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Lunchtime Chronicles: Sweet Georgia Peach

Page 10


Her wild gaze met mine. “Mind bringing me up to speed, Wyatt?” She gripped my hand.

  I peeked over her head. Fosco and Donnie lined the floor beneath Johnny with a roll of plastic.

  “Yeah, baby. Let’s get dressed first.”

  A few minutes later, the plastic crunched under our feet as we stepped closer to Johnny.

  “Lakelyn, thanks for not asking a lot of questions before today. You took a chance on me even though the rumors are still circulating about my four fake baby mamas.”

  Her wide eyes focused on my lips. I was convinced she was infatuated with my mouth at this point.

  “I always planned to marry you. And we will have a big wedding after the baby’s born.”

  Johnny’s muffled screams sounded again. Fosco smashed the butt of his Glock against his head, delivering a silent message to shut the fuck up.

  “We moved at hyper-speed this week because I wanted my wife to stand by my side and listen to what this motherfucker has done. You remember him from the high school football games, right?”

  Her brows wrinkled. “Yeah, and you mentioned him again before you went pro.”

  “My cousin is a part of the Pitucco mafia family.”

  Lakelyn’s hands flew over her mouth and she took a step back.

  “My dad told you about the day I saw you taking pictures with your prom date. He also told you I needed to play ball in Atlanta. It crushed my heart I couldn’t take you to prom because of my friendship with your brother,” I exhaled.

  “Anyway, I had no idea my dad asked Nick’s dad to make it happen. The chances of you moving out of state with me once I went pro was slim to none. Not seeing your pretty face in the stadium seats while I played would’ve destroyed me.”

  She closed the space between us and clutched my gloved hand. “You’ve really been in love with me all this time?”


  She grinned. “I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen. I hated you, and my brother were best friends. We couldn’t be together.” She shrugged, blinking away the tears.

  Lakelyn cleared her throat. “Continue.”

  “The San Francisco Forty-niners had the number one pick in the draft. Johnny told the owner to select me. My cousin Julianno had a friendly chat with the owner. Then I went on to play for the Falcons. But Johnny didn’t stop there.” I turned her to face him.

  He sat in a wooden chair with his hands zip tied behind his back. I stared at his black and blue swollen eye and cheek. Drops of blood painted his purple button-down shirt like a painting. My eyes moved to his ripped, filthy dirty gray slacks.

  “How long have you had him?”

  Nick shoved his hands in his pockets. “A few days. We figured we’d have a little fun before you finished him off.” He chuckled as his heavy hand landed on my shoulder.

  “He’s all yours.” Nick retired in a chair nearby.

  “Deacon and I were at a party turned orgy in May. Johnny walked in with four tall, blondes on his arms. Clearly he has a type.”

  Lakelyn stood at my side, hanging on to my every word.

  “Johnny offered me another deal. Deacon told him no. I told him no. The women stepped over and took a picture with me. Johnny and I exchanged words again. Deacon had to stop me from killing him in front of a room full of people. The picture solidifies that I interacted with the women. So even though Deacon and I left the party together, somehow, he knew he could hang that night over my head, but how?”

  I stood before Johnny. “How did you know you could get away with the shit you pulled that night?”

  He spat blood on the plastic and a deep chuckle released from his throat. “I followed you for months. Saw you meet her around Atlanta. If her brother was present, you two were cold as ice toward each other, but once good old Deacon wasn’t around, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.”

  My heart thudded my chest. What the fuck?

  “I needed to set my plan in motion to bring down mister high and mighty,” he glowered.

  “I knew you were in Vegas for the football smorgasbord with her.” His eyes fell on Lakelyn.

  “I had to be sure your brother didn’t know you two were an item. Once you returned to Atlanta, I followed you two from the airport to her place. I sent your brother a text from your number. A friend of mine set it up to appear the message came from you. It said I made it back home safely. Come over. He must really love his sister because he didn’t waste time getting there. I kept my head down low and followed him into the building. I walked past him as he approached your door.”

  He glanced at me. “I wanted to see you two kill each other. Thought maybe that would be the perfect time to swoop in, after he told you to never touch his sister again. You’d be happy to leave Atlanta and move to San Francisco. Anyway, Deacon raised his fist to knock. And low and behold, your pretty little woman passionately belted out your name at the perfect time. I stood around a corner nearby and watched him freeze. Deacon didn’t bust down the door. He stood there enraged. Then he walked away. I hoped he wouldn’t be quick to help you after I sicced my models on you. You were a miserable son of a bitch without her. Most guys would’ve fucked all the women they could. But not you. Not the great Wyatt Oakley. You are the best wide receiver in the game. You can have any woman you want. But you’re caught up over this one woman. Is her pussy that good you wouldn’t leave Atlanta to play for the Forty-niners for two hundred and twenty million dollars?”

  I lunged forward, snatching him up by his shirt, and pelting his face with my fist, until blood poured out of his nose and mouth.

  “You fucking bastard. How dare you play God with my life?” I stepped back, foaming at the mouth. “You had no right.”

  “How did it feel, pretty lady?” he muttered.

  “To find out your knight in shining armor knocked up four gorgeous women.” His hooded eyes combed over her slowly.

  “And to think you were really carrying his child.”

  “You fucking bastard,” I roared, pounding his face again with my one good fist. I walked backward just as I turned to grab a hammer.

  At the speed of light Lakelyn grabbed a scalpel off the table, then barreled toward Johnny, slamming it into his neck.

  “Lakelyn, what the fuck?” I yelled.

  “Don’t worry, Johnny, I didn’t hit a major artery. Just wanted you to suffer a bit.” Hands braced on her knees, she peered up at him.

  His lips trembled as he gasped for his next breath.

  “Never underestimate a woman at the top of her class in Med school.” She tilted her head to the side. “We know how to kill you fast...and...slow.” Her mahogany lips tipped up at one end.

  “I sat down and thought about the man I’d known all my life. Would he really fuck four women unprotected at an orgy?” She laughed.

  “Hell no. Wyatt wouldn’t jeopardize what we were building. That’s why I married him.” She stood; head held high.

  “Even though a part of me is dead inside, because my brother disowned me. I still love Wyatt Leonardo Oakley.”

  My heart lurched in my chest. She lost her brother because of me. I never wanted that to happen. But I couldn’t live without this woman either.

  “You tried to destroy him. Us. Why because you just had to have the best player in the National Football League. Look where that got you. An early death.”

  “Damn, didn’t see that coming.” Nick snickered, rubbing his clean-shaven jaw.

  “Oak, your wife’s a badass.”

  Fosco and Donnie each cracked a smile.

  Nostrils flaring, I towered over Johnny’s jerking body. “You got just what you deserved.”

  I stepped back and pulled Lakelyn into my arms.

  Nick sauntered over. “Fosco, Donnie, and me will handle the cleanup.”

  His eyes darted to Lakelyn. “Are you all right?”

  “For now, yes. If and when the nightmares hit, Wyatt will be there.”

  “Oak said you two might visit us in New Jersey.
I want you to know you are family and we’d be happy to have you.”

  She released me and fell against his chest. “Thank you for looking out for Wyatt.”

  He hugged her tight. “No, need to thank me. We look out for family.”

  “I can’t wait to meet your wife.” She stepped back.

  “Wife?” his green eyes widened.

  “No wife. I enjoy a variety of ladies. It’s funny you mentioned settling down. My friends Dillon and Marco’s wives said I should consider dating one woman.”

  She flashed a grin again. “Something tells me if the right woman came along you wouldn’t look back.”

  “Hmm, maybe we can discuss further when you guys visit.”

  She shook her head. “Oh, definitely.”

  “You two get out of here. We’ll clean up this mess. Enjoy your night.”

  I embraced my cousin before standing beside Lakelyn. “I’ll return to the field soon. You’ll make your money back.”

  Nick chuckled. “I know I will.”

  We drove most of the way home in silence. My phone buzzed. Sitting at a red light, I peeked at my messages.

  Nancy: The four women made a statement.

  Me: Thanks.

  “Baby, check Messy Mandy’s Facebook page.”

  Her brows lowered. “Why?”

  “You’ll see.” I returned my attention to the road.

  “The mouth piece Elizabeth said they felt you were an easy target. And thought it would be fun to watch a famous football star lose everything.”

  She dropped her phone in her lap. Lakelyn’s head lightly thudded the black leather headrest. “It’s over.”

  I smiled, caressing her thigh. “Good.”

  Nick sent their statement to me on a burner cell earlier this week. I agreed it would work. We couldn’t let them say that Johnny ordered them to frame me. If we did after he disappeared, the police could drag me in for questioning. I didn’t want that. My wife, our child, and the game were my future.

  “When they least expect it, I’ll pay their asses a visit,” she growled.

  The Italian side of my family was rubbing off on her.

  “Bella mia, don’t worry about them.” She placed my palm against her cheek.

  “Yeah, I heard you, Mr. Oakley,” she laughed.


  “Hey, baby. I’m on my way to the training center to work out.” I sauntered into her office.

  Lakelyn peeked up from her cherry wood desk. “Ok, dinner will be ready for you when you get home.”

  I kneeled before her, lifted her pink maternity blouse, and rubbed her belly. “Sounds good.” I grinned against her stretched skin.

  Lakelyn was twenty-three weeks pregnant.

  “Little man, daddy will be back before you know it.”

  We found out at twenty weeks Lakelyn was having a boy. My son and I would one day toss the ball around in the backyard. The thought made my heart swell.

  The doctor released me to return to the field. Hard to believe I’d gone from persistently pursuing Lakelyn to marrying her. I loved watching her belly grow. We’d welcome our son into the world in four months. Waking up and staring into her beautiful face made my day brighter. I loved her more than I loved the game of football. Honestly, I loved her more than anyone or anything in this world. With Lakelyn by my side, I was unstoppable. She’s the center of my universe.

  Deacon still wouldn’t speak to either of us. If Lakelyn arrived at their parents and her brother was there, he’d leave.

  I’ve caught Lakelyn staring out the window, deep in thought. I knew a part of her still felt empty not having her brother in her life. Fuck, if I could just get him to stop behaving like an asshole and talk to his sister.

  I kissed her stomach, then her lips. “Work from the bed or sofa later. I’ll rub your feet while you type that paper.”

  She pressed her lips against mine. “Can Cardi lay with us?”

  My brows wrinkled. “What? No.”

  I bought Lakelyn a Golddust Yorkshire Terrier for her birthday last month. And she wants that toy dog in the bed.

  “Cardi needs to sleep in her bed.”

  I glanced at her, lying at Lakelyn’s feet. Cardi flashed her puppy dog eyes at me. Wouldn’t work.

  Lakelyn pouted. “Fine. See you later.”


  Exiting the gym around five, I shot Lakelyn a text.

  Me: See you in fifteen minutes.

  The wind swept through me when I hit the second set of electric doors of the training facility. I left my jacket in the backseat of the Suburban. Figured, I’d hop in the truck and crank the heat.

  “Hey, liar. Heard you’re returning to the field Sunday,” Deacon sneered from the hood of his military green Mercedes G-Wagon.

  I peeked up at the gray sky. He picked the coldest day to fight.

  I’ve waited for him to show his face.

  He wore a gray jacket, white T-shirt, gray sweatpants, and gray sneakers. Surprised, he didn’t wear boxing trunks. Where was his girl Bee? Thought she’d be here carrying his towel and water bottle.

  A wide-eyed trainer peeked at Deacon, then me as he walked into the building. I nodded in passing.

  Sauntering closer, I tucked my phone in my duffel pocket, then dropped it next to the wheel of my truck. Cars were scattered about the large lot. And athletes trickled into the building.

  “Deacon, let’s get this over with before the snowfalls.” I halted in the middle of the lot.

  He jumped off the truck like he was Nino Brown from New Jack City. “Out of all the chicks you could have dated, you picked my little sister why?” His large palms slammed into my chest, knocking me off balance.

  “I’m aware I told you I’d respect your wishes, but I couldn’t leave her alone.” I shoved him and he didn’t move. The motherfucker was a little buffer. He’d been working out.

  “You should be happy I’m the man who wanted to be with her than some average ass dude who didn’t care about her, Deac.”

  “Don’t Deac me. She said you two acted on your feelings when she was sixteen. What the fuck does that even mean?” His eyes narrowed. “Tell me you didn’t take my sister’s virginity,” he roared, pointing at me.


  “You’re the same bastard who fucked a ton of chicks in high school. I was there, remember? Tell me you didn’t steal her virginity.” He stared at me sideways.

  “I didn’t steal anything.”

  My hand ran gruffly over my bearded chin. “Deacon, it was one night. We went our separate ways after that.”

  He gripped my shirt and pushed me into the back of my truck with a loud bang. “You stole her innocence,” he shouted.

  “I wanted more, but she refused. Lakelyn should’ve been my woman. I never wanted those other women.”

  “Get the fuck away from me.” My palms shoved into his chest.

  “Our friendship became a weight around my neck because it meant I couldn’t have her. I missed out on taking her to prom. Do you have any idea how many dudes I beat up because they touched her?”

  Yup, I know. I only mentioned Cornell. Let’s just say Fosco and I had been busy over the years.

  Gazes locked, we walked in a circle.

  “She was always mine. I will never apologize for loving her. The real reason I wanted to play in Atlanta was because of her.”

  “Is that speech supposed to make what you did all right? Because it doesn’t. It fucking doesn’t. You fucking trader. You pissed on over twenty years of friendship. Hell, we were more like brothers.” His face twisted.

  Deacon’s fists hung at his sides as he squared his chest.

  “I agree we’ve been brothers forever. Deacon, I love you, man. That will never change.”

  “Naw, motherfucker. Our friendship ended the day I heard you fucking my sister.” His powerful jab met my jaw. I stumbled.

  My fist beat against my chest. “Bring all you got. Because I’ll fight to the depths for my wife.”

��You fucking bitch,” he roared.

  Deacon threw another punch. I leaned to the left, avoiding the blow.

  “That day on the field, you got what you deserved. Your career should have ended.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “Because I love your sister? That’s how it is? You wished bad luck on me.”

  Bunching his shirt in my hand, I pounded my fist into his face. His fists slammed into my gut again and again. He threw another punch to the face. Blood trickled down my lip.

  We separated. “Is that all you got?” I placed my hands up, waving him over.

  “We can go all night, bitch. Tell me when did you see my sister again. You know, since you two went your separate ways.”

  “A few times when I came home from college on the weekends. Then once I went pro, I felt empty. Even though I had the best career. The one I dreamed about. It brought me joy. But if she was by my side, it would’ve tasted so much sweeter. Seeing her face at the games made me feel alive again. I held out as long as I could. Lakelyn became my second lung. It was difficult to breathe without her in my life. I told her I’d sit down with you in L.A. and tell you the truth. How long have you known about us?”

  “Speculated for too long. But putting the pieces together became a game. You and my sister were my puppets. Hanging out with you meant I kept you away from her. I thought for sure telling her about the chicks standing near your car that night would make her walk away. Nope. But damn, sitting at the dinner table amongst you both the night she found out about the four women.” He laughed.

  “Was fucking classic. I hated how distraught she was over you. But hey, guess your relationship was a casualty of war. You two were finished.”

  Chest heaving, I bared my teeth, lunged forward, and knocked him to the ground. My fists made contact with his face again and again. He rolled us over and slammed his fists into my nose and jaw. I wrapped my hands around his neck and squeezed.

  “Stop. Please stop. You’re going to kill each other,” Lakelyn shouted in the distance.

  Deacon fell to the ground. I pounced on him again. It was his turn to choke me.

  “Break it up. That’s enough.”

  My teammates Mavis and Barnes pried us apart. Lying on the ground, I scanned my surroundings. People held their phones up, recording the spectacle, whispering.


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