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Twisted in Chains

Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  She took his phone and groaned. “I look like a hippo.”

  “No, you don’t.” He finished pulling on his tux. “You look sexy.” He took hold of her arms, drawing her close to him.

  “You cheated. You’re wearing a standard tux.”

  “I know, but they didn’t have any costumes for me. How do I look?” he asked.

  “Like a butler.”

  He laughed. “Good. At least I look like something.” He took his phone back and snapped a picture.

  “Don’t post them. We’ll be seen as crazy people.”

  “You don’t want to be seen as someone who is crazy?” he asked.

  “I don’t want to cause any more trouble than we already have. This could possibly get us thrown into a psych ward.”

  He gasped in mock horror. “We’d have to talk about our feelings.”

  “Exactly. Let’s keep the whole truth telling to a minimum.”

  “Yes, boss,” he said.

  “So, dressed as a princess and her butler, where would you like to go?” she asked.

  “I want to go back there.”

  She didn’t even have to ask where “there” was. She knew. “Noah, I don’t think that is a good idea.”

  “I know you’re afraid, but I need to see it.”

  “You do remember that the guy who took us, abused us, is still out there. He’s still waiting.”

  “We don’t know if he’s still waiting, but if he is, I hope he fucking shows himself. I’m tired of his cowardly shit. Come on. Do this. For me, Skye. Please, I promise I won’t ask you to do anything else.”

  She pressed her lips together, trying to think. Of all the places they could go, going back to where they were hurt, it seemed like a really bad idea. What good could come from seeing that place?

  Yet, she couldn’t think of a single reason why not to.

  “You’re sure about this? I don’t know if I can handle this.”

  “I can,” Noah said. He took both of her hands. “We need to do this. It may give us closure.”

  “Or open up all those old wounds that are slowly closing, you know. This is … it’s dangerous.”

  “I need to do this. I can take you back home.” He went to let go of her hands, but she wouldn’t let him.

  “No, you’re not doing this on your own. There’s no chance of that.” She sighed. “We go together.”

  Even though she truly believed it to be a bad idea, she found herself sitting in the passenger side as Noah took the wheel.

  This couldn’t be all bad, could it? They had spent a lot of time there.

  For the most part, it had been burned down. They may only get to look at the building. Noah took her hand as he drove them toward their past. Whatever happened, they had each other and for now, that was all that mattered.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Noah had intended to come back here alone. He didn’t think Skye was ready for this kind of reality. Ever since Denison had told him what happened to the place, he felt it important to come back, to pay his respects to the people that had died in it. The fire had started in one of the arenas. Staring up at the building now, he saw for the most part, it was standing. There was tape around the outside of the building, letting them know to stay out.

  “That’s strange. Denison said it was burned down. Why would he lie?” Skye asked.

  They stood out of the car on either side. Their doors were open, as they stared up at the building that had held their captive weeks, and turned their world upside down.

  “I don’t know. Maybe he was doing a good thing. You know, lying to us that the place that hurt us is gone.”

  “Didn’t he think we’d come back? We’d want to see it? I mean, look at it. Anyone could rebuild this. It’s not completely gone.” Skye looked toward him, and Noah shrugged.

  “I don’t have a clue. Do we ever really know what’s going on inside someone’s head?”

  He watched her rub her arms. “This place gives me the creeps. I don’t know if I can go in.” She looked toward him and sighed. “Seriously, you want to go inside?”


  “What if it’s damaged? There was a fire that can cause some structural problems. I don’t think that’s a good idea. What if Mitch is watching this place?”

  “Why would he watch this place? It’s useless,” Noah said. “Come on, I need to see all of it.”

  “All of it.”

  “Look at the size of that place. It’s a mansion, Skye. Surely you know what I’m talking about.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you that this if this is a mansion, someone paid for Mitch and all of his crew to be here? I don’t want to trespass,” she said.

  It did bother him that people watched them. That there were men and woman out there who didn’t deserve to breathe. It made him so fucking angry, infuriatingly so.

  “Come on, Princess,” he said, looking at the house, and then, he just couldn’t do it. “No, we’re not going back in there. We’re done. We’re not going to let the past take us like this.”

  “If you really want to go back in there, we do it together. All of this, whatever it is you need to see, we’ll do it together. No backing down,” she said, taking his hand and stepping to his side.

  “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”

  “I’m not amazing. Far from it.” She trembled.

  Removing his jacket, he placed it over her shoulders.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “I’m fine, but we don’t need to go back in there. It’s in our past. We don’t need this anymore. I don’t need it. I don’t want it either.” He didn’t need to see what was in that house. He didn’t need any of it. The past was over and done, and he wasn’t going to ruin his life by trying to change it.

  If they ever saw Mitch again, Noah would fucking kill him, no questions asked. He wanted to make sure Mitch paid for what he did to him, but also, to torture him. When he found Mitch—and one day soon, he intended to go hunting—he was going to find him, and make him pay for what he did to Skye. For what he did to all of them.

  Every slap, punch, fuck, rape, and torture.

  He would make sure Mitch knew what it felt like. Then and only then would he give him death. It was the plan that kept him sane. There were way too many people who had lost their lives because of that sick prick.

  “I’d say we should ask Denison about the investigation. I want to know how they’re finding the men and women that did this, that helped set this up.”

  “Do you really think he’d tell us?” Skye asked.

  “I don’t give a fuck. We have a right to know.”

  She nodded. “It doesn’t mean we’re going to find out. At least we’re together. We can handle whatever they throw at us.” She released a breath. “Okay, so where do you want to go now?”

  They turned back to his car, and he placed his arm across her shoulders.

  “I don’t know. You want to go and get ice cream?”

  “I do like ice cream. I haven’t had any since we got back.”

  “Then ice cream it is for you. How about a couple of cheeseburgers?”

  “You’re after my heart.”

  With every step he took, he felt the tug of his captivity evade him. He couldn’t keep waiting to be abused, exposed, humiliated. He would do everything in his power to hunt for Mitch and his crew, and if he had to, he’d fucking train to be a cop. There was no way he was going to let anyone get away with the shit they caused them.

  “Noah, I have a bad feeling.” Skye caught his arm, and Noah had no choice but to look up. Mitch leaned against the car door, looking so fucking calm and relaxed as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “You know, you should have these bad feelings before you agree to come to a place. Skye, you have never been able to read any of your emotions well, have you?”

  Mitch advanced toward them, his accent completely gone, and before Noah could do anything, a bag was thrown over his head. He couldn’t se
e, and the man behind him was way too strong. He was hit hard over the head, and he heard Skye scream for him.

  He was thrown into the trunk of the car.

  Using all of his strength, he tried to fight, to get out. The car was suddenly moving, and he couldn’t focus. “Let me out. Let me the fuck out.”

  This was his fault. He’d taken Skye away, and now he had gotten them both hurt.

  He didn’t know how long the car was moving before they came to an abrupt stop. Within seconds, he was pulled out of the trunk of the car and being dragged somewhere else. He tried to fight but he couldn’t keep pace. The bang to the head had messed with him. Mitch’s presence had startled him.

  The bag on his head was removed, and he was thrown into a room.

  “Noah,” Skye said.

  He looked to see her over him. Tears were trailing down her cheeks, and she was shaken. He was transported back to their captivity all over again.


  Not this time. He was going to save them both. He would kill Mitch now. He wasn’t drugged, nor would he ever allow himself to be again.

  “You know, I figured there was something interesting about the two of you, and I’m right. You don’t know when to stay gone.” Mitch checked his fingernails.

  Noah didn’t like how fucking happy he looked. Where was the other guy? The one who put a bag over his head?

  “You’ve been here the whole time?” Noah asked.

  “Of course. Why would I fucking leave? My house may be gone, but I’ve never allowed a pet to go, especially not two. I don’t leave until all of my mess is cleaned up.”

  “Who is working with you?” Noah asked.

  “Ah, you’re wondering about that now? It’s true. I don’t work alone. It helps me to know when to move my operation. You two though, I stayed behind because with you two, I had a feeling.”

  “A feeling?” Skye asked.

  “You’re both young. I didn’t have time to completely break you. You’re too cocky and always need answers to questions that are none of your business. I knew you’d come back.” Mitch clapped his hands together. “And I was right, but I had to be ready for when you came back, so I’ve got this little place.”

  “If you’re here … how are you not in prison?” Skye asked.

  “Well, you see, I’ve got a brother. He’s very special to me, but he’s got an illness, shall we say? Something his job can feed but only so much.”

  Skye took his hand as they heard footsteps approaching.

  This was bad. Noah didn’t like where this was going one bit. He held her hand, trying to offer her comfort.

  “It is good to see you, Skye. I’m shocked that you even came here though. You know, after our special time together.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Be careful. You’re here all alone with me. You know what I like to do to whores with smart mouths. You should be a lot nicer to me.” Mitch smiled, and it was pure evil.

  Skye shook against him, her fear palpable.

  “You two spoiled our plans for you, that has to be said. The moment my brother saw you, Skye, he wanted to play with you. We’d already been given the contract to grab you, and he wanted a chance with you as well. He’s got a thing about spirits, you see. He finds them really fucking annoying, and all it makes him want to do is hurt, hunt, and kill. Of course, the killing comes much later.”

  “You were watching us?” Noah asked.

  “Actually, my brother spotted Skye first and knew she matched up to one of the orders perfectly. Taking you was just a mistaken bonus. We did think you were together as one of those secret couples. It made it a lot more fun to see you hurt her, Noah. So much more fun.”

  “Is that what you like?” Skye asked. “To watch people hurt each other?”

  “Well, you see, first of all, my brother and I, we come from a long line of people who get off on watching … filth. There are some sickos out there. They don’t have many boundaries, and people like to watch kids do things. You know, bad things.”

  Noah stared at Mitch. The man was clearly fucked in the head. There was no other word for it.

  “Why are you telling us this?”

  Mitch laughed. “You think you’re going to walk out here alive. You, my dear boy, are going up for auction. We had a couple of guests who loved the feel of your ass around their dicks, and they want another taste. Besides, what’s a little sharing with each other?”

  “You were raped as a kid,” Skye asked.

  “I’d like to call it, turned into an entertainer. That’s what I did, or at least it’s what our parents called it.”

  “That’s sick.”

  “I’ve never gone hungry a day in my life. Sure, I’ve had nights it’s been a little harder than others, but as you two are witness, alone with someone, you’ve got each other. You’ve got that strength to make it through.”

  “You shouldn’t be touching anyone. You need to get help.”

  The sound of the door opening made Mitch’s smile go even wider, if that was even possible. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  “Mitch, where the fuck are you?”

  “The office.”

  Noah didn’t want to see who it was coming in that door, and within a few seconds, it opened and in stepped Denison.

  Skye gasped, and she pressed against his side even more.

  Yeah, he wasn’t happy either. The way Denison had looked at him and at Skye, he’d known there was something off about that cop.

  Now he knew.

  “Have you given our guests a drink?” Denison asked, removing his jacket. He rolled up his sleeves.

  His gaze was so focused on Skye.

  “You’re a cop,” she said.

  “I know. It was a lot easier to keep your whereabouts hidden. But then you had to go and inform that farmer and I had no choice but to bring you in. I hate it when I’ve got to hurt my brother. Come here, Skye.”

  “No chance.”

  “You think you both can escape this?”

  “You didn’t think we could escape the first time.”

  “We saw our mistake,” Mitch said. “It won’t happen again.”

  Noah smirked. “You think I’m just going to bow down. Let you hurt us?”

  “You think yourself in love with the girl now, do you?” Mitch asked.

  “You’re not touching her.” He saw it now. The resemblance. Mitch and Denison looked so much alike it was scary. “You covered for him. You made sure he could get away.”

  “Well, yeah, those other captives, they’ve earned us a lot of money. I wasn’t going to have two little shits ruin our operation here,” Denison said. “I want her.”

  “You can’t hurt her just yet,” Mitch said.

  “We don’t have to sell either of them right away. We can have our fun and then get them both nicely cleaned up, ready to enjoy the guests of whoever decides to buy them.”

  Skye squeezed his hand, and he knew she was terrified. They both were.

  He still had the knife in his pocket, and he got it out. Their only escape was covered by the two of them.

  “You’re just going to stand there?” Denison asked.

  “We’re more than happy here,” Noah said.

  “You going to let him talk for you, Skye?” Again, Denison was the one speaking. He licked his lips as he stared at Skye.

  Noah wasn’t going to let her go to that monster. He saw the evil so clearly in his gaze, and all he wanted to do was to take care of her.

  You shouldn’t have come here.

  You’re a fucking idiot for thinking this was the right thing to do.

  Holding her tightly against him, he looked for a way out. The window may be their only option, but they’d have to break the window, ensuring he did it in one hit, and then climb out of it, without touching the glass that hadn’t smashed and risk injuring themselves further. The only problem, there wasn’t that much of a gap between where they were all standing. It wouldn’t take them that long to reach t
hem. If he broke the glass and escaped, Skye would already be at their mercy. If he broke the glass and allowed Skye to escape, there was still too much time between them, and either way, he couldn’t leave her behind. He’d be able to fight them, but Skye wouldn’t.

  All he had on him was a single knife.

  Then again, when they first escaped, all he had on him was a meal tray and a metal fork. Damn, he was overthinking this just a little too much.

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he drew her close to him. “I’m the only one she wants.”

  He saw the flick of anger in Denison’s eyes. Maybe, just maybe, if he got Denison to react or even Mitch, he’d be able to catch them off guard.

  “Is that so?” Mitch asked.

  “Yes,” Skye said. “I only want him.”

  “Even after what he did to you.” Mitch laughed. “I love it when they think they know each other. Noah couldn’t even give her the time of day, and all of a sudden, a bit of forced sex, and she’s putty in his hands.”

  “I can’t wait for her to beg me. It’s going to be so delicious when she does.”

  They were taunting them.

  “You know what, I’m starting to get really fucking bored with all of this waiting around.” Denison suddenly pulled a gun from his pocket. “And when I get bored, I make bad decisions.”

  Knife against a gun, that wasn’t good odds.

  “Oh, dear,” Mitch said. “I wonder what the big, bad teenagers are going to do.”

  “This is what they’re going to do. Skye’s going to come here to me and we’re going to have some fun. Mitch, you’re good with this one, right? I remember you saying you wanted to have a piece of him. Well, you can take a lot of pieces if it would suit you. He’s got teeth and nails, and besides, he can still serve without a cock as well. We’ll remove his teeth, and he can suck everything for the rest of his life.”

  Skye moved in front of him. “Just let us go. We won’t tell a soul.”

  Both men laughed.

  “You think we believe that. Do you know how many women have begged us the way you are right now, Skye?”

  “It doesn’t have to be this way,” she said.

  “Skye, stop,” Noah said.


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