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Of Mobsters and Men: WILD (Book #2)

Page 20

by L. A TehPeaceMaker

  Chapter 23

  Raelyn’s POV

  My teeth chattered but I wasn’t cold. My eyes were wide and stared into the distance, but I hadn’t seen a ghost. I couldn’t ignore the throbbing between my legs or the painful tightness I felt around my ankles and wrists. I couldn’t ignore the numerous light tears that dragged down my cheeks.

  I don’t know how much time had gone by, but the only thing I could remember up to this point was the sweaty face and sound of groaning coming from the man that violated me. I felt like I was in a daze, in a different world. I couldn’t believe this was real life. The man I’d held in my heart so dear for all these years violated me in the worst way. That was something I still found hard to believe even though I was the victim.

  I had to have passed out during my assault because I couldn’t even remember if he’d ejaculated in me or not.

  “I can b-barely s-sit up.” I said sobbing in between words. I managed to bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my bare legs.

  I felt dirty and in pain. I let out a wail, my body crying out the words I couldn’t utter. “God, what’ve I done to deserve this?” I shouted. My chest rose up and down. I couldn’t get Vincent’s face out my head, or the sound of his groans. The smirk he looked down on me with as he entered in and out of me was etched into my mind. The feeling of him in me was a feeling I couldn’t forget. I could also remember the feeling of the tiny sweat droplets that fell from his body onto mine.

  My vision blurred. Never would I have thought Vincent would hurt me like this. It was like he forgot who I was. It’s like he forgot who HE was. Was I just collateral damage in all of this?

  The wicked grin plastered on his face as he stared me down was one I’d never forget. His constant mocking, taunting while he defiled my body and spirit shambled me. His hands, roaming about on my body made me shiver. Even more sickening, he constantly brought up my husband’s name as if torturing me physically wasn’t enough.

  Are you seeing this Vanzetti?

  Are you seeing what I’m doing to your dear wife?

  I hope you’re angry.

  I knew he was recording. I knew Stefano would see what happened to me. With wobbly legs, I stood myself up carefully to not fall. I steadied myself as dizziness took over me. Each step I took towards the bathroom in the corner was irritating and painful. I felt like I was coming off drugs.

  “Stefano…” I whispered, wrapping my arms around my frame. I didn’t know why I called out his name. All I knew was that I desperately needed him. I was still shaking. It was dark and I was afraid. My finger couldn’t stay still as I wiped a tear under my eye.

  Stefano’s POV

  “I’ve sinned.”

  My eyes were glued to the dark and glossy tiled floor as I spoke. I’d come to Father Roberto again in the church, deciding to take his offer of helping me redeem myself. Everything that is crashing down on me because of the evil man that I am. I was convinced this was the case, no matter how many times Father Roberto told me God wasn’t trying to punish me.

  “I’ve sinned. I’ve sinned so much. All my life all I’ve done is sin.” I admitted, shaking my head as I reflected back on all the men I’ve killed. “The Father hears you, Stefano.” Roberto said placing his hand on my shoulder.

  The video I’d seen an hour prior resurfaced in my mind. I gritted my teeth just thinking about it. “Take it out on me, not my innocent Raelyn. I’ll change. I’ll turn my whole life around!” I said, slamming the side of my fist onto the ground.

  Raelyn, what have I gotten you into? Could you even forgive me? Could I ever forgive myself?

  I set fire to the world around me, just so a flame could never touch her. Or, so I thought. I should have known that by becoming one with Raelyn, she too would be engulfed by my fire.

  I brought both of my hands up to my face so I could look at them. “These hands have killed so many men. None innocent, but all having the potential to change their lives. Just like how an evil man such as myself can change the direction of my life right now, they could have too. But, I robbed them of such a unique opportunity.” I confessed.

  I heard Roberto sigh.

  “I’ve directed the deaths of so many men. I’ve committed despicable crimes.” Assassinations, selling of illegal drugs and other organized crimes were just what I could think of right now. I gripped my pants as I continued to delve deeper into the horrible depths of my mind.

  “How have I survived to this point considering all the bad things I’ve done? Why would someone like him protect someone like me?” I asked Roberto. There was a brief, uncomfortable silence.

  “It’s said that our lord gives the wicked man more time to change his ways.” He answered, moving to stand in front of me. His fingers were laced behind his back as he looked down at me.

  “I can tell just by looking at you, you’ve been suffering. The gravity of your sins have weighed you down and rendered you a prisoner.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked and chuckled low, raising my head. I was looking up at Father Roberto now as he gave me a pitiful countenance.

  “Sometimes mental exhaustion can take a bigger toll than physical fatigue. The mind has been suffering all this time and now the body cries out.” He added.

  In other words, I was full with emotions, ready to explode. I was put into a position I never thought was possible. My family was being harmed.

  “Stefano, what are you thinking?” Roberto asked me.

  If I wasn’t born into this life, would things have been different? If I’d had dealt with Vandal when I had the chance-

  “My son, It’s unnecessary to think about the what ifs and everything that isn’t.” Roberto said, cutting me from my stream of thoughts. He’s correct. That won’t bring me closer to putting an end to this madness.

  “You already knew that, which is why you came to the church. You won’t make progress going in circles. So Stefano, Will you make your peace with God?” He asked again for what seemed like the thousandth time.


  The Prince’s Haven, New York


  Our vehicle came to a smooth, gentle halt as the huge club-like casino appeared in my line of sight. “This is the place.” Thomas said, parking the car.

  “The prince’s Haven.” Louise said, after.

  I narrowed my eyes as I watched scantily clad women on the shoulders of their rich boyfriends, entering the casino. “I’ve been here before when I was younger. All they did was change the name. They probably changed the guy running this business too.” I said getting out of the car. Thomas, Ricard and Louise followed suit.

  “What is the plan now?” Ricardo asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. The night breeze brushed past us and the stars twinkled above, signaling that we should commence.

  “Enrico and Angelo are already inside. Like I stated previously, we can’t come in all at once. We’d draw too much attention to ourselves. About ten of our soldiers are already in as well. I’ve given Angelo the go-ahead to follow procedure when most appropriate.” I explained and they nodded.

  “I’m going to dig information on where I can find the person in charge here. As you said Louise, Marco Segreto is most likely to be found here.” I said, making eye contact with Louise and he nodded in confirmation.

  “I’ll just need one of you to tail me as I pry. Remember, no mistakes.” I said lastly, turning around to start walking into the casino. I was one hundred percent about my business tonight and had no plans of going back to Boston empty handed.

  Walking into the place, I wasn’t sure whether it was a social club or large casino. I could feel the curious and lustful gaze coming from young women. The men either didn’t care enough to look our way, or stared us down because we weren’t regulars.

  The music intensified as I walked deeper into the crowd, leaning left to right to maneuver around guests. In that process my shoulders and back was caressed by money-hungry females. I was in a terrible mood and I guessed my ha
rsh demeanor attracted them like flies.

  If I was going to obtain information though, I had to entertain flirtatious gestures. I could tell by the suspicious glares from male guests that they were on to me. I had to be more careful.

  “Stefano,” I heard Enrico’s familiar voice. I turned around to meet him, two glasses of alcohol gripped in his hands.

  He raised a suggestive eyebrow.


  “I know your strategy Stefano, and you’re not going to squeeze information out of anyone looking like that.” Enrico said, trying to persuade me to ease up.

  Truth of the matter, I didn’t want to ease up. I didn’t want to forget what Vandal did to my wife. I didn’t want to forget this burning passion that brought me to this damned casino in the first place.

  “I don’t need it. Just do your job and tail me, Enrico.” I said, my eyes lingering on him a second more before turning back around.

  As I did, I caught sight of a young woman with red, vibrant lipstick and long, raven colored hair.

  She was leaning on the wall, her girlfriends standing around her probably gossiping or something. Her lips were parted and her eyes narrowed just a bit as she gave me an alluring look. “Be careful Stefano, she’s Italian.” Enrico muttered before backing away.

  I simply just smirked and focused my sight on the jezebel. I knew the type of woman she was as soon as she gave me a predatory gaze. With a sway in her hips, she boldly made her way towards me. The closer she got, the more I challenged the darkness in her eyes.

  She reminded me a lot like Gillian. Except, this one was more dangerous than her.

  I was no stranger to sexy women like her. Then again, she probably wasn’t a stranger to cold, powerful men like me. Her airy perfume danced at my nostrils as she stepped into my personal space. “Hm, I don’t think I’ve seen you here before?” She asked, her eyes scanning my face up and down.

  “I’m not so big on crowds.” I said, turning my head to watch the dancers dressed in large, colorful feathers, twirling around. Claps roared and whistles followed.

  “Then I guess you’re looking for someone?” She asked, the pitch in her tone increasing. She raised her finger up and pointed to my chest, trailing it down and stopping just above my muscles. “Why that guess out of all?” I asked her.

  “Men like you are always on the hunt for someone.” She said, slowly. She held eye contact with me, never wavering.

  Enrico was right.

  She then smiled and moved closer to me, resting her hands on my shoulders. I used my arm to bring her in closer. Her slender body was just a mere inch away from mine.

  She gave me a seductive grin and I looked down at her with caution. From the corner of my eyes I could see Enrico passing by, giving me a look as to ask what in the hell I was doing.

  “Who do you think I’m looking for?” I asked her, my face void of any expression. She giggled and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Hopefully not another woman.” She whispered in my ear. I clenched my jaw as she said that. “But if I were to put money on it, I’d say, Il Mago.” She said, tilting her head to the side.

  Il Mago...the magician.

  “It’s been awhile since I’ve been here, but I never knew they switched who was running this place.” I said carefully.

  She tossed me a smirk. “Rumor has it the real Il Mago died and there’s a phony in his place.”


  “They say he can make anyone disappear.” She added. He’s made people disappear alright. I said in my head.

  “Who are you?” I asked her. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she and Il Mago knew each other personally.

  “They call me, the man-eater. You know why? because I can swallow a man such as yourself, whole…” The seductress answered me and giggled.

  I clenched my jaw as I looked down at the olive-skinned woman. “Why don’t you say we have some fun, hm? You don't have a woman do you…?” She pouted, leaning her chin on my chest.

  I knew she wasn’t going to give me what I wanted right away.

  “Then again, I don’t see a woman on your arm or a ring. I like men like you. In fact, I find them more exciting to-.” She said, taking my hand, leading me.

  “Wait.” I said cutting her mid-sentence. She turned to face me with an innocent pout. “Do you know the magician?” I asked her. She bared her white smile. “Yes. I know him very well.”


  It was time someone began tailing me. I made a hand sign with my free hand behind me.


  I hiked up her mini dress and pressed her against the wall. This stranger of a woman bit her lip and leaned her head back as I gripped her waist. A moan escaped her lips and she gripped the side of my face, leaning her head down to kiss my neck.

  “No.” I said stopping her from proceeding further. I gave her a look as if to say i’m in charge. She bit her lips once more and giggled. “Oh, you’re that kind of guy huh?” She asked me.

  “What kind of guy?” I asked, pretending to be curious. “The kind that wants a woman that won’t challenge him at all or the one that needs a woman to challenge him all the time.” She replied, tilting her head to the side.

  I smirked and picked her off the wall, walking towards a desk in the small room. She cooed in my ear, even giving my ear a little bite. I let her go and she was now on her two feet. Looking at me with a smirk, she turned around and placed her hand on the desk, arching her back. “Look forward.” I whispered in her ear, taking one of her hands.

  Quickly, I reached into my pocket and handcuffed her to the the knob of the desk drawer. She gasped and turned around, an eyebrow raised in confusion. Not wasting time, I took her other hand and cuffed her to another knob.

  “I should’ve let you know beforehand I’m not the type-”

  “I don’t want to pull my gun out on you, so just cooperate with me.” I said walking around the desk to face her. She was hunched over in an uncomfortable position, unable to move freely as before. I could see the panic in her eyes as she looked at me.

  “Wh-What? I don't know what you’re talking about-”

  “If you scream, it will not end well for you. Cut the shit. You said it yourself that you know the magician. So tell me, where can I find him?” I asked her again.

  “We were about to fuck and that’s all you’re worried about?! Ugh I swear you’re gay or something.” She said frustrated, muttering the last bit.

  I gave her an icy glare, daring her to spew more nonsense. “You’re no fun. I just wanted to get fucked that’s all! But fine. You pass the fountain to the elevator and hit the sixth floor. He’s up there alright.”

  “One more question. Does he have a superior?” I asked her.

  “No. This is his business.” She answered, genuinely pissed off and uninterested.

  I took out my phone, getting ready to call Thomas.

  “Don’t think you’ll be able to see him without an appointment. Especially since you’ve treated his dear sister like this. A beautiful woman such as myself shouldn’t be in the handcuffs.”

  I froze in place. Sister?

  “That’s right. So many men come here all the time trying to speak with him. If you’d given me a real good fuck I could’ve helped you skip the queue.” She said, in spite.

  I looked back down on my phone and called Thomas. I gave the woman one last look before turning to leave.

  “Hey asshole, come back here! You can’t just leave me like this!” She yelled.

  “I’ll be back real soon.” I said, gritting my teeth.

  “Stefano,” Thomas said when the call went through.

  “He’s on the 6th floor. Take the stairs. Tell Angelo I need a couple firing shots to get everyone moving.” I said and hung up.

  I opened the door and stepped out, seeing Enrico leaning on the side of a wall. My eyes then trailed down his feet, seeing a large, balding man oozing blood out of his head on the ground.

  I assumed Enrico wasn't the only m
an following me.

  “How’d it go?” Enrico asked me.

  “I just gave Thomas and Angelo the orders. Also, the seductress in the room is Segreto’s sister.”

  “Shit!” Enrico cursed.

  “I need you to get her out of here as quietly as you can. She’s now our prisoner.” I said dropping the keys needed to unlock the handcuffs, into his hands.

  “Understood.” Enrico replied, nodding his head.

  Immediately after that, I heard screams and the constant sound of feet running like a stampede. “Angelo.” I muttered.

  I quickly made myself down the hall and I turned the corner to see guests running out of the casino. I used this as an opportunity to take the back and run up the stairs.

  I made eye contact with a soldier of mine. He pushed through the crowd to make it to me. “Boss, Angelo and Thomas already went ahead. The other soldiers have taken out security.” Simone said to me. I nodded to him and went up the stairs, prepared.

  I did have to remember though, that Segreto and his men were probably expecting us, so I had to lay low.

  Quietly, I walked up the stairs, pointing my gun below my waist for good measure. Getting on the sixth flight of stairs, I heard crickets and voices.

  “People started scattering like fucking flies.” I heard a gruff, irritated voice say. It was coming from the balcony.

  “There were a few irregulars that I saw today. You think it could be one of them mothafuckas?” Another asked.

  I took note that they were likely security guards. I didn’t recognize them belonging to Angelo or Ricardo. My back was against the wall and I slowly leaned to my right to get a good sight of one of the guards.

  He was large and stout. There was a cigar between his fingers and his eyebrows were furrowed, enhancing his menacing look. I narrowed my eyes as I adjusted my aim. I pulled the trigger shot his leg.

  “Agh! Fuck!” He said, crippling down. Quickly, I shot his shoulder.

  “What the fuck? It’s coming from there!” The other one yelled running towards my direction. I squinted my eyes and shot both of his shoulders as well, ducking afterwards.


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