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The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality

Page 6

by John Hamer

  Science rarely advances based entirely on new research, new ideas and data. Instead, these new discoveries often founder against an impenetrable barrier erected by the established scientific community in protection of their own positions and at the behest of their all-powerful masters. Sometimes, new ideas may be consigned to the background for decades or even centuries before finally being seriously considered by the scientific community as worthy of being adopted as ‘truth’ and so the cycle continues on. A classic example of this was the ruthlessly enforced ‘Earth as the centre of the Universe’ belief that was eventually replaced with the current sun-centric solar system model but not before many scientists and philosophers were condemned and even killed for their unacceptable belief that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe. Indeed it appears to be the case that ‘new’ ideas, provable or not, are only accepted once the surrounding infrastructure is adjusted accordingly over time to accommodate them within the controlled paradigm.

  “It is often the case that the more you know, the more you realise you don't know. In other words, you see that so many assumptions of knowledge were just that - assumptions. This is the same for everyone to an extent, because there is so much to know, but with mainstream science it is part of the very fabric of the way it operates. The disease of tuberculosis used to be known as consumption, but science is infected with the disease of ‘assumption’. The assumptions are then constantly repeated; appear in the school books, technical and science journals, and morph, simply through repetition, into accepted 'everybody-knows-that, fact'. But it's not; and if we are going to understand anything about reality, who we are and where we are, we don't need textbooks full of assumptions - we need blank sheets of paper and open minds. We live on a planet orbiting the sun with a few others, but we know next to nothing about any of it. The more technology explores the Solar System the clearer it becomes that previous scientific (actually unscientific) assumptions were wrong and often way out.” David Icke, researcher, June 2011.

  For good examples of ‘assumption’ becoming de facto reality, consider the following non-facts; the ‘Big Bang’ theory, human evolution from apes and the dinosaurs being wiped-out by a meteorite, theory. Ask almost anyone in the world how the Universe came about, how our species developed or how the dinosaurs died-out and they will invariably spout the above ‘party-lines’ without even considering that these are not established, proven-beyond-all-doubt facts but merely theories – and all fairly insubstantial ones at that. And please bear in mind that these are just three small examples of the information taught to our children in school as indisputable ‘facts’.

  The ‘Big Bang’ theory for example, is based upon the premise that gravity is the strongest of the ‘universal’ forces known to physicists (the Standard Model) and yet even a small fridge magnet can lift-up a paperclip in defiance of the gravitational pull of the entire Earth. If we were to imagine our Sun as a speck of dust, the next nearest star would be another speck of dust around four miles away and yet if we consider the gravitational attraction between two grains of dust four miles apart, that is the miniscule force which the Standard Model relies upon to account for most of the workings of our universe. It all seems somehow more than a little unconvincing to me, but if any mainstream scientist speaks out on that or any other ‘accepted truth’, he will be dismissed from his position, denied research funding and will find it difficult if not impossible to secure gainful employment anywhere.

  All of this totally discredits the widely-accepted, but in my view at best, highly debatable idea that science is the ultimate fount of knowledge. There are many ways to gain knowledge about the world around us and mainstream science is but one of the least convincing of them. Other less conventionally accepted methods include such as meditation, communing with nature, hypnosis, astrology (true astrology and not the execrable, popularised version) or even spiritual journeys with the help of psychotropic plant extracts and I for one would humbly venture to suggest that these routes to personal knowledge and wisdom are the more reliable ones, regardless of the fact that all of these methods are either ridiculed and/or legislated against by the mainstream. In short, science has totally failed us, deliberately so I believe as it concentrates its efforts solely on the physical and it has never so much as attempted or even come close to providing answers on important, esoteric issues such as the meaning of life, the nature of human consciousness and the nature and purpose of the human soul. To do so would only jeopardise the power of the Elite by imparting knowledge of our true natures and thus empowering the masses.

  “The Universe is not only stranger than you may suppose, it is stranger than you can suppose.” J P S Haldane, geneticist.

  Science will never answer our questions as long as it is run by a profit-focused, Elite-controlled scientific community that has no real interest in truth-seeking and really only exists in any case, to serve the interests of the Elite families in the generating of obscene profits and to maintain the false reality they have carefully created and nurtured and not as they would have you believe, for the furtherance of human knowledge or to create a ‘better world’ for us all.

  So, where does all this radical and possibly confusing information leave us? To discover the complete truth, please read the rest of this book. I am sure you can now see that a chillingly different picture of the world as it is really is beginning to emerge as the ancient bloodlines’ desperate race to complete their great ‘work of ages’ now shifts into high gear.

  But, if this all sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic, then this book is probably not for you and I would respectfully suggest that you replace it back in its place on the shelf and go ‘back to sleep’ along with the rest of the populace. Before you take that drastic step though, it may just be worthwhile to investigate some of the claims I have made in the preceding pages. Since the advent of the Internet, this task has been made much easier for us all and even a cursory search of the topics I have touched-upon will prove extremely revealing.

  If however, these words have stirred something within your soul and awakened an interest or a desire to find out more and/or actually do something about it, even if only for the sake of the future of your own children and their children, then please read on. By adopting a completely open-minded approach to the many, often deeply disturbing aspects of the huge conspiracy I am about to reveal in the forthcoming pages, the truth will indeed set you free, to paraphrase what someone once famously said......

  Evolution – the greatest deception of our times?

  “Of course, only a fool would question the theory of evolution, even though the theory is most closely associated with a man who, along with other members of his clan, was a key figure in the eugenics movement and even though the concept of natural selection just happens to nicely compliment the eugenics agenda, which in turn, dovetails nicely with the agenda of the 'peak oil' crowd, whose theory, as we all know, rests upon the notion of oil as a 'fossil fuel,' which is taken as a given by most of the scientific community, which just goes to show you, I suppose, that you shouldn't always listen to the scientific community.” David McGowan, 25th July 2006.

  Are the origins of the human race really what we have been taught and assumed all our lives to be true? The received wisdom, relayed to our grand-parents, parents, ourselves and our children, is that we all evolved from single-celled organisms, born of amino acids combining together in the ‘primordial soup’, through a series of greater and more complex organisms to the ape-like creatures that were our supposed ancestors and thence to human beings. No arguments or discussions as to the veracity or proof of this proposition are tolerated. It is a fact, end of story – period. Accept it or be ridiculed and worse.

  I believe that this is an absurd and monstrous deception and that we are no more descended directly from single-celled creatures or even apes than we are from unicorns or goblins. Evolution, or to be more precise the ‘theory of evolution’ is exactly that, a theory and an extremely tenuous one at that.
There is a veritable mountain of evidence to contradict this premise and also to suggest that Darwin was part of the overall conspiracy and grand deception that continues to this day. He is even rumoured by some sources to have confessed in anguish in his last days, to the hoax he was instrumental in inflicting on a gullible humanity and indeed some of his quoted statements late in his life directly bear-out that premise.

  My research has personally led me to believe that evolution was conceived and promoted deliberately as a way of discrediting and thus replacing organised religion as a belief system. By the second half of the nineteenth century, organised, mainstream religion was just beginning to lose its vice-like grip as a control mechanism of the subdued masses and there was a small but growing band of people who were questioning the unthinkable – was Christianity or indeed any religion, the truth after all? To combat this dangerous turn of events, what was needed was another false creed to supplant organised religion. It does not matter to the Elite what false paradigms we believe in, just so long as we believe in something, anything that will lead us away from the real truth. So, in the mid-nineteenth century, they simply decided to replace their fading, old-fashioned myth of faith-based creationism with something more in line with the fashionable, brave new world of scientific discoveries, hence the more credible, modern, ‘scientific’ myth of evolution. As alluded-to previously, it is also, I believe, more than coincidence that the theory of evolution was not only originally propounded by Elite eugenicists but also that the tenets of evolutionary dogma nicely complement the fundamental principles of eugenics.

  “The model of human prehistory built-up by scholars over the past two centuries is sadly and completely wrong, and a deliberate tool of disinformation and mind control.” Michael Cremo and Richard L Thompson, ‘The Hidden History of the Human Race’

  This extremely revealing book, exhibits in great detail and with literally thousands of case studies and examples, how we have been duped into believing that homo-sapiens as a species is much less than one million years old and is a product of macro-evolution from apes. However Cremo and Thompson have uncovered literally hundreds of examples of mainstream archaeological cover-up operations, to prevent the truth becoming widely known. And that truth is simply that there are in existence many, many examples of human remains, some dating back several hundred million years!

  One simple example:

  “In Macoupin County, Illinois, the bones of a human were recently found on a coal-bed capped with two feet of slate rock, ninety feet below the surface of the Earth. The bones, when found, were covered with a crust or coating of hard glossy matter, as black as coal itself, but when scraped away left the bones white and natural.” ‘The Geologist’ magazine, December 1862.

  This coal was at least 286 million years old and may be as old as 320 million years, way, way beyond any timescales admitted by the mainstream regarding the possible antiquity of our species. Any such discoveries these days are never reported in the mainstream media, despite there being thousands of examples constantly occurring.

  Interestingly, this distortion of facts in an attempt to ‘prove’ a huge falsehood to be the truth, has resulted in the classic, Hegelian ‘evolution versus creation’ argument to keep us all busy and distracted from searching for the actual truth. In other words, never mind the real facts, let’s all waste our time arguing the rights and wrongs of two false creeds. Strange is it not that if one does not subscribe to the religion of evolution, then one is automatically dubbed a ‘creationist’ with all the negative connotations and inherent stupidity and ignorance that this has been manipulated and engineered to imply?

  It is also known that Dr. Thomas Henry Huxley, a stalwart of the Elite establishment, Fellow of the Royal Society and a prominent Freemason, strongly encouraged and even cajoled Charles Darwin to publish his theory. Huxley would eventually become the ‘official spokesman’ for Darwin and even became known as ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’, such was his forceful assertions of the truth of the theory. He was also the grandfather of Aldous Huxley, the author of ‘Brave New World’ a novel written in the 1930s that demonstrates an uncannily accurate depiction of a future society of oppressed masses in a similar vein to Orwell’s ‘1984’. Another grandson was Julian Huxley, famous as the first secretary-general of UNESCO, a branch of the Elite-controlled United Nations. Coincidence? I shall let the reader draw his/her own conclusions.

  Already I can almost hear the calls for me to be burned at the stake for daring to question the great religion of evolution – for that is what it has become to so many people. I do not suggest for one moment that localised evolving of bodily features and functions of certain creatures (micro-evolution) does not take place over millennia in order to adapt to surroundings and for example, fine-tuning defences against predators. To suggest that, would be just as absurd. However, to believe that whole new species are created from others or from virtually nothing (macro-evolution) when the abundant, contrary evidence is examined seems too far-fetched and unscientific to be anything but an elaborate hoax and a deliberate deception, perpetuated by wholesale propaganda.

  “The known fossil record fails to document a single example of evolution accomplishing a major transition - every palaeontologist knows that most species don’t change.” Stephen Gould, evolutionary biologist, Harvard University 1980.

  "I am not satisfied that Darwin proved his point or that his influence in scientific and public thinking has been beneficial. The success of Darwinism was accomplished by a decline in scientific integrity." W.R. Thompson, Canadian scientist.

  "…as by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in a confusion of halfway species instead of being, as we see them, well-defined species?" Charles Darwin.

  Darwin’s own answer to this particular question was that there had been insufficient time since his theory was espoused to thoroughly check the available fossil records. Interesting hypothesis yes, but now proven to be totally incorrect. We have now had almost another 150 years since the death of Darwin to rectify this inconvenient fact, but evolutionary ‘science’ is no further forward in this respect than it was in the 1860s.

  "Just as pre-Darwinian biology was carried out by people whose faith was in the Creator and His plan, post-Darwinian biology is being carried out by people whose faith is in, almost, the deity of Darwin. They've seen their task as to elaborate his theory and to fill the gaps in it, to fill the trunk and twigs of the tree. But it seems to me that the theoretical framework has very little impact on the actual progress of the work in biological research. In a way some aspects of Darwinism and of neo-Darwinism seem to me to have held back the progress of science." Colin Patterson, senior palaeontologist, the Museum of Natural History, London.

  “Not many scientists are willing to risk their livelihood to point out the facts. They remain mute, mouthing the party line when necessary in order to keep their positions. Those illogical arguments mouthed by the scientists then fuel misunderstanding among those who are unable to double-check the truth and logic behind the theory of evolution.” Duncan Long.

  And, remarkably...

  “Not one change of species into another is on record. We cannot prove that a single species has changed into another.” Charles Darwin, ‘My Life and Letters’, Vol. 1, page 210.

  That contemporary, great champion of evolutionary myth and dogma, Professor Richard Dawkins, latterly of the Elite-funded and controlled, great educational propaganda machine, Oxford University and author of ‘The Selfish Gene’ and ‘The God Delusion’, wastes no time in denouncing, belittling and even insulting anyone who dares question the great pseudo-religion of evolution. Why would this be? Why is it such a crime or heresy to question or debate widely-held scientific beliefs? Is Dawkins an evolutionist per se or simply anti-religion, choosing evolution as the only viable alternative? This of course is the classic Hegelian trap. Present two options to choose from, neither of
them correct, whilst encouraging the masses to pick their favourite and debate the pros and cons until we lose sight of the real issue. We should ask why the mainstream media even allows Dawkins a platform for his mostly disingenuous tirades, whilst denying it to those who espouse the contrary view in a more considered, rational or scientific way. Dawkins’ ironically, somewhat evangelical–type arguments have brought him largely unreported ridicule from many quarters with even the hard-line Darwinian, Michael Ruse suggesting that Dawkins’ rants make him feel “embarrassed to be an atheist”.

  “When you find issues/controversies which people love to debate endlessly, which are emotionally inflammatory and which divide the masses into oppositional stances/groups, it is a pretty strong possibility that the controlling elites might be busy behind the scenes, fomenting these quarrels and keeping them alive.” 15th November 2011


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