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Page 14

by Victoria Saccenti


  “Yes. And I can’t wait to take you there.”

  “Oh, Joe.”

  The soft murmur was acquiescence. Spreading her folds, he laved the tender red tissues around her bundle of nerves, moved lower, and rimmed the entrance to her sheath. He slid his tongue into her core. Liquid musk, delicious, hot, and heady, received him, and he plunged in and out, in and out, savoring, wanting more and more of her, and not getting enough.

  “Ah,” Hunter exclaimed, bucking her hips against his mouth.

  Joe glanced up. “Should I stop?”

  “No, no, no!”

  “That’s my girl. Let it go.”

  He dove back into her pussy, suckled her clit, pulling hard. He nibbled the sensitive tip lightly, and she thrust her hips in response. Great revelation: clit clamps were in Hunter’s future. She would look stunning attached to a nipple and clit chain. He slid a finger into her moist channel, moved it around feeling for her ridges, then slipped in another as he stimulated her wall.

  It still wasn’t enough. He wanted more, a full-on experience. He reached for her dress and pulled it down to her waist, releasing her arms. Unbound, she flailed and reached without aim. He caught her hand, then placed her fingers on top of her breast.

  “Squeeze your nipple,” he instructed. But Hunter didn’t react. “Squeeze. Now. I want you to play with it.”

  She fumbled. Either she’d never masturbated or didn’t know about the powerful internal link between clitoris and breasts.

  “Look at what I’m doing,” he grumbled as he rolled her flesh between thumb and forefinger. “Now you.”

  Hunter trembled as she obeyed.

  “That’s it, gorgeous. Go at it hard. You like pain.”

  Her motions were a bit awkward. Still, she tried. Next time, he would instruct her in the art of self-stimulation. Meanwhile, he returned to her sex. Spreading her folds with one hand, he zeroed in on her clit as his fingers invaded her center in a complete sexual assault.

  Hunter wiggled her hips side to side, then up and down. “I want, I want,” she exclaimed.

  “Do it, Hunter. Rub your pussy against my face. Your taste is divine.”

  Joe intensified the motions, going deeper into her, sucking her clit harder and harder. The contractions began. He didn’t let up.

  “Joe, Joe,” she screamed and panted. Tweaking both of her nipples, she arched toward the ceiling. She fell and arched again. As the orgasm took her, her inner muscles gripped his fingers. Her body convulsed repeatedly until she flopped back on the bed. Seconds passed; her core spasmed and contracted again. The second wave was coming.

  “What?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

  Smiling, he glanced at her over her flat belly. He didn’t bother answering; her body would explain when she climaxed again. As he plunged his fingers into her soaked channel, he resumed the pressure to her sweet pearl. Hunter stiffened, and her head dropped back. She shut her eyes. As she groaned in release, a tear rolled down her cheek.

  He’d seen amazing orgasms. Hers left all the others in the dust.

  Hunter’s breathing slowed. She dropped her legs to the bed. Her eyes opened to slits. “I thought I was going to die.”

  “No, gorgeous. I wouldn’t let that happen.” He rubbed his palm over her belly in a soothing circular motion. “Come here,” he murmured, scooping her from the bed. Carrying her in his arms, he walked to the only armchair in the place. He sat, holding her like a little girl.

  “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “I’m a mess, though.” She gestured to her sexy dress, now wrapped around her waist.

  He kissed her hair. “A beautiful mess.” He lifted her long hair around her shoulder and blew air on her damp neck.

  “I don’t know who I am. What did I do? I don’t even enjoy sex. And tonight… Why are you still dressed? What about your pleasure? Men demand satisfaction, always.”

  Joe exhaled, tightening the embrace. “You’ve been with selfish men who are ignorant and uninterested and don’t give a rat’s ass about a woman’s body or her needs.” He rocked her back and forth. “Tonight, you climaxed twice. Which means you’re one of those lucky women who could have multiple orgasms. Plus, sexual pain and domination arouses you. If you want, we can explore all of this and more. I’m still dressed because I was focused on you.”



  Covering her mouth, she yawned.

  “Let’s go back to bed.” He scooped her from his lap into his arms. “So I can undress you.”

  “I can do it.”

  “Don’t argue.” He frowned. “We’re gonna have to set up a few rules.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. “Didn’t you want to know…?”

  “Tomorrow, sweetheart.”

  Stretching Hunter on her back, he kissed her forehead. With a gentle pull, he slipped her wadded-up dress past her feet. By the time he draped the covers over her naked body, she was fast asleep. As he tucked her panties into his pocket, he scanned the room, searching for the key to the front door. He found it next to her purse.

  He walked out, locked the door, and slid the key through the crumbling weather strip. Satisfied that he’d left Hunter tucked in and secured, he jogged to his truck. He had to go home and take care of his aching balls.


  HALF ASLEEP, HUNTER rolled onto her side. She tried to raise her hand to wipe her eyes, but the sheets tangled around her arm impeded any movement. Confused, she blinked repeatedly, urging her mind to awaken.

  Like coins inserted in a gaming machine, memories from last night dropped into her consciousness one by one. Heat ravaged her face when the last one materialized in full detail.

  Did it happen? Did it really happen…all of it?

  Joe Reid.

  His name motivated her into action. She tugged and kicked. The imprisoning sheets had formed a stubborn cocoon around her body, and she wanted out. Out of her bed, out of her studio, out of her thoughts… Out of Florida altogether—the state of Georgia sounded pretty wonderful right now.

  Released from her wrappings, she crawled on her elbows to the headboard. As she moved, she first caught a glimpse of her wrinkled dress draped over a chair. Then her naked body came into view—final proof and confirmation of a Hunter out of control.

  Propping her back against the wooden headboard, she covered her face with her palms. Quick snippets of her willing behavior and shameless enjoyment looped and repeated. She’d climaxed in his mouth. Twice. She exhaled in disbelief and embarrassment.

  Who was this Hunter?

  Be honest, will ya?

  She’d seen a preview during her fantasy in Joe’s truck. She’d been the eager participant. Actually, she’d been even more brazen in real life—his commands had unfettered her inhibitions, freed the suppressed woman, and she’d jumped in with both feet. He’d wanted her body, and she’d given it. If he’d asked for the moon, she’d find a way to bring it down. Pleasing him was all that mattered. Fulfillment was in the giving.

  But could she face him again? If he meant what he’d said, he’d show up at some point during the morning hours. Much as she might want to run, skipping out on him was the coward’s way, the childish way.

  “And I am neither,” she grumbled to herself.

  Whatever, first things first—soap and water was a requirement. Nothing cleared heads better than a hot shower. Plus she’d had enough of the odor of sex clinging to her skin and hair and the stickiness between her thighs.

  Hunter slipped her butt to the edge of the bed, glanced around the studio, and caught a silvery gleam on the floor, inches from the door. She padded over to pick up her key.

  Puzzling man. In between the stern commands, a caring and attentive Joe had emerged. He’d taken her to the heights of pleasure. He’d also treated her to a fantastic dinner, had cared for her after sex, had tucked her in bed, draped her dress, and removed the front door key from the keychain, ensuring h
e’d leave her safely locked in.


  Would Aaron, or any of the other assholes—past and recent—that came sniffing around, pay such attention to detail?

  Not in a million years.

  Joe was special, unique. Her body agreed with that assessment, and so did her soul.

  Careful, you’re falling for him, her brain warned.

  Muttering a string of expletives under her breath, she entered her bathroom and turned the water on. As steam billowed out of the stall, her cell phone rang, and she rushed out. Giordano appeared on the screen. She paused. She wasn’t in the mood to hear an endless speech from Mamá. It could also be Kevin. She answered before the call went to voice mail.


  Her son’s voice melted her into a puddle of love and ache. She missed her sweet Kevin so.

  “Baby, are you okay? It’s past eight.” Worry knotted her stomach. “Why aren’t you in school?”

  “I’m off. It’s a teacher work day. Grammy isn’t happy.”

  “Oh, she isn’t, huh? Too bad. Enjoy your day off. Go play with your buddies.”

  He answered her comment with a happy chuckle. “When am I going to see you? I miss you, Mommy.”

  Hunter had intended to keep her decision quiet until the last possible moment, but the longing in Kevin’s voice was hard to resist. She had to give him something, a little hope.

  “Soon, sweetheart. Can you keep a secret?”

  “Uh-huh,” he murmured.

  “This is between us. No one else knows, not Grammy or Grampy.”

  “Promise. Cross my heart.”

  “You’re moving in with me very soon.”

  “Really? When?”

  His excitement filled her eyes with tears. Kevin needed her, as Kelly had said. No force on earth, not even Mamá Giordano, would stand in Hunter’s way. She was bringing her boy to Florida.

  “In a few months, before the summer is over. Okay?”

  “Yay!” he exclaimed. “Oh…okay. I have to go. Mommy? Grammy wants the phone.”

  Of course her mother would. Hunter hadn’t properly honored Her Majesty when the call came in. She had to interrupt the conversation to receive her due. Bitch.

  “Love you a million times, baby.” She made kiss sounds on the phone.

  “Love you million times too, Mommy.”

  “Daughter.” Carmen Giordano’s icy anger came through loud and clear.

  “I’m here.” Impatient, she tapped her bare foot on the floor. The shower called her name.

  “We must talk about money. You have commitments—”

  “Sure, the shower’s running. I have to hang up. I’ll ring you later, to chat…”

  Hunter ended the call. Turning the volume off, she eyed the text notifications, then dropped her phone screen-down on the table and walked back to her bathroom. Mamá Giordano could call a hundred times today. She already knew Kevin was fine, so she wasn’t answering. And Kelly’s texts could wait. She had other matters to consider and prepare for—specifically, a visit from one Joe Reid.

  She dove under the hot water. Pressing her hands against the tiled wall, she allowed the torrent to soothe the acute stress her mother’s voice had elicited.

  As she shampooed her hair, she second-guessed her decision to tell Kevin the truth. The words couldn’t be pulled back. Besides, her boy sounded like he needed to hear cheerful news. She shrugged. If Mamá Giordano learned about Hunter’s plans ahead of time, there was precious little she could do to prevent them. Hunter was sick of the separation. Kevin was her child. He belonged with her. Period.

  The lavender soap she used—a gift from Kelly—lifted her spirits with its lovely fragrance. She rinsed quickly, dried her body, wrapped the towel around her hair, and walked out to dress for Joe’s impending arrival.

  Sliding her hangers across the bar, she flipped to a sundress she hadn’t worn in a long while. She walked to the mirror, held the garment in front of her body, and approved the choice. The black-and-white floral print worked with her hair coloring and eyes. Tossing the hanger aside, she wiggled the dress down past her shoulders. The fit was loose and comfortable. Perfect for a hot Florida day.

  Hunter turned to her dresser to select her underwear. She didn’t care for the current trend that showed a regular bra under spaghetti straps. The look was sloppy, in her opinion, so she chucked that idea. But, holding up her panties, she hesitated. What if she went without, like…totally al fresco? That would really surprise Joe…

  Blushing, she tossed them back in the drawer as she giggled, amused and a tad embarrassed at her naughty side. If Kelly saw her now, she’d get a huge kick out of it.

  Still chuckling at her wicked thoughts, she returned to the bathroom mirror. She examined her bare complexion and damp hair. Go natural, she urged herself. Show him who you really are, in the daylight, wrinkles and all.

  Did she have the guts to follow her instincts? Her tired unmade-up skin, shadows, and obvious age might scare him off. So what? He’d fix the stuff he promised and walk out, never to be seen again. As she debated, she brushed her hair with furious strokes, yanking at the painful tangles without mercy. Frowning, she stopped the self-abuse. When Joe came, if he came, he’d get an eyeful of Hunter Giordano sans embellishments.

  Decision made, she stomped out to her stove. She got her coffeemaker started, and the doorbell rang with perfect timing. Her stomach jumped. Inhaling a steadying breath, she opened the front door.

  “Good morning, gorgeous.” Standing outside, Joe grinned. “I brought cappuccinos. You’re half Italian, right?” He shoved two Starbucks styros at her as he slid a large canvas bag from his shoulder. The bag fell on the flagstones with a noisy clang. “Do you have a stepladder? No, right?” Answering his own question, he leaned forward and kissed her nose. “I came prepared. I have a folding ladder in my truck.”

  He returned to the sidewalk while Hunter, holding the two coffee cups, watched him wide-eyed. She’d fretted for absolutely no reason. He hadn’t noticed anything different about her.

  Joe returned with the ladder over his shoulder, propped it next to the door, and walked in.

  “I’ll have a quick sip of caffeine before getting started.”

  “Here.” She held up the container. “This is very sweet of you.”

  “Not sweet. Practical.” He removed the plastic lid to drink. “I can’t get started without a fair amount of java. And we have a couple of jobs today.”

  Using the back of his hand, Joe lazily wiped the froth from his upper lip. His eye had a lusty gleam. Damn, she remembered those expert lips on her body last night… He knew exactly where to go and what to do to make her burn with pleasure. The things he did to her. She wanted to lap the froth up. Get another taste of that sexy man.


  He returned the cup to her, then squatted next to his bag and dove in, pulling out tools and a couple of boxes. One displayed a light fixture on the front.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He held up a thin box. “The weather strip on the front door is a mess. Has to be replaced, in addition to the motion light.”

  “Please, I don’t want you to fuss over me.”

  He frowned up at her. “Don’t argue. Sit, please.” He pointed at the small dining table and chairs, then stood. “You and I need to set up parameters.”

  “Meaning what?”


  Shaking his head in clear disapproval, Joe walked to her. She was forced to look up. His expression was stern and unyielding.

  She’d been padding around the house without shoes, and now he towered over her. The scent of fresh, clean male invaded her nostrils. Whatever he used, body spray, cologne, or simple soap, pulled at her. Sighing, she gazed straight ahead. His corded neck shifted, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. He didn’t speak. He just breathed above her. His command was powerful and unquestionable—clearer than if he gave directions. Strangest of all was the insane arousal coursing through her body. Tre
mbling with desire, she nodded and sat down.

  Joe bent and grasped her chin. “That’s better,” he murmured, dropping to one knee. “It’s confusing, I know. My dominance excites you because you’re a submissive, Hunter.”

  “A what?”

  He tilted his head. “Submissive.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. Not very flattering.” She frowned. “Ask around. I am not a wimp.”

  “That’s not what it means.” He kissed her forehead. Slowly, his palm caressed the outside of her thigh in slow circular motion. The hem of her dress rolled up under his hand as he moved toward her hip. “You’re special, unique, and strong. You and I belong to a lifestyle most folks can’t comprehend. A submissive relinquishes power to the dominant, and in exchange, the dominant strives to please the submissive.”

  She did understand that, sort of. It was happening now. His tone excited and dizzied her. The furniture in her studio faded away as Joe transported her to a place where nothing but them existed.

  “To be honest… I kinda like it when you take over. It’s hot and weird at the same time.” She managed to speak.

  “That’s one aspect of submission.” He nodded as his free hand joined in the circular motion up her left thigh to her hip.

  “The dynamic between dominant and submissive is multifaceted and varied.” He kept explaining. In that moment, she lost some of his words when her wobbly thighs opened wider on their own. Cool air wafted over her bare pussy and she blushed. This sensation was new. She felt free, daring, lustful.

  “What we have is erotic and goes much deeper…” Joe paused. He arched an eyebrow as he examined her face. “Hmmm…” As if he guessed her naked state, he pushed the hem of her dress up, revealing her upper thighs and mons.

  “Hello, hello. You, little minx. What do we have here? No panties.” He smiled, clutched her hips, and slid her buttocks to the edge of the seat. His large hand encased her sex with a possessive grasp as his free arm circled her waist. The tight hold ratcheted her emotions. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. She wanted… She wanted… Everything.


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