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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

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by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  After the Dreams


  C J Wetherby

  Copyright © Caroline Jane Wetherby 2012

  All rights reserved

  If you are offended by explicit descriptions of sexual activities and behaviour, please do not read this book.

  All the characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book is a work of fiction and of fantasy. Although the various events and activities are presented with a comprehensive background and suitable detail, the book should not be taken as a factual account of any of the places, practices or processes described.

  Cover foreground image licensed from ‘honored_member’/

  Cover design by C J Wetherby 2012

  Revision 01a

  ‘After the Dreams’ is the first of the four volumes that make up ‘Caroline’s Company’

  After this volume the adventures continue in:

  ‘A Private Collection’

  ‘The Wages of Sin’

  ‘Ecstasies and Agonies’

  Author’s Note

  This book was fun to write and will, I hope, be fun to read. It is meant as a sex story, but not just a sex story. There is plenty of erotic activity, and of sexual awakenings and discovery; there is also affection and developing romance in beautiful surroundings; but all of these are entwined with a more complex plot which develops through this and the following volumes.

  Thank you to all my friends who have read this work as it has progressed; especially to Kay whose encouragement allowed me to carry on, and to Judith for her brilliant and acute proof reading. Any mistakes that remain are, of course, all my own.

  Jane Wetherby

  November 2012


  Chapter One


  Chapter Two

  A Stranger Arrives

  Chapter Three

  Doubts and Decisions

  Chapter Four

  Dinners and Delights

  Chapter Five

  An Evening’s Entertainment

  Chapter Six

  After the Dreams

  Chapter Seven


  Chapter Eight

  Several Games at Once

  Chapter One


  ‘Am I good enough at this for you?’

  ‘Janet my love, that’s not a fair question to ask with you in that position.’

  ‘But when we go to Caroline’s and she has those...’

  ‘Caroline will do what she wants to do, and you will do what you want to do; as always.’

  ‘It’s not that I don’t like it, and I don’t think I’m even embarrassed any more, it’s just that sometimes just watching isn’t quite the same...’

  ‘You’re not just watching at the moment are you? Ooh, that’s nice thank you.’

  ‘You do like me doing this don’t you?’

  ‘Another unfair question, what if I say no?’

  Janet slid down his legs and brought her mouth down to the part of him that had been between her breasts.

  ‘Ow, see what I mean!’

  ‘But I wouldn’t really hurt you would I, not when I can do this, and this, and this.....’


  ‘That’s nice of you Sylvie. Thank you.’

  ‘I do love it when you’re wearing clothes and I’m not.’

  ‘Even if it’s just my riding gear?’

  ‘It makes me feel in my proper place and position. I love being owned by you.’

  ‘You’re just a natural show-off you are.’

  ‘I’ll be anything you want me to be Caroline, anything at all.’

  ‘Of course you will, my little pet. I know!’

  The riding crop circled the naked woman’s bottom.

  ‘What could be nicer; coffee in the morning sunshine with you all naked at my feet.’

  ‘Did you enjoy your ride?’

  ‘Of course, it’s a gorgeous morning. You should have come!’

  ‘I thought you’d want me to get on with all the stuff for our new guest.’

  ‘By the way, will you make a note that there are a couple of broken fence rails on the far side of the farm, by the little wood.’

  ‘I’ll send an email to the Barkers.’

  ‘So, are we ready for Andrew?’

  ‘Everything’s ready. I do hope he’s going to enjoy being here.’

  ‘I’m sure he will. Now come and help me shower, then we can start the day properly.’


  It was a long train journey. After the first few stops out of London, the carriage got emptier and quieter. The window seat that had been reserved for him let him see the countryside flashing past the windows. He was still very tired, and it was easy to doze off.

  In the dream, bodies swirled and gleamed in the moonlight; velvet cloaks and naked skin. The dreamer was different; there was nothing of those hated things about her. Lucy was running towards her over a velvet smooth lawn. There were stars and naked bodies and... The dream shifted. There was a shiny black car going far too fast. There was a thump; there was blood and white bone, a scream of tyres accelerating away. Sirens, the interior of an ambulance, a hospital... Then Lucy again, but she was different. She was hurt, she was in pain...

  ‘Wake up son, isn’t this your stop?’

  Chapter Two

  A Stranger arrives

  Andrew struggled to leave the train while dragging his big trolley bag behind him. He was supposed to be meeting a distant member of his family, and his big bag and the little box he carried contained all of his life that was left after the recent disasters. The doors hissed to a closed position and train departed smoothly. All the other passengers were collected or drove away, and Andrew was left standing by himself in the hot sun. He wondered what he should do next. He hadn’t even got a number to call. He was a nondescript looking boy and small for his age. His long brown hair was gathered up in a pony-tail, and he showed no evidence of having to shave. His brown eyes showed uncertainty and some fear.

  A large black car pulled up in the station car park. A tall blonde woman, in tight leather trousers and an off-the-shoulder black top shot through with silver swung her legs gracefully out of the car.

  ‘Hello, are you Andrew?’ She pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

  ‘Ye –es, but I was expecting ...’

  ‘Your old uncle Benedict - yes – he couldn’t come – so he asked me to collect you instead. Do you mind?’

  (The blonde pushed out her chest a little and shimmied to show off her figure.)

  ‘Er – no. Not at all – of course.’

  The boy could not take his eyes off this stylish woman before him.

  ‘Good. I’m Caroline. How do you do.’ She pushed out her immaculate hand (silver-nailed but with no rings) towards him. The poor boy wasn’t quite sure what to do and was rather embarrassed, but he put his bags down and shook hands.

  ‘Right – we’ll get to know each other better later. Is that your bag? It looks heavy – what have you got in it?’

  ‘Well everything – clothes and everything I’ve got left.’

  ‘It looks very heavy – can you get it into the car?’

  Caroline opened the boot. He noted it was very tidy and looked as though it was lined with velvet. There were a couple of small boxes already in it, and what looked like a folded blanket, but there was plenty of space.

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘Here, let me help.’

  Caroline leaned over and took one side of the trolle
y bag. He was almost overpowered by her proximity, by the curve of her breasts showing over her top, and by her delicate perfume.

  ‘One, two, three – lift altogether – and there we are.’

  The bag was now in the boot, and since he had taken little of the weight he realised that Caroline was not only a very stylish lady, but that she was stronger than she looked.

  ‘And this? Oh is this your cat?’ Caroline looked at the other box. ’Poor thing, he must be really cross at being in that box so long.’

  ‘It’s a she, her name is Aphrodite.’ The boy held up the container, and Caroline saw a little black face, and eyes that managed to be both indignant and inquisitive at the same time.

  ‘Well, we have cats on the farm of course, but we haven’t had one in the house for a while. Will she be alright in the car?’

  ‘I expect so. She’s very young. We only got her just after Mum... I gave her a drink on the train, but most of the time she just curled up and slept.’

  ‘A very practical animal then, your little Aphrodite.’ Caroline looked at the little animal again. ’I’m sure she’ll settle down with us.’

  ‘I hope so. She’s quite a nice little cat. You can’t see in there, but she’s got really interesting markings. May she ride on the back seat?’

  ‘Of course. I’ll put this blanket on the seat first; in case of accidents.’ The cat opened her eyes wide, and looked at Caroline most indignantly.

  ‘I’m sorry Aphrodite, but we have quite a long way to go.’

  The boy placed the cat’s box on the seat, and pulled the seat belt round it. Caroline was struck by his care for the little animal.

  ‘Good – we can get away home now. I just have to drop off something in town on the way. Get in.’

  He opened the passenger-side door, and almost fell into the large leather seat.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ his new driver said. ‘You must have had a dreadful journey. Would you like to eat?’

  ‘I’m fine,’ the boy replied, ‘but do you have any water?’

  ‘Yes. There’s a bottle in the front there.’

  He opened the dash, and found an unopened bottle of spring water. The label looked a little strange.

  ‘We bottle it on the estate,’ Caroline said. ‘Seat belt please.’

  He engaged the seat belt. The water had a slightly odd taste, not unpleasant, as if from some herb he knew but couldn’t remember.

  ‘We flavour the spring water with a little mint and a few other herbs. Do you mind?’

  ‘Not at all. It’s fine thank you.’

  ‘There are some sweets there as well if you want.’

  ‘Thank you.’ He found a white packet. The contents were chewy, and he could taste mint again; and like the water, something else he couldn’t quite place.

  ‘We’ll have dinner when we get home, but it’s quite a distance. Would you like to stop for something on the way?’

  As if in answer, his stomach rumbled.

  Caroline laughed. ‘We’ll find you something on the way. What would you like?’

  ‘Just a burger – if that’s OK?’

  ‘Fine. There’s a good fast-food place a little way on the other side of the town. Off we go.’

  The car was comfortable and quiet. There was a low semi-classical background music that Andrew couldn’t identify. The water, now that he was used to the taste, was pleasant. He felt sleepy. The car reached a dual-carriage way and speeded up. He could see the passing green hills.

  ‘Perhaps I should explain a little,’ said Caroline.

  ‘Explain?’ he asked.

  ‘When did you last see your uncle Benedict?’

  ‘Well he’s not really an uncle.’

  ‘Yes. I think he was your great-grandmothers second husband?’

  ‘Something like that – but we were always told to call him uncle. We didn’t see him very much. Not since we were children. He was good at sending presents though.’

  Andrew remembered the pleasant little cards and notes – and the cheques!

  ‘Benedict and I are very great friends. He’s a kind of uncle to me as well. He’s very old, and not very well at the moment. I look after the estate for him. So, if you like, we are distant cousins!’

  Andrew was disturbed by this. Another of his relatives was ill.

  ‘Don’t worry. Benedict is just getting old. I’ll take you to meet him in a few days.’

  ‘Isn’t he where – where we are going?’

  ‘No, Benedict is in a private nursing home where he gets excellent care. We are going to the Caraway Estate where I live and where, if you decide you want to, you can make your new home. Excuse me – we need to take this exit.’

  They turned up a slip road, and Andrew saw signs to a town away to the left. ‘We won’t be long, then we can get you your burger.’ Andrew’s stomach growled again in sympathy.

  ‘There’s more water if you want, and there should be a cereal bar.’

  Andrew looked in the glove compartment, and found another bottle of water and a bar with the same logo on the label.

  ‘We have those made for us and specially packaged. They come from crops grown on our land though.’

  It tasted fine to Andrew. Not quite as bland as most cereal bars, and with a sharp tang of fruit.

  They drew into the small town and stopped on one end of the main street. Some of the shops further up looked quite fashionable, but at this end a few were boarded up, and they had stopped outside a charity shop.

  ‘Just stay in the car, I won’t be long.’

  Caroline switched off the engine, and swung her leather clad legs out of the car. How did she drive in those heels, he wondered. Suddenly he missed having the glamorous woman sitting next to him, with her bare arms and silver bracelet, and some subtle perfume.

  He felt sleepy, and as though in a doze he heard voices, including Caroline’s rich low contralto, some laughter, and then the clunk of the boot lid being shut.

  The driver’s door opened, and Caroline swung herself back into the car. Her bare arm brushed against him as she plugged in the seat belt. Her perfume re-assured him.

  ‘Food next,’ she said as she started the car.


  They stopped at a fast-food restaurant outside the town. Andrew noticed that it bore the same logo as the water bottles and the cereal bar. As he consumed a cheeseburger and chips, Caroline, who was eating a light chicken and bacon salad, looked with some concern at the boy’s meal.

  ‘Well at least it’s good wholemeal bread, and local organic beef and cheese. How does it taste?’

  ‘Very good thank you.’ The ravenous boy hardly wanted to pause between mouthfuls.

  ‘You really needed that didn’t you,’ the woman smiled, ‘and you probably need the protein and the fat,’ she added more quietly.

  The boy noticed that the staff were very respectful towards Caroline, and when they came to leave she signed something with a quick flourish.

  ‘Will you last till we get home now?’ she asked him as they got back into the car. ‘It’s about a two hour drive from here. We’re quite isolated.’

  ‘It’s a long way,’ the boy replied.

  ‘Yes, but it’s a good road, and most of us on the estate can drive, so we can share the errands. Do you drive?’

  She knew of course, but he didn’t know that.

  ‘No. There hasn’t been time in the year since my seventeenth birthday. What with everything else.’

  ‘Well never mind,’ she consoled him. She felt deep sympathy for the boy who had had a simply terrible time in London over the last few months.

  ‘That’s one of the first things we can do. Plenty of space on the estate for you to learn, and you can come into the town for your tests.’

  ‘Oh that would be good.’ The boy was grateful; he had always wanted to drive.

  He was still amazed at how the woman next to him drove the big car so effortlessly in high heels!

  He was c
omfortable now. Perhaps the future wouldn’t be so bad.

  He dozed off, then pulled himself awake.


  ‘No problem. Do sleep if you want. The seat reclines if you press that button on your left.’

  He did, and the seat sank back.

  ‘Thank you.’

  He could still see the green countryside flashing past, but he fell asleep anyway.

  Caroline glanced at the resting boy, noting again his slim legs and slightly wide hips and bottom. She looked at the long hair and smooth face, and smiled to herself.

  This would be fun for all of them she thought.


  Andrew woke as the car slowed down. They were approaching a pair of large wrought-iron gates set in a high masonry arch. On each side of the arch a high wall of old and mellowed stone stretched away along the road.

  ‘Welcome to the Caraway Estate,’ said Caroline. ’There’s still about a mile and a half to go along the carriage drive, but you’ll get a good view of the house soon.’ The gates swung back as the car approached. Andrew, even in his sleepy state, realised that there must be some kind of remote control. The drive swung left into a belt of trees, then right and then left again. They emerged from the trees into a stretch of open grassland, then there was another automated gate and a steep many-arched bridge over a wide river.

  ‘The river goes right round the house and into the lake on the south side. The lake is lovely for boating and swimming in the summer.’

  There was more grassland with occasional groups of broadleaf trees and red deer and sheep grazing; they were completely untroubled by the car.

  ‘We do have some interesting sheep, if you happen to like sheep. Do you see the Herdwicks over there?’ Andrew could see a group of the russet-brown animals. As the car swung round another bend the house came into view.

  ‘It’s not much really,’ said Caroline deprecatingly. ‘It’s only late nineteenth century, but it’s very comfortable. I hope you’ll like it.’

  To Andrew, accustomed to the busy streets and much smaller houses of suburban London, it looked enormous. The central block, with handsome sash windows had a classically proportioned pillared portico.


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