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Be My Sailor: A Single Dad and Virgin Romance

Page 85

by Lauren Wood

  “Well you were the last one that signed in, and they are thinking it was you. They aren’t in the mood for talking either, if you know what I mean.” Jakir told him.

  “Oh shit. Alright, how much time do I have?” Cassius asked.

  “I would say no more than an hour.”

  “Thanks Jakir, I owe you one.”

  “Just get out alive and I’ll come visit you soon.” Jakir said and hung up.

  Cassius looked at Melody. “We have to go. They think I killed Demetri last night.”

  Melody just looked at him, “What? Where are we going?”

  “I was planning on going home but they’ll figure that out. So we are going to have to pick a different destination. Let’s go, I’ll figure it out along the way.” He grabbed her.

  Cassius threw a few things in a couple of duffle bags and soon they were out the door. He hoped he had enough of a head start. He was going to have to call in a few favors, but he knew the right person to get him out of this system.

  Chapter 5

  Melody sat looking at Cassius. He had got them passage on a storage ship and they were now secured in between all the cargo.

  “Don’t worry; I won’t let anything happen to you.” He tried to smile at her.

  “Why do they think you killed him? I mean I could tell them you and I left and he was still alive.” Melody told him.

  “That’s not how it works here, especially since it was Demetri who was killed. He was one of the most well-known people in our region. They won’t ask questions, and they won’t care what you have to say.” Cassius explained.

  “So where are we going?” She asked.

  “We’re going to a planet that is nearly uninhabited. It’s called Zeron, we should be safe there. It’s a place they will never think of going too. This ship will drop us off along the way. The only person who knows we are here won’t say a word.” He explained.

  “Hmm, I hope he’s more trustworthy than most humans.” Melody scoffed.

  “Why humans aren’t trustworthy?” He asked.

  “Some will look at you and claim they have your back, but when push comes to shove. Well let’s just say you won’t find them anywhere near your back or side, or anywhere.” Melody stated.

  “Well in Sheiktel our word is our bond. The only way they would get it out of him would be to kill him and save his last memories. But that technology is a bit sketchy at best.”

  “On Earth some people are so evil and they get off on lying to women and making them think they’ll hand them the world. But when it comes to hard times they will leave you.” Melody said sadly.

  “What happened to you?” He asked.

  She shook her head, not sure if this was a story she wanted to share with him. Finally, she looked at him and started the story. “I was young, only 21 years old at the time. I was dating a guy, his name was Jay. He swore he loved me, and wanted to spend his life with me. I was still a virgin at the time, but he convinced me to have sex with him. He told me, it was okay, because he was going to be the man I spent my life with. So I decided he was right. We slept together a few times, and well I got pregnant. When I told him that we were having a baby, he wasn’t happy at all. Not the way you think he would be, even though we were young. If he wanted to be with me, why wouldn’t he want kids? He disappeared, and left me alone to face this new world on my own.” She stopped to catch her breath.

  “So you have a child back on Earth?” He asked concerned.

  “No I didn’t go full term. The stress of everything just pushed me over the edge. I had a miscarriage around month 4, and lost the baby.” She told him.

  “Oh wow, I’m so sorry to hear that. I really don’t know what to say. Why did he leave you and not stay, it was after all his responsibility too.”

  “Well that’s why I said that people are Earth aren’t really good. You can find good ones, but you have one’s who are like this. They will lie to suit their own needs.”

  “We are much more honest in our Galaxy. I must say it would be confusing for me to deal with people I couldn’t take at face value.” Cassius stated.

  Cassius held her hand; he could feel the fear emanating from her. He couldn’t blame her. He had a life of near luxury planned once he retired. But now he was on the run, and his only hope was that when they didn’t find him they would look into the case more.

  However, Cassius knew from past stories, that they didn’t usually start looking into cases until several months after they happened. If the authorities found who they thought the guilty party was they would be killed. The case would be closed, even if the real killer was still out there.

  It didn’t happen very often in their galaxy, but that didn’t matter now. Right now he had to keep both himself and Melody safe. He looked over at her and studied her features.

  Her forehead was crinkled up as if she was thinking about something very serious. He rubbed her arm with his hand. “It’s going to be okay.” He told her. This time he sounded a bit more positive.

  Cassius knew he had to be strong for both of them right now.

  “Thank you. I really don’t want to die yet.” Melody finally said.

  “So you heard what he said to me? I had wondered.” Cassius said.

  “Yeah, how he said that they would kill both of us on the spot. That we had to hurry up and hide.” Melody commented on what she had heard Cassius connection say to him.

  “I won’t let you get hurt.” He took her chin in his huge hand and looked into her eyes.

  She shook her head. He could still feel the quaking of fear through her body though.

  “You know we never got to finish what we started back at my place. Maybe that will take your mind off of all this.” Cassius grinned as he brushed his fingers over her nipple.

  Melody looked at him; the lust was in her eyes. He moved her over and opened up his pants. She sat down on him to finish what they had begun before they had to run.

  Her mind was whirling about, how could she be having sex and be so scared. But soon the fear was replaced by the pleasure he was eliciting from her body.

  It was short, Cassius couldn’t hold back once he felt her body begin to throb in orgasm. After they were done he held her close on his lap.

  He had a strong desire to make sure nothing happened to her. Was it just a sense of duty, or more, he wondered.

  Cassius had to admit that he had feelings about her, especially now that he had seen her at her most vulnerable. He touched her cheek and brushed some of her long brown hair from her face.

  Chapter 6

  Melody knew that there was more to life than just good sex. Shit, who am I kidding, mind blowing sex, she thought. The way he had just looked at her made her wonder though, just what was he thinking.

  If she had been more experienced she might realize that he was looking at her with dreamy eyes. The kind that men usually only got when they were infatuated with a female.

  However, Melody had only been in one relationship, and that was nothing to compare this one with. It had been a choice, not a forced situation, like this.

  Her ex-boyfriend Jay had been quite the talker. He had sworn that he would be with her until the day they both died. It was his sweet words that had convinced her to have sex with him. Melody had believed his lies about marriage and gladly gave her precious virginity to him.

  But a few months later, when she had found out she was pregnant, he had vanished. Jay couldn’t be found, no matter who she called, he was not around. She knew that his friends were lying for him. However, what was she supposed to do?

  She had been on her own and scared at only 21 years of age. Melody had lost the baby in a miscarriage, due to all the stress she was under. She had only begun her career, and really didn’t have the money for a child. However, she had planned on going through and having the baby, she would raise it alone.

  Melody could have really used the support of a strong man at that time in her life. Instead she had to go through her grief all alon
e. It had been one of the worst times of her life.

  Now 3 years later, here she was with another man, or rather alien. She could feel the hope of something more developing between them. However, it was with trepidation that she put her heart into his hands.

  “Cassius, I don’t know how to ask you this. But what are your plans with me?” Melody asked. Perhaps since she had explained about her and Jay, he would understand why she was asking this type of question.

  “Well of course you’ll go to Zeron with me and live.” He answered.

  “I mean, how long do I stay your slave? What do I do? I don’t know anything about how this works.” She wanted to add “I don’t want to be a slave I want to be more to you”, but she couldn’t.

  “Hmm, I’ve never had a slave before. So I don’t know, I guess you would be with me your whole life. As far as what you do, I think you’ve learned some of the things I require.” He chuckled and smiled, his meaning written on his face and by his hands flicking her nipple lightly.

  Melody couldn’t help but let the moan escape from her mouth. He seemed to know the right spots to touch her and send her body into overdrive. She turned red, but her body cried out for him.

  He pulled her to him and crushed her lips to his. “I don’t know, I guess we’ll play it all by ear.” He said releasing her.

  She wanted him again, wanted him to converge on her body and plow her into oblivion. But then she looked around and considered their situation once more. However, they had sex once already, though it was quick.

  Melody moved her hand down his leg and cupped his balls in her hands.

  “We should really wait until we get to Zeron. It won’t be much longer, than we can break in our new home.” He promised with his words. His mouth added a more intimate promise.

  “Okay.” Her body yearned to feel him right now. But she put her libido in the closet for the moment and locked the door. She really couldn’t understand how she had fell for him so quickly.

  When he had said our new home, she thought she might swoon and faint. It sounded like he wanted more with her, not just a slave/owner relationship. Maybe he will marry me one day, she thought.

  Chapter 7

  Cassius could feel the ship slowing down; he knew they were getting close to Zeron. When Melody has started to rub him, he had almost gone wild. He had wanted to take her like a wild animal at that moment. However, he knew how close they were to stopping.

  If he wasn’t careful they would miss their window and be stuck on the ship to a more inhabited location. That wouldn’t do good, he would be got and they would both be killed.

  It had taken all of his will to not take her. Cassius knew of a place where they would be able to stay. He had a home here, one that no one had known about.

  The home had been a gift from a friend a while back. “Here, thank you for not killing me. This is the deed to my home on Zeron.” The man had stated.

  “I can’t take your home.” Cassius had told the man.

  “Please, I have another one. Truthfully I don’t think I could ever live on Zeron. There is so little there. So few, that you have to learn to live off the land. I’m not interested in hunting for my meals. I’m more of the type who wants it ready made.” The man had said.

  Cassius had no clue at that point he would ever see this home. However, it was funny how things somehow seemed to work out in his favor. Well, not with the whole death of Demetri. At least he had a place that was safe for him and Melody.

  He looked at her and thought of all the things he was going to do to her in that new home. He also wondered if she would ever be interested in a more stable relationship, like being his wife.

  He had heard of interspecies relationships before. They might even be able to have a family together. Cassius had heard that most women liked to have at least one child. Maybe if he offered that to her, she would agree to be his wife.

  “Come on, you have to go now, you have two minutes.” The man who had set up the passage for them came into the room.

  Cassius grabbed Melody by the hand and got them out of the ship quickly. He found transport at a small hut that was near the landing zone of the ship.

  “We need a few supplies; can you take us to the shop first?” Cassius asked the man.

  “Yeah sure, but it will cost you more currency.” The man said.

  Cassius agreed gladly, he was happy that news of the gladiator fights at the Goma didn’t reach this area of the region. The guy clearly had not recognized him.

  The shop was small and didn’t have much to offer in the way of supplies. Cassius picked up what he could and they went on to the house. He had never seen it so had no idea what to expect.

  “Here you are.” The guy said as he stopped.

  The place looked pleasant enough, as long as the inside was in better repair, they might be in luck. “Thanks a lot.” Cassius handed the man some currency, plus a little extra.

  “Thanks man, anytime.” The guy took off after they had taken the bags out.

  “Well it looks pretty nice from here. I’m shocked I thought it might not look as good.”

  Melody and him went up to the door. He opened it with the key. “It looks like we’ll be busy cleaning for a bit.” Melody said looking around at the dust and grim that had been seated for years.

  “First things first, we’ll get to cleaning later.” Cassius grabbed her. “You were driving me wild in the ship; I think we need to take care of that first.” He laughed. “Now to find a spot that isn’t so dirty. Oh hell with it,” He said after looking around for a few moments.

  Cassius finally shook out a sheet that had been placed over a couch. He pulled her down on top of him. They kissed deeply as his hands went over her body.

  He had learned where to touch her already. Cassius moved down though and looked at her nexus. He licked his lips, he felt like doing something special.

  He heard her moan as his mouth covered her slit and his tongue licked up to settle on her clit.

  “Oh wow, oh my.” Melody was sputtering as he applied his tongue to her sex.

  Cassius laughed and went back to his exploration of her lower body. Soon he was awarded for all his hard work with a rush of her juices. She screamed out as she was sent over the edge and climaxed.

  He greedily licked up as much of her juices as he could. He was hungry to taste more of her, but he wanted to have sex too. His member was throbbing, and he thought he might orgasm before he even got inside of her.

  She was still bucking up into his face as he pulled away from her. He moved up and placed a kiss on her lips. “Melody, I don’t know what all I can offer you. But I’ve been thinking about it. I don’t really want a slave.”

  Melody froze below him, her face looked frightened, “What will I do? Where will I go?”

  “I’m not kicking you out my love. No I would like you to be my wife instead. We can have children if you want; I think our species is compatible.” He offered.

  “Married, you want to marry me?” She asked confused.

  “Yes I would like that very much. I mean we may have to move quickly and if your my wife. Well our cover might be better. If your my slave though, we might be easier to find.” He explained.

  “I thought that you said we should be safe here?” She asked.

  “We should be, but just in case.”

  “Oh is that the only reason, so that we won’t be discovered?” She questioned. He could hear the hurt in her voice.

  Cassius pulled her up to him and thrust into her. “No it’s not my love. I want to be with you too.” He admitted. “I love you.”

  Chapter 8

  “You do?” Melody questioned.

  “Well yeah, I mean when we are together it’s like a volcano igniting and exploding. This has to be more than just sex.” He explained.

  “Yes, I thought the same thing too.” She admitted.

  “So what do you say?” He asked.

  “Oh yes, I’ll marry you, and I love you too Ca
ssius. I feel safe around you, like no one could ever harm me.” Melody scraped her nails on his back and he thrust into her again.

  She was lost in thought as he brought her body to another climax.

  Once they were done it was time to clean though. They both began to fix the place up. It was possible that they could be stuck here the rest of their lives, or at least for a few years.

  Along the trip Cassius had explained to Melody more in depth about how their justice system worked. It had made her shiver with fear to think of how many innocent people they may have killed in the past.

  Soon enough the house was coming together.

  “Overall it’s in rather good shape.” Cassius announced after he came in from inspecting the outside of the house closer.

  “Well that’s good.” Melody smiled at him. “Were you kidding when you asked me to marry you earlier?” She asked.

  “Of course not, why would I do that.” He answered.

  “I don’t know. Well on Earth men talk and say things they don’t mean. You know they promise women things so they get sex.” She explained.

  “Wow, your species seems a bit dishonest. Is that what your ex-boyfriend did to you? Didn’t you tell me his name was Jay? Another thing are you dishonest?” He asked, his face showing some worry.

  “No I’m what you would call one of the good ones. I’m so honest sometimes people take me as being rude. Yes Jay did the whole dishonest thing to me. But I would rather not talk about him anymore.” She laughed.

  “I’d rather have you honest.” He admitted.

  There was a knock on the door, they looked at each other. No one knew they were here, except for the guy who drove them here. However, why would he be back out here?

  Cassius approached a window slowly and looked out front. He turned towards her, “I don’t know who it is. He doesn’t have a uniform on though.”


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