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Scandalous Past

Page 20

by A H S Salt

  I shot him a look “No, you thought I was going to do what I was told for once! I never said yes.” Scolding him, as I put my denim jacket on. I had every intention of spending as much time with Cillian. Elijah throwing a spanner into the works had me needing to face him, now more than ever. Over my dead body was I willing to be kept hidden away from Elijah.

  If he wants a fight, I’ll give him one he won’t forget.

  “Fine! But please just call Macey and ask her to keep you company till I finish some work at the club. I should be back no later than Four o’clock. David can take over then.” He watched me, waiting for a reply. Knowing I would have a chance to go and confront Elijah if I told him what he needed to hear.

  “Okay, I will text Macey and get her to come over to my apartment.” Smiling sweetly, I made my way out to the kitchen. I picked up the pace, lifting my phone up from the counter, swiping it open. I heard Cillian walk towards me as I wrote a text out.

  I flashed my phone at him.

  “Sending,” I said, reassuring him before deleting the text I faked to Macey.

  “Good” Cillian added, swiping his car keys from the kitchen island “I will drop you off, then after work, I will collect you. Maybe we could go for dinner?”

  “Sounds like a plan. We better get going then,” I replied, in a rush making my way towards the hall. Cillian followed behind.

  When we stepped into the elevator, there stood an elegant-looking couple, holding onto each other. They both smiled and gave a nod acknowledging us.

  I stood, staring at the digital numbers above the doors, taking a moment to get lost in my own thoughts.

  It took Cillian giving me a nudge, to grab my attention that the elevator doors had opened. I was surprisingly quiet - something Cillian had picked up on.

  “Jessica, are you sure you’re okay?” He asked me once we stepped out. You mean since my ex-boyfriend has come back into my life and set upon emotionally destroying me in every way possible, then no. That’s what I wanted to say but I didn’t, I had no option but to lie to Cillian.

  “Yeah, I’m just tired that’s all”. I couldn’t even make eye contact with Cillian as we made our way towards his Jaguar in the underground car park. My mind raced having lied to him. It was not a great start to our relationship, but I also needed to confront Elijah.

  My phone vibrated in my back pocket, making me a little on edge. Cillian and I looked at one another at the same time as I reached into my pocket.

  Relief swarmed over me as it was my dad’s name that popped up on my screen.

  “Hi, Dad!” My voice was loud and steady, so Cillian knew it wasn’t another non-responsive call from Elijah. I watched as his posture smoothed out. Both of us got into the car, while Cillian drove, I spoke with my dad.

  “Next month. Why so long?” I replied back to my dad telling me the salon wouldn’t be ready until September. I felt slightly relieved it wasn’t this month. It gave me more time to spend with Cillian, and sort out the issues with my ex. I don’t think I would have been able to handle all three.

  “Okay. Thanks for calling and letting me know dad,” I said, scanning the street watching everyone going on about their day.

  “No, why should there be?” I was caught off guard by my dad asking me if there was something I forgot to tell him. I wasn’t sure if he meant Cillian, or if he knew something about Elijah. I was relieved when he told me he knew my secret since it was apparently in the local gossip pages. That told me it was Cillian he knew about, some tabloid must have posted some photos of us somewhere, by the sounds of it.

  “I’m sorry dad, I should have been the one to tell you and mom.” His tone had my eyebrows raise in disbelief, his voice was loud but not angry, he seemed happy that I had hooked up with my brother’s best friend.

  “I’ll try and come by this week, and we can talk then, okay?,” I said goodbye to my dad before hanging up. I turned to see Cillian smiling.

  “Why so smug?” I asked curiously.

  He shot me a quick glance “Your dad has known for a long time that I had feelings for you. He was hoping it was mutual.”

  “My dad was encouraging you to date me?” The words sounded a lot different in my head. But none the less I was shocked by Cillian’s confession. “When you were with Elijah, he always spoke of his hopes you would find a man like me. Those were his words, not mine.” He was quick to note, followed by a wide grin.

  My dad has always been fond of Cillian, but to think he was hoping I would find someone like him or date him, was just like my dad. I knew he only wanted the best for me. He regretted every day not being able to see through Elijah. He felt it made him a bad father, not knowing his daughter was being manipulated and mistreated. Judging himself harshly after I went to him for help.

  The car journey to my apartment passed in a blur, from Cillian telling me about the times my dad had encouraged him to ask me out for dinner even though he knew I was with Elijah.




  “What’s the problem with the salon?” Cillian asked as we pulled up outside of my apartment. Getting back to why my dad had called me, to begin with.

  “It’s been pushed back to next month before we can get the keys. Something to do with the contractors.” I replied. Exiting the car.

  “I’ll have a word with your dad, to see if any of my properties have what he’s looking for”.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I said gently.

  “I want to,” He said, rounding the car.

  Cillian and my dad were close by the sounds of it, I knew to leave the business side of things to them. If my dad took Cillian up on an offer of premises then so be it.

  As we made our way up the pathway to the apartment building, I took in the beauty of the multicolored leaves gathering around the maple trees, which lay buried alongside the path.

  When I viewed the building this past summer with my dad after he had taken it upon himself to rent it for me. I was captivated at how stunning the walk up to the building was, with all the blossoming trees. I knew it was for me, anything that has a pretty view I’m a sucker for.

  I didn’t need to pull my keys out to gain entry; Joe had seen us walk up and was already holding the door open for us. His face was strained-looking, catching me off guard, I had only ever seen him happy and upbeat.

  “Is everything alright, Joe?” I asked, stepping into the foyer. I didn’t know much about Joe, but I had seen him most days since moving into the building, I could tell something had him worried.

  “Jessica, I’m glad you’re here,” He rushed, closing the door behind us, glancing around as if looking for someone.

  “There was a man… a young man he was drunk. Well, I’m assuming he was drunk…he was asking for you. He was swearing a lot, not making much sense. He demanded to know what floor you stayed on.” He rushed the words, I tried my best to keep up with him. I knew instantly it was Elijah.

  Cillian and I glanced at each other simultaneously.

  He was clearly thinking the same as me. Elijah!

  What the hell was he thinking coming here! My hands squeezed tightly together, forming fists. Poor Joe, he was clearly shaken up.

  Cillian took a step back, putting his phone to his ear and turning his back, so I couldn’t hear who he was talking with.

  “Come and sit down, Joe.” I coaxed him back to his chair, his face was pale with shock as he took his cap off laying it on top of the marble desk. His hand roamed through his thick mop of white hair, as he carried on telling me about the stranger he encountered. I couldn’t lose my shit right now, even though my hands were shaking and my insides were trembling, I had to make sure Joe was okay.

  “Jessica,” He whispered, peering behind me to make sure Cillian was out of sight. His eyes were heavy with tiredness.

  “The young man was saying something about- she will pay for doing this to me.” Joe’s eyes darted all over his desk to several monitors’ he had p
laced underneath, he moved his fingers over the computer keyboard then he tapped the screen of one of his monitors.

  “Do you know him?” His voice was low but trembling. He pushed his chair back slightly, giving me room to look down at his computer screen, having paused it. My mouth snapped shut, as I tried to keep the bile from rising in my throat. It was Elijah; he had lost weight since the last time I saw him. His hands were flat on the top of Joe’s desk, his face blazing with fury. I peered up behind where I was standing, the camera sitting in the corner was peering down at the perfect angle. Elijah must not have noticed he was being recorded, he usually is wiser, and much sneakier. He would never get caught doing something he knew could get him into trouble. Especially coming near me. Why let his guard down, what exactly was he up to?

  Joe quickly shut the screen off. I looked up from the desk to see Cillian coming towards us.

  “I should call the police,” Joe stressed, standing and lifting the cordless phone from the desk.

  Cillian smacked his hand over Joes.

  “There’s no need. I have security that will be watching the building from here on out.” Cillian’s words were stern. He shot Joe a look, waiting for him to put the phone back down.

  He pulled his hand free from Cillian’s.

  “So, Jessica will be safe from that lunatic?” Joe’s words had me hugging him for caring about me.

  “I’ll be fine Joe, everything is okay,” I assured, releasing him, to join Cillian on the other side.

  “Okay.” He nodded in agreeance.

  “But, I’m pulling double shifts, he won’t get past me,” He said, taking a seat back at his desk, trying to unwind from Elijah’s threats.

  “Joe, you look exhausted, go home and get some sleep. I have Macey coming over, then Cillian will stop by to pick me up later.” I felt guilty having to lie to Joe too, but Elijah was my problem they didn’t need to be dragged into my drama. I knew I had no chance of getting passed Joe if he was to stay. Particularly not now after the stunt Elijah pulled.

  “No!” He announced adamantly.

  I stared at Joe for a lingering second. Determined to get him home.

  “Joe, your shift no doubt ended hours ago. Please go home, get some rest and come back later when you’re due back on.” I smiled at him, hoping he would agree with me.

  After a long pause, he caved.

  “I suppose you’re right. I’m no good if I’m tired. But Jessica, if at any time, you need-”. He sighed trying his best to comfort me, but too exhausted to finish his sentence.

  He stood from his desk.

  “Don’t worry, Joe. And thank you for looking out for me” I replied, watching him lift his anorak before walking towards the door. The poor soul was pale from exhaustion. I wondered if he had a wife and family to go home to, someone to hold him and take away the stress he had gained at the expense of Elijah.

  Cillian and I both followed, saying our goodbyes before he left.

  “Shit!” I hissed, as soon as Joe was gone.

  I turned, walking frantically towards the elevator “He can’t get away with this; he’s gone too far Cillian,” I stressed, turning my head noticing Cillian was walking behind me, and not with me. He was scanning everywhere I walked. Cillian was quiet more so than usual, I was surprised he wasn’t demanding we leave and go to his apartment.

  I pressed the button over and over, but the damn elevator was nowhere in sight. After waiting so long, I decided it was best just to take the stairs.

  We held onto the metal railings making our way up the empty staircase.

  “Jessica?” Cillian said, breaking the silence.


  “I have something I have to tell you.” We didn’t stop, we kept going, it was only the second floor and we still had three more to go.

  “Why do I get the feeling it’s not good?” I nervously asked, worried he had gone and done something stupid or sent one of his henchmen after Elijah. I could only hope he had no idea of his whereabouts before I got to him first.

  “Do you remember when you asked how I knew where you stayed? The night I took you home?”

  I stopped “Yeah..” I answered hesitantly.

  Worry stirred in my chest, unsure of where he was going with his conversation “Riley told you” I added, staring at him.

  He shook his head “It wasn’t Riley” He continued to take the stairs, two at a time. I hurried to keep up which had me grip the railing so tight my knuckles ached.

  I paused, catching my breath “Cillian?” I panted “Can you slow down and tell me what the fuck is going on”

  He turned, staring down at me as he stood at the top of the stairs.

  “I own this building. It was me that your dad came too, asking for help in keeping you safe from Elijah. He knew I would do anything for his family especially you, he thought he was doing the right thing.” I appreciated his honesty, but his confession had me confused.

  Shocked, my throat tightened and my eyes narrowed.

  “So, you knew all along about Elijah?” I asked, in a choked voice.

  “Not all of it, your dad didn’t go into detail. He just said that you needed a fresh start after a breakup.”

  In a daze, and still preoccupied with Elijah and his antics from earlier. I made my way up the rest of the stairs, ignoring Cillian and not muttering a single word. I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t even know he owned this building. Apparently, there was a lot I still didn’t know about him.

  Oval nightclub, casinos, restaurant and now this building. By the sounds of it, Cillian had his money invested in a lot more than I could possibly fathom.

  “So, Joe… he’s on your payroll?” I eventually asked, pushing the landing door open, and making my way to my apartment door. I was fully aware that Cillian didn’t have security in his building, was it just mine, did he do that for me, I wondered.

  “Yes,” He said “I own a security firm too”

  I rolled my eyes “Of course you do” I glanced at him. He stared at me long and hard “Don’t be like that” He said tightly. Cillian held my hands in his.

  I focused on him “I’m sorry” I muttered, taking a deep breath in. Being childish wouldn’t solve anything.

  “Security was stationed here at your dad’s request, he wanted someone to be here, in case something happened, now I know why” Cillian added.

  Pulling my hands free from his “Does Joe know that’s why he’s here?” I asked, turning the keys to enter my apartment.

  “No, just that the building needed a security-maintenance guy,” He replied.

  I held the door open, gesturing Cillian in “Why didn’t you just tell me? Why hide the fact you owned this building?” I asked.

  “Your dad warned me not to. He needed you safe, and to be able to get eyes on you if anything was to happen. I didn’t ask questions. I would do anything for you - even before we were a couple. Occasionally I would pull the CCTV footage up to check that you were okay” His voice grew softer.

  I closed the door over and locked it, not risking my safety. The thought of Elijah knocking on my door had anxiety seeping in.

  “You watched me?” I asked, surprised at how calm my voice sounded.

  “That’s stalking.” I teased, I couldn’t be angry at him or my dad they were only protecting me. Deep down, I was grateful that I had a family that cared so much about me.

  “It’s not stalking. It’s called…..looking after my interests,” He smiled, then gently smacked his hands against my bottom, hauling me closer. The scent of him intoxicating and luring. It had me resting against him and savoring notes of his aftershave.

  No matter how much I tried to push my fears aside, I still was plagued with the video footage of my ex downstairs.

  I closed my eyes “I just want Elijah to move on and leave me alone” I said numbly. Cillian rubbed his hand gently up and down my back.

  “I know you do,” He said softly.

  “Thank you, Cillian. For everything”
My voice barely a whisper, I wrapped my arms tightly around him and squeezed a little tighter. We stood holding one another in silence for a minute or so until Cillian brought me back to reality.

  “You don’t need to thank me. I would do anything to keep you safe, Jess” He whispered.

  I smiled to myself. He really would do anything.

  “I have security arriving downstairs within the next hour. They will take shifts to watch the building and this landing as well,” Cillian declared, stroking his hand through my long hair something he did often, almost as if it was relaxing for him.

  I opened my eyes and pulled away from him. I understood him wanting to protect me but to have men watch my every move had me riled.

  God damn it! My mind raced. The thought of being locked away and unable to leave my apartment didn’t sit well with me.

  “Cillian-” I snapped, my brows knitted together. I could see he knew my mood was rapidly changing.

  He held his hand up “It’s not up for discussion, Jessica!” He warned. He turned and walked towards the living room refusing to argue with me.

  “I don’t need a babysitter.” My jaw clenched in frustration as I chased after him. I grabbed him aggressively by the arm, forcing him to stop.

  He turned “It’s not babysitting” He glanced down to my hand holding him firmly. I followed his gaze.

  “I’m sorry” I muttered, dropping my hand “I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that” I added. A knot in my stomach, twisted. My temper had got the better of me. And unlike Elijah, Cillian didn’t react by smacking me across my face. Something that my ex did often to keep me in line. Instead, Cillian hauled me to him, pulling me so close, so I couldn’t storm off. His gaze was intense, I couldn’t look away. He was possessive and struck confidence when it came to getting his own way. My cheeks flushed, turned on by his tight and secure hold of me. In some strange way, his proprietorial behavior had my thighs pressing together, trying to prevent the pulse that vibrated through my sex.

  Embarrassed, I squirmed a little.

  “Security will be here no matter how much you put up a fight. Your safety is my responsibly,” He declared.


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