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A Magical Shift: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 1)

Page 9

by Vella Day

  Chapter Nine


  When Izzy went into work the next day, she was still glowing from Rye’s kiss and amazing touches—and from the phone call. Rye checking up on her meant a lot to her. Until she showed him her extensive control over the elements, she’d have to go along with his protective nature.

  She wasn’t so naïve to believe that she was invincible. Last night, when she’d pulled into her driveway, she’d carefully looked around before leaving her car, fearing that creep might have come back. Yes, she could have asked her dad to come over to check out the place with her, but then she decided she could summon the wind to push her stalker away. Her father would have used fire and probably scorched the hair off the man’s head. She never realized how talented her father was until she’d tried to mimic his precision—and failed.

  Izzy parked in front of the spa just a few minutes before it was to open. The storefront window hadn’t changed much since before she’d left to study in Europe. Hell, she bet her mom hadn’t even switched out the candles or the crystals in all that time. Good thing Mom didn’t run a clothing store or everything would be out of style. In the long run, if the display brought in customers, that was all that mattered.

  When she stepped inside, both Missy and Teagan rushed up to her.

  Missy threw her arms around her first. “Mom told us what happened. You should have called me. Do you really think that guy will come after us?” She stepped back.

  After hugging Teagan, Izzy walked behind the counter and placed her purse and keys in the cabinet. “I wish I knew. He wants something, but I have no idea what it is. I fear that if I don’t give it to him, he might use one or all of you to get to me.”

  Missy and Teagan looked at each other. “I don’t sense any evil hovering nearby,” Teagan said. “If I do, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

  “I’d appreciate it.” Teagan’s ability to foreshadow the future had just come into full power from what Missy had told her and seemed fairly accurate. Knowing that Teagan would watch out for them made Izzy feel a little better. The tension in her sister’s face lessened too. “But just in case, be on the lookout for someone who looks obviously Scottish. He won’t be wearing a kilt, but his auburn hair and pale skin will make him stand out.”

  “Thanks. We’ll be keeping an eye out for him,” Missy said. “Speaking of men, Mom said you brought Rye over to the house. What’s up with that?” A shine glinted in her eye.

  “Don’t look at me like that. There’s nothing going on.” Yet. Too bad the words came out slowly, implying she was trying to formulate a lie.

  “Uh-huh. Why were you with him then?”

  “When that Scotsman showed up at my house, I feared he might harm me, so I wrapped him in a vine then rushed over to Rye’s place. I figured he would know what to do.”

  Teagan glanced to the ceiling and inhaled. “Did Rye wrap his arms around you and tell you not to worry—that everything would be okay?”

  Izzy laughed at their antics. “No, but just so you know, he’s insisting on following me home for a few days to make sure I’m safe—or until we catch this guy.”

  The girls shot a knowing glance at each other. Fortunately, the bell above the door rang and saved her from any further discussion. An older woman she didn’t recognize came in.

  Missy rushed up to her, chatted, and then escorted her to one of the rooms in back. Four years ago, Izzy had known everyone around here. Now, it seemed as if she was a stranger in her own hometown.

  Izzy leaned against the counter while Teagan straightened the candles, lotions, and crystals on the shelves on the far wall. “Missy wrote that you and Kip are dating. How’s that going?” Kip Landon was another Wendayan, and while he was a few years older than Teagan, Izzy was happy they were together. They seemed like a good match.

  “We are, but we want to take it slowly.” Teagan faced her. “Don’t get me wrong. The sex is out of this world. I’m mean when we’re together, the whole room seems to be cast in blue, but let’s say we conflict over how I handle my visions.”

  For some reason, that didn’t feel like the real reason they hadn’t mated. “Are you intimidated by his powers? Is that it?”

  “Me? No. I mean he can control things like electric motors and anything to do with power. I’ve even seen him shoot electricity out of his palm that I bet could fry a person.”

  “That talent is nothing to sneeze about.”

  “I agree, but I’m learning to move items with my mind, and I think my lack of control bothers him.”

  So that was the crux of the conflict. “He said that? That your talents bother him?”

  Teagan glanced to the side. “Not in so many words.”

  “Back up a minute. Can you really move things with your mind?”

  Teagan nodded. “Yes, and I discovered it by accident.” She glanced at the ceiling and a sparkle came to her eyes. “We were fooling around, and I was so excited that I swiped my hand in the air, and a book flew across the room and nearly hit Kip!”


  “It happened again one other time, only then I was angry.”

  Her heightened emotions seemed to be causing the added abilities. “Can you move things at will?”

  “So far, I’ve succeeded with only small items, and even then, I can’t even move them far, but I’m working to improve my skills.”

  Stunned, Izzy pushed off from the counter and moved closer. “Show me.”

  No one was in the street to see her, so Teagan nodded. “I’ll move this tea candle.”

  Izzy might be able to control the forces of nature, which in affect was moving things like vines, sand, and wind, but when she’d attempted to move a glass across a table, she’d completely failed.

  Teagan narrowed her eyes as if she were focusing some kind of projected light beam on the object. Seconds later, the tea candle moved an inch. Her cousin’s shoulders dropped, and she faced Izzy with a grin on her face. “It wasn’t much, but I’m getting better every day.”

  “That’s fantastic. And you say Kip’s not supportive?”

  “He says he is, but I’m not sure he’s really happy about it.”

  Izzy nodded, but she was convinced there was more to the story. “Men definitely have egos.”


  Another customer came in wanting to purchase some crystals, and Teagan took care of her. Feeling unneeded, Izzy motioned she was going next door to her dad’s cell phone store to make sure he was okay. When she entered, two people were wandering around checking out the different phones while her dad was helping another customer. She waved to him and he held up his finger for her to wait. When it became evident that his conversation would take a while, she smiled, waved, and returned to the spa, happy her father was fine.

  For the rest of the day, Izzy rang up customers and checked on her dad, but each time he was busy with someone. At the spa, she was called upon to give one massage, and that was when Teagan and Missy were busy.

  All in all, her day kind of sucked. Not only did she wonder about her stalker, she had hoped Rye would have called to make sure the Scotsman hadn’t stopped by. If nothing else, he could have asked how she was holding up since her incident. Most likely Rye didn’t want to be a pest.

  About ten minutes before he was due to pick her up, she wanted to check on her father once more. This time when she entered his store, the place was empty.

  “Hey,” she said. “You’re actually free!”

  “It has been a busy day, but it’s time to close up shop. Mom called and wants me to take her out to dinner.”


  “Mind doing me a favor?”

  “Not at all,” she said happy to be useful.

  “I didn’t have anyone in here for about a half hour so I shredded some documents. Do you mind emptying the trash while I close out the cash register? The two large bags of material are by the back door.

  “No problem.” Izzy stepped to the back, picked them up, and hea
ded out to the alley. The dumpster was located at the end of the strip mall past the spa.

  Despite the alley being unpaved, the air smelled sweet and the breeze made the temperature nearly perfect. As she neared the dumpster, someone stepped out from behind it, and her heart nearly jumped out of her body.

  It was him. Shit. All she could think of was that this stalker was within a few feet of her sister, cousin, and dad. At the moment, they were the only two people in the alley, but hopefully that would change shortly.

  “What do you want?” she asked then set down her two bags.

  The asshole smiled. “I want you.”

  Was he out of his mind? He slowly advanced and goose bumps peppered her skin. Izzy debated on what to use to stop him. Should it be wind or fire? She held out her hand to shoot a fireball at his feet, but nothing happened. She jerked her hand again and concentrated hard as she tried once more. Again, she failed.

  “Oh my sweet, Isadora, not so powerful anymore, are you?” he said with a disgusting amount of cheer.

  Blood pounded in her ears, and her stomach tumbled. She didn’t understand why her powers weren’t working or how it was even possible. Izzy held her palm parallel to the ground in an attempt to create a whirlwind, but she couldn’t even make the dirt move at her feet. Frantic, she swept her arms around to create a wind strong enough to blow him over, but her abilities still eluded her.

  “Help!” Izzy’s shout came out weak. She turned and ran back toward her father’s store. In a flash, the horrid man was on her, a hand clamped over her mouth.

  “You’re coming with me, lass. The more you struggle, the worse it will be for you.”

  To hell it would be. Izzy had never known such helplessness before. She kicked him in the shin and tried to elbow him in the gut, but nothing seemed to affect him. With his hand squeezing her jaw, she couldn’t scream out again. Oh, why couldn’t she have inherited the ability to communicate telepathically?

  As he dragged her past the Crystal Winds Spa, the back door opened and Teagan appeared. “Izzy!” she shouted then immediately shot back inside.

  “Fuck,” her captor said.

  Knowing that someone had seen this man trying to capture her gave Izzy a burst of hope until she realized that even if Teagan called the sheriff’s department, it would take too long to respond.

  She lifted both of her feet in an attempt to create more drag and delay her capture, but then the man covered her nose, probably in retaliation. “I’ll carry you if I have to,” he said. From his heavy breathing, dragging her along was taking its toll.

  “Put her down.” The command came from behind them.

  Rye! She nearly cried with relief.

  Izzy lifted her hand to jab her captor in the eye, but hit his shoulder instead. Just then, the back door to her father’s store opened and he rushed out. Teagan must have called him. Dad charged and growls sounded behind her.

  Next thing she knew, she was on the ground gasping for breath. Her dad reached her first. “You okay, honey?”

  “I will be.” She twisted around to see what was happening. Teeth bared, two wolves were battling it out, and two sets of torn clothes were strewn in the middle of the fray.

  She recognized her stalker as the wolf she’d seen at the seaside with the white spot on his forehead and gray fur. Only now his eyes were glowing red. The other animal was truly magnificent. His muzzle was white sprinkled with gray, but the rest of his sleek body was a blend of white, black, and gold.

  Rye’s wolf snarled and swiped a claw across her stalker’s face. The Changeling wolf yelped and shot past Rye, running down the alley. Rye turned to go after him, but then stopped. He rushed up to her.

  “I’m okay,” she said.

  Rye howled and rubbed up against her leg. His caress helped take away some of the pain radiating through her. She squatted in front of him and ran her hand down his sleek back. His bristles were so soft and comforting. “Thank you.”

  Rye nuzzled his head under her hand, and she stroked him again then scratched behind his ears. The back door to the spa opened, and Teagan rushed out. Her gaze shot to the wolf, and she slowed.

  “It’s okay. It’s Rye. He saved me.”

  Teagan advanced. “Are you okay?”

  “Thanks to you and Rye.”

  Her father stepped next to the wolf. “How about getting a robe for Rye, Teagan? Or better yet, Rye, why don’t you follow Teagan in. You can cover up in the spa.”

  The whole concept of Rye being naked once he returned to his human form had heat racing up her face. Right now, that was the least of her worries, however. Izzy looked down the alley, but her stalker was nowhere in sight. At least, he’d have to run home. Changing back into his human form might prove embarrassing and cause another call to the sheriff’s department.

  Izzy stood and inhaled a deep breath then dusted herself off, but she couldn’t stop shaking.

  Rye’s wolf stepped back and glanced up at Teagan who pointed toward the door. “Sure thing. Come on… Rye.”

  “Wait!” Izzy spotted his keys and wallet on the ground and gathered his torn clothes. “He’ll need these.”

  Teagan stepped down and collected his gear. “What about the other stuff?”

  Izzy’s father moved next to her. “We’ll dispose of them. The man might have left some identification.”

  Teagan nodded and held the door open for Rye.

  Her father wrapped an arm around Izzy’s waist. “Come back to the store.”

  “No, I need to go home.” She turned to Rye who was halfway inside. “Rye, meet me at my place.”

  He let out a soft woof, and she took that as a yes. Izzy turned to go back with her dad when she nearly tripped over the two bags of shredded papers. “Sorry, I never got to dump these.”

  “That’s the least of our worries. What happened back there?”

  She stepped inside his store and set down the bags. The enormity of losing her powers and being attacked hit her like an eighteen-wheeler truck. “I don’t know. Suddenly, my powers wouldn’t work. It was as if being around that man altered something inside me.”

  “They worked the first time.”

  “I know.”

  When she spotted some paper on his counter, Izzy rushed over to it and held her hand over them and tried to send a puff of wind under it, but it remained still. Her heart pounded faster than a jackhammer. “I don’t understand.”

  Her dad engulfed her in a big hug and patted her back. “There has to be a reason. I’ll drive you home. Maybe your mother can help figure it out.”

  “I appreciate that, but I can drive, Dad. How about I follow you?”

  “I’ll follow you.”

  She didn’t see the difference, unless he feared that maniac would try to run her off the road or something. “Okay. What do you think we should do to stop this crazy person?”

  “Rye’s Beta is a deputy. I’ll speak with him.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded to the odious man’s clothes. “Is his wallet in there?”

  Her dad stuck his hand in the pants pockets. “Nothing.”

  “So he must have left his keys and wallet in his car then.”

  Her dad shrugged. “Perhaps he kept the car running, thinking that he’d have to dump you in the trunk or something.”

  Every muscle in her body turned heavy. “This is worse than I ever imagined.”

  “It will all work out. You’re safe now.”

  Until she left her house again. Hell, what would stop that lunatic from returning there right now? Chills rippled down her spine. Rye! Maybe she should ask him not to head on over there.

  Not only would Rye never back down, if he’d bested that creep the first time, he could do it again. “Can we go now? I don’t want Rye to wait too long.”

  “Sure, honey.”

  Once her father locked up, he followed her until he turned off at his place. She honked, waved, and drove to her driveway.

  When she arrived, Rye was leaning against
the truck—fully clothed—and she nearly cried with joy that he was safe and that loathsome man wasn’t around. Rye had saved her. Never again would she be so arrogant to think that she couldn’t use help. Having him near was like someone with wings holding her up by the shoulders. Izzy pulled up next to him and slipped out.

  On her first step, her knees gave way and she had to grab the car handle. A second later, Rye was by her side.

  “Let’s get you inside.” He swooped her up and carried her down the path. Under normal circumstances, she would have demanded he put her down, but right now, she needed to be in his arms.

  At the door, he set her down so she could open up. As she stepped in, Rye held out a hand for her to stop then glanced around. Fear jammed a spike down her throat. “You don’t think he’d be in here do you?”

  “No, I’d sense him if he were, but I like to be cautious. Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll get you something to drink.”

  That sounded wonderful. While she normally wasn’t the type to let a man take care of her, she was so distraught that she needed time to regroup. “How about a glass of wine? I need something stronger than tea or water.”

  “You got it.”

  Rye disappeared into the kitchen. Cabinets banged and drawers opened. If she’d had the strength, she would have helped him.

  “Wine’s in the caddy next to the fridge,” she called out.

  “Found it.” He returned a minute later with two glasses of wine then sat next to her. “Tell me exactly what happened.”

  Chapter Ten


  Owen was seething mad. To be bested by that punk ate away at his very being. Rye would pay.

  He closed the trunk of his car and jumped in the driver’s seat, careful to make sure no one had seen him. It was why he’d parked next to the alley. Thank goodness he was forward thinking and had a spare set of clothes in his car just for such an emergency. To think he went to all the trouble of binding Isadora’s powers only to leave empty handed. He wouldn’t give up though. He would have Isadora Berta as his wife, no matter what.


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