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RJ Book 10 Taking Care of Business

Page 15

by Earl Nelson

  “I was in the RAF for a while.”

  That led to a conversation about my military career and how I ended up as a Colonel in Coldstream.

  “What is the Queen like?”

  “She is a lot like my Mum, gracious, warm, loving, intelligent, and compassionate until you attack one of hers, and then the game is over, no mercy.”

  “Your Mum, Countess Jackson has had quite a career in her own right.”

  “Yes, she has.”

  “How does your Pater handle being married to someone so strong and famous.”

  “Very well actually. They met in the war before the fame. They knew famous people but weren’t wealthy or famous in their own right.”

  “There is speculation about your family's wealth. From nowhere to extremely wealthy in a very short time.”

  “I had a few lucky ideas and we built on that. It may not have taken long but we worked hard for it.”

  At this, I took my leave from the flight deck. The conversation was starting to go to places I didn’t want to go.

  I decided to take a nap so went back to my very own bedroom on the plane. What a surprise I had. There in my bed was one of the stewardesses. She was sitting up in the bed.

  She might have been completely nude. At least she had nothing on top. Quite an eyeful.

  “Join me for some afternoon fun?”

  In a panic, I turned and ran to the elevator to the cargo hold. What had the flight crew said about me being cool under pressure? They wouldn’t think so if they could see me now.

  On the bottom deck, I went to the lady I had introduced herself as the head hostess, Debbie Thomson. Looking around I could see everyone I had met except one.

  “Which stewardess is not here?”

  Looking around she replied, “Joan.”

  “Joan is nude in my bed, get her out of here and off my plane as soon as we land, if you don’t want to wait that is fine with me.”

  She took off like her tail was on fire. She was followed by all the other stewardesses. I never saw Joan again after that. I don’t know where they had her and didn’t care.

  Other women had tried to entrap me in the last several years but that was the most blatant attempt yet.

  One of the hostesses came down and let me know my room was now clear and clean sheets had been put on the bed.

  Debbie came back all apologetic.

  “Our company does not condone such behavior and she has been suspended from all duties until our HR department can handle the matter, and no I didn’t pitch her out the door.”

  “Probably for the best, yet we might have got away with it in International airspace.”

  “I was tempted. Please don’t hold one bad apple against us.”

  “I don’t, had she worked for you long?”

  “This was her first and last trip.”

  “As you can imagine I have to watch out for this type of action all the time. Let your bosses know they get a free pass this time, but if it happens again they lose the business.”

  “Yes, Sir Richard.”

  I was surprised at the sudden formality then realized that I had come across as pretty strong. Maybe I was channeling Mum.

  It couldn’t have been Dad because I hadn’t decked anyone. Dad was a hot burner, Mum cold. Dad would hit you and forget about it. Not that he ever did more than tap us on the butt.

  Mum would wait and strike when unexpected. Kids would get slapped upside the head, the older we were the harder the hit. She probably would use a cricket bat on me now if I warranted a hit.

  I knew that really bad guys died.

  The Chief Pilot was told what had happened and he came to me and asked the same thing as the Lead Hostess. I assured him the acts of one individual didn’t reflect on the company but they had to make certain their employees understood this behavior wouldn’t be tolerated.

  This held for both men and women. He looked at me funny and I just nodded my head yes. Being rich and famous had its advantages but also some drawbacks.

  That is one of the reasons I was content to date only Nina. Besides she is intelligent, I get along with her and she is hot!

  Events had gotten me worked up so a nap was the last thing on my mind now. I went into my private sitting room and with one of my extra reading books from school.

  You know I was desperate when I was reading about the elasticity of the money supply. Though I must say it gave me a lot of food for thought. My dealings with the Chinese while on a commodity basis translated in credits.

  These credits were pouring into several different countries' economies without their central Bank's awareness. This could ruin some forecasts and plans based on them.

  The rest of the flight was uneventful. We landed in New York at LaGuardia airport to refuel. I looked out the window to see a Young woman being escorted off the plane. This was a harsh lesson for her but I wasn’t going to keep someone like that near me.

  From there we had a short flight over to Pittsburgh International. At least it seemed short. It was now late afternoon here. I waited while they unloaded my car.

  I know this wasn’t needed as it was a short trip but I wanted to drive my right-handed steering wheel on an American road.

  Roger with my luggage took an airport limo to our hotel.

  The car drove like a dream as I turned out of the airport. I wasn’t a quarter mile down the road when there was a flashing red light in my review mirror.

  I wondered what I had done, I hadn’t even stepped on the gas. I had to chuckle when the State Trooper went up to the American Drivers side window.

  He looked in and did a doublé take then came around to my side.

  After the normal driver's license and registration requests, I asked if I knew why he had stopped me. I told him I had no idea.

  “I didn’t see a driver behind the wheel. When I got closer and saw your plate it came clear. How did you get this auto here?”

  “I just flew in from London with the car in the cargo hold.”

  He gave me a look like, pull the other one. He then took a second look at my license.

  “I see, are you the actor?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  I thought they didn’t do titles in America but he asked me, Sir Richard if I would give him an autograph for his daughter a huge fan.

  I had some of the ever-present publicity photos in the glove box so gave a personal inscription to his daughter Jane.

  Chapter 31

  My policy was to play it straight with the Police, they carried guns and had to put up with a lot of people.

  “Then you also are the owner of Jackson Enterprises.”

  “Yes, I’m surprised you know of us.”

  “You Sir Richard are getting to be one of the largest employers in Pittsburgh. The área has been declining, and your company has done a lot to save it.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.”

  We then proceeded to talk about my Aston Martin, which he admired greatly. As he was getting ready to leave he left me with a parting word.

  “You know I will have to report this courtesy stop to my Captain, he will bump it up to his boss and then the Governor and the Pittsburgh Mayor will want to welcome you to the área.”

  “Then I better be quick about it, this is only a short meeting. I will be back in the air by lunchtime tomorrow.”

  “I’m curious how much do they charge to carry a car in the cargo hold.?”

  “No idea it is my plane, a 707.”


  That was a show stopper. The friendly policeman gave me a wave as he left. While we had been talking as usual traffic slowed down. As it was the major road into Pittsburgh it came to a stop.

  This made it a hassle getting back on the road. While doing this I smugly thought that when the Interstate System started by Ike was completed these would be a thing of the past.

  It reluctantly let the Valet at the Penn-Sheraton take my
car. Roger was waiting for me at the check-in desk. He had taken care of that.

  “Spot of bother on the way in, Sir?”

  “Not really, the cop didn’t realize until he had me stopped that it was built to drive in England. He thought the driver was in trouble.”

  “I see, that would be a little unnerving.”

  “Then there were the autographs etc. Which reminds me.”

  Turning to the front desk Clerk who had been listening to our conversation.

  “ I’m only taking calls from family or Jackson Enterprise Employees.”

  “Yes sir, let me make a note of that for our switchboard.”

  This turned out to be a mistake.

  Roger and I had a pleasant dinner in the Terrace Dining room at the hotel. I thought the mural, The taking of Fort Pitt was a bit much for dinner but since my back was turned to it I managed.

  I had no trouble sleeping in my suite. I used to think it a waste to have a suite for a night's stay but I was now used to it. This certainly wasn’t the Fountain Lodge!

  I woke to a knocking on the door. I found a robe that Roger had staged for me and stumbled into the living room to answer the knocking which had now become almost thunderous.

  Roger came out of his room at the same time. While opening the door I sniggered at him, he was wearing bunny slippers.

  When I opened the door there was a man dressed in a suit and tie.

  “Sir Richard Jackson?”


  “I’m from the Mayor's office, he wants a meeting with you at eight o’clock to plan your day. You will have to hurry as it is almost seven.”

  I didn’t reply I just gently closed the door.

  Going to the phone, I dialed the front desk and asked for the Manager. He must have been waiting for my call.

  Why is someone from the Mayor’s office hammering at my door? I didn’t think it was policy to give out room numbers?

  “I’m so sorry Sir Richard. You must understand this is Allegany County and that we have to do business here. If I didn’t give out your room number we would lose our liquor license by lunchtime.”

  “Our switchboard wouldn’t put a call through as per your instructions but I made the decisión to give out your number.”

  “I do understand. They have you by the throat. No worries from me, it was just a rude awakening. Have room service deliver breakfast, English style. After that have someone available to show me a backway out and have my car there ready to go.”

  Roger and I ate, I tasked him about his bunny slippers.

  “They were a Birthday gift from Prince Phillip and you can make all the fun you want, I love what they represent.”

  Talk about taking the wind out of your sails!

  “I just wanted to tell you that pink is the perfect color for those slippers, my sister has a pair just like them.”

  Not the best recovery but one does what one can. After eating I took the map and written directions Roger had for me and called for someone to get me out of here.

  I have led to a Service elevator and everything was tickety-boo as I made a clean getaway. The directions were simple so I had no problem finding the Jackson Transportation headquarters building.

  The front gate and reception desk had been informed of my imminent arrival and Todd Goodson stood waiting at the front desk.

  We greeted each other and proceeded to his office. He didn’t sit behind his desk but led me to a corner where they were a couch and several chairs. It made the conversation much more informal.

  It also avoided the problem of who got to sit behind the boss's desk, not that I would do that to him.

  He started with, “Jim Williamson is due here momentarily. While we wait you have the Mayor's office in a bit of a lather. Why didn’t you attend your meeting?”

  “It wasn’t my meeting, someone from the Mayor’s office pounded on my door at 6:30 and informed me I was due at the Mayor’s office at 8:00 to plan my day. You can tell how I feel about that.”

  “They gave me poor information, How did they even know that you are in town?”

  I told him about my traffic stop, which brought a smile to his face. About that time Jim Williamson was escorted in and Todd received a phone call.

  While Jim and I greeted each other you could hear Todd getting agitated on the telephone. He turned to me as he hung up.

  “That was the Mayor’s office, they informed me they have told the control tower at Pittsburgh International your aircraft is not to be given clearance to take off until they give the word.”

  I felt a familiar cold enter my body.

  “May I use your phone?”


  I first had the operator call the British Embassy in Washington. I was able to get through to the Ambassador, this title was good for something.

  “This is Baron Blackhoof. I’m having a bit of bother in Pittsburgh, PA. I thought I would let you know that I will be exercising my Diplomatic privileges and taking off from the local airfield as Queens flight three.”

  “Yes Sir, that is my next call.”

  The Jackson Enterprise operator was very professional as she connected me to the White House.”

  When connected I asked for President Kennedy knowing full well I wouldn’t be speaking to him. I did get through to his Chief of Staff. I informed him of my situation and that I would be using Diplomatic privilege to leave.

  “We can call the Mayor and get this all cleared up.”

  “Don’t he tried a power play, I want to return the courtesy. You might give the FAA a heads up that the locals are trying to usurp federal control.”

  I knew that would throw the cat amongst the pigeons.

  “I believe the Mayor is a member of your party so let me be the bad guy.”

  “Thank you. We will take care of it behind the scenes while you stomp all over that jumped up son of a bitch.”

  I wondered what this was going to cost the Mayor in his next election. I found out that it cost him nothing as he was a real powerhouse in the Democratic party. Not that I cared.

  After that little fracas Jim, Todd, and I went over my proposed trip plan. I was very upfront with them in explaining that I felt a need to know how key people felt about their leaders.

  Todd thought this a wise move and he had been going through the same exercise every since gaining his position.

  Jim being almost as new to this high-level game as I was quickly saw the merit of knowing how things were being run, instead of just taking a subordinate's word.

  There were a few changes as to the timing of each visit but no changes to the overall itinerary. Todd told me that he wondered about the fancy jet I now had but he now understood the need.

  I asked him and Jim if they wanted to go out to the airport with me for a tour of my new toy. They both jumped at the chance.

  Chapter 32

  After we had it clear who would notify whom on this trip we left for the airport. Todd and I in my car and Roger and Jim in a company limo.

  Taking an ounce of precaution Todd had me leave by a side gate. The limo went out the main gate. As we drove by the main gate we saw they had barely cleared the gate and they had been pulled over by Pittsburgh Police.

  I stepped on it a bit and tried to get to the airport before getting pulled over. It was a close call. They would have had me if I couldn’t have driven onto the airfield in the private aviation sector and run up the steps to my plane.

  As it was one of the flight crew had the sense to close the 707’s door in the cop's face. I had no desire to be taken into local custody. What a brouhaha that would turn out to be.

  When the door was opened to let in Jim and Roger the policeman tried to enter but was refused as he didn’t have a warrant.

  From the relieved look on his face, you could tell his heart wasn’t in this.

  The tour took the better part of an hour. There were good questions and maybe an und
erlying tone of jealousy. That probably was my imagination at work. They had said nothing to me lead me to my conclusion.

  I probably just wanted them to be jealous of my new toy. That brought up an interesting thought, when had it stopped being a tool for my job and become a new toy?

  Oh well, tool or toy it is cool and I’m proud to own it.

  After the tour and reconfirmation of the upcoming trip in one full week from now and what each of us would do to make it happen, we went our separate ways.

  Jim to catch a flight, first-class, back to LA. Todd back to his office. I was going to be taking off for London shortly.

  The Flight Captain, what do you call the head pilot of an aircraft with multiple crews on board, approached me in my office. We received a message from you from the British Embassy.

  It was short and clear.

  “Do not use call sign Queens Flight Three. You are officially Queens Messenger One. Use this any non-commercial (military or civilian) aircraft you fly on. It has full diplomatic immunity for the aircraft, contents, and passengers.


  That was my comment and thought. This took care of the immediate issue and any others in the future.

  The Chief Pilot had of course read the message but we discussed it to make sure we both understood. Any flight that had Colonel Lord Blackhoof onboard was to be known as Queens Messenger One.

  Now that will cause some heartburn in Pittsburgh. I had to be on the flight deck to hear the conversation with the tower.

  It wasn’t as dramatic as I thought it might be. The FAA control tower people kept to business and cleared us immediately, to the point of giving us priority on the runway.

  I could hear some shouting in the background, something about the Mayor’s office. Well, the Mayor had to start the chest-beating contest. I had just shown him who could beat the loudest.

  The takeoff and flight back to London were very peaceful. It was about four in the afternoon when we took off. I went to bed around ten, and we landed at Oxford at about seven o’clock. Immigration and Customs came on board the plane to look at our documents. My Diplomatic Passport got me an immediate wave off.


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