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Seducing Sora

Page 26

by C L Walker

  “Kyla,” my mom called from the kitchen.

  I was turning as he turned back to look at me, and when he looked down at my body, I could tell by the look on his face that he was looking forward to peeling my dress off later.

  I entered the kitchen and my mom immediately handed me a loaf of bread without a word before she spun around in a full circle when she seemed to remember what she was doing and reached down to open the oven door.

  There was a giant homemade lasagna in there that was calling to me.

  I cut the bread open and applied butter, garlic powder and parsley and laid it out on a piece of tin foil so she could put it in the oven.

  “Anything else?” I asked, as I looked around the kitchen thoughtfully.

  She looked around as well and shook her head. “Just take the salad with you out to the dining room and tell them it’s time to eat in about five minutes.”

  I dropped the salad off and headed back to the living room to let them know it was time to assemble into the dining room.

  My dad got up and ran to the bathroom first so Sora and I were left in the living room alone.

  “Are you trying to kill me tonight?” he asked.

  I shook my head and turned to the side so that I could watch the kitchen in the other direction with my peripheral vision.

  “Then why did you wear that? As if it’s not hard enough for me to act like I’m not attracted to you,” he asked.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “You’re a grown man so I’m sure you can manage to keep your lust at bay for one evening.”

  He licked his lips and rolled up his sleeves. “Easier said than done, nothing about you, or involving you ever is.”

  I took a step closer and lowered my voice as I said, “Think of the reward you’ll receive afterwards.”

  A smug smile pulled across his face as his eyes lowered and with that, I turned around to enter the dining room before him knowing full well that his eyes would be on my ass.

  When we entered, I was surprised to see that my dad had skipped the head of the table in favor of sitting on one side and my mom took a seat beside him.

  She gestured to the other side of the table and Sora and I looked at each other nervously since their backs were turned before we took our places.

  Something was definitely not right.

  I sat across from my mother and Sora was across from my dad as we all peered at each other as if in a sort of standoff.

  My mom smiled and asked my dad to cut up the lasagna and he did so without a word and served us all generous pieces.

  “Thank you,” Sora said politely when he got his, and again when my mom handed him the bowl of salad.

  I remembered when I thought it was cute how polite he was to my parents as if he was meeting his girlfriend’s parents for the first time. This time it wasn’t cute, adorable or anything remotely close because he was indeed having dinner with his girlfriend’s parents, but they weren’t supposed to know that, and it was looking like they did.

  I could tell Sora was nervous because he was bouncing his leg and I could feel it as the vibrations made their way up my chair.

  I put a hand on his thigh, and he stopped without looking down or at me in question.

  I gave it a squeeze and removed it so I could eat my food.

  They could ruin the atmosphere but not my appetite!

  I had my first luscious bite almost to my mouth when my mother did what I thought was impossible, she said something important enough for me to lower my fork.

  “So, how long has this been going on?” she asked, and she looked between Sora and me as she waited for whichever one of us was going to answer.

  My fork hit my plate and the sound was deafening.

  Sora finished what he was chewing and cleared his throat as he grabbed my hand under the table to let me know it was going to be okay.

  “About a month in a half ago maybe, or uh it was Halloween when we uh… yeah pretty much since I first met her, but we didn’t start dating until a bit after Halloween,” he said, with his head held high despite the fact that he was shaking.

  I watched my parents closely because at any sign that they were going to treat him poorly, or make him feel worse for being with me, I was going to give them a piece of my mind and explain to them how hard he had tried to do the right thing.

  I was an adult, and no one was going to tell me who I could be with, especially when he wasn’t my teacher anymore since the quarter was over and I was on winter break.

  My dad didn’t look too pleased, but I didn’t find that alarming because my dad never looked pleased over the idea of me or my sister dating anyone.

  My mother nodded her head and continued to eat her food until she realized Sora and I hadn’t yet picked up our utensils as we waited for them to react.

  “You can eat, rest assured no one is getting murdered today,” she said.

  Sora stared at my dad who quirked an eyebrow before he winked at him.

  “I love her,” Sora said suddenly.

  My mother’s eyebrows soared into her bangs and my dad turned to look at her and upon making eye contact with each other they started laughing.

  “You guys are nuts,” I said, when I couldn’t handle the suspense any longer. “What’s going on here?”

  “You’ve been caught.” My dad shrugged his shoulders before he looked at Sora. “You better love her because I tell you what, if you are just fucking around with her you might want to consider selling your house and getting the hell out of this town because I will bury you.”

  “Daddy!” I shouted, but he wouldn’t even look at me.

  Sora nodded his head in understanding and said, “That won’t be necessary, and if I happen to move out of here it will be because she wants to go somewhere else, because I won’t be going anywhere without her.”

  My dad seemed satisfied with that answer, so he smiled and began eating his dinner again. “Eat,” he said a moment later, gesturing to our plates. “Before it gets cold.”

  Sora and I began eating again but I could tell it wasn’t over because my mom was yet to voice her opinion on the matter.

  After she brought out dessert, she finally spoke up and said, “I sincerely hope you are less obvious at school because you-” She pointed at me. “Are bad at making excuses. Everyone knows you wouldn’t be hanging out with anyone else other than Amber or Philip at this point. I’ve had to listen to you complain about how lame everyone at school is since you were in 5th grade Kyla, honestly why did you think that would work?”

  I shrugged my shoulders and ignored the look Sora gave me because he wasn’t allowed to side with them even if it was my fault that they had found out.

  “And you,” she said, as she directed her attention at Sora who gulped so loudly, I could hear it. “You’ve been avoiding coming over here for dinner like we have the plague or something, and every time you look at my daughter-” She paused and looked at my dad who looked away awkwardly. “Let’s just say that the way you look at her makes it very obvious that you feel something for her.”

  I nudged him and said, “I told you that you needed to watch how you look at me.”

  My dad sighed and got up as he said, “This is all you dear, I’m out of here before I really do want to break his neck.”

  “Thank you, sir, for your approval…of sorts,” Sora said, as he stood up and addressed my dad before he could leave.

  “You bet, just don’t make me regret it.” Then he took his pie into the living room so he could get back to watching the football game.

  Sora turned to my mom and lowered his voice and I assumed it was because he didn’t want my dad to hear. “I know I’m obvious, I literally can’t help it. That’s why I haven’t said yes to coming over here and I’m sorry if I look like some perv who can’t keep it together. I tried to do the right thing, but I just couldn’t, and I don’t regret it now.”

  She laughed. “Goodness Kyla, what have you done to the poor guy?”

  I l
ooked up from my pie sheepishly as they both waited for me to answer.

  “Okay! Fine!” I threw my hands up. “I was a little relentless.” Sora scoffed. “And sort of aggressive.” He made a motion with his hand that said ‘keep em coming’ and I stopped to give him a dirty look. “Alright, I purposely made it hard for him since day one, and I still do, because I get a kick out of watching him suffer,” I said bluntly, before I took a sip from my wine glass.

  He leaned over and said, “Two can play that game sweetheart.”

  “I’m not scared!”

  “You should be brat,” he said.

  My mom seemed to find us amusing and it helped me to relax completely as I had been tense for the entire meal. But I should have known my parents would support me, they trusted me, and my decisions, and I had chosen Sora so that was that.

  My mom looked at him with understanding as she said, “I figured she had something to do with it, she’s always been persistent and a little reckless.”

  He nodded his head, and I didn’t mind if they pointed out my flaws so long as they got along.

  “My only concern is about your job because the school board would not be happy about it even if she is an adult now. I don’t want to see either of you hurt by this, so I asked only that you guys proceed with caution and hide your relationship until after next summer. After that, it doesn’t matter.”

  “That would never happen. I won’t let our relationship ruin his dreams, so I obviously won’t take him as a teacher again and I won’t ever go to him at school as I will have no reason to.”

  “Okay,” she said, as she grabbed our plates. “You’re free to go.”

  I followed her into the kitchen and hugged her and said, “Thank you mama.”

  “You’re welcome.” She looked behind me before her eyes met mine, and lowered her voice as she said, “You got yourself quite the man, I can see how much he adores you and to be honest, the way he looks at you…it reminds me of how your father looks at me.”

  “Gross,” I said, but truly it warmed my heart because I knew my dad loved my mom just as much as he ever did.

  “Why is that gross?” She looked at me suspiciously before she abruptly changed the subject. “Are you guys having sex?”


  “I’m going over to his house tonight, k bye!” I shouted, before I ran out of the kitchen.

  I sped through the living room to the front door and grabbed Sora’s jacket before I came back and grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the backdoor as he tried to say goodbye to my parents.

  Once we hopped the fence, he pulled me to a stop, and I went back and slammed into his chest from the force of it.

  The snow was falling heavily, it created a magical veil all around us as we stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Baby,” he said, as his hands wrapped around my waist. “You deserve every little thing you’re going to get from me in this life.”

  “Huh?” I asked, before he lifted me up and twirled me around in a circle before he laid me down in the snow and covered my body with his.

  He kissed me sweetly as the cold seeped through my dress and cooled my heated flesh.

  His tongue swept against mine as his cold fingers slipped into my dress and cupped my breast.

  “Every, little, thing...” he said, as a reminder that I deserved what was coming before he took a handful of snow and stuffed it down my dress.

  “Ouch!” I exclaimed, before I got up to chase him as he ran inside his back door. “How dare you!”

  I shut the door behind me and looked around the dark of his kitchen and when I thought he wasn’t there he sprang up beside me and pushed me into the door.

  His hands reached to my thighs and he gathered my dress before he pulled it over my head and tossed it behind him as his mouth found mine once again.

  “Have I told you today how much I love you?” he asked, and he scooped me up to take me to the couch.

  I shook my head.

  “You’re it for me Kyla, and if I lose you, you’ll forever be the one that got away.”

  He laid me down and I looked up into his eyes that had grown serious. “You won’t lose me, I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

  He kissed me softly before he said, “I want you forever.”


  Please scroll to the end, leave a review, and let me know what you thought of Kyla’s story. I’d greatly appreciate any and all feedback! And no matter what, thank you for reading this and giving me a chance, it means the world to me.

  <3 C.L.




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