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Demon Stone

Page 2

by D E Boske

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Asa returned to Gayla and she threw herself into his arms, kissing him hard on the mouth.

  “I was so worried about you. I… if something happened to you…” she trailed off, unable to finish her worst fears. He kissed her softly.

  “I’m alright but… my sister Tynuviel… Morphindinaetlus took her.”

  “What? Oh no! Asa, I’m so sorry.”

  “He did it because of Darian, I know. He tries to punish him. How does he know of her? I do not understand. I try to be strong for them because they are not. But… I fear for her. He will not keep her alive long, I think.”

  “Asa, I don’t know what to say. This is terrible!” Gayla replied sadly. She did not know what to do or how to comfort him. Asa took her in his arms and kissed her as he undid her dress, and she knew she could help him to forget for a while.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Calisha raced back to Kiri A’ Nouell. He had important news that must reach Kyler and Nephraete. He spread his wings, soaring through the sky on his way to the elven forest. He flew directly to Kyler’s window where he landed, changing even as he hopped onto the floor.

  “Kyler, Nephraete, we must speak. I followed Morphindinaetlus across the Logan Plains and through Thunder Peak. Tynuviel lives! Though just barely,” Calisha reported.

  “What? Are you certain?” asked the elf prince.

  “Aye, I made sure. I flew right to her. She is in great pain, but she lives. I think he intends to heal her and keep her as bait for the Mage,” replied the Crebellan, echoing Kyler’s thoughts.

  “That was my thought as well and I fear Darian will walk openly into that trap. He will be angry and not thinking clearly. Maybe this is why they aren’t allowed to love.”

  “Nay. That is not true. That rule is recent and not one proposed by the founders.” At this announcement,

  Kyler and Nephraete stared at him questioningly.

  “In the past, the Mages were happi--er.” Calisha let a rare glimpse of humor show. This, Nephraete knew was because he approved of the elf prince and was becoming more comfortable around him. “The high-ranking Mages were allowed to choose a consort. They were and are not allowed to marry. In the Old Times, they used to come to counsel here in Kiri A’ Nouell. This is when the Shangmarrum at the time chose his consort. The first Shivvendar-elf union. Falcose Dordinon was his name and her name was Tymuriel.”

  “How do you know all this?” asked Kyler, shocked.

  “Elf prince, I am timeless. I have been around for so long now I don’t even remember when I was born. The passage of time deadens the senses and the memory. These things become less and less important to an immortal creature. I cannot even remember how many lovers I have had. Nor their faces,” he said, sounding rather sad.

  “Calisha, thank you for getting back here so fast. I need to see Darian immediately.” Kyler stood to leave.

  “Kyler, wait.” Calisha caught his arm. “I want to go with you. I know I can be of assistance.”

  “I would welcome your presence,” said Kyler seriously. “Calisha, you are a valued companion indeed.” Kyler left to see if the Mage was awake yet.

  “Nephraete, you look… radiant.” Nothing escaped the Crebellan’s gaze. He knew at once that she and Kyler made love. He could see it in her eyes. It radiated from her because his senses were tuned to her. He hugged her tightly.

  “I am happy for you, Nephraete. We made the right choice coming here. Finally, you can be happy,” Calisha said softly.

  “What about you?” she asked sincerely.

  “I find companionship where I may. My main priority is you. I have no time for serious relationships,” he said without rancor.

  “Do you wish we had remained in Kaleika Bay?” She had no need to voice aloud what exactly she meant by that.

  “More than anything,” he said so softly she barely heard him.

  She felt a sudden sense of loss for him. He had given up everything for her, though he never complained. He actually compelled them to come to Kiri A’ Nouell. She wondered how her life would have been with Calisha. She knew he would have kept her safe. He never would have let her father give her to Kryndale. They would be lovers by now had they remained in Kaleika Bay.

  She was filled with emotion, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt silly, really, but she couldn’t help it. Her heart ached for him as she comprehended what he’d given up for her.

  “Shhh,” he whispered as he kissed her forehead. “It was my choice, my decision. I will live with it. How could I do it to you my love? You held no love for me. You love Kyler. Everything is as it should be. I will be here for you always. And if Kyler ever mistreats you, however unlikely, I will be there to sweep you into my arms.” He pulled her into a tender kiss that lasted long, breathless moments.

  They spent the rest of the day together, talking as if nothing passed between them.


  He awoke to lacerating pain. His whole body ached in time with his broken heart. Tynuviel! Had he screamed aloud? He couldn’t be sure. He no longer could be sure of anything. Where am I? He thought as he sat up gingerly to find himself in his chambers in Kiri A’ Nouell. Kyler sat in a chair by his bedside.

  Upon seeing the Mage awake, Kyler jumped up. “Are you alright?” his friend asked worriedly.

  “No. And I never will be again. Takasha! That damned dragon is mine. I will make him bleed. I will kill him! For what do I have to fear anymore? I care not what happens to me, if I live, if I die. Without Tynuviel…” The Mage confirmed Kyler’s worst fears.

  “You cannot mean that, Darian. I care what happens to you even if you do not. And I will not let you face this alone. She is my sister after all.” The Mage was so distraught he did not notice the elf spoke of his sister in the present tense.

  “I must gather my strength for I will leave soon. I know where he’ll be and this time I will take more than treasure from him. I will take his miserable life! He will pay for this,” the Mage said, quietly threatening. The elf did not doubt him. His friend’s tone and manner frightened him, though he did not show it.

  “Father wants to speak to you. Please, do not leave me out of this Darian. The elves will stand with you. We will avenge my sister. But right now, you need to rest.” Kyler left him to do just that. Darian did not think he could, but before he knew it, he slipped away; Ru Nay’ Sha taking him prisoner in its dark depths.

  He dreamt of Tynuviel and of her last moments. He tried to warn them. He shouted a warning, but they could not hear. They were too involved in their game. They were picking berries from the Eldoran trees, which they used to make the elven wine, Nykessa.

  He sensed the dragon before it could be seen. He began calling out to them. Then the elves came pouring out of the trees, dropping their baskets and taking up bows instead. Their arrows did them no good. Morphindinaetlus’s hide was too thick and the arrows all bounced harmlessly off, falling uselessly to the forest floor.

  He cast spell after spell at the beast, but it did not stop the dragon, too determined was he. Darian drained himself so completely that he collapsed on the ground. He tried to save her… But the wyrm must have some kind of protection. And it had to be made from Dark Magic, because his spells were no use. Morphindinaetlus intended to make him suffer by taking what was most precious to him.

  He twisted in agony as he saw her blood rain down, spattering his clothes and face. He heard himself scream in denial. He dared not use his magic with her so close to the dragon, he might inadvertently kill her. Not that he had much more anyway. He was virtually spent.

  He held no hope that she was alive. Why would the dumb beast bother? He’d accomplished what he set out to do. The Mage was suffering. Takasha! The pain that knifed through his heart he was not prepared for. He’d never felt anything like it. Yet he did not weep, that was showing weakness. Darian despised weakness. Utterly.

  This time he would raid the huge treasure mound and take what he could carry. U
ndoubtedly, there were magical items he could make use of. Speaking of magical items…

  He could feel his connection to the Falahari demon, Sigorna. He would use the demon against Morphindinaetlus. He needed every bit of help that he could get because Morphindinaetlus was not going to be an easy foe. He was a formidable enemy.

  He could hear Tynuviel calling for help. He heard her call his name and was powerless to help her. He ground his teeth in frustration.

  He thought of what could have happened after he took over The Order. He fantasized about Tynuviel and him making love. Something that would never happen now. He could see it so clearly. He had planned on taking her to his tower where her father could not intervene. The taste of her so vivid in his memory. He could hear her moan softly. It seemed so real…

  He did not know how long he was lost in reverie, but he knew instinctively that he did not want to wake. If he were to rouse himself, things would never be the same again. This made him feel aberrantly sad.

  At least in Ru Nay’ Sha she was with him. They were still together as long as he remained unconscious. He should be awake by now, that from Kinistaya. He will awake when he is ready to deal with the events. So Kyler was beginning to understand him.

  He sank deeper into darkness because he was not yet ready to deal with her death. Maybe he never would be. How long could he remain like this, though?

  Darian, you cannot remain like this forever. Sooner or later you must rise and deal with this mess. Make the dragon pay for what he has done! He took everything from you. I need you, Darian. I need you level-headed. I need your impeccable concentration and skill. You must remake The Order to its former glory. With you at their Head, I know The Order will be what it was meant to be.

  Everything is not always as it seems. And sometimes… Sometimes things are different the closer you are to it. I know you love her. She suffers daily. She needs you now, Darian. Only you can save her. But you must wake and deal with the loss. It will be a long, dark road, but you must not lose sight of your ultimate goal.

  He heard Delvishan’s voice in his head. Are you saying she is alive? He asked his god.

  She hangs by a thread. He intends to use her as bait. He will keep her alive to use against you. You must think clearly. Do not let him manipulate you, he counts on this. Anger and pain of loss will interfere with concentration. These things could be our downfall. Do not let that happen.

  Darian awoke, sitting up in bed, sweat forming on his brow. He wiped it away absently. She was alive! Takasha! While he was sulking, she was suffering. He felt ashamed that he’d wasted so much time already. He rose and washed his face. He had no idea how long he’d been gone or what time it was. By the light coming in from his window he guessed it was late afternoon.

  Kyler came walking through Darian’s door, closing it quietly behind him. He noticed the empty bed and looked frantically for his friend. Relief washed over him as he saw him at the table washing his face.

  “Darian! How do you feel?”

  “Probably as good as I look,” he replied with a tight smile.

  “Darian, she’s alive!”

  “I know,” he said quietly.

  “How do you…” asked the elf, confused.

  “Delvishan told me. Kyler… I need you my friend.”

  “I know. I am coming with you.”

  “I’m afraid,” Darian said in an odd tone. This announcement shook the elf to his core.

  He’d never heard the Mage say anything like that before. He made it through the Test and he never spoke of being afraid. What the hell could scare a Mage of The Order?

  “What’s wrong Darian?”

  “I’m afraid of myself; of losing my control, my composure. I want revenge regardless that she lives! I know he hurt her and for that… Kyler, in all the years I’ve been a Mage, I’ve rarely lost my control or my composure. I survived things that a lot of other Mages didn’t because of my control. That he dared to take her… When I get within reach of him I fear I will not be able to control myself. Please, help me. I need you to watch my back and knock some sense into me if I get out of control. I trust only you, my friend.”

  Kyler was simply stunned by his friend’s words. But more than that, he was deeply touched. For the first time, he felt the Mage had been completely honest with him.

  “Of course. You can always count on me, I’ll always be there for you. Calisha wants to come with us too,” Kyler informed him.

  “That would be most welcome. We could certainly use his abilities; he is ancient and knowledgeable.” He absently touched the chain around his neck. “I must summon the Falahari. I need to speak to him. I understand if you want to leave.” Kyler wrinkled his nose in distaste.

  “Are you kidding? I may not feel comfortable around the demon, but I’m not going anywhere,” the elf replied.

  Darian touched the stone and called the demon’s name. He appeared in the room moments later.

  “Yes, master?” the demon mocked. “Gah! You look like hell! What’s happened? You’ve been blocking me.”

  “Sigorna, we are going after Morphindinaetlus. We must formulate a plan because he will be waiting for us. He thinks I will walk blindly into his trap.”

  “Why would he think this?” asked the Falahari guardedly.

  “Because the foul beast took Tynuviel and I intend to get her back,” the Mage said darkly.

  “The babe with the honey colored hair? Shit, Darian! You cannot be foolish enough to think she lives?” Sigorna admonished.

  “She lives. And I will save her, but I need all the help I can get.” Sigorna rubbed his hands together in anticipation.

  “Just tell me what it is you wish me to do,” the demon said, sounding excited. “Why would he take her? How would he even know about her?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t believe in dumb luck or chance. Somehow he knew about us,” the Mage replied.

  “Father wants to speak to you,” Kyler reminded.

  “Right. How long have I been out?” asked the Mage, concerned.

  “Four days,” Kyler informed.

  “Oh hell! Four days wasted. Every minute she is his prisoner puts me in a blacker mood.” Darian did not voice it aloud, but he feared what the wyrm would do to her. “Let’s go see your father.” Darian began walking toward the door.

  Kyler was aghast. “Darian, didn’t you forget something?”

  His friend turned around, looking at him as if to say what? Kyler pointed at the demon.

  “Here,” Darian said, as he rummaged around in his haversack. His hands closed around the item he sought. Pulling out an extra Shryvven, he handed it to Sigorna. “Put this on, it will conceal you until we reach the Monarch.”

  “Darian, what are you doing?” asked the elf, panic rising in his throat.

  “Going to see the Monarch.”

  “Why are you bringing him?” Kyler asked, jabbing a finger at the demon.

  “Your father might want to see who we’ll be working with. Don’t you think?”

  “Ah no. No I don’t. Not if it’s a demon. I don’t think this is such a good idea, Darian.”

  “Hey, I can be likeable,” Sigorna said, tiring of them talking about him as if he were not even there.

  “Right,” Kyler replied mockingly. “We’re all just best friends now,” the elf said with a derisive snort.

  “Kids, let’s go. We’ve an appointment to keep.” The Mage opened the door, ending the discussion.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Tynuviel heard Darian calling to her. There was a touch of magic in his voice. She felt the Magical Weave vibrate from his strength. She saw the dragon approaching and tried to climb down but her leg was caught. She had wedged herself in tightly to give herself better balance. Now she could not get free.

  She called to Kyler because he would be the only one who could reach her in time. She heard him calling to her, telling her to hang on, and that he was on his way. But the dragon was upon her. He seemed to hesitate when he sa
w Kyler. Her brother was working frantically to get her free.

  Then the unthinkable happened. Morphindinaetlus penetrated their magical barrier. He reached down, grabbing her around the waist with his forelegs, lifting her effortlessly and snapping her ankle in the process. She howled in anguish and Kyler drew his sword but only caught a glancing blow. Morphindinaetlus grabbed her tighter so she could not get away. She began screaming. Her screams cut short as his claws sliced into her flesh. She felt her lifeblood pouring out of her and suddenly, she felt cold.

  Morphindinaetlus flew off with her tight in his grasp. He spread his mighty wings, moving swiftly. He sensed timing was critical. He did not want her to die. Not yet anyway. He needed her to bait the Mage. That fool would believe she was dead and come for him with a vengeance. He would not be thinking clearly with the pain of loss filling him. And then I will crush him! I will take the Staff of Power from him and beat him with it! The wicked beast thought.

  Tynuviel lost consciousness, unaware that a hawk had taken an interest in her. The bird flew right to her, watching her carefully. The hawk followed them through Thunder Peak before turning back to Kiri A’ Nouell.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The wyrm flew without stopping to the Ancient Mountain. He must get her inside and tend to her wounds. Then he could wound her some more. He smiled a wicked smile. Yes, he thought. I know just what to do. When he comes for her, won’t he be surprised? He laughed lewdly.

  She drifted in Ru Nay’ Sha, dreaming of Darian. She did not feel any more pain. She was warm and comfortable. She dreamt that Darian had rescued her and took her home. She smiled at the thought. She did not wake for a day and a half. When she did, she was horrified.

  She was not home. She was in a lair of some sort. She looked around carefully. Huge mounds of treasure lay to her right, spilling over into other chambers. Gold coins, gems, weapons and countless other items.


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