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Lookin' for Trouble (Honky Tonk Angels Book 6)

Page 84

by Ciana Stone

  How much he could impress her fled his mind as the doors to one of the elevators opened and Hannah stepped out. The black lace dress fit her like a glove, molding to the curves of her body from breasts to hips, then flaring slightly to end just above the knees. Her hair was worn up tonight, giving her a look of grace and sophistication.

  She saw him and smiled, and that smile warmed him right down to the soles of his feet. She was stunning, a real traffic-stopping, heartbreaker and for tonight, she was his. Well, his date, anyway.

  As he watched her approach, his mind considered more than having her as company for dinner and a show.

  He extended the rose to her as she stopped before him. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She accepted the rose, lifted it to her face to smell and smiled. “So are you.”

  Cooper felt a warmth spread through him at her compliment and turned to offer her his arm. “My lady?”

  Hannah took his arm and he escorted her outside. He saw the way her eyes widened as the limo driver opened the rear door. She glanced at Cooper and he smiled.

  Once inside the limo, Cooper gestured toward the champagne. “Shall we?”

  “Most definitely.”

  He poured two glasses, handed her one and then raised his in a toast. “To a wonderful night. Every man we meet will be envious of me tonight.”

  “My, you’re quite the flatterer.” Hannah touched her glass to his and then sipped. “Oh my, that’s good. So, where are we headed?”

  “It’s a surprise, but I think you’ll like it.”

  “I’m sure. Have you been busy since you’ve been here?”

  “Quite. It’s been productive. And you? Did you find everything you wanted?”

  “And then some.” She took another sip. “Pressley left just a few hours ago, with a truck laden to the brim. She wanted to get everything unloaded and into the house and meet me in Rock Ridge tomorrow.”

  “Why Rock Ridge?”

  “They have a drop off place there for rentals.”

  “So, you’re alone tonight?”

  “No. I’m with you.”

  Cooper smiled, letting all sorts of delicious fantasies dance through his mind. It wasn’t that he didn’t have a place he could take her if she should surprise him and agree to spend the night, but chances were, she’d want to be in her own suite, with her own things.

  And the chances of him seducing her into spending the night might be slim. So far, he’d only received a kiss on the cheek from her. It was a big leap from that to making love.

  Making love? Why had his mind even conjured up that phrase? It was sex. He wanted to have sex with her. It wasn’t like he was falling in love.

  “Have you been to San Antonio before now?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes. Quinlan Oil has offices here. My father started his business in Texas.”

  “That’s what Liz told me. She also said that you’ve done extensive traveling. Where have you been?”

  “It’s more like where have I not.”

  “Oh, I envy you. I’ve always wanted to travel and see the world.”

  “Really?” He refilled both of their glasses. “Where would you like to go?”

  “Hmmm, well, naturally Paris, and Valencia, Dubai, Scotland, Barcelona, Rio—well, everywhere I suppose.”

  “But Paris first?”

  “Oh yes.”


  “Because it’s Paris. Fashion and food, romance and art.”

  “Ah so you want to go to Paris, meet an artist and fall madly in love.”

  “Not necessarily. Maybe I just want to go, meet an artist, have a mad affair and come home with memories.”

  “Oh?” Cooper reached over to run one finger along the bare skin of her shoulder. “And could you do that, Hannah? Have a wild affair and then just walk away?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I’ll never know unless I make it to Paris one day.”

  “Or Paris comes to you.”


  Cooper smiled and looked out of the window. “Here we are.”

  Her gaze followed the direction of his and she gasped. “Oh my god, we’re eating here? But this place is booked for months in advance. Oh, Cooper, this is…” She turned and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “This is wonderful.”

  He smiled and set his glass aside as the driver stopped. He exited first, then gave her his hand to assist her from the car. He noticed she didn’t release it as they made their way to the entrance of the restaurant. Cooper took that as a sign that she was either nervous, or she was as attracted to him as he was to her.

  He hoped it was the latter.


  “Thanks again for filling in,” Cody said as Callie returned with a loaded tray of glasses.

  “You know I’m always happy to help.” Callie started unloading the glasses into the bin for dirty glassware.

  “And I love you for it, girl, but I know you’d rather be at home with Jayce and Lily.”

  “Just like you’d rather be—”

  “Don’t go there.” Cody stopped her.

  Callie shrugged. “Whatever you say.” She looked over the occupied tables. “Be back.”

  Cody watched Callie hurry to a newly occupied table and start taking orders. She really was grateful to Callie. It was Cade’s night off and he’d given Roxie the night off as well. Normally Cody and Hannah could have handled it themselves, so long as they had a wait staff of at least four.

  With Hannah taking off to go to San Antonio with Pressley, Cody was short two staff members. Callie’s offer to fill in had been a godsend. Cotton Creek was experiencing exponential growth thanks to the oil boom and with that growth came increased business for the bar.

  On the one hand, Cody was thrilled that the bar was doing so well. On the other, even with a full time manager and more staff than they’d ever employed, it was starting to be a challenge. Being filled to capacity six nights a week was a bit more business than she’d ever dreamed of. And maybe more than she wanted on a steady basis.

  “Hey Cody.”

  Cody looked up at the sound of the voice to see Dini standing on the other side of the bar, smiling at her. “Girl, we may have to hire you a bodyguard,” Cody said as she looked at Dini.

  Cutoff jeans, cowboy boots and a Honky Tonk Angels top had never looked so sexy. Dini made the outfit look like it belonged in a high-class men’s magazine.

  Dini passed the comment off with a wave. “This is plumb covered compared to some of the costumes I’ve worn. Now, point me to what you want me to do and I’m on it.”

  Cody grinned, fished out an order pad and pen and slid it across the bar. “Take the left side from here to mid-way. Sheila—that redhead over there near the stage—she has it from mid-way to stage.”


  “Any questions just yell.”

  “You know I will.”

  “Then have at it, hot stuff.”

  Dini grinned and hurried off to a table of four that had just sat in her section. Cody watched and wondered what Jasper would think if he showed up and saw Dini in those tight cut-offs and T-shirt.

  “Excuse me.”

  Embarrassed to have been caught lost in her own thoughts, Cody turned toward the female voice. A beautiful blonde woman stood at the bar.

  “What can I get’cha?” Cody asked.

  “A cosmopolitan?”

  “Coming up.” If the woman’s appearance didn’t shout outsider, her choice of drink sure did. Cody fixed the drink and set it in front of the woman.

  “Here ya go, hon.”

  “Thank you.” The woman sipped at it, then looked around. “Is it always this busy?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Well, the man at the hotel did say this was the place to go in Cotton Creek.”

  “Oh? So you’re staying at the hotel out on the highway?”


  “Here for business or pleasure?”

  “Hmmm, let’s c
all it personal.”

  “Okay.” Cody took that as a signal that the woman didn’t welcome questions, so she moved down the bar, taking care of the people ready for refills or new customers who’d come in.

  She’d pretty much forgotten about the woman aside from freshening her drink a couple of times. Then, during a lull, Callie leaned on the bar next to her. “So have you talked to the blonde at the other end of the bar?”

  Cody cut her eyes in the direction of the blonde. “Not much.”

  “She asks a lot of questions.”


  “About the oil company and your sister and Liz and mostly Cooper Quinlan.”

  That piqued Cody’s curiosity. “Interesting. Maybe I should see if she’s ready for another drink.”

  Two hours and several drinks later, Cody was tired of dodging questions from the woman, whose name she found out was Devina Moritz.

  “So, Devina, you haven’t really said what brings you to Cotton Creek?”

  “But you’ve figured it out, right?”

  Cody shrugged. “I’m guessing it has something to do with Cooper Quinlan.”

  “Well, not much gets past you, does it, country girl?”

  Cody felt a niggle of annoyance at the derision in Devina’s voice. “So, Cooper Quinlan. What’s he to you?”

  “Just my fiancé.”


  “Oh I’m sorry, don’t you people know that word here? My intended. We’re engaged.”


  Devina frowned. “I’m sorry, are you hard of hearing?”

  “No, I heard you just fine, just never heard anything about a fiancée before.”

  “And you think you should have?”

  Cody shrugged. “Maybe. Coop’s a friend.”

  “Oh, Coop’s a friend, is he? Such a good friend that he didn’t tell you he’s engaged? Or expecting a child?”

  That statement had something scald through Cody. Cooper was engaged and expecting a child? That couldn’t be.

  “You’re pregnant?” She looked at the drink glass on the bar.

  “That’s what I said.”

  Cody raised her gaze to meet Devina’s. “Plan on keeping the baby?”

  “Well, of course, you idiot.”

  “And of course Coop knows that you’re drinking while pregnant?”

  Cody saw the surprise on Devina’s face. Either Devina was lying about being pregnant or she was worried at being caught drinking. Neither option gave Cody solace.

  “Enjoy your evening, Devina.” She shouted for one of the wait staff. “Sheila? Can you man the bar?”

  With that Cody headed for the office. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed as soon as she closed the door behind her. The call went straight to Hannah’s voicemail.

  “Hannah, call me,” Cody spoke into the phone, hit end and then texted Hannah the same message.

  She stood there for a few minutes, watching her phone. “Come on, Hannah. Come on.”

  When five minutes passed without response, Cody shoved the phone back into her pocket. Shit on a stick.

  Hannah was out with a man who might very well be engaged to another woman.


  Lucas Quinlan stood as his aide escorted the guest into the room. “Thank you, Jeffrey. Please make sure we’re not disturbed.”

  “Yes, sir.” The aide turned and left as Lucas’ guest crossed the room.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet with me.” Lucas extended his hand.

  Herbert Pursell looked at the offered hand, then back at Lucas’ face. “You said this concerns our sons’ new business venture?”

  Lucas gestured to a chair. “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “Very well.” Lucas took a seat across from Herbert. “And in answer to your question, yes. It’s come to my attention that their survey varies from the one you and I have. Some of the largest deposits reside in areas they’ve yet to secure rights. There are, as you know, other players bidding now, but they don’t know what land to focus on. We do.”


  “And I think it’s time we taught our children a lesson.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I propose we join forces and form a partnership.”

  “You got me all the way here to make that suggestion? Why the Sam Hill would I ever agree to something like that?”

  “I can give you billions of reasons.”

  “The promise of money won’t make me trust you.”

  Lucas leaned back in his chair and regarded Herbert. “When are you going to let that go? In case you haven’t been paying attention, I didn’t end up with the girl either. She left me the day after the twins graduated high school and never looked back.”

  “It’s not about that.”

  “It’s always been about that, Herbert, and it’s time to let it go. You’re the one who ended up with a woman who loves you and sticks by you.”


  “Then let it go, man. We were friends once and we can be again. Friends who teach their uppity children a lesson in business and life.”


  Lucas leaned forward. “That loyalty to family comes first.”

  Herbert was silent for at least a minute and Lucas wondered what ploy he should try next to bring Herbert on board. He needed Herbert. Needed his contacts, his eyes and ears and his proximity to what was going on in Texas.

  “I’ll need more details,” Herbert finally said. “Something like this isn’t going to be cheap.”

  Lucas smiled. “No, but lucky for us, we’re not going to be spending our own money. Have you ever heard the name John Henderson?”

  Herbert’s eyebrows rose. “Billionaire, made most of his money in hedge funds, venture capital and pharmaceuticals.”

  “And eager to get into the energy business.”

  “He’s willing to finance the operation?”

  “Eighty percent for a thirty-two percent stake in the company.”

  “Leaving us with sixty-eight percent to be divided how?”

  “Evenly—we each take thirty-four percent.”

  “Who runs the company?”

  “We’ll hire a CEO.”


  “Someone we agree on.”

  Herbert nodded and, for the first time, smiled. “You know, I think I will take that drink.”

  Lucas grinned. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his children’s faces when he beat them at their own game.

  Chapter Ten

  Thus far, the date had gone better than he’d imagined. The restaurant had been superb and the conversation interesting with a lot of laughs. Hannah had a wicked sense of humor and was quick to catch onto subtleties. Afterwards, they’d seen a show at the Majestic Theatre, then had drinks at the bar of the most expensive hotel in the city—the same one where Cooper had a suite.

  They were just finishing their drinks when he scooted his chair closer to hers. “I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed an evening so much.”

  “I can’t either. It was perfect.”


  “Pretty close,” she said and smiled.

  “So, how can I make it more than pretty close?” He took her hand and lifted it to kiss her knuckles.

  Her face colored a bit along her cheeks, giving his ego a boost. “Well, I don’t know. You tell me.”

  Cooper knew this was the deciding moment. He’d either crash and burn, or get the girl. “I have a suite here.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “I’d love to share it with you tonight.”

  He felt the slight tension in her hand and noted the way the smile froze on her face.“I’m sorry. I’m moving too fast.”

  “No.” Her protest came quickly, then softened. “I mean… I mean…”

  “It’s okay, baby, we can take it slower.”

  “It’s not that. Well, it is. I mean—oh shoot, I hate getting flustered.” She with
drew her hand from his and clutched both of hers in her lap. “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t want to.”

  “It’s just too soon?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know. What’s too soon? I know that I want to say yes but I don’t want you to think that I’m the kind of woman that does this routinely. Jump into bed with someone.”

  “I don’t think that at all, Hannah. The truth is, I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you so I don’t guess this feels fast to me.”

  “You have?”

  “I have.”

  “I wanted you, too.”

  “Then what’s stopping us?”

  She tilted her head back and looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath and then focused her gaze on him. “I guess I’m scared of falling for you.”

  “Would that be so bad?” Even as he spoke the words he hated himself for it. She’d just admitted that she was in danger of falling for him. Could he really be so callous as to disregard that?

  “It depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On whether the feelings were mutual.”

  Here was his chance to redeem himself, to tell her straight out that he had no clue whether he’d fall for her or if this would be just a one time thing. He could have said that, but damn it all, he wanted her. What was so wrong with that? They were, after all, both adults.

  “I guess we’ll never know if we don’t explore it.”

  She nodded. “You’re right.”

  “So, that’s a no or a yes?”

  “A no.”

  He felt a sharp sting of disappointment until she added, “But you could share my suite tonight.”

  “I would love to.” Cooper leaned over and brushed his lips across hers. “But fair warning, my lady. You won’t get much sleep.”

  “Sleep’s over-rated.” She breathed before he claimed a kiss.

  Hannah might be a woman hesitant to take the plunge, but she sure knew how to curl a man’s toes with her kiss. When he pulled back, Cooper had to adjust in his chair. Things south of the belt were straining at his trousers.

  “Shall I call for the car?” he asked.


  He placed the call, motioned for the server, and paid the bill. That gave him time to get a certain part of his anatomy under control before he stood.


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