cheek. The tear curved under my chin and disappeared. I hadn’t cried in a long time and I knew because this action felt so foreign to me.

  That afternoon

  Romano was being taken care of by Raelyn’s parents at the moment while I was getting my head together. I was at the bar with Alessio, trying to drown the stress by getting loose.

  “I’d say good afternoon but I can see it hasn’t been good for you.” Alessio started, raising an eyebrow at me.

  I couldn’t care less at the moment about my surroundings. I was more focused on enjoying my drink and thinking to myself. “You know The Pride is going on a mission tonight?” I asked Alessio. He nodded his head as he watched me carefully. The chattering of locals in the background gave me a bit of ease.

  I placed my cold glass on the counter gently, keeping an eye on it as I spoke. “Alessio, if anything is to go wrong, You will take over as the new leader. To your best judgement, either Marcelo or Romano will grow to take over the business. Then-” I was then cut off abruptly.


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