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Seducing Sora

Page 25

by C L Walker

  She squeezed my hand in answer and started asking Red questions about herself, they got on well much to my surprise because Kyla was mature when she chose to be.

  “Hi Mr. Tanaka.” I glanced up to see a girl from my third period being seated at the table across from our booth. She glanced at Kyla, Amber and Philip curiously but I didn’t note any suspicion on her face.

  “Hi, Miss Gregory.” I nodded with a smile on my face, everything was fine, teachers didn’t go to dinner with students, but it was fine.

  She smiled at the others with a big toothy grin before she took her seat and didn’t pay us any mind as she laughed with her friends.

  Amber cleared her throat and I looked over at her as she said, “I know what you’re thinking and it’s actually not that weird. I don’t know where you grew up, but you have to remember how freaking tiny this town is. Mr. Townsend lives across the street from us and every summer when we were kids, we used to go over to his house and play with his grandson. He was my teacher in elementary school and I still go over there just to chit chat and no one thinks anything of it. I know he’s older than you, but age shouldn’t be the determining factor in deciding whether teachers can be around their students outside of school when they live in the same neighborhoods, go to the same churches and restaurants etc.”

  I listened to her long-winded argument in surprise as I didn’t realize anyone knew what was going on between Kyla and me, but then of course Amber knew as she probably had all along.

  Kyla had nodded along as she ate chips and sipped on her soda looking completely at ease with her surroundings and the situation.

  Amber glanced at Kyla before she continued, “Mrs. Lexington married one of her students two years ago. And he’s ten years younger than her! Granted they got together when he was twenty and out of high school, but still! No one gossiped about them, they were surprised yes, but it’s a small town, this shit happens. They both still live here and are involved in the community and she still teaches. Everyone in this town is too involved with one another so I’m not so sure anyone would even question things like this.”

  She paused a moment, and I wasn’t sure yet what to say but thankfully she had more. “I’m not saying be reckless, I’m just saying be natural and no one’s going to notice.” She finished and she looked proud of herself.

  I couldn’t even be mad that everyone at the table obviously knew what was going on because they had created a support system around us without my knowing.

  “Thank you, Amber,” I said, as I squeezed Kyla’s hand to reassure her that I wasn’t mad.

  Red started laughing and we all looked to her in question until she said, “Should I invite my boss next time?”

  Amber and Philip looked at her and waited because they didn’t understand why that was so funny.

  “She’s dating her boss,” Kyla offered, with a mischievous look on her face before her and Red both started giggling.

  “Looks like we are the only normal ones here,” Amber whispered to Philip but loud enough for us all to hear her.

  They both joined in the laughter which added to my growing ease.

  Everything felt okay.

  Everyone was quiet once our food arrived.

  I held onto Kyla’s hand the whole time we ate, thankful for the first time that I was left-handed, so I didn’t have to let her go.

  When Red smiled at me again over her glass I had to know, I had to ask her. “Why are you doing this Red?”

  Everyone’s eyes shot to me and I wondered if I had said it so loud that other people would hear. I looked around and took note of the busy room, no one watched us because no one cared, I reminded myself.

  “Because that’s what friends are for,” she said, as she shrugged her shoulders as if this situation were an easy thing.

  Amber seemed to perk up from Red’s words as she slapped both her hands down on the table and said, “You have the support, so you have no excuse not to break her heart, alright? I’ll seriously-” She glanced around and lowered her head. “With all due respect Mr. Tanaka, I will break you.” She smiled from ear to ear as she sat up straight and took a long, loud slurp from her coke.

  She was weird, just like Kyla.

  What an adorable pair.

  But what she said, about no excuses, she was right.

  So, what was I going to do next?

  Get my girl.

  Kyla's POV (>^.^)> <3

  We walked into his house through his garage hand in hand.

  He’d been quiet most of the night leaving me to try and figure out what was going on and of course I got nowhere.

  At first, I thought he wasn’t okay. When we had walked into the cafe, he looked stressed out and I saw Red trying to comfort him. But then as the night went on, he seemed to relax and when he grabbed my hand, I grew hopeful.

  I thought it was the night I was finally going to get my answer and I was prepared for it whatever it was.

  He sat down on his couch and leaned his head back with a sigh and I curled up next to him.

  It felt so right to be so close to him, the only thing that could make it better would be knowing what we were, or if we were in fact anything at all.

  Red seemed to think he wanted to be, and I was still reeling from shock over the actions she took to tell him it was okay. I was so thankful to all of them, you couldn’t get better friends than that.

  Especially Amber who had obviously prepared a speech just in case, and an opportunity had presented itself to her quite perfectly.

  I traced a finger over his brows and his eyes shut slowly, I trailed it down his nose and over his lips as I was admiring the angles of his face. I ran my fingers through his hair and felt a scabbed over cut beneath his bangs, I pulled my hand out quickly and sat up before I pulled back his hair so I could see what had been hiding.

  “Wow that’s a big cut! Do you need stitches? Are you okay? What happened?” I asked.

  He sat up and grabbed my hands in his and kissed them. “No, I don’t need stitches it isn’t deep enough to warrant them and yes I am okay.”

  “What happened?” I asked again.

  He stared into my eyes for several moments and I knew it was his mom, he was over there the day before and he was vague about his visit. “What did she do?”

  There was a sheen in his eyes, but no tears fell, he looked tired and worn, but maybe he always had. I was too infatuated to really see and that made me feel shame, because he meant something to me, and I wanted to take care of him.

  “She’s never done anything like this before, so I don’t want you to think she’s abusive or anything.” I nodded my head and waited for him to continue. “She said she’d been clean for a month, but I don’t trust her. So, while she was making dinner I snuck into her room and checked under her bed and of course there was a baggy with pills in it. I felt numb as I sat there looking at it as I tried to understand why it is so hard for her to say no.”

  He looked uncomfortable, shy even, and it made me feel good.

  “So, I was sitting there, and she came in yelling with some plastic bowl in her hand and she threw it at me because she panicked, and as soon as it made contact with my head and I flinched, she started crying. I know she didn’t mean to hit me in the head with it. She sat down beside me immediately and wrapped her arms around me while she cried and begged for my forgiveness and all I could think about was you. I wanted to come home and be near you, or tell you… I don’t know.”

  “I don’t really know what to say to make it better, I’ll never understand what it’s like to have a parent that struggles like that. But I know that you can’t give up on her, I don’t think you would ever forgive yourself if you did.” I brushed his bangs back down. “I’m here, anytime you want to talk about it. I want to be someone to you; someone you can count on.” I bit my lip unsure of how he was going to take it as I couldn’t handle much more rejection from him.

  He pushed me off his lap and I thought maybe he was mad until he grabb
ed my hand and started to pull me up his stairs.

  “You’re not going to say anything?” I asked once we got to his room.

  “Thank you.” He kissed me roughly. “I don’t deserve you… but I’m going to keep you anyways.”


  I pulled away and ran to the other side of his bed and said, “Hold it right there, mister. We aren’t done talking.”

  He leaped onto the bed, lunged for me and I barely made it out of his grasp, and I yelled all the way downstairs while he followed closely behind.

  He caught me as I rounded his couch, and he threw me down onto it and climbed over me as he situated himself between my legs.

  “Okay, let’s keep talking baby.” He kissed my neck as his hands pinned my wrists on either side of my head before he began to grind his hips into mine.

  “I... oh-” I said, as his tactics began to work on me.

  He pulled down my shirt and took one of my nipples in his mouth and licked around it slowly while he looked up into my face innocently and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I thought you had something to say sweetheart,” he said with a knowing look, as he continued to tease my body.

  “I hate you Sora,” I said.

  “Mmhmm.” He came back up to kiss my cheek. “I find that-” He kissed my nose. “Very hard to believe.” Then he kissed my lips tenderly and it was enough for me to give up my fight.

  An hour later while we laid on the couch sated, he sat up suddenly and brought me back from near sleep.

  “Sora?” I asked, as I watched his back rise as he took a deep breath, and I wondered what was troubling him. “Babe?”

  He turned finally and took my hand in his before he raised it up and kissed the inside of my wrist. “I trust you Kyla, and myself,” he said.

  I realized immediately what he was saying, and I felt joy spread through my whole body. “I won’t even look at you I swear! I’ll be extra, extra careful until school is over and-”

  He put his finger up to my lips to shush me. “Just don’t let me down.”

  I nodded my head and he leaned in and kissed my lips softly, then pulled away slowly with a bright smile on his face and a new light in his dreamy brown eyes.

  “Also, I love you,” he said casually, before he stood up and strode up the stairs without grabbing his clothes that had been tossed on the floor by yours truly.

  “Hey!” I called after him as I chased him up the stairs.

  I ran into his room and he jumped at me from behind the door and scooped me up into his arms and twirled me around before we landed on his bed.

  He leaned in and kissed my forehead before he whispered, “I love you.” The intense look in his eyes told me that he meant it.

  In that moment, although I hadn’t even dared to think it, I knew I loved him as well and it moved me body and soul.

  “I love you,” I said in return.

  “Oh, I like that. Say it again baby girl.”

  “I love you, Sora.”

  Chapter 26


  A month or so after Sora and I had made us an official thing, I woke up at seven o’clock in the morning to a chilly room when my phone buzzed by my head. I snuck my hand out quickly to grab it and I pulled it under the covers back to the warmth.

  Sora had made it a habit of texting at all hours of the day, so I gave up on being frustrated over being woke up by him. It was sweet so who was I to complain?

  Sora: It’s snowing baby!

  I jumped out of bed and pulled up the blinds to find that there was indeed snow falling softly in between our houses. I also took notice of him as he stood in his window in a black sweater with a big smile on his face and a cup of steaming coffee in one hand. He looked cozy and I longed to be there with him.

  I smiled and blew him a kiss then I walked away from my window and hopped back into bed.

  Me: Good morning sexy =)

  Sora: Do you think you can make up an excuse to get away today?

  Me: Depends. What do you have in mind?

  Sora: Movies, cuddles & sex…

  Me: Tempting. I’ll tell my mom I’m going out with some friends this evening and I’ll try to be there by five. Cook me dinner and let’s sneak out and play in the snow if it sticks.

  Sora: Sounds perfect.

  Me: I’m going back to bed ttyl.

  Sora: Sleep well, dream of me ;)

  Four hours later I decided I should stop being lazy, so I got out of bed and I went downstairs to eat.

  It was already eleven so if my parents made breakfast, I had missed it. I opened the fridge and took out a bowl filled with hash browns from the morning before and popped two pieces of bread in the toaster.

  When I was finished heating my meal I took my plate into the living room and sat down at the couch as my parents opened the front door and made me nearly jump out of my skin because I thought they were upstairs.

  “Did we scare you honey?” My dad stood in the foyer dusting snow off his jacket while my mom hung onto his arm while she peeled her wet boots off.

  “Yeah,” I muttered with a mouth full of food.

  They sat on the other side of the couch, my dad leaned against the arm and my mom leaned on him.

  “Where did you guys go so early in the morning?” I asked.

  My mom smiled up at my dad and said, “On a date.”

  “Hmm, its only eleven. Since when do you guys go on dates before noon?”

  “We went out to breakfast, took a walk in the snow downtown and did some window shopping,” she said, “and we’ve done this since always, you’re never awake so how would you know?”

  I nodded my head before I sipped my coffee. “Alright, fair enough.” I set my cup on the table. “I’m going out with some friends tonight and I won’t be home until late.”

  I loved being able to tell them what I was doing instead of asking them because even if they didn’t approve, I was an adult and I could do anything I wanted to as long as it didn’t break any rules of the house. And leaving to go hang out with “friends” obviously didn’t break any house rules so I had been doing it often to sneak over and see Sora.

  “You’ve been doing that a lot lately, its good you’ve finally decided to give other people besides Amber a chance,” my dad said, and my mom nodded as they stared at me too intently for comfort.

  “Yup,” I said, as I felt the bite of guilt over my lie.

  My mom smiled in such a way that it gave me the creeps, it was the kind of smile she usually gave me before she kicked my ass for doing something wrong.

  I looked at the TV with feigned interest in hopes that she would leave me alone.

  “I talked to Sora outside while he was shoveling snow out of his driveway,” she said.

  I took a bite of my food and said, “Oh?”

  What’s your freaking point woman, you talk to Sora all the time!

  “He’s coming over for dinner tonight.”


  There went our plans for the night, but I held my tongue as I affected a look of boredom rather than show my irritation. It’s not like she realized she was ruining our dinner plans.

  She cleared her throat. “It’s been awhile since we’ve managed to get him over here, so I decided to make something special.”

  I finished my food and stood up to take my plate to the kitchen but I paused to finish talking to her first so I could figure out why she was being so weird. I couldn’t help but hold onto the fear that she knew about us, but I reasoned it wasn’t possible.

  “What’s that?”

  “Homemade apple pie for dessert.” Sora had told her months ago that it was his favorite dessert, so I felt relief that she was going out of her way to please him because that meant she couldn’t possibly be mad at him for anything.

  “Sounds delicious. I can’t wait.”

  My dad decided to look away from the TV and pipe in. “I thought you were leaving to hang out with your friends?” he asked.

I’ll go after dinner. We didn’t have plans to eat,” I said.

  Another lie!

  “Okay sweetie,” he said with a smile.

  My mom continued to watch me, and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I took my plate to the kitchen and ran upstairs to the safety of my room and texted Sora.

  Me: She’s plotting to kill me, I swear it.

  Sora: Sorry I tried to say no but she wasn’t having it. I think it’s my life we should be concerned about. She scared me today… do you think she knows something?

  Me: It’s okay. I don’t think she does, she’s making apple pie for you. That would be weird unless she plans to fatten you up before she fucking eats you.

  Sora: Haha. Damn.

  Me: She was giving me the creeps, but I think she’s mad at me for something that seems to have nothing to do with you. I’ll figure it out later, no worries for you babe.

  Sora: Alright. Behave yourself.

  Me: I’ll try but that’s all I can do.

  Sora: Well, I have to finish cleaning up my kitchen and shower and what not, so I’ll see you at dinner. I love you gorgeous.

  Me: I love you! XOXO!

  I waited on the stairs in a dark blue velvet maxi dress that accentuated my curves just like I had the first night he came over for dinner.

  My mom let him in and walked ahead of him back into the kitchen and my father was sitting on the couch watching football, so it was just us for a moment.

  Sora finally passed the stairs and my heart soared as his eyes took me in from head to toe and back again. His eyes were lit with want and it amazed me that no matter how much he had me that light never dimmed.

  He whispered, “Absolutely stunning.” Before he stepped into the living room to say hello to my dad.

  I followed him and offered to take his jacket and as I grabbed it from his hands his fingers grasped mine at the tips before my hand fell away.

  I put up his jacket and watched him from behind as he rocked back on his heels with his arms crossed over his chest and admired the way his sweater pulled tightly against his shoulders.


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