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Page 15

by Victoria Saccenti

  “Sadly, your beautiful sexuality has been wasted by fools and gone unexplored,” he murmured against her ear. “I’m going to put an end to that. Now, show me your nipples.”

  With trembling hands, Hunter dropped the straps of her dress, displaying the peaks he’d demanded to see. As his hungry mouth fell on one pebble, the heel of his hand massaged her clit. His finger gently explored her pussy lips. He invaded her sheath with swirling motions, groaned, and bit her nipple. Joe intensified the stimulation in her core and her nipple, but as her first orgasmic contraction happened, he pulled out and released her nipple.

  Stunned, she gaped. Her entire body trembled with the need to climax. Her hands clenched and released in frustration. He smiled wickedly. “You gave me your surprise, now I give you mine. You’re going to hold on to your climax until later. You’re not allowed to masturbate. I’ll take care of you after dinner.” He caressed her cheek and stood.


  “You’re coming over to my place. I’m feeding you. Have to warn you, I make a mean puttanesca. Do you like spicy food?”

  Still in a trance she nodded as her arousal slowly receded.

  “Excellent. This is just a small test. Obey me, Hunter. You’ll be glad you did.”

  Picking up the tools he’d selected, Joe strode outside, like nothing had happened between them. He propped the open ladder against the stucco. “You might want to close the door.” He winked. “It’s getting hot out here.”

  “Do you need anything else?”

  “The location of the fuse box.”

  “Ah… It’s right here.” Numbly, she pointed at a rectangular box mounted on the kitchen wall.

  “If you’re bored, you can sit outside.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Keep me company while I connect this fixture. Or stay here where it’s cool and study. I won’t be long.”

  As he walked past her to open the fuse box, her mouth sagged again. Last night, she’d left her study texts in a neat pile on her night table. He must have read the covers and figured out their purpose, just as he noticed she’d worn no underwear. Nothing escaped Joe Reid. He was a master of observation.

  In addition to her sexuality, what else had he noticed? Had he peered into her broken soul, seen the scars, felt her pain?

  A sense of foreboding like a weird frisson tingled down her spine.

  Am I safe with you, Joe Reid?

  At five o’clock, the time Joe told her to arrive, Hunter guided her Mini Cooper into the unpaved sandy driveway off West New Nolte Road and hit the brakes. Roughly twenty feet ahead—parked in front of a surprisingly lovely cottage—Joe’s truck confirmed she’d arrived at the right destination. She took her foot off the brake, and her vehicle crawled forward.

  The closer she got, the harder her inner struggle became. Suspicious Hunter didn’t trust Joe. He was a man and, by default, deceitful.

  Forget the healing nonsense. You don’t do unmanageable men. He’s exactly that. Dedicate your life to Kevin. He’s your only pure love.

  In contrast, this new daring Hunter was anxious to explore. New Hunter cheered her onward to the exciting world Joe had revealed last night.

  No one before, not even loving Marco, her baby’s father, had brought her to the heights Joe had.

  Why not experiment further, just a little? What did she have to lose?

  Nothing really. How did her father’s saying go? The brave die only once, the coward a thousand times… Yeah, something like that. Besides, he owed her, damn him. He’d promised her one ecstatic climax and she’d come to claim it.

  Daring Hunter won the argument and the mental coin toss. She parked next to the truck, grabbed her shoulder bag packed with a few items for work tomorrow, and climbed down.

  She strolled toward the front porch, admiring the lush, bright-pink bougainvillea trailing around it. A hint of jasmine teased her nose. She followed the scent to one of the several bushes full of tiny white flowers lining the path, breathed a lungful of the sweet aroma, and kept on walking. This was Joe’s expertise. If he paid as much attention to his lovers as he did to his plants, then perhaps, she was in good hands.

  “Welcome.” Joe waved from his door. “You’re punctual. I like it.”

  Hunter flicked her fingers in silent response.

  Holy cow!

  Last night, he was stunning in his suit and tie. This morning he’d been sexy in jeans and faded T-shirt. But now… Something about his easy stance against the doorframe and his casual attire, knee-length cargo shorts, pale-green camp shirt, and bare feet, did the strangest things to her tummy. As she salivated at his perfectly shaped muscular calves, her chest ached with desire and possessiveness. She wanted him all for herself, this hotter-than-hell, flawless man.

  Her gaze fell on the black eye patch, and she almost slapped her head. In her madness, she’d disregarded the obvious. But his missing eye was hardly a natural flaw. He’d lost body parts serving and protecting his country, saving lives. If anything, his eye patch was a badge of honor.

  “Hey! Get a move on,” Joe called out again. She hurried toward him, grateful that he’d interrupted her musings.

  “Sorry, I was admiring your landscape.” Stepping on the porch, she pointed at the plant clinging to the roof. “Gorgeous bougainvillea.”

  “No, you are gorgeous.” Cupping the back of her neck, he brought her closer to him. “Fair warning. Dominants pick up lies and evasions a mile away. Like you did, just now. I’m giving you a pass because we’re early in the game and we haven’t worked out all the rules. Truth is everything. If you lie to me again, I’ll bend you over my knee and give you a spanking you won’t forget.” Leaning in, he nibbled her lower lip, then let it go. “Don’t waste your time. Whatever you’re hiding, I’ll get it out of you eventually. Okay?”

  Eyes wide, Hunter exhaled, unable to answer.

  “Let me show you around.” Changing subjects at his usual dizzying speed, he tangled his fingers with hers.

  “My goodness, it smells out of this world in here. My tummy went into action.” She laughed.

  “Nothing beats sautéed garlic. It’ll make you hungry even when you’re not.” He tugged at her hand. “I love this place. I rented it as soon as I was discharged and came home. I hope to buy it soon.”

  She went without resisting. Joe kept on talking, but she didn’t hear him. Her head was swimming—truth, lies, rules, dominant, submissive. Conflicting emotions battered at her from all directions. She nearly kicked his shin when he threatened her with a spanking, and yet, a part of her thrilled at the idea of his large hand smacking her naked rump. Joe pushed undiscovered buttons in her, and instead of running out the door screaming, she actually wanted more.

  Accept it, you’re a submissive. Whatever that means.

  He eyed her. “What’s troubling you?”

  “I’m very confused.” There, the truth, unvarnished and real.

  “Makes sense.” He paused the house tour at the doorway to his office. “The spanking was a bit premature. And I reacted when you lied. Our relationship hinges on truth, Hunter.” He ran a knuckle down her cheek. “As we move forward, become more intimate, and explore more, your honesty will steer our path and our activities. Now, would you like some wine? I have a crisp sauvignon blanc and a velvety cabernet.”

  Joe’s abrupt change in topics deflated her tension. Amused, she nodded. “The cab would be great. Are you joining me?”

  “Sure.” He winked. “Although I’m not a big drinker, I’ll have a glass.” Entwining his fingers with hers, he switched directions and led her to the kitchen. “I sure hope you like spicy food. The puttanesca sauce came out real hot.”

  “Like you?” The taunt slipped out.

  He stopped dead. “Damn, girl.” Releasing her hand, he turned. “You flirt, you’ll find me and a hell of a lot more.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Did I say that?

  Joe cocked his head, then moved two fingers in a come-here motion. Feeling pretty bol
d and anxious to get her due, Hunter sauntered forward until she stood an inch away from him. He grasped her by the waist, lifted her around, then dropped her ass at the edge of the kitchen counter. She flailed, seeking her balance.

  “Lean on my shoulders,” he ordered. Once she settled, he tapped her outer thigh. “Open.”

  She separated her legs, and he reached with both hands under her dress, then grabbed the waist of the panties and ripped them apart.

  “Thanks, I’m glad you wore these. I’ll add them to my collection. More.” Now he nudged her inner thigh. “Do I have to repeat myself?”

  The second command struck her like lightning. Trembling with excitement and want, Hunter opened her legs farther. Without preamble, he shoved her dress out of his way as he thrust two fingers deep into her channel.

  “Ah!” she gasped.

  “Wet. Perfect.” Removing his fingers from her pussy, he held them up to her lips. “Taste.” Without hesitation she took both in. Salt and musk saturated her taste buds. As she rationalized her wanton action, he dropped his face so close to hers that she could count the thin dark lines in his light-blue iris.

  “Like how you taste? I do. You’re delicious.”

  Bewildered, speechless, and dazed, she nodded. He slipped his fingers out of his way, then crushed her lips with his. He swept his tongue inside her like a drowning man, as if every bit of her moisture was essential to his survival. On his last pass, he captured her tongue, drew it into his mouth, and sucked it side to side.

  Wild arousal took her. Erotic tension escalated. Rational thought flew. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders and tangled one leg around his waist, desperate to bring his hips and stiff cock against her needy sex.

  Joe pulled back. “Not yet.”

  “Y-you said,” frustrated, she whimpered.

  “Don’t worry, gorgeous.” He spoke above her open lips. “Tonight I’m gonna fuck you senseless. For now, this is how we do it.” Thrusting his fingers inside her sheath, Joe teased her clit with his thumb.

  Her pleasure was mindless, sublime… She dropped her head back.

  “Fuck, no. Look at me,” he grated as he pistoned in and out of her. Steadying her with his arm around her butt, he pushed deep while redoubling his attention to her sensitive bud.

  She panted in unison with him. His breath, hot and sensuous, wafted against her face. As she glanced into his penetrating eye, excitement mounted and climbed higher. Inner contractions began. Hunter bucked; he tightened his support around her hips.

  “I’ve got you. Pinch your nipple. Like I showed you.” He shoved the strap aside; her dress fell, exposing her breasts.

  In a second, her climax rolled through her, wave after wave. She jerked and spasmed in the safety of his arms, until, totally spent, she dropped her forehead on his shoulder.

  “You’re going to kill me,” she whispered.

  He laughed, embracing her with both arms. “Crazy girl, we’re only starting.” He caressed her head with his jaw.

  Hunter placed her cheek on Joe’s shoulder, waiting for her heart to ease up and to catch her breath. Once her breathing slowed, she murmured. “Only starting?”

  “Yep. There’s more where that came from.” He grasped her waist. “Ready for wine?”

  “I am.”

  “Excellent.” Slowly, he guided her to her feet as she slipped her straps up and the hem dropped to her knees. “Check it out.” He moved to the stove, where an oversized pot steamed near the boiling point on the left burner and a deep pan simmered on the right. “What do you think?”

  The aroma was divine. Hunter peeked. A deep red sauce, with black olives, capers, and tiny bits of garlic bubbled ever so slowly.

  “Mmmm. Making me hungry.” She rubbed her palms enthusiastically.

  “Garlic bread is ready to go.” Joe was already busy pulling out the cork. He poured a small amount in a round goblet, then swirled it around. “Take a whiff.” He extended the glass to her.

  “Nice.” She nodded. “Love the bouquet.”

  “We’ll give it a couple of minutes to breathe and—”

  The doorbell rang. Joe frowned at her. “Are you expecting company?”

  “Me?” She chuckled, pressing a finger to her chest. “It’s your place. Maybe it’s your mom.”

  His expression darkened. Joe showed displeasure like no one she’d ever known. “No. My parents drove to Miami last Thursday. They’re on a seven-day Easter cruise to the Caribbean with close friends. They’re scheduled back Friday.” He stomped to the door. “Whoever it is better have a good reason to barge in.”

  The cottage was adorable, but small. From her vantage point in the kitchen, she could see the entire living room. None too gently, Joe swung the door open. Standing on the front porch, Dan Barton smiled.

  “Hey, dude. Whatcha doing? I’m heading to Pete’s for a beer. Wanna join me?” He spoke to Joe, but his eyes darted around.

  There was nothing innocent about the gesture. He’d seen the Mini Cooper outside and had expected to find someone—a woman—with Joe. Not her, though, clearly. When he recognized her, his breath visibly hitched.

  “Ah…you’re busy.”

  “Perceptive,” Joe countered, moving aside. “Come in, Dan. Are you hungry?” Polite and in control, Joe didn’t skip a beat. “We’re about to have dinner. There’s plenty for three.”

  “You sure?”

  “Mmm-hmm. Close the door behind you.” Joe walked to the kitchen

  As she followed the conversation between the men, Hunter fought with the desire to either scream or leave. Joe couldn’t possibly know about the animosity between her and Dan. If he did, he would have sent the a-hole packing. Then again, Dan was his business partner. He had to follow a few courtesies.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. She needed patience, desperately.

  Joe came to her side. He held her hand and kissed her fingers. “You okay?”

  Hunter half shrugged.

  “Be patient,” he whispered to her ear. “We’ll talk about it later.”

  Releasing her hand, he poured wine into both their glasses, kissed her hair, then crossed to the refrigerator. “You’re out of luck, dude.” He searched through the shelves. “I don’t have a single beer in this house. I can do red or white wine.”

  Dan entered the kitchen with his hands shoved in the pockets of his ever-present, extra-baggy, wrinkled jeans.

  “I wouldn’t mind a glass of white,” he answered Joe, yet narrowed his eyes at her.

  Her well-used I don’t give a shit expression surfaced to her aid. She ignored his unspoken question. None of your effin’ business, she wanted to rail. Instead, she said, “Can I help you, Joe?”

  “Hold on, gorgeous. Let me get Dan squared away.” Joe wielded the corkscrew at top speed. After he wiggled the last half inch of the cork out of the bottle, he served Dan.

  “Get comfy. Take a seat.” Joe pointed at the counter stools. Dan took one and settled in silence.

  “Cheers.” Joe raised his goblet. Hunter and Dan joined in.

  After a long sip, Dan placed his glass down. “You’re kinda cozy together, ain’t ya?”

  Instantly, Hunter glanced at Joe. She couldn’t read his expression. Taking his sweet time, he smacked his lips with delight as he swirled the ruby liquid. “Yentas have nothing on you, dude. Do you know what the word means?”

  “Not a clue.” A line appeared between Dan’s brows.

  Putting the glass down, Joe leaned on the counter. He kept the casual posture as he hooked one foot over the other.

  “It means a busybody, a gossiper. Yentas are usually women. In your case, the word applies.”

  Dan stiffened. “I didn’t come here to be insulted.”

  “Dude, it’s an observation.” Freeing one hand, Joe scratched his growing beard. “I can’t help it if you take it as an insult. It’s dinnertime. You come unannounced. I offer you food and beverage, and you ask indiscreet questions about my guest and me.” Joe stopped scra
tching and opened his palm. “You know me. My private life is that—private.”

  She looked from one man to the other. Dan paled. The line on his forehead deepened as he leered at her. Her skin prickled with sudden goose bumps.

  “Yeah, you’ve always been kinda slippery.” Dan clicked a fingernail against the glass. “But…since you told me about your ladies in Orlando, I thought—”

  “You should go,” Joe snapped, straightening to his full height.

  Dan stood, kicking his stool back.

  Silently, the two men eyed each other.

  Icy particles congealed in the air.

  Hunter swallowed.

  Joe smiled. “Have fun at Pete’s. Say hello to Kelly for me. I have a job lined up. I’ll call you.”

  “Sure.” Dan pivoted. Joe followed. They nodded at each other, then Dan walked out and Joe closed the door.

  “Well.” Joe clapped his palms together. “Now that that’s over, let’s have dinner. I could eat a horse. You?” He disappeared into his office. A moment later, the soothing sounds of Enigma filtered through the living room and the kitchen.

  “Nothing like mood music to ease the soul.”

  He moved to the stove and started tinkering with the pots.

  She didn’t respond. Her mind churned so wildly that not even Enigma’s beautiful music could pacify her.

  Old Hunter had surfaced, screaming like a banshee, Warning. Leave. Dan and Joe are friends. Get out. But Joe had handled him more than well, and that had comforted her. Nevertheless, Dan was a sneaky backstabber who never wasted an opportunity to inflict damage. If she decided to give this thing with Joe a go, she’d have to watch her back constantly.


  “HOW’S YOUR WINE?” Rinsing the plate under the open faucet, Joe gestured with his elbow toward Hunter’s glass.

  “Still good,” she murmured as she wiped dry the dish he’d passed her.

  As soon as dinner was finished, she’d worked with him as a team to clean up the kitchen and small dining table. The bungalow wasn’t outfitted with a dishwasher, so he washed and she dried.


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