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Kennedy is King

Page 14

by Cameron James

  “You don’t have to be.” He sighed, “we just need to figure this out.”

  “Okay.” I nodded slowly, “Orchestra is every day. Two hours after classes end.”

  “Well, okay I’ll use that time for homework. I’m really not good at the homework stuff.”

  “You realise you need a B average to date me, right?” I asked, he coughed it definitely sounded shocked.

  “Oh, this shouldn’t have progressed past the first kiss if that’s the case.” he said, I shook my head, he shrugged. “Hey I got a C in Maths. We can meet before supper.”

  “Yes.” I said, he almost laughed.

  “Or after supper I guess.”

  “Where?” I asked, he sighed.

  “I don’t know.” He said slowly.

  “We could just do weekends.” I said, he looked at me, “I don’t know, but Cassidy and Theo whenever they can go to the theatre. Cody goes home or dates or, whatever, and if I tell Theo…” I shrugged. “We can go on Saturday, Sunday dates. Leave this place and go to eat, after training. Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He said softly, “and we text during the week. Not excessively, I don’t need to know what you’re eating for supper, but, just, talking, okay?”

  “Okay.” I said nodding because that was fair.

  “I think that might work.” He smiled, so I grinned. “Are we actually going to make this work?”

  “I think we’re actually going to make this work.” I said, he kissed me.

  “Well, Saturday dates start now.” He said nodding, “what are we going to do?” he asked, I hummed looking around my room then I rose my eyebrow at him.

  “I have a Switch.”

  “Do you?”

  “I do.” I said nodding,

  “Well, then, game on.”

  "You'd think you'd be good at your own game, wouldn't you." Stephen said as he watched the load screen, I proceeded to glare at it. "Like genuinely you'd think you'd have practiced or something." He said then bit his thumbnail, I turned my glare to him. "So, you're so out of practice because?" He asked, I sighed trying to make sound as exasperated as I could,

  "Because I have two brothers who would get dibs over the PlayStation."

  "There’s no way you’re persuading me that Cassidy fought for the PlayStation." He said, I hit him with my remote. "Okay deal?" He asked, I frowned at him whilst nursing my remote from the impact with his knee. "You win, you can do whatever you want, pick whatever you want, you can do it to me, or pick a new game, film or whatever." He said waving his remote at me, I nodded.

  "If you win?" I asked, he smirked lightly before looking at his thumb again,

  "You eat me out." He said, I choked on air.

  "You what?" I said through my choking, he laughed like the dick he was.

  "I'm pretty sure you heard." He said almost frowning at me. "You heard right?" He asked in a whisper, I'm pretty sure my face went beetroot.

  "I've never. Never, I've..." I said, then swallowed cursing myself for stuttering.

  "Figures." He whispered; I rolled my eyes at him. "We on?" He asked holding the remote up to me, I looked at the screen as the game started.

  "We're on." I replied, as he chose the mission. "If, if I win, can I choose to do that anyway."

  "If you want. I personally think I win either way." He said then looked at me, so I looked back at him. "Although, I suppose you win a little." He added seeming quite happy with himself, I nodded once to him, to ensure he knew I wasn't agreeing, although I did really agree with him.

  I'd like to say I threw the game, that it was completely intentional that I lost against him. It wasn't, but I ensured the way I looked him made him believe it was. He laughed, obviously he wasn't falling for it.

  "It's cute that you're pretending you did that on purpose." He said,

  "Cute," I scoffed back at him, he laughed, "I totally did that on purpose."

  "Even though you could've asked to do it anyway, if you'd won." He said, I groaned at him. "Exactly. That's the sound I want to make." He said, I looked down I'm pretty sure my face has gone beetroot again.

  "And you're happy for me to, make you make that sound?" I asked slowly, he nodded.

  "Yes." He said warily, he raised an eyebrow at me,

  "I will stop the moment you feel uncomfortable." I said, he nodded back then gave me his remote, grinning at me as I put the remote back onto the Switch, I sat back opposite him, smiling at him.

  He lifted my chin, kissing me, licking at my lips so I opened them, sighing into his mouth. He smiled against me, leaning his forehead on mine.

  "Come here." He said as he held his hand out to me, so I took it, letting me pull him onto my bed, he lay back, his fingers spreading in my hair as I sat at his stomach, looking down at him. I helped him as he tugged on his joggers, pushing them down past his knees so that he could take them off. He leant up to me the moment he had, his head aligning with mine. "Hello." He whispered,

  "Hi." I whispered back, he grinned than kissed me, I kissed him again when he moved away, lying his head back onto my pillow as I let my eyes roam over his entire body. “What, what do?” I began, he smirked.

  "Spread them." He whispered, I began to laugh,

  "Stephen!" I gasped at him, he winked as I held his knees and pushed them apart,


  "Great," I replied, he laughed,


  "Swell." I replied nodding to him as he slid his fingers under the waistband of his boxers, he watched my face as he pulled his boxers down, then he grinned almost evilly as he moved up to me. His head aligned with mine, I chewed on my lip.

  "Kennedy." He said, I nodded to him, then closed my eyes.

  “I don’t know how to do this.” I whispered, “Your entire anatomy is new to me.” I added, he nodded, it seemed controlled and understanding.

  “Take a look then, get yourself acquainted.” He said, I smirked as he grinned, nudging my arm with his knee so I stood from my bed. Walking around it and sitting back on at his feet. I stroked my finger down his legs, then over his thigh. He jumped a little, laughing as if it was ticklish, but he didn’t say anything, he just watched me as I took him in.

  He sighed as I stroked up his thigh, pushing his legs open further.

  “Do you think you can work with what you’ve got?” he asked, I nodded swallowing with an audible click.

  “I still don’t know how I…”

  “You’re a saxophone player, right?” he said, I nodded as he smirked, so I began to laugh. “I presume you know how to use your tongue.”

  “I think I need to explain to you how instruments work.” I said, “it just means I can hold my breath for impressive lengths of time.”

  “That’s helpful.” He said nodding watching as I continued to examined every part of him. “Hints.” He said, I rose my head looking straight at him. “All the important stuff is at the top.” He said, I laughed as he reached behind his head. Taking the top pillow of the two he was resting his head on and putting it underneath his hips. “Use your fingers if you wish.” He said, I rose an eyebrow at him then stroked my finger down him. He gasped, probably more out of shock then I grinned.


  “I know.” He moaned lightly, “That’s pretty much all your fault.” He said pointing at me, so I pulled my tongue at him. It made him shiver, so I kissed his knee, then down his thigh. I paused for a moment, then I gave an experimental lick. He groaned out, his hips jumping, so I grinned, looking up at him briefly.

  His hand stayed firmly in my hair, pushing and tugging on my hair as he groaned and squirmed until he gasped, the sound light and high as he pulled tighter on my hair.

  “I’m… I’m… I’m…” he babbled until he began to wither, his groan sounding choked, and then he began to laugh.

  The sound exhausted, his grip loosening on his hair, until he was stroking my hair back away from my face. I looked up at him, resting my head on his knee.

  “Oh, one more t
hing.” I breathed, he frowned as I kissed down his thigh, one, two then I began to suck, ensuring I sucked hard enough to leave a mark, but not too hard that it hurt. He gasped, but I held his leg stopping him from moving away from me. I groaned as I felt my dick grind against my bed. I knocked my head against his knee as he shook his head underneath his hands. “I knew you being a saxophonist would pay off.” He said nodding. “You’re good at that. Very good. You have a skill there.”

  “Would you like me to broadcast that?” I asked, he shook his head sitting up towards me, bringing our heads together.

  “No, that is a skill reserved just for me.” He said nodding, I began nodding back, then kissed him. It got deeper quickly. He let out a sigh against my lips. Lowering his head then laughing. “I was so ready for you to tell me that you were totally playing me and for me to go back to my room and wallow all afternoon.”

  “I wasn’t playing you.” I whispered, “I’m not playing you.”

  He nodded grinning lightly.

  “I know.” He said then cleared his throat because it came out high-pitched and joyful, he blushed furiously then looked towards my door. I also did, frowning until I heard the lock click. I felt him jump underneath my arm, then wiggle around as he pulled his joggers back up.

  “Aren’t you going to make me hide?” he asked as he slapped his waistband against his stomach. I shook my head.

  “You’re not my secret anymore.” I whispered, he grinned.

  “Ew.” Cody moaned, we both turned to look at him. “There was pure gooey eyes going on. Stop that.” He said as he came into the room. He put his bag on his bed.

  “Date not go well?” I asked, he looked at me, “you’re back in the afternoon, you didn’t even get any sex.”

  “No, no I didn’t. He was boring we had a drink and some appetisers, and I left because come on, how hard is it to have a personality?”

  “Hm, I love you.” Stephen said, I looked at him as Cody did.


  “I’ve never heard you talk; you were always just you know, Cody.” He said then he blushed again. “Sorry.” He added, Cody gasped.

  “Just, Cody.” He said,

  “Great, now he’s offended.” I said, “Thanks Stephen.”

  “Tighten you leash on your boyfriend.” Cody said sounding offended. “How dare you let him run his mouth like that.”

  “He’s a free spirit what can I say.” I said, Stephen headbutted my shoulder.

  “I chose the wrong popular kid, this much is clear now.” Stephen said nodding, Cody gasped happily.

  “Look Kennedy, your boyfriend has known me for three minutes and already likes me better.” He said gleefully then he picked up his towel. “I’m going to shower, then I’m hopefully going to find someone to have sex with this evening.” he went to go into the bathroom, turning back to look at us. “Don’t think too hard about the fact I’m showering naked.” He said, Stephen laughed as I looked at him, getting a totally innocent grin back.

  “Cody.” I said, he nodded, “stop prowling my boyfriend.” I said, he gasped then shrugged.

  “Worth a try huh.”

  “It was working, I assure you.” Stephen said nodding,

  “I will never do what I’ve just done to you ever again.” I said, he gasped he looked stricken.

  “No.” he whined. Cody laughed as he went into the bathroom.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Danny practically kicked me out of their room when he returned from whatever it was he was doing that afternoon. He came in, looked us both up and down then declared we leave. Stephen had laughed but hadn’t actually stopped him from kicking me out, so I went to leave.

  “Oh!” I said, he nodded frowning at me as he followed me to his door. “You’ll get an official invite, but I just want to prewarn you that I’ve told my Mum I wish for you to be my plus one at our Christmas Eve lunch.” I said, he rose his eyebrow so high they almost disappeared.

  “What?” he said, I nodded.

  “It’s the beginning of December, Mum wants to know how many place settings she’s going to need.”

  “Oh my god.” He said, as Danny laughed behind us. I looked at him over Stephen’s head as Stephen almost choked.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes.” he whispered, then, “does that mean I’m going to meet your parents?”

  “Yes.” I said nodding,

  “And you think we’re… you know…”

  “Yes.” I smiled. “Yes, I think it’s real enough, serious enough, whatever you’re thinking, I think it’s enough for you to meet my Mum.”

  “Shit.” He breathed, I smiled then I kissed him.

  “You’ve got three weeks to get used to it, and maybe start breathing again.” I said, then kissed his forehead, before leaving his room. I smirked to myself as I walked down his corridor.


  I turned, then I sighed.

  “I didn’t think you knew there was other corridors outside of your sapphire corridor.” I said, he laughed as he walked towards me.

  “I could say the same about you.” He rose his eyebrow at me then stopped in front of me. I looked down at him as he only just about came up to my chin. “I’m so glad your arm is okay.” He cooed at me, as he stroked down my bicep. His finger tracing over my elbow.

  “What do you want Devon?”

  “Nothing.” He lied, because he’s a liar.

  “Then, I can go?” I asked, his finger trailed down my arm. It lightly touched the palm of my hand. I closed my hand, stuffing it into my pocket and walking away.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to come out of a footballer’s bedroom.” he said, I stopped. I didn’t turn around.

  “It isn’t.”

  “Daniel, Adam, Scott and Stephen.”


  “It’s good to get to know your subjects. Know where everyone resides. In case of moments like this I suppose.” He grinned as I turned to look at him.

  “What do you want?”

  “I presume you don’t want this getting out.” he said, I walked towards him, “and I’d hate for it to get out.” he cooed, I frowned, “but you owe me.”

  “I owe you, how the fuck did you jump to that conclusion? You’re the one who tricked me into losing my virginity then broke up with me in front of practically the entire school. I don’t owe you shit.”

  “Your… little fling destroyed my two-thousand-pound suit.”

  “Two thousand pounds.” I repeated, he didn’t flinch, not even a nod to confirm the ludicrous price.

  “You owe me more than I owe you.”

  “It speaks volumes that you value two thousand pounds over my virginity.” I said, he rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”

  “You.” He said, I snorted.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Don’t you realise what breaking up with you did to the Choir? I honestly thought it’d go a different way, that people would side with me and you’d be pushed off your throne. I was wrong, I admit this now.

  However, you, if the school found out you were having a fling with one of the footballers, you’ll fall down in the ranks so damn quickly.”

  “And what? You’ll raise to power for your era of evil?” I asked, then began to walk away again. “I don’t give a fuck. Do what you want. If not being King is the consequence, then so be it.”

  “Okay” he said, too easy. That was far too easy.

  “So, I’ll just bill your father for two thousand pounds?” he said, I sighed. “Then we’ll be even I guess.”

  I turned to look at him.

  “Have I got your attention now?”

  Cassidy grabbed me as I left orchestra. He pulled me away and down the corridor, and then he pushed me up against the wall. The look in his eyes something fierce and I was scared even though I was pretty certain I hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “I’m going to ask you this once and you’re not going to lie to me.” he said, I nodd


  “Shut up.” He said quickly, I swallowed. “Did Devon give you that love bite?” he asked,

  “No.” I said quickly, he narrowed his eyes at me. “I told you, Cassidy I told you. I was telling you the truth about Stephen.”

  “Why are you back with Devon?”

  “I am not.” I said, “what the fuck Cassidy?”

  “Everyone’s whispering about it.” he said, I shook my head. “The choir are cockroaches. They’ve been scuttling about for the last few hours spreading the news that you and Devon are back together, you’ve forgiven him.”

  “No.” I said shaking my head. “No, no. That isn’t what, no.”

  “Tell me everything.” Cassidy said, “every detail no matter how small, I need to know everything if I’m going to help you.”

  “Do you think Stephen’s heard?” I asked, he hit my chest lightly.

  “Every detail, now.”

  Cassidy was on a warpath – it was frightening and hadn’t been seen for a really long time. People learnt quite quickly that you didn’t fuck with Cassidy after our third year when one of the older boys from the theatre told him he just wasn’t that good and he’d exploded.

  Not because he thought he was that good – which he did, and was – but because it had upset him and he thought it was rude. No one had been rude to him – to his face at least – since because they didn’t want this wrath.

  It unnerved me that Devon didn’t even flinch when Cassidy walked towards him me behind him.

  “What are you up to you leech?” Cassidy stated, Devon laughed in his face and it took all my effort not to let my fist connect with his face.

  “Protecting him.” he said, Cassidy shook his head. “You know about his footballer, right?” he whispered as if he was doing us a service.

  “Yes.” Cassidy said simply, “and you know what else I know, that it’s none of your fucking business who he’s sleeping with.”

  “But, I’m his boyfriend.” He said louder, so people around us turned to look.

  “I’m his brother and I’m telling you to back the fuck off.”


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