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Seducing Sora

Page 19

by C L Walker

  The situation was complicated.

  But I knew it was a good thing she hadn’t tried to talk to me, and I did nothing to change it, even though it was frustrating.

  Only two days had gone by without a word from her, and for two days I lived in absolute misery.

  Every time it looked like she was walking my way she turned around, every time she smiled in my direction her eyes never met mine because her smiles weren’t for me, and every word she spoke was directed elsewhere.

  I found that I longed for her to argue with me in class, to corner me when it ended and demand that I push aside my fear and make her mine. But I got what I asked for, I had no room to complain, I needed to quit being a baby and put her out of my mind.

  So, I continued to treat her like I should have all along like she was just another student, and it was incredibly uncomfortable.

  There was only a little less than a month left in the quarter I kept reminding myself, and then it would be easier when she wasn’t in my class.

  “Oh, look did you see that? Fifty-six grabbed Mac’s helmet and pulled him down. Oh, dear I hope the ref calls him on that,” Ms. Lemon said from beside me on the bleachers.

  We were exactly two rows up from Kyla and Amber and my eyes could hardly be peeled away from them and as a result I had missed most of the game.

  Not watching her while she was within my sights was impossible, not smiling when I heard her laugh from behind me at lunch was almost painful and not sighing with relief as she passed me and left a trail of summer flowers was a true test of my will power.

  I didn’t want it to happen, I fought against it, but she turned my life into poetry. Every time I looked at her, I could feel the sappy idiot inside push his claws in just a little further.

  I had hoped that the only reason why I felt that way was because I couldn’t have her.

  She was wearing a black baby doll dress with black converse and she had her hair up in two buns that looked like rolls on her head. She easily pulled off sexy and cute at the same time and I was sure that she could pull off anything.

  Philip was on the bench since he got hurt so he walked over to the girls and of course they were fawning all over him. He playfully squirted Kyla with his water bottle and got her dress all wet and she laughed in response.

  He sure was playful for someone that had just rolled his ankle and face planted. There was something about his face that pissed me off, and his constant presence around a girl that should have been mine didn’t help either. He was always hanging on her and making her laugh with his stupid jokes.

  The things they talked about together were mind baffling, she was a smart girl but when she was goofing off with her friends, she said some of the weirdest things I had ever heard.

  Listening to them was painful because I wanted to make her laugh and have casual conversations with her out in the open as well.

  “Are you in there Sora?” Ms. Lemon questioned, as she waved her hand in front of my face and I shook myself out of my trance.

  She really wasn’t a bad looking woman once you got past her slightly large, freckled nose. Her eyes were brown, and her lips were nicely shaped, her freckles were cute but there was still something lacking. She was timid and shy which would be cute if it didn’t consume her.

  I needed to start dating again, I needed to distract myself and she was there with a warm smile on her face. If only she’d be enough.

  I turned my attention to her and thought grimly that there was no way I would ever be attracted to her. “I’m sorry I was spacing out, please forgive me,” I said.

  “Are they students of yours?” she asked, as she gestured towards where Kyla and her friends were sitting. She must have seen me watching them which didn’t make me look very good if she got any ideas about it.

  “Yeah, they are my group for the festival.” I wanted to slap myself for making my attentions so obvious.

  I always worried about Kyla blowing everything out into the open, but the truth was that I was the only one who ever went too far, and I was supposed to be the responsible one who set the boundaries.

  “They are very eccentric as you can see, sometimes I can’t help but watch them and laugh,” I said, and hoped that my explanation was enough.

  She nodded her head thoughtfully as she watched Kyla dump water back on Philip who proceeded to pick her up and pretend like he was going to toss her.

  I did my best to hold down my irritation, I wasn’t normally so territorial, but it irked me to no end when he put his hands on her and he had her strung over his shoulder. At least he had enough sense to notice her short dress and hold it down, but his damn hands were on her thighs!

  Ms. Lemon snickered at the display they were putting on. “It must be hard being so close to them in age, I don’t envy you. I’m twenty-eight and even I struggle sometimes. Kids these days seem to be so mature but then I guess other times not so much.”

  Thankfully, she took my attention to mean something other than what it really did. “I’m not going to lie it is hard, especially when given different circumstances I’d probably be friends with some of them, so it’s certainly difficult at times. But I know as the years go by it will get easier.”

  “Yes, it will.” She smiled shyly at me and I felt guilty because I knew I was leading her on just by being with her at a game. I didn’t know how to let her know I wasn’t interested in her as more than a friend without sounding like an asshole and embarrassing her. “You’re doing a great job by the way; I know it’s terrifying when you first start, but all things considered you’re doing well.”

  And there was my chance. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. I’m happy I made at least one friend here as well. It helps a lot.” Her smile faltered the slightest when I called her a friend but at least it was out there, and she knew before she wasted her energy on me.

  When the game ended with our team taking a loss, the rows of people began to clear out almost immediately and I lost track of Kyla.

  I waited until the bleachers were mostly clear before I stood up and offered a hand to Ms. Lemon as she rose off the bleachers.

  “Shall we go, I’ll walk you to your car,” I said, because even if I wasn’t interested it didn’t mean I wasn’t going to treat her like a lady.

  It’d be so much easier if I could like her, and if I could see Kyla as a little girl but it wasn’t possible.

  Was being normal too much to ask for?

  Kyla's POV (>^.^)><3

  “Dude go sit in the car; your chattering teeth are getting on my nerves,” Amber said rather unkindly, as she tried to push me into her car.

  Everyone around me was having mood swings so I felt like I was being slapped back and forth between them.

  I didn’t want to sit in the car so instead I positioned myself away from her and I leaned against it.

  We were waiting for Philip to come out from the locker room so we could go to the diner together.

  I didn’t know why we were waiting outside the car, but I held my ground, nonetheless.

  Freezing or not, I persevered.

  “No thanks I’ll stay out here because then I wouldn't be able to make him feel bad for drenching me in water.”

  Amber rose a perfectly arched brow at me. “You called him weak for rolling his ankle when he was tackled to the ground by a giant beef stick, and you got him back already so must you be so petty?”


  “Wow harsh, you know I’m messing around, but in my defense, he’s still walking, isn’t he? He could have toughed it out and it’s my duty as his friend to tease him about it. But seriously Amber, what's up your bottom?”

  I figured she was mad because she thought Philip and I had been flirting. I had a feeling she had been interested in him from the beginning and it just took me a bit to catch on. I had thought her, and Jake were perfect but since they broke up, I realized their relationship was always bound to end. They loved each other but they weren’t romantic, they were more like close fr
iends who had sex occasionally. It was fine when they were in middle school but once they hit high school, they both expected more but I guess it was already too late for that excitement. It was probably why high school sweethearts rarely made it, because as they figured themselves out, they grew apart.

  “Nothing is up my bottom,” she snapped, as she paced in front of me with her arms crossed. “Can’t I just not be peppy sometimes; you always say I’m too bubbly, well here you go!”

  I sighed loudly. “You’re being kind of silly right now; I know you’re still getting over Jake, but I think you have another problem on your hands because you are extra bitchy tonight.”

  Her eyes flicked to mine in annoyance and she said, “Oh yeah, and what’s this other problem?”

  Good grief it was exhausting having to inform people about their own feelings. “You like him.”

  I smiled smugly at her face that was scrunched up in disbelief. “You like Philip and you’re acting ridiculous right now because you think I was flirting with him, right? You’ve been getting moody every time me and him mess around. But you know I’m not like that so why are you getting upset about it?”

  “Who said I like him?” she asked.

  “Me, now why are you being rude right now? It’s not cool.”

  She looked like she was about to cry so I pulled her in for a hug.

  “I don’t know,” she mumbled against my shoulder and her arms dangled at her sides. “I didn’t even realize I kind of like him, but either way it’s too soon, I’m not ready. So why do I feel like this? Anxious like someone’s going to scoop him up before I get a chance. And what am I supposed to do, ask him to wait until I’m over Jake? That’s not fair.”

  “Wow geez one thing at a time, I think you’re being a little crazy because you were cheated on which is completely understandable. But you can’t let it control you and your relationships because you will push people away.” I took a deep breath and stepped away from her. “You’ve had one boyfriend and getting with him was easy in middle school so it’s safe to say you have no idea what you are doing. Stay cool, be yourself and follow your heart and it will be okay. Don’t worry about Philip because I don’t think he’s going to let anyone scoop him up anytime soon.”

  In other words, I’d be willing to bet money that boy was going to wait for her without her asking him to.

  “What in the hell would I do without you?” she asked.

  “Survive.” Because she would.

  She leaned against her car and put her head back to look up at the sky. “I’m sorry for being like that, I don’t even think you’re into him. I’m worried he’s into you. But either way I should have told you even if I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling was real. I felt guilty because I was interested before Jake even cheated on me so I couldn’t even admit it to myself.”

  “Okay, well he’s definitely not into me, trust me on that. At least you know now so give yourself a break. On another note, Philip’s so much hotter than him anyways! And he’s way easier going, and fun don’t you think?” She sat up suddenly and shushed me, but I continued as oblivious as ever. “With his gorgeous blue eyes and lush dark hair,” I said as I winked at her.

  Amber’s eyes looked behind me in surprise and I figured Philip was behind me, I didn’t want to blow her cover so I tried to think of some way to explain why I would be talking about him like that but I came up with nothing.

  I jumped when a jacket landed on my shoulders and was wrapped around me.

  I realized immediately that it wasn’t Philip’s and felt thankful because I was terrible at talking myself out of messes.

  It was Sora as it was his black bomber jacket and the smell of his cologne and it was his long, slender fingers that grabbed onto my shoulders for a moment before suddenly they were gone.

  I turned around as he turned away and began walking to his car, he hadn’t said a word and he didn’t look back.

  I was so surprised I didn’t even think to yell thank you or ask him why he gave me his jacket.

  I watched him drive away as I slipped my arms into it and zipped it up. I felt warmer from the inside out, I was confused about what was going on but knowing that he cared was enough for me.

  “I can see why you’re confused,” Amber said, and I directed my attention back to her when I realized I was off in Lalaland.


  “Your teasing backfired by the way, he looked pretty pissed when he heard what you were saying about Philip.” Philip was finally walking up, so we got in the car as she continued. “He must have thought you were referring to him and then talking about how much hotter Philip is.”

  “Damn it!” I said, as Philip hopped in the backseat.

  He froze mid closing his door and looked between us. “Is this going to end in me receiving some form of physical abuse?”

  “Nope,” I said.

  He hesitantly closed the door, buckled his seat belt, and leaned forward as far as he could between us as Amber pulled out of the parking lot to head to the diner.

  “So only the mental kind, good I’ve already dealt with that all night, but I’m too weak for anything else,” he said.

  “Oh, geez man I was teasing you; I apologize for hurting your tiny ego. I promise to build you up from here on out and forget your shortcomings.”

  He grabbed my head and I struggled to pull away as he gave me a noogie.

  “Let go you big turd, look at you, all brawn and no brain, you can’t even fight me with your words,” I said.

  Amber stuck her hand in between my head and Philip’s arm but he wouldn’t let go. “Alright children play nice, that’s enough. Seriously I’m going to hurt you.” She smacked his arm several times and he finally let go.

  I righted myself and stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his out right back. “So, Kyla, tell me, why are you wearing Mr. Tanaka’s jacket? Actually, I know why because I saw that he put it on you, but the real question is why would he do that?” he asked in a tone of voice I didn’t like.

  I glanced at Amber and she shrugged her shoulders, but I needed help because I didn’t know how to answer him. I didn’t want to lie, and I wanted to trust him, but our friendship was a month old and if I told him the truth and he blabbed it would mean Sora’s career.

  “You drenched me in water you fool, he must have seen it and decided to do me a solid, I am his student and neighbor you know.”

  He sat back in his seat and looked out the window and he had a small smile on his face that made me nervous.

  “You do realize how lame that sounded right?” he asked, and when I didn’t answer he peered at Amber closely to see if he could make her cave.

  “Look if I was anyone else, I’d believe that bullshit, actually I wouldn't even have asked because naturally teachers look out for kids. But I know you Kyla, I see the way you look at him after school when we work on our booth and I also see the way he avoids looking at you. It’s pretty funny that you guys think you’re subtle.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I sat there quietly pondering my options. I was beginning to think denying our feelings was making us act more awkward and in turn more strangely in front of people than we would have if we were together.

  Thankfully Amber spoke up for me. “You're pretty observant for being a member of the male species,” she said.

  “Oh, come on give me a little credit? You guys are hella sexist.” If he hadn’t laughed, I’d think he was upset about her teasing, but he knew that’s how we were. We made fun of each other all the time, it wouldn’t be a normal day for us if someone wasn’t giving someone else a bad time about something. It kept things interesting. “Sooo, what’s going on?”

  “She doesn’t know, he’s a good guy so naturally he’s not very happy about what’s developing between them,” she said, again in my stead.

  He nodded his head and seemed to think her words over.

  I hadn’t yet turned back around in my seat because I wanted to judge his reactions for
myself, so I was staring at him in silence.

  “I figured, hey you’re an adult though,” he said, “but I guess that doesn’t matter because he’d still lose his job.”

  At the same exact time Amber and I urgently told him he couldn’t tell anyone.

  We arrived at the diner and he opened the door before answering us.

  I got out and stood beside him and he pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him back and I felt instantly assured my secret was safe with him.

  “I would never do anything to hurt either of you guys, we haven’t known each other long but you guys are the first people to get me in a long time. Don’t worry, okay.” He smiled at us both and pulled us in so he could put his arms around our shoulders as we walked inside. “Now I want all the details, I’m part of this group so I deserve to be in on all the juicy gossip.”

  And so, I told him everything that happened, some things I hadn't told Amber about yet and she was pissy about it.

  “I didn’t want to overload you with my boy problems when you’ve been so upset.”

  “Really Ky that’s not how friendships work, even if I have a big problem, yours is still just as important,” she said.

  I was so lucky to have someone like her; I knew so many people that always thought their problems and lives were so much more important. But not with my two best friends, everything was equal, and we were there for each other whenever we were needed.

  “Yes mam, I apologize,” I offered with my sweetest smile, and she nodded her head once in acceptance.

  Philip put down his burger and rubbed his hands together over his plate to get the seeds from the bun off them. “You want to hear my advice?” He was looking at me when he asked so I assumed it had something to do with Sora.

  I nodded my head to encourage him to continue as I sipped my chocolate milkshake.

  “If you are one hundred percent sure you won’t ever expose him, I say fuck what he asked and go for it. If you have a genuine connection then you guys will survive, it’s only seven months of hiding until graduation. Just don’t be reckless.”


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