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A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1)

Page 8

by Vella Day

  His cheeks dimpled. “It was excellent, thank you. I walked out of there totally refreshed.”

  For a second, Izzy thought Rye would complain that he’d never received his massage. Perhaps she’d have to schedule one later—when that evil man was no longer a threat.

  “Is Dad home?” Izzy asked.

  “Yes, he’s washing up.” Mom turned her head. “Len, Izzy’s here,” she called upstairs. “Have a seat you two. Can I get you anything to drink?”

  “We’re good.” She glanced at Rye. “Unless you want something?”

  “I’m fine.” The pressure on her back increased as he led her to the sofa.

  Footsteps sounded as her father approached. “Izzy, what a nice surprise, and you brought a friend. What’s the occasion?” He gave her a quick hug then shook Rye’s hand.

  She wasn’t sure the best way to begin, so she started right in with her final week in Scotland, and how she felt that someone was watching her. “I didn’t mention it before because I didn’t want to worry you.” She then told them about seeing the wolf and suspecting he was a shifter after she noted the paw prints next to the tire tracks. She left out the part about Naliana contacting her.

  “You’re safe now that you’re home.”

  She glanced at Rye. “That was what I thought, but a few hours ago, he showed up on my doorstep.”

  Her mom gasped. “How do you know he’s the same man?”

  “He told me he was. Mom, he saw me part the sea and make a small windstorm.”

  Izzy’s mother’s face paled. “That’s not good, Izzy.”

  “I know, but at the time I wasn’t aware he was hiding in the woods spying on me.” She explained about wrapping him in a vine and then rushing off to Rye’s place. “Exhibiting my skills again might not have been smart, but I feared for my life.”

  Rye clasped her hand and squeezed it once then let go. “You were right to defend yourself and then come to me.”

  “From now on, let Rye protect you,” her dad said. “We don’t need your skills on display unless it’s life or death.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” She let out an exasperated breath. “To make it clear, though, I went to Rye’s home to ask him his opinion on what I should do, not to protect me. We discussed it and both think this man might come after you both, Missy, or even Teagan.”

  Her mom glanced at Dad then back at her. “Did he tell you that?”

  “No, but he said he wanted something, only I have no idea what that is.”

  Her dad looked at Rye. “What do you suggest she do?”

  “Our hands are tied until he makes his next move. When he does, I want to be there to stop him. I’ll come by the spa after Izzy gets off work each day to make sure she gets home safely.” Then he told them how this man had attacked him the night before. “He’s definitely capable of violence, but next time, I’ll be on the lookout for him.”

  Her first instinct was to object that she didn’t need a bodyguard, but it might be nice to see Rye at the end of the day. “What about your job?”

  “I’ll move my shifts around so I’m free.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Izzy didn’t want to be a liability, especially to Rye.

  “I want to. My job as an Alpha is to protect.”

  Part of her heart deflated. Was being with her merely part of his job? The emotional half of her didn’t want to believe it.

  Her dad nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on my family’s shop throughout the day.”

  She didn’t need her father to be away from his store. “I can walk next door to let you know we’re all good.” In reality, she wanted to make sure he was safe since her stalker might be targeting him too. There hadn’t been enough time to show them her new enhanced powers, though from her description about how she’d parted the sea, they should be able to guess.

  “We’ll get through this,” her Dad said.

  She slapped her thighs and stood. “Well, I’ve kept Rye away from whatever he needs to be doing long enough. We just wanted to warn you.”

  Her mom hugged her. “Thank you, sweetheart. You be careful. I’ll call Missy and Teagan tonight and let them know to be watchful too.”


  As soon as they left, Izzy debated asking Rye back to her place since they were just next door, but then decided she should take him home. His focus on becoming his father’s replacement as Alpha seemed important to him.

  Slipping her hand into her purse for her keys, it occurred to her that Rye’s lack of car would be a problem. “How are you going to get to town without a car?”

  “I’ll use my dad’s since he’s still on vacation.”

  “It’s nice to have family close by, isn’t it?” For a second, her eyes watered just remembering how much she’d missed her family these past four years.

  “It is.”

  As she headed down Riverside Drive toward his house, her mind spun, recalling how Rye had stopped to help the motorist, only to be attacked by her stalker and then ended up in a ditch. “I trust you found someone to tow your SUV?”

  “Yes. Connor took care of it for me. It should be repaired in a couple of days.”

  Five minutes later, Izzy pulled into his driveway and cut the engine. She didn’t expect him to ask her in—in fact, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t make a fool of herself if he did—but she did want to thank him. She reached over and took his hand in hers. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you having my back today. I have to admit I was a little freaked out when that man showed up out of the blue. In fact, I was so focused on planting the rosebush that I didn’t even hear him approach.”

  Her hands actually shook, surprising even her. He unhooked his seatbelt then leaned over and hugged her. “I’ll always be here for you.”

  When he sat back up, something inside her snapped. She quickly released her seatbelt, leaned over, and drew his face to hers. Then she did what she’d wanted to do for a while—she kissed him. Izzy intended it to be nothing more than a thank you, but the moment their lips touched, every feminine hormone in her body exploded. Sparks burst from her skin and she suspected her blue glow would be evident in the dark of night.

  He moaned, and Izzy melted against him. As if Naliana was guiding her, Izzy grabbed his shoulders. That action must have been some kind of signal because the next thing she knew, he was lifting her from her seat, and then sliding her onto his lap all the while keeping their tongues entwined. She should have been embarrassed by her overt display of affection, but she wasn’t. Everything about Rye seemed so right and so good.

  Go for it.

  Her chest constricted for a moment, and it was almost as if the goddess was sending her approval from above.

  Rye cupped her face and then broke off the kiss. Both of them were breathing so hard it was as if they’d run a marathon. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to do that,” Rye said.

  “Me too.” She didn’t comment that she was the one who’d kissed him first. Izzy usually played things cool, calculating her every move, but with Rye, it was easy to let go and be herself.

  His hand roamed over to her breast, and in that instant, she wanted more. If she hadn’t been sitting on his lap she might have even grabbed his crotch. Desire flooded her system and she needed to taste him again. He hadn’t asked her inside his place, and she didn’t want to push her luck. Playing high school teenagers in the front seat of her car wasn’t her thing, but right now, she was in the most perfect place—sitting on Ryerson McKinnon’s lap.

  “Touch me more,” she whispered.

  Rye’s growl came from deep within his chest. “I want to make you come.”

  Those words had her sagging against him. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  “You drive me wild, witchy woman.”

  Izzy laughed at her nickname and dragged her lips over his. She inhaled his musky scent and it blended with the hint of wine they’d had at dinner. Needing more contact, she lifted his shirt from his pants and slid
her fingers underneath. This time, she groaned at the feel of his muscle-packed chest underneath his soft pad of fur.

  “You aren’t going to go all animal on me, are you?” she asked, fearing he was about to shift.

  “If you keep touching me that way, I might.”

  Wolves were beautiful creatures, but only at a distance—except, of course, if it was Rye. Growing up, she’d never had the honor of seeing him in his wolf form, but she could imagine he’d be regal and imposing.

  As she explored higher on his chest, Rye slid his hand between her legs and cupped her mound. Her body instantly caught fire. And here, she thought she was the only one who could set something ablaze with a flick of the wrist. Rye was more talented than she was.

  Acting as if he was afraid of spooking her, he slowly slid his hand to her waistband. When she didn’t stop him, he unhooked the button then pulled down her zipper. That motion alone drove her crazy with anticipation.

  The moment his fingers parted her folds, Izzy nearly climaxed. She clutched his pecs and then nibbled on his lip, his chin, and finally the spot between his throat and his shoulder. His scent invaded her body and contractions rumbled inside her. How was this man able to turn her on to the point where she’d do anything to have his cock? His erection was like a steel pipe and Izzy had to adjust her position for more comfort. If his finger hadn’t slipped into her wet hole just then, she would have straddled him despite there being no room in her car. As it was, she had to bend over or chance banging her head on the roof.

  Rye curled his finger, and when he hit her most sensitive spot, she practically yelled out his name to take her. She lifted her head and gulped in some much needed oxygen. When he added a second finger, she lost it, and her climax swooped down on her, sending sparks shimmying up her spine.

  After nearly losing feeling in her fingers, she finally let up on the pressure she had on his shoulders. Gouging him had never been part of her plan.

  “Oh, my,” she gasped.

  Rye slipped his fingers out of her and the sudden emptiness made her ache. He moaned as he licked them clean. “You taste like heaven. I want you so badly, but you’ve been through a lot today, and I don’t want to pressure you.” With that, he eased her off his lap. “I’d ask you in, but I don’t trust myself around you, and I won’t rush us into anything. It has been a long day for you, and I suggest a hot bath to relax. I will definitely be thinking of you tonight my beautiful witchy woman.”

  “Okay.” That was a stupid comment as there hadn’t been any pressure on his part, but if she told him she wanted to make love with him, it might hurt their tentative relationship. Clearly, he was confused too.

  In what seemed like a last second decision, Rye cupped the back of her head and kissed her with more passion than he’d ever shown before. Confusion rushed through her again. What kind of man would bring a woman to climax and then stop? A noble one, she suspected.

  Rye was right though. Today had been harrowing, and she needed time to figure out what she wanted to do.

  “I’ll see you after work tomorrow,” she said.

  He smiled. “I’ll be there.”

  With that, he jumped out of her car. As soon as he stepped inside, Izzy took off, not wanting to be tempted to pound on his door and demand he make love with her. On the way back to her house, her entire body vibrated. By the time she pulled into the driveway, she had a grin on her face wider than the Grand Canyon.


  As soon as Rye stepped inside his house, he plastered his back against the wall. What the fuck had he been thinking? Izzy must think he was some sex-craved lunatic. She had to be reeling from finding out that some Scottish loon was after her, and yet he’d fingered her in the front seat of her car, something he hadn’t done since sophomore year in high school.

  Disgusted with himself, he grabbed a beer then called Kalan in the hopes he wasn’t still at work.

  His Beta answered after the first ring. “Yo, what’s up?”

  “I have a situation I need to discuss with you.”

  “It sounds serious.”

  “It is. Do you mind stopping over?”

  “Be right there.” Kalan then disconnected.

  Before Rye finished half the bottle, his best friend knocked then entered. Rye nodded to the fresh beer on the counter then walked over to the sofa and propped his feet up on the table. “We had an incident today. Two actually.”


  “Izzy and me.” He told Kalan about her stalker and how she’d used her magic to secure the man before running over to his place. “She was really shaken, so we went back to her place to check on the man, but he’d escaped. Over dinner we decided this creep might come at her through her parents so we stopped over there to warn them.”

  “Do you think this was the same man who ran you off the road?”

  “The man who came to Izzy’s said he’d seen her perform her magic in Scotland. What are the chances there are two Scots in town?”

  “Slim. What would you like me to do?”

  “If I had a photo of him, I’d suggest we put his face all over town, but we don’t have one yet. Izzy confirmed he was about five feet ten or eleven inches, lacked muscle tone, had auburn hair, a thin nose, and pale skin.”

  Kalan tossed back his beer. “He sounds hard to miss. After he stabbed you, I asked the others to keep an eye out for someone with a Scottish accent. Having his description should help.” He leaned forward. “You said there were two things. What was the other?”

  “I’m ashamed to admit this, but after she drove me home, Izzy leaned over and kissed me. It was probably her way of saying thank you.”

  Kalan’s brows rose. “Why would that be shameful? Sounds like a great thing to me.”

  “Because that one kiss turned into something else.”

  His friend laughed. “Don’t tell me you did the dirty?”

  “No, but I was this close.” He held his thumb and forefinger a half inch apart.

  Shaking his head, Kalan set the bottle on the coffee table in front of him and leaned back. “I bet when you stopped it pissed her off.”

  Rye hoped not. “I explained myself.”

  “You are a piece of work. What are you waiting for? She’s your mate.”

  “That is exactly why I want to give her time to get used to me. I can’t afford to mess this up.”

  “When are you going to see her next?”

  “Tomorrow.” He explained how he needed to make certain she arrived home safely. “I don’t trust that ass not to follow her again.”

  “What makes you think he’s not at her house now? If I’d been tied up in a vine, I might want a second chance at her.”

  “Oh, shit.” Rye’s blood nearly boiled. He jumped up and raced to his phone then set it down. “I don’t have her number.”

  “Then call Mrs. Berta and ask her for it.”

  “Good idea.” Rye wasn’t thinking clearly. He dialed Izzy’s mom, and when she answered, he explained that he needed to ask Izzy something but didn’t know her cell number. Telling her mom the whole truth might cause more issues. He considered asking her dad to check on her, but what could Mr. Berta do against a werewolf?

  She gave him the needed information. “Thank you for being so good to my daughter.”

  “You’re welcome.” If he’d been truly good, he would have checked her house out first before having her drive him home. He glanced over at Kalan. “Got it.”

  Just as he was about to punch in the number, he wondered if Izzy would be upset that he doubted her ability to take care of herself considering she’d told him numerous times how competent she was.

  “What are you waiting for?” Kalan asked.

  “I don’t want her to think I’m hovering.”

  Kalan picked up his beer and tipped it back. “Why would she think that? Her stalker stabbed you for fuck’s sake. If he’s good enough to do that to someone who’s trained to hear every crunch of stone, think what he could do to Izzy.”
r />   Rye dragged a hand over his head. “You’re right. If I thought she’d say yes, I’d ask her to stay here.” He dialed her number, trying to think of what to say.

  “Hello?” She sounded out of breath as if she’d run to answer the phone. Shit. In the background, water was running, probably in the tub. An intense visual formed in his mind’s eye.

  “Izzy, hey it’s me, Rye. I wanted to make sure you didn’t get any more surprises when you arrived home.”

  “Aw. That is sweet of you to call, but it’s all clear here.”

  The churning in his stomach lessened. “Great. I just wanted to check. I’ll see you tomorrow then. You have my number now, so call if you need me.”

  She chuckled. “I will. Good night, Rye.”

  The image of her naked in the tub kept flashing in his mind, forcing him to hang up quickly. He couldn’t tell if she appreciated the call or thought he was being too overprotective. He ran his hands through his hair, needing a moment to compose himself.

  “So?” Kalan asked. There was way too much humor in his tone.

  “All’s good.”

  Kalan waved his beer. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  “Like what?”

  “Unsure of yourself and second-guessing your every move. That’s not very Alpha-like behavior.”

  If anyone other than Kalan had said that, it would have been a reason to shift and fight. “This whole mate thing has thrown me for a loop. When she told me how that Scotsman had stepped foot on Wendayan land and threatened her, I lost it.”

  “You felt helpless.”

  That was a good word for it. “Yes, and I didn’t like it one bit. That’s why I’m going to take her home tomorrow after work and stay for as long as she lets me.”

  Kalan grinned. “Just don’t bite her when you make love.”

  His stupid pulse soared at the idea. “We aren’t to that stage yet.”

  “Sure.” Kalan stood then set his bottle on the counter. “Let me know how that goes.”

  Rye gave him the finger, and they both laughed. As soon as Kalan left, Rye headed to the shower, needing a real cold one tonight.


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