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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 19

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  “What is the meaning of this, Stefano?” Alessio asked me, his tone laced with disbelief and confusion. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked at me as if I’d gone mad. An image of Raelyn appeared in my mind and I closed my eyes, savoring the thought of her.

  “It’s a dangerous mission. There needs to be some kind of order if I don’t return.” I said, turning to face him. Alessio’s stare was hard on me, his eyes calculating my every movement. “I meant what I said…” I said, taking my drink and raising it to my lips once more.

  I knew Alessio could comprehend what I was saying. I trusted him, and he sent me a nod of confirmation that he understood me.

  “We’re going to The Prince’s Haven to meet Segreto. It might be a trap, but we’re fully equipped.” I said, remembering every last detail to my strategy. “Remember what I told you yesterday, Stefano.” Alessio said.

  I pressed my lips together as I thought back to yesterday. I know how it is, Stefano. I also have a wife that I love. Think rationally about your next moves if you want to see her again…

  I glanced at Alessio and chuckled a bit. “You of all ppl should know not to underestimate me, Alessio.” I responded back. Alessio smirked and tapped his finger on the counter. The bartender came and poured him another drink.

  “I want to be a part of this mission.” He told me.

  “I was prepared for you to say that. However, it’s best for you to stay here. I don’t want Maria to lose a good man.” I replied.

  He knew better than to fight with me on this. My decisions were always final and came from a place of thoughtfulness and reason.

  Alessio kept his silence, perhaps thinking of what he’d be leaving behind if he were to join me.


  Raelyn’s POV

  I slightly jumped hearing the door unlock and swing open. A huge sum of daylight was forcing its way through the tiny window about forty feet up on the wall. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs, thinking about my next moves as Vincent walked into the room or should I say, prison.

  He was carrying a blue bag in one hand and used his other hand to raise a cigarette to his lips. I crinkle my nose at the smell and he chuckled, tossing the bag right next to me.

  “I was thoughtful and got you some clothes to change into. We’re switching locations shortly so do what you have to.” He said casually, staring at me as I was in obvious discomfort. I didn’t even want to know what was going on in his head or worse yet, what he was thinking of me.

  I took note that when he was in here with me, it was unlocked.

  There was just something about the object of someone’s glance. In that particular moment, you are the object of focus behind one’s eyes. In that moment, your every movement is being judged. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

  “Are you going to leave?” I asked, looking to the right to the door that led to the small bathroom. There were no windows in there either. I was out purposely in this room so I’d have no chance of escape.

  “I have to make sure you don’t do anything reckless.” He replied, a smirk accompanying his sentence. I decided not to say anything more. I was in desperate need to take a shower and change out of my clothes from yesterday. I opened the bag and pulled out body wash. As I held it in my hand and stared at it, I was captivated at the fact this specific type was my favorite scent when I was younger. In fact, it had been the same brand and type of soap I brought with me when I was on the run with Vincent.

  Vanilla Cake.

  My hand shook slightly. It scared me how Vincent remembered the minor details. He continued to stare down at me quietly. Not only was he taunting me, he was trying to break me down.

  I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to be in the comfort of my family. I needed my husband to hold me. I wanted to kiss my baby boy. I wanted nothing more than to be embraced by my mother and father, my friends as well. A guilty thought then entered my head. I began to wonder how Vincent had been holding up all these years without seeing his family or loved ones.

  He had no love, no companionship. He’s been all alone in the cloud of darkness for years. I had the love of everyone I knew, comforting me. It had only been a day, and I felt alone and miserable without them.

  “We’ll be switching locations shortly so be fast.” He said as I got up slowly from the mattress on the ground.

  “Where are you going to take me?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  Vincent narrowed his at me this time and sized me up. “Mm. That’s not something you should worry about.” He responded.

  “I don’t know what you’re feeling, but I understand.” I said to him, slowly and sincerely. It was no surprise to me at all why Vincent was doing all this. I felt guilty and to blame for how he turned out. Deep down, I knew this had more to do with me than he let on.

  “Don’t say another word, Raelyn. I’m in a very, terrible mood.” Vincent told me, his voice low to aid his statement. My heart pounded violently against my chest as I took slow, calculating steps towards Vincent. He furrowed his eyebrows, perhaps in confusion of my sudden burst of boldness.

  “When you’re in darkness, you only descend deeper into it. Hear me, Vincent.” I spoke softly. I was now standing in front of him, a strong countenance plastered on my face as I stared deep into his dark, chocolate orbs. For a split second I wanted to cry just staring into them. He was hurt, full of despair and hatred.

  How could someone carry so much pain and anger for so many years?

  Hesitantly, I brought my hand up, his strong one stopping mine in the air. “Don’t touch m-me Rae.” He said lightly squeezing my hand. His words were telling me one thing, but I could tell just by the squeeze he gave my hand that he wanted me to touch him more than anything right now.

  He stared at me cautiously, yet his grip on my hand lessened as I brought my hand closer to cup the side of his prickly cheek.

  His skin was warm, the exact contrast of his cold demeanor. “You have to live free from the chains of hate. If you’re caught again Vincent, you won’t be able to redeem yourself…” I said, moving my hand from his cheek to the back of his neck, where my fingers glided up his soft hair.

  I had to admit that it gave me such relief, to now see how alive Vincent was. However, my heart was in pain. I felt so much pain in the fact that Vincent turned out this way. He was an enemy to my husband, a threat to my family, and had turned so wicked.

  “What are you saying?” Vincent asked me, staring me deep into my eyes, as if trying to see into my soul. His voice had become soft and curious. “I don’t want you to die.” I said, shaking my head for emphasis. My eyes even became pricked with tears.

  I was telling the truth, but I also knew better than to get sucked in at this moment. There was some sort of gleam in his eyes. It was that gleam he used to give me whenever I told him something interesting. It was that gleam in his eyes every time he told me how much I meant to him.

  “The monster inside of me is just getting bigger, Rae. I have nothing to lose.” He replied.

  My heart crushed into pieces once more. Stefano once told me that a man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous.

  “A man can’t live alone with nothing more than a dream. When my life was taken from me, I became weak.” He admitted. My eyes linked back up with his and immediately, he gripped my chin with his thumb and first finger. He angled my head up as he stared at me with a serious expression.

  I was completely struck with shock at knowing what he was wanting to do. His eyes were doing all of the talking for him. He wanted to kiss me. My heart thudded against my chest again. Almost as if reading the message in my eyes, Vincent scoffed and let go of my chin.

  He turned around and shook his head, his face dropping into his hands. I’m so sorry, Vincent. I said in my head before folding my right arm and elbowing his back as hard as I could. “Oh, fuck!” He cursed.

  I quickly ran straight to the door, not looking back at all. I heard Vincent’s stream of
violent curses as he ran directly at me. I prayed that I’d make it, considering how long I knew Vincent’s strides were.

  The Adrenalin in me flared up as I continued a fast pace I didn’t know I had in me. I quickened more as I heard a creaking noise. I got to the door and twisted the door knob, pushing against the door as I did.

  When my foot was out, I felt some cold and hard slum against my mid-back, making me freeze in organic pain. “Ah-ah…” my knees fell to the floor and I doubled over as the ache continued to pound at the spot I was hit. The loud sound of the chair that Vincent threw at me smacked onto the ground.

  My breath was ragged as I tried to push myself up to continue to run but I yelled in agony instead and fell back down to the ground.

  Vincent’s fast and angry footsteps approached me. I yelped as my head snapped back and I felt him tugging my hair at an angle. Vincent brought his face down to look at me intently. His jaw was clenched and I knew he was seething from that stunt I pulled. I couldn’t help but to stare at him as if I’d seen a ghost.

  The angle in which my ponytail was being pulled made me bend my back a bit. The excruciating pain I was feeling in my back didn’t help either. My teeth were grinded together as I tried my hardest to not break down.

  “I didn’t want to do that to you. You’ve really pissed me off Rae.” He said, after a long moment of silence. I heard footsteps from behind the door, followed by it swinging open. “Fuck, what do you want Algosto?” Vincent asked in annoyance.

  The man that just came in began to laugh. “The bitch tried to run.” He said, mockingly. I couldn’t see his face, but I knew I heard that voice multiple times before. He was definitely one of the men that kidnapped and brought me here. Still, I knew I heard his voice before that.

  His footsteps got closer and when he finally got close enough, all my thoughts were confirmed. He smiled at me, mocking me with an innocent look on his face. This was the man that I bumped into a few times at local restaurants. I’ve also seen him eat at the restaurant I manage.

  My throat became tight and my eyes widened in fear of the trouble I was in. “Quit fucking around, what do you have for me?” Vincent asked him, the pulling of my hair still consistent. As I tried to get up again, he pressed his foot on my lower back, adding pressure already to the bruise I already knew was there.

  “I just heard some noise. Anyway, when are we leaving?” The man asked Vincent. Vincent chuckled in response. “Not just yet. Rae and I are gonna’ have some fun.” He said, lowly. Every attempt I made to get up, hurt more than the last.

  The door had shut and immediately, I was turned over. “Get off of me, get off!” I yelled, digging my nails into his arms. I guess I had done it then, because he slapped me across my face so hard, I was staring at his face in shock for what seemed like forever. The moment tears started pricking my eyes, Vincent straddled me and wrapped one of his hands around my neck.

  The more energy I used to hit him and pry his hands from my neck, the more out of breath I became. “Please, stop!” I begged, my tears blurring my eyes. I was hurting so much. I was hurting all over my body, but none of it amounted to the pain I was feeling in my heart.

  “Don’t take this personal, Rae.”

  My eyes pleaded to him, giving him my most desperate message: Why are you doing this to me?

  He only smirked in response though. He leaned down to the side of my neck and trailed his lips up to my ear. His hand also slid up my thigh.

  “I apologize in advance.”


  Stefano’s POV

  “Caterina’s calling me.” I said to Alessio and he nodded. I already knew what she was going to blow my head up about. Everyone knew about Raelyn’s kidnapping but her. She’s been traveling the world, living her life and unaware of what was going on at the home front.

  However, that’s how I wanted it. Caterina was the only sibling I had left, and I wanted her to live her life, not wanting to cause her anymore heartache.


  “I heard about what happened to Raelyn.” She said, slowly and heart-felt. I closed my eyes and kept my jaw tight.

  “I’m flying back to Boston in the morning and I just wanted to let you know.” She said again. I nodded my head as if she could see me. “I didn’t want you getting involved, Cat.” I explained to her.

  “I know. Still, I know how you can get at a time like this. You’re all I have left and I care about you, Stefano. I know you need someone to confide in right now.” She said to me. She couldn’t have been more right about the last part.

  “I appreciate that. I’ll see you soon then.”


  I walked into headquarters, immediately feeling the awkwardness come off from a few of the soldiers that welcomed me in. Alessio had also joined me, wanting to watch over me considering I had drunk a little bit more than him.

  What made me more suspicious earlier was that when Enrico called me, he couldn’t even brief me about the new information he’d just gotten on the enemy.

  All he said was that we got a new file from an anonymous address.

  Angelo and Ricardo stepped out of the room and stilled when they saw me. Angelo averted eye-contact and Ricardo cleared his throat before walking up to Alessio and I.

  I furrowed my eyebrows and met them halfway. “What the fuck is going on here? Why does everyone look like someone was murdered?” I asked, loudly. “I wonder the same thing.” Alessio added.

  Just then, Enrico stepped out of the computer room and gave me an awkward look. At the same time, he waved for us to come into the room. I watched as Ricardo opened a file from the computer and a video popped up.

  He then stood up from his chair and walked up to Enrico, Alessio, and I. “It’s important that you watch this video. It includes your wife.” Ricardo informed me.

  “We also advise you watch it alone.” Enrico added, looking at Alessio.

  I stared at Ricardo and Enrico for a few seconds and nodded, trusting their judgement. “It’s no problem.” Alessio said, putting his hands in his pockets and leaving through the door. Ricardo and Enrico then followed suit.

  I sat in the leather chair and clicked to play the video. I immediately heard whimpering, followed by pathetic bursts of “Please, please stop.” Coming from a familiar voice.

  I swallowed hard and narrowed my eyes harder to see what was going on. The video seemed to adjust and I saw two figures. One laying on the ground and the other straddling the one on the ground.

  I heard shuffling, what sounded like the removal of clothing. No. It wasn’t happening. What I thought was about to happen, wasn’t happening.

  “I’ll slice your throat open Rae, I mean it.” Came a deep, masculine voice that activated a dangerous anger within me. Vandal was on top of my wife. He was threatening to kill her if she didn’t allow him to have his way with her.

  My hands shook and I couldn’t control them.

  It was dark in the room where they were in, but I could see that Raelyn was naked and Vandal had her legs crossed around his torso. If I knew anything about my wife, it was that she was a fighter. Her lying helplessly and pathetically on the ground like that was a clear indication that she’d been drugged or beaten into submission.

  I heard a sob escape from Raelyn, followed by silence on her part. The next thing that followed was a groan from Vandal as he stilled. I shot up from my chair, making it fall back. I gripped my hands on the table and hardened my gaze on the video I was watching.

  The sounds coming from Raelyn did something to me. I heard a mix of irregular panting and whimpers laced with pain erupting from her mouth. Vandal only chuckled and reached his hand down to cover her mouth.

  “You’re a noisy one, Raelyn. You feel so fucking good too. Oh, shit.” Vandal cursed, turning his head in the direction of where this video was being taken from. He wore a large, wicked smile on his face.

  My eyes slowly traveled to Raelyn, how she squeezed her eyes tight and just laid there, waiting for
all of her pain to be over.

  I lowered my head, covering my eyes with my hand.

  “Are... you...seeing this Vanzetti? Are you... seeing me fuck the living... shit out.of.your.wife? You probably feel like you’re... less...than a man.” He said, pumping his hips after his syllables. The bastard laughed hard, as if this were the funniest thing he’d ever been a part of.

  I gritted my teeth and slammed my hands down on the table. I couldn’t continue to watch this. Raelyn’s crying continued to ring in my ears. Her suffering still continued and I wasn’t there to help it.

  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead and my knees began weak. I didn’t know the weight of what I was seeing until I was yanked down to the ground, my knees hitting the floor as I gripped my hair strands tightly.

  Immediately, the door swung open. “Stefano!” I heard Alessio yell, coming to my side. Seeing my wife getting raped, mocked, and degraded with my own eyes was doing something to me.

  My vision blurred and numerous, quick tears raced down my face. “Alessio if you know what’s good, don’t touch me.” I said, giving him a warning look. I needed to hit something. I needed to release my anger on to something. More than that, I had the urge to kill.

  Alessio quickly went over to the computer and clicked out of the video.

  I shook my head and went over to a wall, resting my head against it, trying to calm myself down. For the first time, I let my emotions get the better of me. Vandal had me. He had me by the balls this time. I saw everything in red at this moment.

  Alessio turned me around and pulled me into a hug. I held onto him firmly, knowing he had my back and could relate to me. “I don’t know what you’re feeling inside, but I understand. I have a wife I love too, Stefano. If I were you, I would have been so out of control I could’ve killed everyone at headquarters.”

  Rae’s suffering facial expression was still in my head, as well as the smirk Vandal wore on his face.

  There was no more room for mistakes. Tonight’s mission was going to be complete.


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