The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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And of course any evidence presented, even backed by substantiated research and proof, that contradicts the official position is either blatantly ignored, subtly swept aside or ruthlessly destroyed to protect current, accepted wisdom and knowledge and thus the positions of those in whose best interests it is to deceive and manipulate us for their own nefarious ends.
As already stated, the world has been co-opted by a covert group, generally known as the Illuminati, or as I will refer to them in this book, the ‘Elite’. This group has been in existence under several names and guises for several millennia and its central ‘core’ comprises of the same thirteen bloodlines that have remained virtually unchanged since Sumerian times and probably long before that. Since those times, these people have infiltrated and hijacked almost every aspect of human life, including governments and the multi-national corporations, to ensure that they remain in control of all humanity and they have lied on a grand scale, cheated, stolen, manipulated, murdered and committed genocide throughout all recorded history, in order to facilitate, sustain and further the continuance of their own power-base and immense wealth.
“At present, more than 90 percent of the world's wealth, in a world of six billion people, is controlled by less than 10,000 individuals, mostly from two dozen families who can trace their blueblood lineage back many hundreds of years. At the head of the line is the Rothschild family, which controls all the others. It has been estimated that the aggregate Rothschild wealth is at a minimum 5,000 times greater than the annual gross national product of the United States, although it's difficult to calculate, because the Rothschild octopus (and its loyal lieutenants of the Rockefeller family) literally own the US money supply, the Federal Reserve and all the major banks of the Western world. Henry Kissinger is the chief lieutenant of David Rockefeller, who is the American commissar of the Rothschild Empire which runs just about everything. There are no real enemies, only those created by the powers that be to create the chaotic conditions to both cull the population and profit from the sales of weapons to both sides. It has been that way throughout the 20th century, and doubtless long before.” John Kaminski, independent researcher
These people do not represent any single country, race, political persuasion or religion. Rather they are a hybrid of all of these elements, transcending all countries, races and religions. In fact a good case can be made for suggesting that countries, racial divisions, political divides and religions were actually manufactured by them as part of a plan to ‘divide and conquer’ which has long been a central plank of their strategy for the total subjugation of mankind.
If you believe that senior politicians, prime ministers and presidents control the destiny of the world, think again. These people are merely puppets of the Elite, bought-and-paid-for lackeys who occupy the lower fringes of the Elite pyramid. They are often groomed from birth, often because of bloodline, to fulfil their apparent positions of ‘power’ and are controlled by the threat of losing their lucrative positions of apparent influence (and worse); such is the forward and long-term strategic planning of this cabal. They are nothing if not extremely patient in the pursuit of their master-plan for absolute and total world domination.
“I have this feeling man, cos you know there's a handful of people actually run everything. That's true, it's provable. A handful, a very small elite group run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media. I have this feeling whoever’s elected President, matter what you promise on the campaign trail, 'blah, blah, blah', when you win, you go into this smoky room in the basement of the White House with the twelve industrialist, capitalist scum-f**ks who got you in there and you're in this smoky room and the little screen comes down and a big guy with a cigar says 'roll the film'. And it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before... that looks suspiciously off the grassy knoll. And then the film ends, the screen goes up and the lights come on and they say to the new guy, 'Any questions Mr. President?'” Bill Hicks, comedian, shortly before his premature death from cancer in 1994
“World events do not happen by accident, they are made to happen. Whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, they are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings”. Denis Healey, former British deputy Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and member of the secretive Elite-run and controlled Bilderberg group who are in effect the real world political policy-makers.
So what exactly is their clearly-stated and documented ‘master-plan’? It is actually nothing less than total control of all of the Earth’s resources, finances, military and populations. Their aim is to create a society that would make the world described by George Orwell in ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley in ‘Brave New World’, look like a summer Sunday afternoon picnic. They plan to impose a world-wide military dictatorship via the mandatory micro-chipping of all, a reduction of population to less than 500 million (95% less than the current figure), a fascist-communitarian one-world government, a one-world-bank cashless-society linked to your implanted micro-chip and a society of slaves (the ones ‘lucky’ enough to survive the cull) controlled by mind-altering chemicals and both subcutaneously implanted and remote electronics, to serve them and their families. All this of course would then be controlled and enforced by a one-world army. This is exactly where we are headed and soon, unless the world wakes up to their sordid scheme.
Everything that happens in the world is but one tiny step further down the road to achieving this hellish scenario. They are not so stupid as to make the mistake of trying to achieve their nefarious ends by making radical changes in a series of giant leaps, rather they use the tactic of metaphorically speaking, ‘keeping the frog in the pot’ by heating the water one degree at a time instead of throwing the frog straight into the boiling water, as it would very quickly escape, albeit badly scalded. This is a tactic described aptly and succinctly by researcher David Icke as the ‘totalitarian tiptoe’.
It is probably worth relating at this point that the protection of the mainstream view is also self-policing to a very large extent. Most research of a scientific nature, indeed most research of any kind is usually funded by either government or more often by private commercial interests. In either case, scientists will not receive research funding unless they are prepared to produce results that reflect the desired outcome of the paymaster. This may be a cynical view, but it is one which has been proven to be absolutely true over the long term. Indeed, given the circumstances, it would only be remarkable if the truth was the diametric opposite of this.
There is a large group of people out there who do not believe anything that contradicts their own, already-established world-view, despite what evidence can be brought to bear that shows it to be incorrect.
'No credible evidence’ and 'where is the proof?' are the constant weapons used against whatever argument is put forward. This is an almost classic position for a 'sceptic' or 'skeptic' if you prefer and as well as being used by those who automatically gainsay anything and everything that does not match their belief system, is a classic tactic used by professional shills and gatekeepers in their attempts to prevent the real truth from seeping into the mainstream.
If you have never encountered the term ‘shill’ before, this is someone who is an agent of disinformation, someone who deliberately plants or promotes false information or provides false evidence to discredit so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ in order to deceive and deflect from the truth. For example they may inhabit Internet forums to hijack discussions or even have their own TV/radio shows to spread false ‘truths’ that have the appearance of being anti-establishment in order to apportion the blame away from those really responsible. They are usually paid handsomely for doing so and all shills worth their name, or at least their paymasters, know that 'proof' is an illusion and use this to their advantage at every given opportunity. The problem with this constant demand for proof is that as any first year student of philosophy will tell us, absolute proof of anything is a complet
ely unattainable goal.
By way of an example, if someone is shot in the chest and dies how do we know that it was the actual bullet entering the body that killed them? Stupid question you may say perhaps, but in reality the best we can hope for is to say that on the greater balance of probability it was the bullet that killed them. Other possibilities, no matter how negligible are that they were killed by the utter shock of being shot before the bullet could inflict any physical damage or that they were killed by a blood clot to the heart at exactly the same time as the bullet hit and which was subsequently destroyed by the bullet, creating an impression that it was the bullet impact that caused death. Highly unlikely obviously, but not impossible and that is the key issue. All this may be a little tenuous perhaps, but the point I am attempting to make is that 100% absolute, cast-iron proof of anything is an illusion. What we all believe to be true is based purely on our own personal experience and belief system and also what we believe to be the balance of probability – sometimes an exceptionally high 99:1 and sometimes 51:49, but I do not believe that 100:0 is ever possible, in-line with the basic tenets of philosophy. However most people’s lifetime of programming does not allow them to consider or even be aware of this fact.
This pre-programmed mind-set is exceptionally prevalent in academia also. Supposedly ‘intelligent’, well-educated members of the scientific, political, commercial, media and educational communities possess opinions that have been moulded by decades of propaganda from primary school through University, backed up by the self-over-estimation of their own intelligence, influenced in no small measure by society’s misleading norm that presents ‘knowledge’ as synonymous with ‘intelligence’. To try to break that programming by offering up strong circumstantial evidence and alternative, considered hypotheses about anything that contradicts their mind-set, is often an impossible task.
For example, in recent ‘research’, performed by Chris French BA PhD CPsychol FBPsS FRSA of Goldsmith’s College, University of London (impressive credentials eh?) he determined that; “Those who trust authority are less likely to believe in conspiracies and those who distrust authority are more likely to believe in conspiracies.” Money and time well spent there, then Chris.
Obvious really is it not? If anyone distrusts authority then it is common-sense to assume that they are less likely to believe what they are told by them, but is not this all really missing the point? Surely the real question should be not under what circumstances are people more or less likely to believe in ‘conspiracies’, but whether or not those ‘conspiracies’ are supported by credible evidence. However in the fantasy-world according to the likes of Dr. French, ‘conspiracies’ are obviously not real, they exist only as a result of a fault in their believers’ psyches.
According to French also, believers in conspiracies were “more likely to be delusional” than those who did not believe in them. French defined ‘delusional’ as for example those people who answered ‘yes’ when asked questions such as ‘do you believe you are being tracked by your mobile phone’? Again, is that not a circular ‘proof’ of what is after all only his opinion, or is it just me who is marching out of step?
There is no attempt made to even consider the question of whether it is possible to be tracked by mobile phones or even whether it is actually happening, which are the real issues to my mind, but then I do not have an impressively long list of letters after my name, accompanied by a position at one of the world’s premier seats of education, so it naturally follows in the mind-sets of these people (and indeed most people per se, who have been conditioned to believe that educational qualifications equal intelligence) that it must be my logic that is faulty.
When French was confronted on his illogical views by a well-known so-called ‘conspiracy’ researcher and author, French told him that there was ‘no evidence’ for what this researcher was saying in his many well-researched books on the topic of a global conspiracy to impose a ‘New World Order’. The response to this by the said researcher was to ask if he had ever read any of his books (which by the way contain an absolute mountain of evidence to support his assertions) and was told ‘no’. How very typical. These people are not interested in circumstantial proof or evidence if it goes against their set-in-stone mind-sets or presents a viewpoint that contradicts their unassailable opinions and yet they will openly accuse their detractors of exactly the same tactics.
In my experience, people who refuse to look at both sides of the argument have no high moral ground or even credibility at all. I have met dozens of these people over the years, people who have only ever seen the view of reality as propounded by the mainstream and yet dismiss one’s own position as being ‘ludicrous’ or ‘crazy’ despite the fact that I am the one who has looked at two sides of the coin in order to formulate my opinion and not simply just one side, as they have.
There is a famous organisation known as the ‘Sceptics Society’ devoted to ‘promoting scientific scepticism and resisting the spread of pseudoscience, superstition and irrational beliefs’. It is an assumption among most people that it is ‘healthy’ to be sceptical, but I believe that to be untrue, if not downright misleading. It is healthy to question and research controversial issues, but that is not the same as scepticism whose adherents maintain a fixed position and then filter-out all evidence that does not fit that stance. They will always attempt to find another means of explaining away something that challenges their immutable beliefs and it is almost irrelevant whether or not that argument is illogical or contradicted by the evidence or not, just so long as it allows them a ‘get-out clause’ to maintain their fixed view.
In any case, we should ask who decides what is ‘pseudoscience, superstition and irrational beliefs’? The answer is that they themselves do, of course and so we find ourselves back within the circular logic-trap again. They devote themselves to protecting the so-called scientific and societal norms and received wisdom, to which they cling with almost touching loyalty and vociferously attack anyone who dares to question them and/or put forward an alternative viewpoint, no matter how well-researched or pertinent it may be.
“That’s what a closed mind does for you. You don’t research to discover anew; you research to confirm your current beliefs. Most of academia is another religion, another belief system repelling all boarders. Academia often condemns and ridicules religion when it is one [itself] and operates in the same way. What unites all religions? Concrete minds.” David Icke, geopolitical researcher
Unfortunately, all of academia has almost completely abandoned the core principles of good science in their disturbing quest to make money at all costs for their corporate paymasters, ultimately the Elite bloodlines. Rather than asking pertinent questions of nature and relating and accurately interpreting the answers provided by the data, these ‘scientists’ plot the desired outcome based on pre-determined criteria and then defend it at all costs, even if this necessitates the misrepresentation, falsification and distortion of data and thus results, to achieve their ends.
“The downfall of ‘science’ is upon us. Eroded by the intellectual dishonesty of those who promote GMOs, pesticides, vaccines and fluoride in the name of ‘science’, the reputation of science itself has lost tremendous ground over the last few years. Even though I am scientifically educated, I believe today's misappropriation of ‘science’ for corporate greed is perhaps the most destructive, pathological force that has yet been unleashed upon human civilization.” Mike Adams, Natural News, January 2011.
To say that this approach to research is entirely unscientific is an understatement of some magnitude. It would appear to be that in all disciplines, Elite, corporate profits, personal prestige and maintaining the ‘illusion’ are far more important than accurate conclusions. Whether we are discussing archaeology, astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, physics, biology, chemistry, history or virtually anything else you can name, the huge majority of scientists and academics will do whatever it takes to defend their pre-determined positions
and protect their own livelihoods and interests and of course, those of their employers, ultimately the Elite families when traced to the top of the pyramid. No wonder it is virtually impossible to penetrate the barriers erected by medical professionals with the real facts about vitamin D, sunscreen lotion and cancer for example. These ‘scientific-thinkers’ have already had their ‘beliefs’ instilled by the Elite-owned pharmaceutical cartel’s propaganda and they will steadfastly defend those beliefs even to the detriment of the health and well-being of their patients and the human race as a whole.
Today's scientists unfortunately, are not even trained to be truly scientific thinkers. They are often just indoctrinated followers of a particular vested interest’s own private cult (usually the Elite’s, when traced back to source). For example, some ‘scientists’ belong to the Cult of Pharmacology and they believe (or so they would have us believe) that pharmacological solutions are the answer to all health issues and that natural remedies are mere ‘quackery’. Whilst others belong, for example, to the Cult of Climatology, where scientific evidence proving that global-warming is not human-caused or linked to CO2 emissions, is ignored or replaced with ‘facts’ that are not allowed to be questioned and are repeated ad nauseum by the controlled media and complicit corporate interests, until we poor, deluded souls assume that they must be true.