Book Read Free

Twisted in Chains

Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “And what’s that?”

  “You’re the superstar football guy, and I’m … me. The nerd. The tutor, focused on my future.”

  “Do you even have a clue what you want to be after all of this?”

  “I have no idea anymore.”

  “Anymore? What about before?”

  “Before? I wanted to go into business. I wanted to start an empire, a female-run empire.”

  “That’s changed?”

  “I don’t know. I think so.”

  “Don’t let him destroy you.”

  “I feel like I can do better elsewhere, you know? I can help others like us.”

  He shrugged. “We could try, but people like Mitch are out there. You go out intent on creating a war, and they’ll come for you. We don’t even know where Mitch is.”

  “I know. I don’t even know why I’m talking about this right now.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “Sorry.” She covered her face with her hands. “Ignore me.”

  “Never. I’d never ignore you.”

  “Guys, I’m heading out. We’re going to be late,” Derek said.

  “You want me to drop you off at home?” Noah asked.

  “You have your car here? We walked.”

  “I didn’t know how you’d feel being at this party, so I drove here, parked up, and came and walked to you.”

  “That is really sweet.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t be reading too much into it.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “You ready to go to high school?”

  She glanced down at her clothes and shrugged. “Why not? I don’t want to go home. I’ll deal with them later.”

  “I’ll even drop you home if you’d like.”

  “You are being a bit of a rebel today, aren’t you?”

  He winked at her.

  They left the room. The house looked completely spotless, but Noah didn’t expect anything less. It’s why Derek’s parents always allowed him to throw a party. Not only did he clean up afterward, but they were always broken up by a reasonable time.

  “Wow, I didn’t expect that.”

  “Derek is the king of clean.”

  Noah opened the front door for her, and as he did, he nodded at Derek, who was already pulling out of the driveway. He got a thumbs up, and then his focus went back to Skye as they stood out together.

  Wrapping his arm across her shoulders, he walked her toward his car. Opening the door, he waited for her to climb in.

  “You’re the perfect gentleman.”

  He’d had the best night’s sleep since their escape. He felt fucking wired and ready for anything.

  Without Skye, he was a mess. He’d been denying his need for her for far too long. No matter what their parents said, they needed each other.

  Pulling out of Derek’s drive, he glanced across the road and saw Denison watching them.

  The cop gave him the creeps.

  “What do you think that of the Denison guy?” he asked, driving forward, passing the cop, and heading toward the school.

  “I don’t know. My parents adore him, but he kind of gives me the creeps.”

  “Thank you. Me too.”

  “I know.”

  Silence fell between them, and for the first time ever, it was a little awkward.

  “I would never hurt you,” he said.

  “I know that. Of course, I know that.”

  “I don’t know what came over me. I was … lost. I don’t know what the fuck to do to be honest.”

  He’d wanted to stake his ultimate claim over her.

  “It’s fine, Noah. You know what, you’re right, I shouldn’t overthink it all. We’re together, and we share a dark past. It’s fine.”

  “You keep saying it’s fine.”

  “I don’t know of any other way to describe it. I’m scared my parents are going to freak out at me,” she said.

  “We’re going to have to make a stand so they know not to get between us.”

  “You think it’ll be that easy?” she asked.

  “I don’t know why it can’t be that easy. We’ve done nothing wrong. We’ve been through hell together, and we’re still here standing.”

  He parked up at the high school. They’d arrived in record time. He was aware of the curious looks and points.

  “Do you ever think back to that time?” she asked.

  “Every single day. I … think of what I could have done. If I hadn’t been drugged up to keep me weak. You know I’d never…”

  “I know.”

  “We killed people there, Skye.”

  “I know,” she said. “There are times I think I should be put away for what we’ve done.”

  “We were only trying to protect ourselves.”

  “It’s not just about the time we were locked in a room or used for amusement. It’s all of it.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t think I should talk about it now.”

  He tapped the steering wheel. “Tell me. There’s no better time than the present.”

  She chuckled. “Yeah, who cares if anyone in this school can lip read.”

  “I doubt that very much. Come on, talk to me.”

  She pushed some hair off her face. “We were watched. Denison described some of the graphic videos that were being taken. We are on those videos, Noah. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “It does. Thinking about what they can see, all of it, and yeah, I don’t want anyone to have those videos. Not even for a moment.”

  She sighed. “Maybe I’m freaking out over nothing. I can’t help but think about all the men and women that paid for it. That’s what he said, remember, they paid for the pleasure to see us hurt each other.”

  “They forced us to do everything to hurt each other.”

  “It made me wonder if some had to … you know, kill each other as well, like us. I’m sorry. I think I’m just thinking about this too much.”

  “Don’t apologize.”

  “Do you want to go back there?”

  “To what? You heard what happened. It was burned to the ground.”

  “It could be good for us to do it. You know, to face our demons.” He didn’t relish the idea of going back there, but for Skye, he’d do it.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

  The bell rang for school, and they both climbed out of the car.

  He ignored the stares as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders the moment he stood next to her, and they walked in together.

  “You need to get to your locker,” she said. “I’m fine. I’ve got to get my stuff.”

  “Stop saying you’re fine.”

  “I’m good.”

  He cupped her face, and right there, in the school corridor, he kissed her. He heard the gasps, and as he pulled away, he saw the pointing. “I’ll see you after school.”

  Noah spun on his heel, heading in the opposite direction of where his locker was. All of these assholes could piss off. He had no intention of going back to being the jock that did everything they wanted, dated the cheerleaders, and fucked around.

  If anything, his time in captivity had shown him exactly what he wanted, and he wasn’t going to give that up for anyone.

  “You and Skye, it’s a done deal?” Derek asked, coming to stand with him.

  Most of the corridor was empty as students rushed to get to class.

  “Yeah, we’re a done deal.”

  “You know, some of the guys, they don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

  “Does anything have to get into me?” he asked.

  “You haven’t played ball. You haven’t been yourself. It’s like the real Noah left, and this … guy has turned up in his place. You’re kissing nerds, screwing them.”

  “Derek, you and I don’t have a problem right now, but if you keep talking the way you are, we’re not going to remain friends for much longer, and I’d hate to lose you as a friend.”

  “Do you even hear yourself? I get it, yo
u and Skye went through shit together, but that’s over. Snap out of it. Come back to us.”

  Noah slammed his locker closed. “Get over it. I don’t give a fuck if you’ve got a problem with it. This shit is happening, if you like it or not. I’m not changing myself for anyone, not anymore.”


  By the end of the day, Skye knew something had been said to him. On the drive home, he was silent, the anger vibrating off him. At lunchtime, they sat alone, and he didn’t even go to practice after school.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Now you’re the one saying you’re fine.”

  “I’m just trying to deal with everything is all. It’s no big deal.”

  She stared down at her lap. “Clearly it is. Want to talk about it?”

  “I … don’t.”


  She looked out of the window as her street came into focus. Her heart started to race, and then as they got to her driveway, she noticed Noah tense.

  “My parents’ car is in the driveway. Why are they here?”

  They stopped, and she recognized Denison’s car as well.

  “I wonder if they’re having a meeting, talking about us.”

  “For fuck’s sake. What could they possibly want now?” Noah asked.

  “You want to drive away? Start a life together?”

  “You’re offering to run away with me?”

  This made Skye pause. She’d been joking.

  Had she?

  She looked up at her home, the cars, and knew something bad was about to happen. “I think I am.”

  “Are you even ready for that?” he asked.

  “Who is ever ready to run away? Would it be so bad? We’re teenagers. There’s a lot of those running away nowadays.”

  The engine was still running, and Noah tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. She noticed he did that whenever he was thinking.

  She stared straight ahead at their home. Whatever he decided, she would follow him, no questions asked. They were together, and with that, she would fight to stay with him every single step of the way.

  “No, we’re doing nothing wrong. We’re friends. We can deal with this.”


  Noah turned off the engine and opened his door.

  She didn’t have much energy when it came to confrontation, but she was willing to give this one a try. They were her parents after all. It couldn’t be so bad, right?

  Noah took hold of her hand, and together, much like running away, they entered her home.

  There were muttered voices, and she felt her hand shake. Noah held her a little tighter. His warmth and comfort helped her to deal with whatever was about to happen.

  As they entered the dining room, silence fell into the room.

  Denison was seated at the head of the table. For a split second, she was sure he looked smug. Her parents sat opposite Noah’s parents. They did not look happy.

  “What is the meaning of this?” David asked. Noah’s dad was glaring.

  “Meaning of what?” Noah held her hand even tighter, and she squeezed him too, trying to offer him comfort as they were both glared at.

  “Get your hand off my daughter, now,” Clifford said.

  “Dad, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “It’s simple, honey.” Lilly stood up. “We’re protecting you.”

  “Both of you. This is not only about your daughter, my son was taken as well,” Kate said.

  She stayed by Noah’s side, and neither of them let go of the other’s hand.

  “Protecting me? From what?”

  “You two need to go back to your lives,” Clifford said. “I love you, honey, but that is studying. Not hanging out with jocks.”

  “Noah, you’ve got a future in football. Not continuing this thing with her. We have all spoken, and it’s for the best that neither of you are to see each other anymore. Denison has plenty of his team around town who can make sure this happens. We all believe in order for this to continue, you two need to learn to stay apart.”

  For seconds, neither of them spoke. Silence reigned, much like many of the hours spent locked in a room together.

  They didn’t always have much to say to each other, unless they were talking about what they wanted when they got back home. This was different.

  Their parents wanted to keep them apart. It was almost as if they wanted to pretend it didn’t happen.

  She couldn’t pretend forever, nor did she want to leave Noah alone. He understood her.

  Last night was the first time in so long that she actually felt alive again. Having Noah’s arms around her gave her comfort in ways that they would never understand.

  “This is fucking bullshit!” Noah exploded.

  “Now, son—”

  “No, not ‘now son.’ Not now fucking anything. This is all fucking bullshit. You think because you’re our parents you have any idea what it’s like to be us. What it was like to be taken. To be forced to do the shit we had to do. You think this is easy for us? Being here after it all happened. The only person who truly understands me right now is Skye. I can’t go back to how I was. I’m not that guy anymore. I’m not the kid that hadn’t experienced bad shit. I’m the kid that was strung up and weakened so I couldn’t fight back. I had to watch them beat her. I was fucking beaten. Throughout it all, we only had each other.”

  “You can’t take that away from us,” Skye said, speaking up. “We’re not doing anything wrong. Why are you treating us like we have?”

  “Oh, honey,” Lilly said, getting to her feet as if to come toward her.

  Skye didn’t want to touch her. She didn’t want to have anything to do with her. Not right now. Not with the way they were looking at them. She’d never felt so … dirty before.

  “We just want what is best for you.” Her father stopped Lilly from moving forward by holding her

  hand, but her mother kept on speaking.

  “No.” Noah took a step back.

  Skye followed him.

  “You can try and keep us apart, but this is fucking bullshit!”

  As Noah turned to run, so did she. They were so attuned to each other. They made it out of the door and into his car.

  Cops got out of their cars and were heading toward the house where clearly Denison had them ready.

  “I don’t give a fuck.” Noah turned over his engine, bringing the car to life.

  Their parents came out of the front door.

  She stared at them and felt nothing. No remorse. Nothing.

  They had done nothing wrong, and yet they were being forced to stay apart. It wasn’t going to happen. The only person she trusted in this world was right beside her.

  She looked behind her to see the cops lined up, stopping them.

  “Fucking move,” he said.

  “Keep going.”

  “What? You want me to run them over?”

  “No, I want you to keep going so they know to run. They don’t think you’re going to do it. We’re being treated like children. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like it. Drive hard. They’ll move.”

  She hoped they would.

  Noah did as she asked, and when they realized they were going to keep on moving, the cops jumped out of the way.

  He spun out of the driveway, twisting his steering wheel, and she stared up at Denison. There was always something off about him, and she didn’t know what. Lifting her finger, she smiled as Noah pulled away.

  They took off out of town. Noah kept on driving, putting his foot on the gas.

  “You think they’re going to follow us.”

  He turned down a beaten path, and Skye … her heart started to race when she realized they were heading up toward the parking near by the creek.

  “Have you been here since?” she asked.


  “I can’t believe we’re … here.”

  “I know.” He parked the car. “They shouldn’t find us for a wh

  “I don’t like Denison. He’s a manipulative bastard.”

  “He doesn’t like me,” he said.

  “I know. I don’t understand why.” She shrugged.

  “I’ve got something for you.”


  “It’s like a gift but not.”

  She giggled. Even after everything they had been through, she could still giggle. She felt like that was a win. A big win. “A not gift?”

  “It’s … something. You’ll understand it when you see it.”

  He climbed out of the car, and she followed him, making sure to check everywhere. She didn’t trust this place. It was the place they were taken last time. No time like the present though to get over her demons.

  Noah opened the trunk and pulled out some clothing. She couldn’t make it out as it had a cover and a plastic sheet over it.

  “It’s a costume.”

  He pulled the sheet off, and she saw it was a princess costume, a bright pink one.

  “I found one in your size. Don’t be weird about it,” he said.

  “Weird? Why would I be weird about you knowing my size when no guy is supposed to know that?” She stepped up toward him. “You want me to try it on now?”

  “Yes, why not? I got a costume as well.”

  “This is … I don’t know what it is.”

  “It’s just a bit of fun. I wanted to give it to you last night, but with the party and everything, I never got the chance.”

  “Okay then.” She smiled. One more look around, and she opened his passenger door, putting the dress on the seat. “I can do this.”

  She stripped out of her clothes. It was cold and November. Snow would be back soon for Christmas as it had melted away in the past few weeks. She usually loved this time of year, the colder weather, the seasonal festivities this time of the year brought, but none of the excitement was there. She didn’t care that Thanksgiving was coming, or Christmas or the New Year. They had missed Halloween, and life just seemed to be about taking it one day at a time. That was all she could focus on.

  Picking up the costume, she released the zipper in the back and stepped into it. Presenting her back to Noah, she waited for him to zip her up.

  “It’s always complete with a tiara,” he said, placing something on her head.

  “How do I look?” she asked.

  “You look like a princess.”

  He held his phone out and snapped a picture of her. “Here, take a look.”


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