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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 84

by Lauren Wood

  “Like I said, I had no other choice.”

  Annie remained quiet. For the first time, contemplating the proper response. “Where did you get that idea?”

  “From them. Now I guess you can say that we are even.” He smirked, holding Annie for another day.



  Chapter 1

  Melody Hall woke up and looked around, “Where am I at?” She said rubbing her head.

  The last thing she remembered was looking at a patient. Her partner and she had received a call. There had been a horrible accident. The patient had bad lacerations to his chest, was close to death.

  Now here she was in some big room, and she had no idea what was going on. She was mad, but more scared then made at the moment.

  It was so dark in the room. She thought she had heard some noises when she first woke up, but now she didn’t hear a thing. Melody wondered if her fear was playing with her, perhaps the noises were just her imagination.

  Melody wanted to get up and walk around, but her head was still woozy. Also her fright of dark places wasn’t making her move any quicker. She could and would gladly use the excuse of not feeling well for a bit longer.

  Her head whipped to the left, she heard a soft mewing or some sort of noise. Could it be a monster of some type, she wondered. She listened more closely, it sounded more like a young girl softly crying or moaning.

  The paramedic in her kicked in and she tried to judge how far away the voice was. Slowly she moved her way towards the sound, hoping it wasn’t some trick.

  In her mind she picked some sick serial killer waiting for her to react. The killer would end up being the one making the noises. He would be slowly bringing her in for the kill.

  Melody slowed her approach to the noise. She tried to give her eyes more time to adjust to the light. She thought she saw a figure of a younger girl sitting there. It looked like she was holding her knees and rocking back and forth.

  “Hey are you okay?” Melody said softly, just in case a killer was in the room with them.

  The girl looked up; her eyes were shiny with fresh tears. She couldn’t be any more than 18 years old. “Are you real?” The girl asked.

  “Yes, where are we, do you know?” Melody asked, happy the girl could talk.

  “I heard them talking about the girls who were to be sold to the highest bidder. Then something else about fights and I don’t know where we are though.” The girl broke down sobbing again.

  “Shit.” It was the only thing that Melody could think of saying. She did have a fleeting moment of wonder, what had happened to her partner, and the dying guy?

  Melody decided she should explore, but didn’t know if the girl would be okay or not. “Hey, I think I should look for a way to escape. Will you be okay here by yourself?” She asked.

  The girl snapped up her head quickly, “Please don’t leave me.” She pleaded.

  “I promise I’ll come back for you if I find a way out. Or you can go with me.” Melody offered as she noticed the pure terror in the girl’s eyes.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you.” The girl finally answered.

  Melody tried to hear any more noises, and decide which way was the best to try. Finally, she decided to go more to the left. Her eyes were fairly adjusted by now.

  As they began to move they heard noises from outside a door, it had to be a door. Melody grew excited to hear a way out, or she hoped. She tried to prey the girl back into motion, but she wouldn’t move.

  Melody looked back at her, “Come on we have to move quickly.” She whispered.

  The girl shook her head, “No, I don’t want too. How can we get past anyone?” The girl asked.

  “I know a bit of self-defense moves. Come on, just stay behind me if trouble breaks out.” Melody pulled the girl along.

  The door opened when they were too far away, if only she could have made the girl move quicker. A bright light made her blind and she knew that she had made a vital mistake.

  “Oh what do we have here?” A tall man said from the door.

  Before she could react and get her eyes adjusted she felt strong arms circle around her.

  “Stop, where am I, what are you doing to us?” Melody asked the man. But as she looked up she noticed he didn’t look like a human. His skin seemed to have a strange green tint to it, and were those eyes right?

  “Oh, well I guess I can tell you. It won’t matter; you’ll never be able to escape.” The thing chuckled; she could tell he wasn’t human now for sure. “You’re being sold to the Sheiktel Family for their Goma.” He answered and his smile grew large.

  “What is a Goma?” She questioned.

  “Nope sorry, you’ll learn that soon enough.” Another two large men had already entered the room.

  “We’re ready for the transfer; the funds are in the account.” One of the men/creatures said.

  Melody’s mind was lost trying to figure out what creatures they were. Besides the slight tint, they looked close to human. But those eyes, she studied them closer.

  Before she could look anymore though, she and the girl were being pushed along a long hall.

  Chapter 2

  Cassius looked in the mirror and pumped himself up for the fight. He wished that it was over already. After this fight he would be a free Sheiktel, free from all his obligations.

  He had also heard that there was an extra prize in the purse. The promoters had been tight lip about what the extra prize was tonight. But they had seemed quite excited about it, so he hoped it was some extra currency to his account. That would be an amazing prize; it would help him out a ton.

  Tonight had taken a long time to get too. He had already won 199 fights. On this night if he won, and he was certain he would, he would be free!

  He heard the hype over the speakers in the gladiator room. Taking the last few moments to make sure he was stretched out, Cassius got ready to go fight.

  Tonight, Cassius the Killer could win his freedom. That’s right, creatures of the night and day; we are about to possibly witness a great moment in our Goma fights! Are you ready?

  Cassius could hear the crowd go into a wild frenzy of noise. “I’d say their ready!” He chuckled.

  Cassius will face a special challenger tonight. Can you guess who it is?

  He heard several names screamed out from the crowd, but one continued to be called again and again. “Lars, Lars, Lars.”

  He sighed; Lars was the one opponent he really had hoped to not have tonight. The guy was extremely strong and lightning quick. But Cassius wasn’t a weakling either, and his speed had often won him the fight.

  Lars though, he had watched a fight, and he had literally picked up his opponent and snapped him in two. “Okay so I’m a little nervous.” He sighed.

  That’s right folks; tonight we’ll pit Lars the Barbarian against Cassius. He will have to fight the best of his life to make it out alive and to his freedom!

  As Cassius walked out he heard the crowd chanting his name. It sounded like most of them wanted him to win. However, he did hear several calls out for Lars.

  Stepping into the circle, Cassius and Lars stood face to face. Cassius had to look up to the huge man. He was larger in person; he had only seen him from far away before. That’s okay I will still win, Cassius thought.

  “Alright you two know the rules, anything goes. Weapons will be given out from time to time. It’s a first come first serve basis though, so you may end up with no weapon. Fight is to the death, no mercy is to be given. Cassius if you win, well you know what you get. Lars, if you win, you’ll get to fight one more day.” The referee said to them. “Go to your corners and wait for the bell.”

  “You die tonight Cassius.” Lars growled.

  “We’ll see.” Cassius laughed and walked to his corner.

  He hoped his plan worked in his favor. He wanted Lars to be mad and off his game. By the flair in Lars’s eyes he had hit the spot.

  The bell rang and no weapons were tosse
d out right away. So Cassius used his hands and legs to his advantage. Plus he continued to work his mind games on Lars.

  “Hey big guy, so what did you have for your last meal tonight?” Cassius asked right before he landed a hard kick to the left side of Lars.

  Lars recovered quickly, “You’ll die soon. Too bad you won’t have lived even one day as a free man.” Lars laughed.

  “No way, how many fights have you been in now? Like 20, you know I’ve bested 199 other people already. Why would you be any different?” Cassius laughed loudly.

  Lars eyes flared a red hot fire within them. He rushed Cassius, just as a sword was being tossed into the ring. Cassius faked to the right and moved to the left. Lars hadn’t even noticed the weapon had come out.

  Before Lars could recover Cassius was one him and with one swoop it was over. Lars’s head bounced on the ground next to his prone body. He heard the crowd erupt in celebration.

  Well that was a lot quicker than anyone thought it would be! Cassius has just earned his freedom. He now becomes only the second Sheiktel to do so in history of our Goma! Way to go Cassius. Tonight though there was also an extra prize to the purse. Cassius has also won himself.

  The announcer paused for effect. He’s won a live Earth girl as his very own slave! What a fabulous way to begin your freedom. Congratulations to Cassius!

  An Earth girl, he thought. Great, just what I need someone to drag along with me. He had really hoped it had been currency in the pot. But perhaps he would sell the girl and get money anyway. He was sure there would be at least one eager buyer out there.

  Chapter 3

  Cassius had cleaned up and gotten dressed after the fight was over. He now walked to collect his freedom paper and Earth girl from Demetri. He knocked on the door to the office.

  “Come in.” He heard Demetri call out. “Congrats Cassius, you’re a legend now!”

  “Yeah, it’s nice to finally be free.” Cassius admitted.

  “Wait; let me call the guards to bring your Earth girl here.” Demetri held up his finger and picked up the phone. “Yeah, hey bring the girl to my office.”

  “So do you know anyone who will want to buy this girl from me?” Cassius asked.

  “I’m sure you’ll find anyone outside of the arena. But you may want to wait; she’s a really nice looking one.” Demetri got a sly grin on his face.

  Cassius figured if anything he might be able to sell the girl to Demetri. However, he was curious to see her now too. Demetri often had Earth girls on his sides. They were always some really nice looking ladies too.

  There was a knock on the door, and Demetri called out for the person to come in.

  Cassius watched as the Earth girl was pulled into the room. He studied her slight body, she was a lot shorter than he was, but her eyes are what got him. She turned to look at him and he saw the emerald green orbs staring at him.

  “So here is your girl, if you don’t want her though, I might take her off your hands.” Demetri was saying from behind Cassius.

  He saw the girls eyes flinch in fear. “No, like you said she is very good looking.”

  Cassius grabbed the girl and looked back at Demetri. He could see the man was a bit sad that Cassius had chosen to keep her. “Thanks Demetri, I’ll be seeing you, not!”

  The girl resisted his touch for a second. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered into her ear.

  She walked out with him a little easier after hearing the words. He had noticed a few bruises rising on her skin. He had always hated seeing that on slaves. Why couldn’t these men treat them like the fragile creatures they were?

  “What’s your name?” He asked her as they walked down the hall.

  “I’m Melody Hall, who are you?” She asked.

  “I’m Cassius, your new owner.” He answered.

  “What are you, you’re not human.” She asked.

  Cassius chuckled, “My dear you are light years away from Earth now. You’re in the Sheiktel region of the Dilerian Galaxy. Most likely you were kidnapped from your home, and sold to our Goma.”

  “But I don’t want to be here. I want to go home.”

  “Well, I don’t have the money to send you back home. To be truthful though, I don’t want you here either.” He turned and said to her.

  He took her back to his room. This added extra cost to his way home; he hoped he had the funds available. He may not want her here, but her body wasn’t that bad to look at. Cassius wondered how easy this Earth girl would be, it had been some time since he had sex.

  “Do you need to take a shower?” He asked her.

  “Yes please.”

  Cassius showed her the room. “I’ll get something you can wear after you’re done.”

  Chapter 4

  Melody turned the water on and let it splash down on her. Her mind was all over the place. She had been kidnapped, and now this huge Sheiktel creature was her owner. How had her life taken such a turn?

  When she had first seen him, she was frightened of him. He had stood a good foot taller than her. His body width was more than two times of her own body.

  If he wanted to take her, she wouldn’t have a prayer. However, when he had whispered to her that he wasn’t going to hurt her, she had relaxed a bit.

  For some reason she had trusted him at that moment. She had studied him closer as they had walked down the halls of the building. He had a sloped forehead, but besides that, and his huge size, he looked human.

  She had felt his muscles rippling as they walked together. Her body had begun to react to him in ways she would never have imaged. When he had asked her if she needed a shower, she should have told him yes, a cold one.

  As she soaped up and washed off all she could think of was Cassius and how large he was overall. Her mind had to wonder just how big his junk would be. “Oh I bet it’s way too large for me.” She shook her head and tried to think of anything else.

  “Hey how are you doing?” She jumped as she heard his deep voice from behind her.

  Melody turned and saw that he was now behind her in the shower. “How did you get behind me? I didn’t even hear you come in.” Melody stuttered.

  His body was completely naked and it glistened a light gold all over. She licked her lips without thinking.

  “I wanted to test out my slave of course.” He smiled.

  “Oh, I don’t know, I’m really not the type of girl to sleep with someone right away.” She said her nerves tightening up all over.

  “It’s okay; I’ll make you want it.” He closed his arms around her and covered her mouth.

  She opened her mouth to receive his tongue without any fight. Melody had known she had wanted him as soon as she saw him naked behind her. The fact that her body had moistened in an instant and her heart had been pounding a wild beat had been her clues.

  She moaned loudly as his arms moved over her body. Melody could feel all of his wonderful muscles as they grazed over her body. His fingers clipped her nipple in between them and he lightly twisted the nub around.

  Melody cried out in pleasure. She heard him chuckle, “Not going to fight are you?”

  She couldn’t speak but she looked up at him and shook her head no. He picked her up and carried her body, dripping water, to the bed.

  Cassius looked down at her body, he was slightly more happy about having won her right now. He pushed one of his huge fingers into her slit and Melody arched up and moaned loudly.

  “How much do you want it?” He asked her.

  “So much, please just fuck me.” She moaned as his finger pushed into her pussy once more.

  He grinned down at her and positioned himself above her. Cassius moved his hardness to her opening and pushed into her slowly.

  Melody thought she would explode from the pleasure that was shooting out through her body. She moaned as he sped up and moved in and out of her quicker.

  Soon she could feel a climax rocketing in her body. Melody yelled out and clawed at Cassius’s back. He couldn’t ho
ld back and let lose his climax.

  She looked over at him, shocked by how amazing the sex had just been with this alien. I might just get used to that, maybe Earth isn’t that big of a deal, she thought.

  Chapter 4

  Cassius rolled over and untangled himself from Melody. They had sex several times during the night, and he felt like he could go again. He looked over at her body, and felt his erection build.

  He placed a hand on her body and began tracing patterns on her skin. She stirred and looked up at him, a smile on her face. “Hey.” She said.

  “Hey!” He answered. His fingers had made their way to her core and he was massaging her clit between his thumb and finger.

  She moaned and moved her body towards him. He picked her up and settled her down on his hardness. Her warmness enveloped him and he was soon buried to the hilt.

  Melody moved on him, moaning as he hit her g-spot. Cassius began moving her up and down by grabbing her waist. She was really light and he found that he was helping her to climax quicker.

  His phone rang on the side of the bed. “Ignore it.” He ordered.

  She was more than glad to continue letting him manipulate her body up and down on his hard cock. The phone kept ringing though and it became too much of an annoyance.

  He took one of his hands off her waist and Melody began moving herself on him once more. Cassius picked up the phone. “This better be good.” He barked into the phone.

  “Cassius, what the hell happened in Demetri’s office last night?” He heard his friend Jakir ask.

  “Nothing, I got my prize and left. He answered.

  Melody was still moving herself on his hard cock as he talked. She moaned loudly as she had an orgasm.

  “Oh I hear her there.” Jakir chuckled a bit. But then quickly became serious. “You might want to leave though. Someone killed Demetri last night and you were the last one anyone saw him with.” Jakir said.

  Cassius sat up quickly; he caught Melody before she fell off the bed. “What? No way, I saw someone come in as we were leaving. I couldn’t tell who it was; they had a jacket on with a hood.”


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