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After the Dreams (Caroline's Company)

Page 2

by Wetherby, Caroline Jane

  ‘It looks more Georgian, or Regency, than Victorian,’ he said.

  ‘It does, doesn’t it!’ Caroline sounded pleased. ‘The owner and architect had ideas of their own, as you’ll see. They were probably regarded as being very old fashioned in their time. We’ve got the original plans, with comments scribbled all over them. I’m glad you know about architecture.’

  ‘Well, not so much architecture, it’s really engineering I’m interested in, but I like good design and good styling.’

  ‘Then I hope you’ll be happy with us. We try to keep it a very stylish house.’

  There was another little bridge over a wide ditch, and metal traps in the roadway lay flat as they approached.

  ‘That’s our ha-ha.’

  Andrew had to struggle to remember what a ha-ha was.

  ‘It keeps the animals away from the house.’ Caroline saw the frown on his face.

  The car swept up the gravelled driveway, and stopped in front of the portico. ‘We’d normally just drive straight round to the stable yard, but since it’s your first time here we’ll arrive in proper style. Here’s Sylvie!’

  Another very good looking woman came down the steps to meet them. She was a bit shorter than Caroline, and although both blonde women had flawless complexions, (he had yet to learn about makeup!) Andrew could see that this new person was a little younger. She was wearing a grey skirt to just above her knees, although he noted there was quite a high slit up her left thigh. Her top was a bluish grey, with short sleeves, and a front that was high enough to be respectable day wear, but low enough to hint at her swelling breasts. Her feet were clad in light blue court shoes, with no more than a three-inch heel. Round her neck was a silver chain, made of thin plates, almost like a collar. She looked a bit like a young p.a, he thought, and didn’t really expect her employer to greet her with quite such enthusiastic kisses.

  ‘Andrew this is Sylvie, my ... assistant, and my close friend, Sylvie this is Andrew who has escaped from London to come to us.’

  Sylvie took Andrew’s proffered hand, shook it, pulled him towards her and kissed him on both cheeks. ‘Welcome to the Estate,’ she said in a friendly voice which sounded sunny and cheerful and....

  Andrew shook his head as though to clear his ears.

  ‘You must be very tired, you poor thing. Shall I make some tea Caroline?’

  ‘I’m sure that Belle has already got the kettle boiling. If you could show Andrew to his room and let him get comfortable, then we’ll have tea on the terrace.’

  ‘Of course. Oh what’s that?’ Sylvie had seen the box on the back seat.

  Andrew released the seat belt and fetched out the travelling box.

  ‘You have a little cat! What’s her name?’ Somehow Sylvie knew the cat was female.

  ‘Aphrodite, after the Greek goddess of...’

  ‘Oh yes, we know about Aphrodite in this house, don’t we little cat? And Aphrodite sounds much nicer than Venus don’t you think?’

  ‘But aren’t...’

  ‘We’ll have to be careful when we let her out,’ Sylvie cut the boy off. ‘In case she gets scared and runs away. Come on.’

  Holding the handle of the travelling cat-box in one hand, she held out the other to the boy, and led him through the open doors into a cool vaulted hallway.

  There was a marble statue of three naked women in the centre, and Andrew recognised Canova’s Three Graces. Surely it couldn’t be the original? Wasn’t that in Scotland now? Sylvie glanced at him, looked as though she was going to say something, but smiled and led him up the graceful sweeping stairway.

  Caroline smiled at their departing backs, turned to look at the parkland they had just driven though, basking in the afternoon sun, and then followed them up the wide stone steps and into the house.


  Sylvie had shown the boy the way out on to the terrace.

  ‘Andrew, I’m so sorry about your luggage. It obviously got mixed up at the charity shop. I’ve rung them, so it should be quite safe.’

  ‘I’m sorry to be a nuisance.’

  ‘You’re not the nuisance. It’s my fault. At least you’ll have no problem with toothbrushes and things, and I’m glad Sylvie found you some clothes to make do with.’

  Andrew had been almost shocked by the luxurious room Sylvie had taken him to. The bathroom was huge, with a large sunken tub set into the floor and a separate wet room with several shower heads.

  There were thick warm white towels and cupboards full of soaps and lotions. The king size bed was covered in a white duvet, but the mound of pillows was red and orange, almost coppery in colour.

  From the drawers and the wardrobe Sylvie had found him a silky shirt that was cut fairly full, and a pair of stretchy jeans that were very comfortable indeed. She had also found him something like boxer shorts that he suspected were actually French knickers. The sandals on his feet had a slightly raised heel, but as Sylvie said, they would be more comfortable than trainers on this warm evening. She had shown him drawers full of other clothes, including warm socks and jumpers, and shown him where there were more shoes if he needed. They all seemed to be in his size, although most were obviously in women’s styles. In the big mirrors in the room, when he looked at himself before he followed the girl out onto the landing, he was worried that he looked a bit girly, but he didn’t really mind. Secretly inside himself, he could admit that he quite liked it.

  ‘Yes, they’re quite comfortable really,’ he told Caroline.

  ‘You look nice in them, and your hair suits you like that.’

  After his shower, Sylvie had shown him how to use the very up-market hair dryer, and had looped his hair back into a very loose pony-tail. Some of his hair had come loose, and fell down his cheeks.

  ‘Thank you,’ he almost stuttered. ’Thank you Caroline.’ He wasn’t used to being complimented on his appearance, and certainly not his hair, which most people told him was just too long, and which he had avoided having cut owing to a certain obstinacy, and other... feelings.

  ‘Let’s have some tea, and would you like some of this fruit cake, or this iced sponge confection? They are freshly made. Belle, Mrs Newcombe, our housekeeper is also a marvellous cook.’

  As soon as Andrew had entered the stone flagged hallway, he was struck by the scents of fresh flowers in the stone vases, and as they had walked to the back of the house, by the warm smells of baking coming from the kitchen.

  Caroline poured him some tea, and he looked out over the gardens and parkland towards the lake and distant hills.

  ‘We are fortunate living in this lovely place. I seem to appreciate that more every day. I do hope you will like it here Andrew.’

  Caroline smiled at him gently, and for the first time in months Andrew felt some of his cares slip away.

  Caroline had passed him a slice of fruit cake, and he had just found that it tasted as good as it smelt, when Sylvie came out of the house carrying the cat box.

  ‘I thought she should get to know us a bit,’ she said as she sat down beside them. She drank some tea, then bent down (and Andrew had to look away sharply to avoid seeing too far down her top) and opened the grill of the box.

  ‘Shouldn’t we wait until....’ Andrew was concerned about his cat.

  Sylvie put a saucer down in front of the box, and poured a little milk into it.

  ‘I know they shouldn’t really have milk’ she said, ‘but I’m sure she’ll need something after all that time in that box.’

  ‘That’s alright. She drank milk all the time at home. She doesn’t know she’s not supposed to have it. We always made sure she had water as well,’ he added a little defensively.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ said Caroline. ‘Sylvie’s really good with animals.’

  The small black head looked out of the open grill, then emerged a little further, and looked carefully around. The little nose was raised, and the smell was clearly as important to the cat as the view. Everything passed her tests however,
and she emerged from the box, and stretched herself.

  ‘Oooh, she is lovely,’ whispered Sylvie.

  The little cat was jet black all over, but in the sunlight her soft coat showed tiger stripes of an almost silvery grey.

  ‘What a beautiful little animal,’ said Caroline. ‘I’m so glad you brought her. You couldn’t possibly have left her behind.’

  Andrew was almost in tears; seeing this last part of his old life in this new, very beautiful, but strange and unfamiliar setting.

  ‘Won’t she run away?’ His voice quavered.

  ‘Shhh.’ Caroline took his hand.

  The little cat sniffed at the milk, ignored it, came over and rubbed her head against Andrew’s ankle. She stood still, and looked at Caroline for a long time, blinked and went back to the milk. She lapped up a little, looked round at all of them again, and jumped up into Sylvie’s lap. She turned round several times, and settled, purring loudly.

  ‘Welcome home; Andrew and Aphrodite,’ said Caroline quietly.


  He still felt a bit sleepy after his long journey (at least that is why he thought he was sleepy) and the glass of sparkling wine which was all he had drunk with the very nice meal made him feel quite strange.

  He was also getting aroused by eating in the presence of two such beautiful women, especially since they were both dressed in such clinging and revealing dresses. None-the-less, there were subtle differences between them distinguishing the employer and the employee. Even through his feeling of dislocation he still noticed that Sylvie hardly ever initiated a conversation and usually followed up the themes and subjects that Caroline started. It was strange that despite this clear hierarchy they were very gentle with each other and sometimes seemed much more like lovers. This became even more so during the last course when they were feeding each other with strawberries; putting them into each other’s mouths; and then one holding a glass for the other to drink.

  ‘Oh look – poor Andrew feels left out.’

  ‘No-no I don’t mind...’

  ‘Yes he does.’

  ‘Feed him Sylvie – see if you can tempt him a little.’

  To Andrew it was unclear what he was being tempted with, the soft fruit that first pushed onto his lips and then pulled away again, or the bright eyes and almost laughing mouth that filled his vision.

  ‘Go on Sylvie - tempt him properly – he’s only a boy.’

  Sylvie came closer, pushed the strawberry into her cleavage, and proffered the fruit in its rounded setting for Andrew to eat. He wasn’t as embarrassed as he was sure he should be.

  ‘Make sure you lick her clean – you shouldn’t leave strawberry and sugar on a girl’s breasts should you?’

  ‘That was good Andrew,’ Sylvie said softly. ‘Would you like another one?’

  ‘He would. But first we must all have a drink together to celebrate Andrew’s first meal with us.’ Caroline filled a big glass, drank a sip and proffered the glass to Sylvie who also took a sip, and popped out her tongue to meet that of Caroline. For a long minute Andrew was mesmerised by the sight of these two women exchanging a lingering kiss. Then...

  ‘You as well.‘ Caroline offered him the glass and he took a sip not knowing what to expect next. Caroline also took a sip and moved her face closer to his. He made to put his lips to meet hers, but laughing she withdrew and it was Sylvie who pushed a small sugared strawberry into his mouth with her own tongue, and for a brief fraction of time let him feel her soft glossy lips on his own.

  ‘Welcome to your new life,’ he heard Caroline say gently.

  ‘You will really enjoy it,’ whispered Sylvie in his ear.

  After dinner, the two glamorous women quickly cleared the table. They worked with and round each other rather like an erotic dance.

  ‘Stay there Andrew. We only have to clear these away to the kitchen. Everybody else has gone home by now.’

  Andrew was now even more disoriented, and since the two women took opportunities to rub against him as they worked, he wasn’t recovering very quickly.

  ‘Take the glasses into the Drawing Room, and what is left of that bottle. Sylvie can bring another one.’

  ‘I’m not sure I can...’

  ‘Yes of course you can. You don’t have to get up early tomorrow. You’re home now.’

  Caroline walked to the large double doors, turned towards him, tossed her blonde hair, and beckoned him to follow her. He picked up the bottle and followed.

  The drawing room was quiet, lit by soft lamps and a quietly flickering log fire. There were soft, satin cushioned sofas arranged around the hearth.

  ‘Put the tray down. Do you think you can pour me the last of the wine? Come and sit here.’ She patted the cushioned seat next to her. Clumsily he poured the last of the bottle into Caroline’s large glass (he could tell which was hers because it showed the signs of her red lip gloss – why when his mind was so woozy did he notice that?)

  He gave her the glass and sat down a distance from her silk draped thighs.

  ‘You can come closer.’ Caroline moved herself up so she was touching him, and the long slit in her dress showed even more of her thigh.

  ‘Drink with me again.’ She pushed the glass just below his chin so he had to lower his head to take a sip.

  ‘That’s better.’ Caroline took a sip herself. Her left hand brushed his head and stroked his hair.

  ‘Are you enjoying this?’ She put the glass down, and her right hand moved gently over his crotch. He could hardly deny the answer.

  ‘Well yes, but I don’t understand...’

  ‘Shh.’ Her finger brushed his lips and the areas he didn’t understand became a lot larger as Sylvie came into the room. She wasn’t wearing what she had worn at dinner. Now she was nearly naked, and what she was wearing only emphasised this...

  ‘Sylvie and I have a very special relationship Andrew, as you can see!’

  Sylvie was wearing silver six inch heeled sandals which had little locks on the ankle straps. Around her neck was the same slim silver collar which Andrew had noticed that afternoon, and had just assumed to be costume jewellery, but now it had chains from each side linked to locked silver cuffs in her wrists. Her platinum blonde hair was looped up behind her head to show multiple loop earrings. Her large lips pouted in the same colour silver-pink gloss she had worn at dinner, but now made her whole face seem to shine up to her carefully lined eyes. Her upper eyes and eyelids were also finished with silver and pink.

  She came in carrying another opened bottle of the sparkling wine, quickly knelt and placed the bottle on the table, softly kissed Caroline’s knees, then with a little movement rubbed her large pink tipped breasts against them, left breast to right knee, and right breast to left knee. Then she stood and turned, pushing her soft bottom almost into Andrew’s face. He saw an elaborate tattoo just above the cleft of her buttocks, at the base of her spine. He could read in the ornate script,






  Almost before Andrew could believe what was happening, the slave girl was shimmying out of the room. When she got to the door she turned, and performed a complicated little curtsey, involving showing off her chains, pushing her breasts forward (not that they needed much more display) and blowing a kiss towards her owner. (Her owner!)

  ‘But..’ he began, but Caroline’s finger against his lips stopped him. She kissed him lightly. He could feel her breasts, which were even more remarkable than those of her slave girl push against his flat chest. (Flat?) Why was he thinking like that!

  The slave made another entrance, bearing a small silver platter containing soft fruits and berries. She knelt and placed it next to the glasses and wine.

  He tried to speak again; again Caroline’s finger and lips prevented him. Then Caroline gathered up her skirts and moved away from and stood before the fire. She lifted her bare arms behind
her head, and looked back at the very confused and aroused boy. If the slave girl was all soft and submissive sensuality, her mistress was sleeker, very stylish, her figure even more sensational, her look one of command and mischief!

  ‘Sylvie,’ she said, and the slave girl also stood and moved towards her mistress. Caroline took her chains, and the pair exchanged the same kind of elaborate kiss that Andrew had seen at dinner, but was now even more overt and sensual. She pulled the girl round so that Andrew could see them both side by side. They smiled at him.

  ‘Now,’ said Caroline and Sylvie moved behind her and unclasped her mistress’s dress, helping it down over her upper and lower body till it lay in a gleaming heap around her heels. The slave knelt and bent down and kissed her owner’s feet. She placed her tongue on each silver enamelled toenail, presenting her tattooed bottom towards Andrew. She gathered up the dress and Caroline stepped clear of it, as she did so putting up her hands and releasing her long blonde hair from the grips that had held it. She stood, entirely and magnificently naked, holding her slaves chains and smiling at Andrew!

  Both women were hairless below their heads, both had wide hips and prominent pubic mounds, both displayed their naked and smooth sex with obvious satisfaction. Caroline however, still wore her gold flowery necklace and elaborate clasp bracelet. Her figure was just more defined and more dominating than that of the slave, her breasts larger, her shoulders and hips wider, her waist (in proportion) narrower. Her pose was effortless, commanding, and yet still beguiling and very sensual.

  She was still smiling, and her slave rubbed against her, and kissed her breasts lingeringly.

  ‘Poor Andrew, - he doesn’t know what to do!’ Caroline and Sylvie both looked at him, laughing gently. Caroline walked over towards him. He could not take his eyes away from her swaying hips and her naked sex.

  She sat down beside him. He felt her finger and then her lips on his.

  Sylvie sat on the floor, curled around her owners (?) legs.

  ‘We like playing sex games Andrew, but we have strict rules in this house. We would love you to enjoy our games with us, but you will have to follow the rules. Do you want to follow our rules?’


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