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Scandalous Past

Page 15

by A H S Salt

  “If we take it together it might be less risky. We will take each step as it comes, together.” He said trying to comfort me.

  “Is that a yes then?” He asked, scooping me around, taking it as confirmation.

  “Yes,” I giggled. He was ready to lean down and kiss me when we were interrupted.

  “Finally!” Macey interjected, barging into my room “Now that’s sorted, who’s up for breakfast with Riley?” Macey asked.

  Cillian and I both turned to look at her at the same time.

  “Are you always… just there?” Cillian sighed, annoyed at her timing.

  “I’m right where I need to be. So, let’s go he’s waiting.”

  “Wait…. what?” I asked, completely confused.

  “I asked Riley to meet me for breakfast. So, let’s go there is no time like the present.” Macey smiled, as she checked herself out in my vintage mirror.

  Why would Macey ask to meet Riley for breakfast? She never said anything about meeting up with him, having only admitted last night that she still talks to him.

  Pushing it aside, I got ready, knowing I had to tell my brother before it was in the media for all to see.

  I can’t lie, I don’t like lying to him. He had the right to know Cillian, and I were giving it a go, I dropped my towel quickly putting my underwear on. Cillian stood in front as if blocking Macey from seeing my body. I shook my head smiling, knowing he was going to have to get used to that. We’ve never been shy around each other. That wasn’t going to change just because I was dating Cillian.

  “Can you pass me those denim jeans and the white t-shirt beside them?” I asked Cillian, pointing towards the pile of clothes that were strewn on the floor. It was obvious Macey had been raiding my wardrobe with everything out of place.

  “These?” He queried holding up the two items of clothing.

  “Yeah” I snatched them from him, quickly getting ready.

  “Come on guys” Macey urged making her way out.

  I picked the towel up off the floor and towel-dried my hair preparing to allow it to dry naturally, deciding on a no-makeup day.

  “Ready?” Cillian asked. I nodded, reaching over to my bed for my denim jacket. I turned to check that my outfit was okay, catching a glimpse of us in my long mirror, Cillian, so handsome. His eyes softened with a hint of a smile as he stared back.

  “Do you think it’s too soon to tell other people were dating?” I scrunched my nose up, at how silly it sounded to say the words.

  “It feels right, I don’t want to lie to my best friend. I also don’t want you lying to your brother. The sooner we tell him, the easier it will be.” He gave me a reassuring smile, pulling me into him.

  “Okay, let’s do this.” I turned and reached up to give him a quick kiss.

  When we reached the front door, Cillian patiently waited until I put my worn converse on.

  As we all stood in the elevator side by side, I laid my head on Cillian’s arm, feeling nervous about telling my brother I’m dating his best friend.

  “Cillian…I.” Macey stopped suddenly, I tilted my head to look at my best friend who was never lost for words, just to witness her clam up at whatever she was planning on saying, swaying her body gently, her arms crossed as she had become a little uneasy with what she was trying to say, she glanced at me before looking down to her feet, I knew what she was trying to do. She was trying to say sorry for something, only she was never good at apologies. I diverted my attention to the light-up keypad that displayed the numbers to each floor, her awkwardness had me knowing she was a little unsettled and was trying her hardest to finish.

  “Yeah?” Cillian asked casually, oblivious to what I knew was coming.

  “I want to apologize for my behavior” She declared, followed by a heavy sigh, my best friend saying sorry! She must know I’m serious about Cillian, for she would not be willing to show her soft side to anyone this early on. I smiled, proud of my best friend for doing something I knew she wasn’t comfortable doing to start with.

  “Don’t worry about it, we both are protective of Jessica, just don’t let trouble find her again!” He said sternly. Unconcerned for her feelings. My mouth twisted as I grimaced, unsure if Macey would have scolded him back, but there was nothing but awkward silence.

  “We will take my car, it’s parked out front,” Cillian announced, stepping out the elevator first leading the way, having nothing else to say about the situation.

  Walking towards the foyer, Joe turned to look at us. He stood watching. His smile was larger than life.

  “Good morning, Joe!” I smiled, giving him a wide grin that matched his.

  “Morning, Jessica.” He replied as we all neared the front of the foyer.

  “Are you not going to introduce us?” Cillian asked, stopping at the front desk, extending his hand for a handshake.

  I shifted nervously “Joe, this is Cillian, my-”, I paused and looked to Cillian unsure of what to say.

  “Jessica’s boyfriend,” Cillian said finishing my sentence.

  Joe shook his hand and looked over at me.

  “Good guy?” He asked curiously.

  “Good guy,” I smiled with a wink. He gave me a nod of approval. Cillian looked back and forth, releasing his grip of Joe’s hand, wondering what was happening.

  “Well, I won’t keep you. It was nice to meet you Cillian.” Joe replied. He was a man I hadn’t known long, yet he was always looking out for me.

  “You too, see you later Joe.” Speaking on behalf of us all, and waving as we headed outside towards Cillian’s car.

  “Looks like Joe likes you,” I said as we walked along the narrow pebble pathway towards the street.

  “Everyone likes me” Cillian joked, sneaking his hand around my waist, and pulling me into a tight embrace. I let out a playful shriek as I looked up at him, his lips reached down for mine. I reached my hands around his neck preparing to allow him full reign of my affection.

  “Urgh, there’s a time and place for that guys!” Macey replied. Not in the least bit amused with our public displays of affection.

  We carried on for the sheer fact we knew it was annoying her, but her choice of words had Cillian irritated.

  “So, you’re not using my best friend then?” Macey demanded to know, forcing us to pull away from each other’s embrace.

  I directed my stare at Cillian, unsure how he would take my best friends comment, he glared at Macey, not at all amused by her comment.

  “No, I’m not” he snapped “I can assure you that,” he added, taking hold of my hand, and leading the way forward.

  “Really!” I mouthed, as I passed Macey, who stood with a smug look on her face. It was no doubt her revenge for his bluntness in the elevator.

  “What? I was only asking the question you wanted to know the answer to” she informed me, keeping a few feet behind us. I could have lashed out at her on several occasions at how she approached Cillian with her attitude, but she was only being the Macey I had known her to be around people.

  Being a gentleman, Cillian opened the back door and waited for Macey to take a seat. I made my way around to the front and settled into the passengers’ seat. I turned to Mace who was admiring the interior of Cillian’s luxury Jaguar.

  “Must be nice to have money” Macey whispered, admiring the interior.

  Her comment had me wondering, why having possessions would please a girl. The same with money, sure it can buy nice things - cars, houses, but not happiness. Macey’s comment almost had me asking her why she would say that.

  Is that how Cillian felt when he realized those girls only wanted him for his money?




  Cillian settled into the driver seat, put on his belt and looked into the mirror catching Macey’s attention.

  “Where too?” He asked, starting the engine.

  She pointed ahead “The cafe on the hill, just twenty minutes up ahead.” I knew she was talking ab
out the coffee shop I used to go to before I had to switch up all of my favorite places to avoid Elijah.

  As Cillian set his concentration on the road ahead, I shuffled my body to face her.

  “The cafe on the hill ...really!” I tensed up at the thought of bumping into Elijah. His photography studio was only a few blocks from there, and it was the same café we went to when we were together.

  “Yes,” Macey said “Because we have that thing. You know that thing we have to do today!” Mace nodded her head, confirming that I knew what she was referring to.

  “And they serve the most mouth-watering toasted fruit bread” She added.

  Since when did she go to that café?

  “I’m already missing my hot yoga.” I sighed.

  I was pissed that she had thrown breakfast with my brother into the mix, before confronting Elijah. I turned back to look at the passing traffic. I could do with going to my Bikram to de-stress.

  “Hot yoga?” Cillian questioned.

  I turned my head and stared at Cillian.

  “You haven’t heard of hot yoga? How do you think Jess is so... flexible?” Macey made it sound dirty with how she said the words.

  “Mace!” I nipped at her, feeling stressed out about everything.

  “It’s called Bikram Yoga” Informing him myself “It’s where you do twenty-six postures in a room at around Forty-Two Degrees”

  “And you find that relaxing?” He asked, turning his head for a second waiting for my response.

  “Yeah,” I answered back “It keeps me calm” I added.

  The closer we got to the coffee shop the more anxious I got. Cillian could sense my uneasiness so much so his hand curled around mine with a reassuring squeeze.

  “Everything will be fine,” He said, lifting my hand up to kiss, part of me was more nervous at the possibility of seeing Elijah while being in the company of my brother and Cillian.

  “Well, if it doesn’t go as planned, I’ll be there as a shoulder for Riley to cry on,” Macey replied, playfully dancing her hands on my shoulders

  I rolled my eyes “You’re not helping Mace.” I jerked myself forward, annoyed at my best friend.

  I knew she had something to gain out of this.

  Wasn’t the one-night stand enough?

  Surely, they wouldn’t go there again. We drove up the steep hill approaching the café, Cillian parked right out front. I tried to steady my breathing, as anxiety slowly crept up on me, before exiting the car.

  Macey and Cillian patiently waited for me.

  The sound of my brother’s voice, nearly had me face flat on the sidewalk as I rushed out to greet him.

  “Macey!” He said, his voice strained.

  He looked nervously at my best friend then to me. It was obvious he had no idea we were joining them.

  “Hey, Riley!” I smiled, walking towards him for a hug. He had clearly made an effort, his Black hair was styled to the side, and he was dressed to impress. I held him a little longer unsure of how all of this was going to work out.

  “Macey thought it would be a good idea for all of us to have breakfast this morning. What better way to start your Monday morning?” I said, trying to lighten the mood as I pulled out of his embrace. Cillian went in for a man hug and gave a gentle pat on my brother's back.

  I smiled, at how they embraced one another. Some men wouldn’t dare hug other men but my brother and Cillian had such a tight bond.

  A bond I was scared they would lose once I told my brother.

  “I’m starving!” Macey declared as she led the way into the café. Riley followed behind her, dressed in his typical blue designer jeans and a white t-shirt with his designer boots. A change from his work clothes I was so used to seeing him in. My eyebrows creased, I noticed Riley’s hand was a lot lower on Macey’s back than what either of them should have been comfortable with. My irritation nagged at me, as I sensed more was going on than what I had been told.

  When we entered the cafe, Macey was first to sit in the large round booth close to the front door, I was unsure if I should sit next to Cillian. Macey patted the seat next to her, encouraging me to sit beside her.

  Cillian was quick by my other side, I felt relieved with his moral support. Riley shuffled around to the other side of Macey. I watched him as he smiled at her. I’ve never paid much attention to them when they were in each other’s company, but there was something about them I hadn’t noticed before.


  I tried to distract myself by looking at the menu.

  “What can I get you?” A young vibrant voice had me looking up. A young girl with chocolate brown hair, a shade that matched her eyes perfectly, stood, smiling offering her services. I recognized her from when I would get my coffee some mornings with Elijah.

  “Hi, I remember you!” She said, tilting her pen towards me. Her job involved seeing the same regular customer’s day in day out, yet, she had somehow remembered me, and it had been months since I had last been here.

  “Yeah, same.” I smiled back at her, noticing she was staring at Cillian. The look of a question in her eyes, no doubt wondering if he was the same guy she used to see me with. She decided against saying anything; I can only assume from her uncertainty.

  “We will have the usual please.” Riley interrupted smiling up at the waitress.

  We will have the usual?

  His words had me narrowing my eyes at them.

  Do they come here often? Do they have the same each time? Just how long have they been meeting up for breakfast?

  “Two lattes and fruit bread, lightly toasted.” The young girl said, chuffed at herself having remembered their order.

  I pursed my lips together, knowing you need to spend time with people to get used to what they eat and drink regularly. I crossed my arms and shook my head, my jaw clenched tightly at the sight of them being so bold.

  “Jessica…” Cillian said, a note of caution in his voice.

  Ignoring him I diverted my attention to the waitress.

  “Can we have two cappuccinos please?” I asked with a smile.

  “Sure” she answered back, jotting down our order before turning and walking away.

  I nestled closer to Cillian and moved my hand over his arm darting my stare between Macey and Riley.

  Macey was clearly uncomfortable. She shifted uneasily. My brother sat, staring at me and Cillian somewhat unsure of what was happening as my hand roamed up and down his best friends’ arm. However, I couldn’t contain myself any longer.

  “How long have you both been coming here together?” I said, demanding an answer.

  I should have known better. Macey hadn’t come here to have my back, it was the place they came often, together.

  Riley’s eyes widened, allowing me to see his piercing blue eyes even more clearly. For being six years older than me, I didn’t hold back scolding him. He leaned in closer, to avoid people hearing our conversion.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You’re all over my best friend, Jessica!” He hissed back, he looked around the crowded coffee house to make sure no one was watching us.

  I raised my brow “All over and under him!” I tossed out. My sharp tone cutting like a knife. My brother pulled back as if I had just slapped him across his face.

  Riley’s eyes darted to Cillian, waiting for him to reply.

  “You know how I feel about Jessica.” Cillian’s hand reached for mine on the table, locking our fingers, refusing to deny his feelings for me. Riley watched him being attentive to me.

  “I always knew you harbored some feelings for Jess” Riley sagged back “But this is fucked up”

  I shook my head in annoyance “And you having fucked my best friend isn’t?” They are the last two people I would have thought would ever have hooked up together. My brother is ambitious. Hard-working, calm and collected – well most of the time. And Macey - well my best friend is unpredictable and indiscreet.

  I kicked Macey under the table, pissed at her for lying to
me. She held her hands up trying to defuse the situation

  “Why don’t we all calm down and talk about this?” Macey urged, glancing nervously around the table. She oozed confidence in all the years I had known her. Yet she was unsure how to approach the situation. I knew it was only a matter of time before she would shut down giving the argument a backlashing. I just wasn’t sure if it would be Riley she’d aim it at or me.

  “You knew about them sleeping together?” Riley turned his attention to Macey, even with all this tension at the table, she was quick to add to the conversation.

  “Oh, c’mon Riley, it’s no different to us fucking!” She replied.

  My eyes grew wide open “Wait” I cut in “Have you two slept together since I walked in on you?” I demanded to know.

  Macey wouldn’t meet my gaze. It took all of three seconds to figure it out.

  Oh, my god!

  He’s the guy!

  My brother is the guy Macey was crying over.

  I glared at Macey but I pointed to my brother. Needing them to confirm what I already suspected.

  “Is he the guy?” I waited, watching them for some sort of response.

  “Yeah” My brother announced, throwing his hands up “Are you happy? I’m the guy! I’m fucking your best friend too. I guess that makes us even!” He snarled back at me. My brother’s words hurt like it was some sick game between us. His lips pressed hard as he fought back his anger.

  “Why didn’t you just tell me, why lie? Do you know how worried I was about coming here? Thinking that we would lose you! And here you two were fucking behind my back all this time!” I yelled.

  “And you!” I quickly locked my eyes on Macey.

  “We tell each other everything, why not this?” I asked not taking my eyes off her. She’s been sleeping around behind his back. Sleeping with any man that paid her attention.

  Remembering the night, Cillian caught the creepy guy, just in time from doing whatever he was about to do. And the night before that, she took a stranger into the toilet to fuck.

  “Riley asked me not to, what was I supposed to do Jess?” Macey shrugged, torn between me and Riley.

  I shook my head, trying to take everything in “You lied to me Mace, that’s not okay! If you had come to me and told me you wanted to be with Riley, yeah, I would have been grossed out, but happy for you!” My chin trembled, as I tried to hold back the tears of them both lying to me. The betrayal of my brother and my best friend, keeping a secret for so long.


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