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Demon Stone

Page 3

by D E Boske

The stench of the wyrm nearly overwhelmed her. She gagged, bile rising in her throat. The whole vast chamber had the vile scent of the dragon. But he was nowhere to be seen and she was glad of that. She touched her side gingerly. There was a bandage… All thoughts scattered as the wyrm came crawling into the room.

  “Ah, so you are awake. How do you feel?” he asked, not really caring.

  “Why am I here? You know he’ll come for me.”

  “I doubt he even cares that you’re gone. You know he is a Mage of The Order, do you not?”

  “Of course. What does that have to do with anything?” she asked in a clipped tone.

  “My dear girl. He will never take only you. He craves women and the sins of the flesh just like any man. He had you believing him though, didn’t he?”

  “Shut up, wyrm! You know nothing of what you speak. You do not really know him.”

  “No one does, girl. No one ever will. Did he ever tell you how he snuck in here and stole from me? I can see by the look on your face that he did not. Oh, there is much that you will never know about that one. He will have it no other way. How can you be with a man that you will never truly know? Can you give yourself to him fully knowing how many have come before you? Has he told you?”

  “I don’t believe you,” she said with a sickening twist inside. For the words of the dragon rang true to her. She knew she would never know everything there was to know about him. Darian had told her as much. But she did not need to know. Did she?

  “Let me earn your trust, girl. Let me show you what he is up to in your absence.” Without waiting for a response, for he believed it wouldn’t be forthcoming, he used his magic to show an image of the Mage fornicating with three beautiful girls. He was having no trouble pleasing them all.

  Tynuviel looked away in disgust. She didn’t know how the dragon could conjure these images, but she did not believe what he showed her. Darian loved her, she knew. He’d told her many times and he asked for her hand. He would never have done so if he didn’t love her.

  “I can see that you do not believe me. Why would you? Do not worry. You will in time. How well do you really know him? A Mage of The Order cannot marry. You do know this I presume?”

  “You lie! He asked my father for my hand,” she blurted out. He was getting the better of her and he knew it.

  “What is your name? I do not wish to keep calling you girl.”

  “Tynuviel,” she whispered.

  “A lovely name for a lovely creature. I do not lie. They were never allowed to marry. Not even in The Old Times. The high-ranking Mages were allowed to choose a consort. Did you know the last Mage to choose a consort was Falcose Dordinon? Yes, he was the Shangmarrum at the time. He came to Kiri A’ Nouell and chose Tymuriel as his consort. If you do not believe me, when you get home, check it out. I’m sure Kinistaya will be happy to inform


  She was beginning to feel alarmed. He knew names, places, times. How could this be? How did he know Kinistaya? He could sense her dismay. She began to believe him though she tried to fight it.

  “Yes, Falcose Dordinon chose Tymuriel and he took her to Mogan Dar and the elves never saw her again. They had a child, Trembliss was her name.”

  At the mention of the name she hid her shock. She didn’t want the wyrm to know she recognized it. Takasha! He was telling the truth.

  “Do you know what happens to a female child of a Mage? They become whores in a sense. They are what the Mages call Breeders. The Mages are sent to them for mating purposes. Do you know if a Breeder is unsuccessful in producing a powerful Mage she is destroyed? What will happen to your child, I wonder? Has he told you? Well, if it is a girl, you now know what she will become. If it is a boy, well they will take control and you will never see him again. You will not be able to name the babe. No, they will. A Mage does not have parents or friends.”

  A big empty space opened up and she began to slide into it. She knew a lot of what he told her was true because Darian himself had told her. Come to think of it, she still did not know why he’d asked for her hand. At the time, it’s what she wanted so she didn’t question him. But now… If they were to be together, what would happen? Morphindinaetlus made her think of things she needed to think about though she hated to admit it.

  “Do you know how The Order trains the Mages? I do not know all. None do, Tynuviel. But I do know some. I have been around for a long time. Do you know they try to kill them? They make them cast spells while they throw knives and hand axes at them. They do their damndest to break their concentration. More Mages die than pass the tests. The Order only wants the best of the best. Darian is the best of the best. He has not told you these things then?”

  “No. It does not matter. I know…” she stopped herself.

  “What, that he loves you? Yes, he may for now. Until he grows bored. He is accustomed to as many women as he wants. Do you think he’ll be satisfied with just you? When he gets bored, he’ll just discard you like he has so many before you. In Mogan Dar, because he is a full Mage, he gets what he wants. Did you know this? Do you know that most of those he knew are still apprentices or novices? Yes, the man you would share your bed with is determined and ruthless. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. The high-ranking Mages are treated better than kings. And Darian is no different. He expects it. Demands it.”

  The dragon’s voice mesmerized her. She began to feel sleepy. She wanted to lay down and stop listening to him. She did not want to believe the dragon. But how could he know so much? Before she realized it, she was deep in Ru Nay’ Sha drifting soundlessly.


  Kelindril led the Gor Li’ Khan out of the palace. Ocean spray shot through the air as waves crashed against the jagged rocks. The palace was built high above the Bay, made from different shades of coral from the ocean, it was a stunning sight. They left without telling anyone, including Thelarki. They took as many supplies as they could carry. The rest they would need to buy as needed on the road.

  Blavven Krill loomed before them, a dark menace. The night was deep and dark. All was silent as it should be and nothing moved. They approached the pass the same as Kryndale had, picking their way carefully and passing silently beyond the night watch.

  Once in Blavven Krill, Kelindril motioned them to keep close. They’d been through the pass numerous times before so they knew what to expect.

  Blavven Krill remained eerily quiet. They did not let down their guard knowing the things that lived there.

  High mountain walls rose up on either side of them, making it inextricably tight. Not a good place to be caught unawares. They traveled until late afternoon before Kelindril let them stop. Still nothing had shown itself.

  The pass opened up, widening out. They rested easily on the ground, eating fruit, cheese and dried meat strips. He let them rest for about an hour, then had them moving again.

  Never before had such a large force of Gor Li’ Khan moved through Blavven Krill. The creatures sensed the fatal skill of this group and were careful not to draw the assassins’ attention. They wanted the deadly elves gone. Two forces of them in such short time periods… What could it mean?

  Kelindril did not let them stop again until the following dawn. On their way, they’d seen signs of Kryndale’s passing. They found an area of ground where the acid from a recent battle had eaten away at the pass. If he were not Gor Li’ Khan himself, he would not have noticed, but he knew Kryndale was very resourceful.

  He wondered why it remained so quiet. Never before had they come through here unmolested. He did not

  know precisely why, but this bothered him. A lot. He scanned the area with his superior sight, listening intently for

  any sounds. There was nothing.

  It seemed he was not the only one to notice the utter strangeness of the situation. They were all acutely aware and on edge. Soon, they were on the way again. This time he did not let them stop until they were clear of the pass. As they stepped on the soft grasses of the wilderness, they co
uld hear life return to Blavven Krill. The creatures were out once more.

  Kelindril stopped briefly, turning around to look from whence they came. It struck him as odd. Why come alive now that they were clear of the pass? Kelindril was not arrogant enough to believe that they feared the Gor Li’ Khan. He was not stupid or overconfident. That would get you killed—in a hurry.

  He did not have time for such contemplation. He had to get them to Kiri A’ Nouell. And they still had a long way to go.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  Malchyr and Kralkor nodded at the approach of the elf prince. Kralkor knocked softly and the Monarch opened the door. When he saw his son and Darian, he smiled warmly. Upon seeing the tall stranger, he glanced at his son who pointed silently at the Mage. The Monarch grimaced. He had the distinct impression that he was not going to like this meeting. Kinistaya was already present.

  “Darian, how are you? You look like hell,” said the Monarch affectionately.

  “I feel like I look,” the Mage responded. “I’m sorry about Tynuviel. I tried… I did everything I could… It turns out it wasn’t enough. I’m sorry,” he looked abashed.

  “Darian, I do not blame you. It was no one’s fault. We will avenge her, do not doubt. I do not want you wandering off on your own again. This will be dealt with by us all. She is a daughter of Kiri A’ Nouell so this is a matter for the elves.”

  “She lives,” Darian said softly.

  “Darian, I know you want to believe it as much as we do…”

  Darian cut him off. “She lives! Delvishan spoke to me. Calisha informed us as well. He followed them through Thunder Peak before turning back.” Galavad sat down heavily in a chair.

  “Tynuviel lives? What do you think he intends, then?”

  “I do not want to speak aloud my worst fears. He intends to bait me and I will let him. I will not let on that I know she is alive. It will be his downfall.”

  “Morphindinaetlus is not an easy foe. This will be a tough battle. Perhaps the toughest you have ever faced. What do you plan to do?”

  Darian motioned the tall stranger to lower the cowl. The Monarch and Kinistaya gasped in horror. “What is the meaning of this!” shouted Galavad. Kinistaya knew at once this was the source of the wrongness.

  “This is a Falahari demon from Oblivion.”

  “I know it is a demon, but what is it doing here? Darian, this time I fear you have gone too far,” Galavad warned.

  “I fear I have not gone far enough. I did not bring him here to ask for your permission,” Darian dared to say. “I bound him to me. It’s perfectly safe. As you say, Morphindinaetlus will not be an easy kill, if we can manage to kill him at all. He’s too damn clever and strong. We’ll need all the help we can get.”

  “Kyler, what are your thoughts on this matter?” asked Galavad.

  “I do not feel comfortable with the demon around, but I trust Darian. He has never led us astray before. Besides, we will need the Falahari’s strength if we are to save Tynuviel. I do not think we can do it alone. So far, he has done nothing threatening,” Kyler replied.

  “I must be losing my touch,” said Sigorna with a snort. The Monarch only glared in response.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The Gor Li’ Khan traveled the wilderness for days. It was an immense space of flat land with nothing much but grass and wildflowers. The sun beat down on them and they had no cover from the heat. Their water was running low and they were not sure when they would find more. The rationing began.

  ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿ ﴾﴿

  The council room was packed with elves, dwarves, three humans and a Shivvendar. Everyone was talking at once, wondering why they’d been summoned.

  Darian experienced a pang of sorrow as he crossed the threshold into the room. He looked to where Tynuviel usually sat at the meetings. Calisha sat there now with Nephraete on his right.

  The Crebellan met the Mage’s eyes, silently beckoning Darian to sit beside him. The Mage plopped down in the chair next to Calisha, his face an emotionless mask.

  “Darian, how are you? You don’t look so good.” Calisha commented. “Though I am not surprised after everything you’ve been through. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Calisha, I must get there in time. In time to…” Kill the beast! Before he hurts her. I know he will. If he touches her… Darian thought to himself. “Kyler tells me you wish to accompany us. That would be most welcome indeed.”

  “Aye. I will lend whatever aid I can. Darian, may I ask you something?” The tone of Calisha’s voice told the Mage it would be something extremely personal.

  “You may ask, but I do not guarantee an answer,” responded the Mage seriously.

  “Who is the Shangmarrum now? How long has he been in his position? Does he have a consort?” asked Calisha.

  “Unless I miss my guess, that’s three something’s. Why do you wish to know?” countered the Mage, perplexed by the questions. He did not understand why Calisha would want to know these things.

  “Because in the Old Times, the Shivvendar would come to counsel in Kiri A’ Nouell. Falcose Dordinon was the last Shangmarrum to choose an elven consort. And if I dare say, you look remarkably like him. Anyway, he chose Tymuriel as his consort. He took her back to Mogan Dar and the elves never saw her again.”

  Darian did not let any emotion show on his face. How did Calisha know these things? He thought he looked like Falcose Dordinon? Well he should. He was Falcose’s grandson.

  “The Shangmarrum is Mordikai Alandro. He does not have a consort. He has been Head of The Order for quite some time. When Falcose Dordinon disappeared, he took over and is still in charge today.” Calisha merely


  His eyes fell upon the chain around the Mage’s neck and he unconsciously repressed a shudder. The aura surrounding it deeply disturbed him. An overwhelming sense of wrongness permeated the air around Darian. Calisha knew it meant trouble.

  Asa watched Darian and Kyler carefully. Something about the Mage’s presence set his teeth on edge. Normally, he enjoyed the Mage’s company. Even though he could be difficult at times, his sarcastic wit was not to be missed. But lately… Something was drastically different about him. He was sure it was the chain around his neck. Ever since Thunder Peak… He’d been able to ignore it before because there was so much going on and he was preoccupied with Gayla. But now… In this close proximity, he could feel it tugging at his sensibilities and he didn’t like it.

  He wanted to go with them to avenge Tynuviel. He refused to be left behind. In his heart he feared she was dead. More than anything, he wanted to be there when they killed Morphindinaetlus.

  He felt a little guilty. He did not want to leave Gayla, but Tynuviel was his sister. He knew Gayla would understand. But he feared leaving her alone. He knew the elves would not harm her, they knew she was with him now. But she still could not navigate her way here too well. He would talk to the Monarch later. He had yet to tell his father of his love and intentions toward Gayla. He did not think his father would object. After all, he was not to be the Ac Quay’ A. It should not matter whom he chose to sleep with.

  Shaz could feel the tension in the room. It fluctuated between nervousness and uncertainty, to anger and wariness. The elves’ eyes returned to Darian time and again. Apparently, they were not too happy with him either right now. And why would that be? Thought Shaz. The elves usually liked the pompous bastard.

  Something was definitely going on and he wanted to know what it was. He wanted to go with them. He still hadn’t satisfied his own curiosity. He had to admit it to himself, he liked traveling with them. And if things got too boring, he could stir up the pot so to speak. After all, cooking was women’s business. Well, it shouldn’t be long now and they would find out exactly why they were all here.

  Calisha sat talking to the Mage. A look crossed fleetingly over Calisha’s face, then was gone. If Shaz did not know better, he would say that Calisha was disturbed by Darian or something to do with the
Mage. But what could possibly bother that weirdo? After what he’d seen the Crebellan do, he couldn’t imagine anything bothering him.

  Tireniel entered the room and Darian looked up from his conversation with Calisha. The elf nodded at the Mage and Darian nodded back.

  Kinistaya eyed Darian carefully. He wondered if what the Mage was planning would work. Would the end result be worth the Falahari’s suffering presence? He tread carefully where demons were concerned. The young Mage was strong and sure, but he had many troubling plans and ideas. If he could pull them off… Well, that remained to be seen.

  He knew many in this council room would object to what the Mage had in mind. He still wasn’t sure himself which side of the fence he was on. He trusted Darian, though he knew the Mage did not tell much of what he knew to anyone. Not even Kyler. He wished the young Mage would open up more. But that was probably going against everything he’d been taught. Maybe in time…

  At last the Monarch and his wife entered the room. Everyone rose from their seat. They all crossed their arms and put their fists on their shoulders. Shaz thought they all looked like a bunch of mummified corpses.

  “Please sit and be comfortable,” said Galavad. “We are here today to discuss the immediate future of my daughter Tynuviel. I have been informed that she lives.” At this announcement, the room went berserk. “Please! Let us not waste valuable time arguing over facts. We know she lives and must formulate a plan to get her back without any more lives lost. Please Kyler, tell us all what happened that day.”

  So Kyler stood to relate his story. He told them every aching detail. There were not many dry eyes in the room when the elf prince was done.

  “Where is she then and how do we get her back?” asked Kiel. He was an Elflord whose bloodline went back before the Niri Ku’ Yamma.


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