Page 38
France 110, 114, 227
Franklin, Benjamin 44, 46
fumitory 144
fungi 88, 105, 151, 191
—dry rot 144
—sudden oak death 143
Gaia hypothesis 243
game reserves 201
gamekeeping 59, 103, 132
—Scottish Gamekeepers’ Association 101–2
gannet 15
genetic memories 33–4, 58, 60, 138–9
George, David Lloyd, People’s Budget 156
Georges Bank 250
Germany 110, 112, 161–2, 227
—see also Nazis
ghosts 59
giraffe 139
Glaslyn nature reserve, Wales 210–25
Glen Affric 98, 146–52
Glenmoriston, Dundreggan estate 99–101, 103–6, 121–4
global warming 164, 221
Glyndŵr, Owain 49
—revolt of 67, 175
glyptodonts 137
goats 156, 193, 195
Goldcliff excavation 34–5, 36, 38
golden eagle 121, 123–4, 217
golden jackal 112
golden plover 158, 220n
Goldsmith, Oliver 232
Goldsmith, Sir James 205
Göring, Hermann 200, 208
gorse burning 158
goshawk 132, 145
Gough Island 143
Gramsci, Antonio 154
Grasslands Trust 161
grazing 8, 66, 67, 68–9, 73, 87, 108–9, 158–60, 162, 164, 174, 179, 210, 211, 219, 222, 223, 224
—culture 156–7
—and flooding 159–60, 165
—peat erosion from 213
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 249
great bustard 133
Great Fen project 226
great white shark 232, 234
Greece 114
green subsidies (Pillar 2 payments) 162–3, 173
green turtle 238
greenhouse gases 87, 141–2n, 165n, 198, 199
grey squirrel 145, 146
grey whale 129
Griffiths, Jay: Kith 167–8, 169
griffon vulture 108
ground sloth 137
—hazel 111, 132, 218
—red 216, 217–18, 221n, 223
—shooting 103, 155, 217
Guardian 56
guillemot 17
Gwyddno Garanhir 38
habitat destruction 68, 72, 82, 88, 223
—from agricultural hegemony 154–66, 177
—deforestation see deforestation
—through climate change 223–4
—through grazing see grazing
—through trawling 247–8, 250
Habsburgs 192–3, 196
haddock 234–5, 244
halibut 234, 244, 247
Hambler, Clive 219n, 222, 224n, 225n
Hambling, David 57
hammerhead sharks 237
hare 120
—brown 145
—mountain 145
Harpur, Merrily: Mystery Big Cats 52, 53–4
Hartmann, Tomaž 191, 192, 194, 190
harvest mouse 145
Harz Mountains 110
hawthorn 143, 157–8, 212–13, 215
Hayden, Ferdinand 202
hazel 38, 66, 91, 105, 147, 219n
hazel grouse 111, 132, 218
heather 66, 67, 68, 69, 173, 210, 214, 218, 219–20
Heck, Heinz 207–8
Heck, Lugwig 207–8
Heckenberger, Michael 197
hedgerows/hedging 72, 92, 157–8, 162, 179
Hedges, Cornelius 202
Hedges, Robert 224n
hen harrier 221n
Henry III 124
herbivores 108
—extinct 9, 87, 88, 137, 138n
—grazing of see grazing
—methane from 199
—and trophic cascades 9
—see also specific species
Hermann (Arminius) 199–200
heron, night 134
herring 232–3, 238, 242
—Scania 245
Hetherington, David 107, 120
Highlands, Scottish see Scottish Highlands
hill farming 155–65, 171–8, 180–83
Himalayas 53, 143–4, 152
Himmler, Heinrich 203, 208
hippopotamus 91, 129, 139, 140, 219n
Hitler, Adolf 193
Holkham, Norfolk 134
holly 92, 105
horses 70, 75–6, 219
—feral 140
—wild horse 125, 136, 224 and n
—Yakutian 141
house mouse 143
Hughes, Susan 202n
Humber estuary 240
humpback whale 235, 257
Hungary 112
hyena 90
—spotted 91, 127
Iberian lynx 108
ibex 195, 196
India 89
indigenous peoples
—ceremonies 42–3, 168
—clearance of 168, 201, 202
—defections between Europeans and 45–6
—lifestyles 44, 46–7
—Native Americans 45–6, 138, 196–9, 202
—and the natural world 138, 196–9, 201
—see also specific peoples
insects 82, 105, 143, 183, 192, 221, 222
instinct 34
intestinal worms 89
invasive species 142–6, 178
iris, yellow flag 162
Irish Sea 19, 242, 257
Italy 109, 110, 112, 114, 120
jackal, golden 112
jaguar 52
Jamestown 45
—fishing 246–7
—whaling 170, 235
Jarm, Stare 194
jays 75
jellyfish 15, 17–18, 241–2
Jerusalem (Butterworth) 47–8
João, a mestizo 2
Jones, Elin 164–5, 166, 254
Julian Alps 186–92, 194–6
juniper 100, 105, 151
Jura Mountains 110, 120
Karst topography 190
karstic craters 190
Kellas Cat of Scotland 57–8
kelp 239
Kenya 41, 46–7, 201, 205, 206
—Kikuyu 41, 47
—Maasai 40–44, 46–7
Kenya Wildlife Service 201
keystone species 81, 86, 87, 94
—plagues arising from removal of 242
—see also beaver; boar
Kielder Forest 120
Kikuyu 41, 47
killer whale 239, 257
Kincraig Wildlife Park 54
king prawn 247
Kith (Griffiths) 167–8, 169
Knapdale Forest 80, 124
Kobarid Museum 187
Kočevje region 192–4
Kočevski Rog 190, 194
Kolpa, River 188–90
krill 235, 236
Kulturbund 193
Lamlash Bay 249
lamprey 234
land abandonment 162
—see also rewilding
landowners 95, 96, 99, 118, 145, 148, 152, 156, 166, 181–2
—opposition to reintroduction of species 79–80, 107, 113, 118, 131, 152
Landscape and Memory (Schama) 199, 208
Landseer, Sir Edwin: The Monarch of the Glen 149–50
lapwing 158
Last Child in the Woods (Louv) 169
Lawrence, D. H. 204 and n
Lawton, Sir John 222n
lead-mining 173
lead contamination 31
Leakey, Richard 201
—Amur 141
—snow 53
lichens 87, 101, 103, 104, 147, 148, 151
lime 38, 66, 67, 91, 111
—small-leaved 68
ling 234
lion 90, 91, 127, 137, 140, 141
—American (Panthera leo atrox) 137
r /> —cave lion 127
—hunting/killing lions 42, 47, 88–9, 139
‘lionization’ 61
Lithuania 109
Little Ice Age 198–9
little owl 144
llama, extinct (Macrauchenia) 137
Llanaelwyd 27
Llansglodion 228–32
Lloyd George, David, People’s Budget 156
Llyn Craig-y-pistyll 64
lobster 234, 237, 250, 251–52
logjams 82
longfin (albacore) tuna 232, 257, 258, 260
Lorenz, Konrad 203–4
Louv, Richard: Last Child in the Woods 169
Lovelock, James, Gaia hypothesis 242
Lucan, Lord (Richard John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan) 205
Lundy Island 37, 249, 250
Lydstep, Pembrokeshire 39
Lyme disease 117
lynx 69, 108, 110, 118–20, 126, 141, 195
Maasai 40–44, 46–7, 139, 168, 201
mackerel 17, 18–19, 238, 240, 241, 257
Macrauchenia (extinct llama) 137
Maine, Gulf of 236
mallow, common 144
mammoth 87 and n, 137, 219n
—woolly 90, 92n, 128, 142
maple 91
marine environment see sea
marten, pine 100, 145, 184, 195
Maya 197
mayweed 144
Meagher, Thomas 202
megafauna 136–41, 197, 199
—marine 248
—see also specific species
Megatherium 137
Mendip Hills 206–7
Merck’s rhinoceros 90, 92n, 128
Mesolithic people 11, 34–5, 36–9, 138, 199, 245
Mesolithic wildlife 35–6, 38–9, 91, 145
—megafauna 136–9, 197, 199
methane 87, 141–2n, 165n, 199
Middleton, Chris 246
migratory fish 232–4, 250
—crabs 228, 229–30, 231–32
mink 146
minke whale 235, 257
Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania 201
Moat, Raoul 60–61
Monarch of the Glen, The (Landseer) 149–50
monk seal, Caribbean 248
monocultures 95, 153–4, 168, 242
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust 214, 215–22
moose 124, 138n, 141, 224
morans (Maasai warriors) 40–44, 46–7, 168
More, Thomas: Utopia 155
Morris-Jones, Dafydd 156, 171–8, 179–80, 182
Morris-Jones, Delyth 171, 174–5, 176
moss 87, 101, 141 and n, 148, 223
moths 222
mouflon 70
mouse 143
—harvest 145
Mull, Isle of 102
muntjac 33
musk oxen 87, 137
Myers, Ransom 244
Mystery Big Cats (Harpur) 52, 53–4
Nantgobaith gorge 67–8, 255–7
National Ecosystem Assessment, UK 158, 159n, 160, 244
National Farmers’ Union 156 of Scotland 118, 159
national parks 84–6, 109, 200, 201–2, 214–15, 227
National Trust 226
—for Scotland 151
Native Americans 45–6, 138, 196–9, 202
Natural England 55
Nature 235–6, 243
nature reserves 69, 201, 210–14, 215–26
Nazis 193–4, 199–200, 202–4, 206, 207–8
Neolithic farming 66–7
Nepal 152
Netherlands 110, 112, 127, 208, 227
Nevill, George 36
Nevin, Owen 129
Nevle, Richard 198
New Economics Foundation 251
New Zealand 144
Nietzsche, Friedrich 203
night heron 134
nitrates 158
nitrogen 85, 86, 164n, 236
—isotopes 223
Norfolk Broads 133
Norman forest law 200–201
North Sea 239, 243, 251, 257
Norway 112, 170
Novosibirsk zoo 137
oak 38, 66, 76, 91, 104, 105, 111, 143, 219n, 228
oceans see sea
Oncorhynchus rastrosus (sabretooth salmon) 138
Oostvaardersplassen 208
Orellana, Francisco de 196–7
osprey 23–4, 26, 131
otter 146
—sea otter 238
owls 151
—giant 195
—little 144
—short-eared 221n
Oxen Mountain 173–4
oxpecker 95
oxygen depletion in the sea 240, 241, 242
oyster 234, 239–40
Pais Dinogad 119
palaeocology 93, 136
Pan Parks Foundation 109
Panthera leo atrox (American lion) 137
Papillon, a miner 2
paranormal phenomena 59–60
Paranormality (Wiseman) 58
Parry, Morgan 216n, 226
Paulo, a mechanic 3, 4
Pauly, Daniel 69
peace, places of 16
peat erosion 213
pelican, Dalmatian 135
Pembrokeshire Panther 49–51
People’s Budget (Lloyd George) 156
perch 145
peregrine falcon 217, 221n
permafrost 87
pesticides 158, 163, 217
pheasant’s eye 144
phosphates 86, 158
Pickering 83
pike 146
Pillar 2 payments (green subsidies) 162–3, 173
pine 38, 66, 67, 76–7, 95, 104, 105, 123, 147, 148–9, 150
—seeds 105, 123
pine hoverfly 151
pine marten 100, 145, 184, 195
plaice 235
plankton 235, 236, 240–41, 242, 248
play, in wild places 167–70
Pleistocene Park, Siberia 141
Pleistocene rewilders 139–42
Pliny 135
plover, golden 158, 221n
Poland 82, 95, 108, 110–12, 200, 206
polecat 146
pollarding 91–2n
—heather 66
—tree 38, 66–7, 77, 88, 219n
pollock 234
pollution 158, 243
—lead contamination 31
poppy, field 144
Portugal 107, 108, 109, 114
Potomac, River 233
—invasive 142–3
—landowner war on 145
—predatory fish 145, 238, 241, 250, 257
—racism and the attraction of 203–4
—reintroduction of 9, 177
—and trophic cascades 9, 84–6, 88–9, 138n, 237
—see also specific species
Prieur, Ran 197–8
pronghorn 139–40
Przewalski’s horse 125
pumas, domesticated 54
purple loosestrife 144
rabies 89, 113–14
raccoon 89
Rackham, Oliver 91–2n, 116, 127
rainforests 8, 67–8, 69, 88, 147
Ramsey, Andrew 129
Ratcliffe, Derek: Nature Conservation Review 220n
Red Army 194
red deer 84, 85, 100, 101–2, 105, 108, 116–17, 149–50, 151
—stalking of 100, 101, 102, 116–17, 149, 155
red grouse 216, 217–18, 223, 221n
red kite 217
red squirrel 106, 111
red tides 240
reforestation 73–5, 77, 98–106, 147, 150–52
—and climate change 198–9
—Slovenia 187–8 and nn, 191–6
—see also tree planting
reindeer 125, 136, 141, 189
reintroduction of species
—bears 110
—beaver 79–83, 105, 112, 124
—bison 110–12
—boar 93–6, 124
; —bred in zoos 108
—Britain’s reluctance at 107, 112–13
—delight of 106
—on the European Continent 108, 109–12
—in the Highlands 102–3, 104–6, 116–18, 120, 150–52
—Iberian lynx 108
—landowner opposition 79–80, 107, 113, 118, 131, 152
—lynx 110, 118–20, 126
—Pleistocene rewilders’ ideas for 139–42
—proxy species 128, 140
—in Romania 108
—sea eagles 102–3
—suitability and efforts table for 124–35
—and tourism 102
—and the understanding of trophic cascades 9 see also trophic cascades
—wolf 84–6, 106, 109–10, 112–18, 126, 177, 179–80
—in the Americas 196–9
—and children 167–70
—and climate change 198–9
—and cultural erasure 176–8, 180, 184, 201, 202
—definitions 8, 10
—ethos 8–11
—on the European Continent 107–12
—and eviction 168, 201, 202 see also enclosure
—facilitating movement of wildlife 109
—and farming 11, 153–66, 171–8
—and genetic memories 33–4, 60
—through goat-banning 195
—in the Highlands 98–106, 116–18, 121–4, 146–52
—and hope 255–7
—human needs as motivation for 177, 179
—human tragedy as trigger of 192–208
—and ‘land abandonment’ 162
—landowner opposition 79–80, 107, 113, 118, 131, 152
—and ‘lionization’ 61
—and Nazi ideology 199–200, 202–4, 206, 207–8
—in the Netherlands 208
—Pleistocene rewilders 139–42
—post-Romantic view of 177
—reforestation see reforestation
—reintroduction of species see reintroduction of species
—and restoration of trophic diversity 84, 117
—scientific principles of 83–4
—scope of 11
—the sea 248–55, 256–7
—of Slovenia 187–96
—and tourism 102, 178–9, 195, 201–2
—of the tundra 87
—undesirable effects of 87
—war/genocide and accidental rewilding 192–4, 198–9
Rewilding Europe 107–9
rhinoceros 90–91, 128, 139, 140–41
—black 128, 140–41
—humpbacked 90
—Merck’s 90, 92n, 128, 219n
—narrow-nosed 90, 92n, 128, 219n
—woolly 90, 92n, 128
rhododendron 143, 178
Rhyfel y Sais Bach (War of the Little Englishmen) 155
Ribnica 196
ring ouzel 216, 221n
Ripple, William 138n
rituals see ceremonies
Riverbluff Cave, Missouri 137
Roberts, Callum: The Unnatural History of the Sea 232, 233, 234, 240
Roberts, Harry 61n
robin 95
—Argentine (Argentavis magnificens) 137
—North American (Aiolornis incredibilis) 137
rockhopper trawling 247–8
roe deer 120
Romania 107, 108, 109, 112
Roosevelt, Anna 197
Roraima 2–6, 173