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RJ Book 10 Taking Care of Business

Page 16

by Earl Nelson

  I could learn to travel like this. Even Roger got a cursory examination. One of the lead inspectors recognized him as traveling with Prince Phillip and his Dad.

  The inspector asked Roger if he still tried to play football in the aircraft aísles. Roger blushed. There was a story there that I had to get to one of these days.

  While they unloaded my car I called the Palace to speak to Mr. Norman about my new designation at Queen’s Messenger One.

  “Our American Ambassador let us know of your situation in Pittsburgh. Her Majesty was advised not to use Queen’s Flight Three due to your past association with the RAF, that after all is their bailiwick.”

  “It was suggested to her that we use Queen’s Messenger One. Since you are the first pilot messenger we thought it appropriate. Besides, several senior messengers need their noses tweaked a bit.”

  Ah, Palace intrigue. I would have to hire a taste tester if I attended any Messenger Dinners Did we have Messenger Dinners? I even asked Mr. Norman if we had any get to gathers.

  “What on earth for?”

  That answered that. I dropped the subject and rang off. I wondered if I should have discreet lettering on the plane calling it Queen’s Messenger One. Probably not, some bean counter would want to take the plane into Her Majesty’s Service.

  Next, I called my Dad at home in LA. Thankfully I remembered the time difference before the call went through. I would call him after lunchtime here.

  In the meantime, I was at loose ends. No school, the business has been taken care of, what should I do?

  Even Nina would be in school.

  I decided to get a round of golf in before lunchtime. My layoff had been long and I probably lost my edge. It was early in the day and the weather while not the best wasn’t horrid. No rain though it might later today from the looks of it.

  When my car was available I drove to the golf course and checked with the Pro to see if there was a tee time available. It turns out there will always be a tee time available for US Open Champion Colonel Blackhoof.

  This name, rank, and title thing was strange at first, then a little ego-building, now it was just a lot of words to roll off the tongue.

  I was put in with three strangers, they turned out to be a group of Doctors. Why is it always Doctors? Don’t they have people to practice upon?

  They didn’t know me from Adam and I liked it that way. Especially as my long layoff from golf showed.

  It showed to me, I beat all of them handily. My arm had healed enough that I could swing a club with no problems.

  They bet amongst themselves. On the first hole, the bet was ten pounds closest to the hole on their second shot the winner. One of them apologized to me for not including me, but they realized, I was a poor student who couldn’t afford such high stakes.

  They thought I was a student as I was wearing an Oxford pullover. I regretted their mistake as I ended up closest to the pin. I was on the green and none of them were.

  After that nothing was said about me and betting. They continued among themselves as it appeared t be a tradition. I would have won seventeen out of eighteen holes.

  When we broke for a snack at the ninth hole one of them asked a question about the starter. It was about me so the game was up. I was thanked for not hustling them, and no insult about relative wealth was intended.

  As middle-aged men, they were interested in my movie appearances with John Wayne and singing with Frank Sinatra. They had met Arnold Palmer and all agreed that he was a true gentleman. Not all professional golfers have that reputation.

  The one person they didn’t ask about and I was certain they would ask was the Queen. She was held in such high respect there would be no mere gossip about her.

  After the round which was mildly disappointing to me, which made me determined to get out more often I returned to The Meadows.

  From my office, I called Dad in LA. I managed to catch him before his day started so he had time to talk. I shared what I had set up and asked him if he saw any holes in my plan.

  He didn’t and was most complimentary of my taking charge of the situation. He brought me up to date on what he was involved in. He was part of a group purchasing the Irvine Ranch. They intended to develop it, but not to sell any of the property. It would be let out on ninety-nine-year leases.

  If this worked out the other investors and our family would be rich forever.

  After I hung up I realized I was tired. This being a member of the jet-set was very tiring. A nap was just what the Doctor ordered. Well, my imaginary Doctor. The Doctors I had played with early recommend more practice if I was to play seriously in the coming year.

  The nerve of them, I had a seventy, while they were all in the ninety’s.

  Chapter 33

  After playing golf I went back to The Meadows. I was really at loose ends. I called Nina but she wasn’t home from school yet. It wasn’t her real home, it was an apartment she shared with two other girls.

  One of them answered the phone and took a message. I then went out to the Roman villa project. Watching an archaeological dig is like watching paint dry. Only a couple of students were working so I moved on to the theme park.

  Here at least earthmovers were being used. Did you know that one bucket load of dirt looks like the previous load?

  I thought about driving down to Pinewood studio to see what was happening there but it was too late in the day.

  I hate being bored. I returned to my room and tried to read a novel but couldn’t even get into that. Setting that aside I randomly picked a suggested reading book from the library.

  These were books that were referenced in my class textbooks. Usually, they were more interesting than the textbook itself. This book made paint drying look exciting.

  I was saved by a phone call from Nina. She had returned to her apartment and got my message. I asked her how things were going. We hadn’t talked in almost a week.

  All was fine, she was a little upset about a lost modeling opportunity. It was for this Saturday in New York City. She had missed enough class time for work that she couldn’t take any more days off.

  Short of chartering a jet she couldn’t get there and back. Hmm, what are rich boyfriends who own their jet for?

  I inquired if it was too late to accepted the work. It wasn’t but she had to make the phone call today. I told her to make it, I would get her there and back.

  She knew about my business jet but not that it was now in service. A very excited Nina told me she would call me back.

  I took the opportunity to call my flight crew company, Hastings Aviation, to have the jet ready to fly to New York City Thursday evening. The Hastings people were on top of things and told me they would have it good to go.

  Hastings Aviation was one of the oldest flight service companies in the world. The Grandfather of the current Duke of Hastings was an early aviator who didn’t like to miss a meal while flying.

  He founded a food service company for commercial airlines, expanding into fueling and providing aircraft and flight crews. It was a full-service organization.

  I had met the current Duke at a reception at the Palace. There we talked for a while. He showed me a picture on the wall of one of the halls. It was one of his many time's great grandfathers.

  I think he did it for the shock value. His many great’s was black, I mean black as a coal bin. The original Duke had gained his title for saving a British town in Africa with his native troops.

  As the current Duke explained, in Regency England the only color they cared about was the color of your money. A title helped. Many marriages down the line and the family were white as they come.

  That is Hastings Aviation Services. Nina had given me one very disturbing piece of information. Her mother would be accompanying us.

  I had never met her Mum so didn’t know what to expect. I knew and got on well with her ex-husband. She had left him, and he was a good guy, so did that make her bad?

  Having no experience in these matters I set the thought aside. I would find out this weekend.

  When I told Roger the news you would think I was moving a regiment to new quarters. I told him to get used to it. This was not the Royal household where things were planned days, weeks, months, and even years ahead.

  I was still in my teens and impulsive. I actually said that! He collected himself and told me all would be ready.

  I hated to be that hard on him but it was training. He was to be trained as to my ways, not the other way around.

  I updated the family on my plans for the weekend. Mum liked to know what continent I would be on. She didn’t even care about which country anymore.

  Mary was even more pragmatic. When asked where I was she told them I was flying to London. It seemed like I was always doing it so it was a safe answer.

  Dad, Denny, and Eddie when asked the same question would just shrug their shoulders.

  My flight, as announced to the control tower, Queens Messenger One left on time. That means it left when I was on aboard and buckled in. Have I mentioned it is nice owning your jet airplane?

  The flight to Switzerland was quick. It seemed like we were in a landing pattern as soon as we took off. We weren’t but it seemed like it.

  We landed and taxied to the private aviation terminal. I descended the stairs to meet Nina, she wasn’t in sight. Her mother and a gentleman I assumed was her stepfather were at the gate with their bags beside them.

  I didn’t know anything about the stepfather. Nina only mentioned once that her mother had remarried. I had the impression she didn’t care for him.

  I approached the couple and welcomed them to the flight. I didn’t give my name which was probably a mistake.

  The man’s only response was, “Boy carry our bags.”

  I picked them up without saying anything. I don’t think I cared for Nina’s stepfather either. About that time the young lady herself came walking up.

  She gave me a funny look as I was walking behind the couple carrying their bags. I don’t know what was in them but they were heavy. The couple proceeded up the steps without looking back at me.

  When we got to the steps one of the flight crew reached for the bags, I shook my head no, I wanted to see how this would play out.

  When I reached the top of the steps the man told me to place them in a closet. For grins, I held out my hand as though I expected a tip. The cheap so and so did tip me, about twenty-five cents American.

  I took the money and thanked and called him Sir. That proved to be an error as he corrected me that he was Count Victor Lustig of Austria. I murmured, so sorry Count.

  I shall be reporting your poor behavior to Lord Blackhoof. Saying that he turned to his wife and asked, “What sort of title is Lord Blackhoof?” I understand he is an American, I suppose one can’t expect any better of them.”

  Nina was standing there and she couldn’t stand it anymore.

  “Mother I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Richard Jackson, a Colonel in Coldstream Guards and Baron Blackhoof.

  At least her mother blushed the stepfather just turned up his nose.

  “My family has been titled since the 1500’s so we don’t bow to any upstarts.”

  I pulled out my biggest royalty gun.

  “My family, the Jackson is collateral of the Hapsburgs and trace back to 780 AD. Yes, our most recent titles have been earned along with our fortune.”

  I was pissed.

  He didn’t respond. Maybe it was because he was too busy ogling one of the stewardesses.

  Later I was to find out that the Count was in extreme financial difficulties and was hoping that I would bail him out.

  Fat chance of that.

  I told Nina I had to speak to her in private and turned her parents over to a hostess. Nina and I moved back to my office. After a hug and a kiss, we sat down.

  “I don’t think I like your stepfather.”

  “I despise him, I think Mother has finally seen through him and is using this trip to New York to getaway. She has almost been a prisoner in their house. On this trip, she is going to accompany me on a photo shoot and then disappear.

  “Does she have plans?”

  “Not really.”

  “Does she have money?”

  “Only the few hundred I had saved.”

  “You only have a few hundred saved, I thought modeling paid better than that.”

  “I didn’t put that well, most of my is in longer-term investments. I keep little cash on hand.”

  “That makes sense, I will help your mother get away from that creep. Do you know where she wants to go?”

  “She has a sister in Northern California, she and her husband own a vineyard. They have told her she is welcome as long as she wants.”

  “Then I will arrange for her a flight to San Francisco from New York. She can go straight from your photoshoot to the airport. Tell her to leave her bags packed in their hotel room and we will get them to the airport.”

  Chapter 34

  “After we get my Mom free what can we do with Lustig?”

  “I have put in a call to Mr. Norman at the Palace from our in-flight radio. He is checking to see if there are any Interpol warrants out on Lustig. If there are our problems are solved.”

  “New York’s finest will meet the plane and take him into custody. If we are so lucky your Mum won’t have to sneak around at all.”

  “Do you think we could get into his briefcase? He has Mom’s checkbook, controlling it all like it was his. I would like to get back what is left.”

  “That's easy. It is sitting in the onboard closet right now. Let me retrieve it.”

  I walked up front. Lustig was in his seat sound asleep. I collected the briefcase and took it to my office. It had good locks but he hadn’t even bothered to lock it.”

  Ninas mom's checkbook was there along with half a dozen passports. Out of curiosity, I looked at the checkbook register. The amount was far higher than I thought it would be.

  Lustig must have been using her checking account to hide his funds. This theory was supported by the fact he had a checkbook in his name which only had a couple of thousand in it.

  I left his checkbook in the briefcase and returned it to the closet. I went back to the office where Nina was waiting. Without comment, I handed the checkbook to her.

  She opened it to the register. Her explanation was, “This can’t be! There are over seven hundred thousand dollars here. There is no way my mother could have that much money.”

  “Well she does now, it looks like Lustig was hiding his money in her account.”

  “But mother told me he complained about money problems and that he was going to try to borrow some from you.”

  “Won’t she have to give the money back?”

  “Not if they don’t know about it. The cops will take him and his possessions with them. I left his checkbook in his case. I doubt that he will complain about your mother's checkbook missing.”

  “Keeping that in mind it probably would be for the best if your mother proceeded quietly to her sisters and filed for divorce. Since the house in France is in her name from what you told me, she should be set for life. Not a bad payment for the misery he put her through.”

  “I wonder how he got his money? I would hate to think that innocent people lost their life savings to him.”

  “If there are Interpol warrants we can figure that out.”

  I went up front to the flight deck and asked if there were any messages for me. There was one from Mr. Norman. It was simple and direct.

  Lustig wanted for art theft. Police will be waiting. I let Nina know what would be happening. We decided not to tell her mother until after we landed. We would be nervous wrecks by then, why put her through that.

  When we landed things went exactly as planned. Lustig cursed me as he was taken from the aircraft in handcuffs.

  Since we were now
on the ground I made a quick trip to flight services and called Mr. Norman. He told me that the art thefts had been several years ago and that insurance had been paid out on them.

  I thought about telling that to Nina and her mother but decided not to. I don’t pretend to be a saint and didn’t see any reason to return the money to an insurance company that had written off their losses on taxes.

  I had killed people. What was a little tax evasion? I try to be a good guy, but only to a point. I said nothing when I rejoined the two ladies. Ninas mother was crying and she rushed to hug me.

  “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,” she said over and over.

  “I have been living a nightmare.”

  Nina and I rode over to the commercial aviation side of LaGuardia with her. They have a nice shuttle service between the two sides.

  There was only a two-hour wait for her TWA flight to Los Angeles. We spent it in the Ambassador Lounge.

  It seems mother and daughter had a lot of catching up to do as they talked almost the entire time. Nina took the opportunity to present her mother's checkbook to her.

  She explained that a large amount of money had no way of being traced as to its source. Since her legal husband had put it into their joint account it was hers as much as his.

  It would be best if she moved the funds to another account in her name and closed this one out. The sooner the better.

  Her mother agreed after she got over her shock of having so much money. Lustig had kept her on a very small household budget. You could see the worry lifting from her shoulders as we talked.

  We saw her off at the gate for her trip. I had booked her first class and paid for the tickets.

  She could afford them now, but I wanted to butter up the lady who might be my future mother-in-law.

  On our ride back to my plane Nina thanked me for returning her mother to her. I don’t think I played that big of a part in it but took her kisses graciously.

  Since this was going to be a short trip I hadn’t brought the Aston Martin. We took a limo into the Waldorf Astoria. On the way, I told Nina about track 61 and its history.


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