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Desire & Denial (Southern Boys Book 3)

Page 14

by K. C. Wells

  Chaz kissed him, stroking his back and ass cheeks, keeping the motion gentle. “I’m inside you. Do you know how fucking awesome that is?”

  Holy fucking God, Chaz was balls deep in him, and it was breathtakingly good.

  Kendis was ready to make it feel even better.

  He rolled his hips experimentally, and Chaz gasped. “Do that again.” Kendis anchored himself to Chaz, his arms around him, and began to move. Every time Chaz filled him to the hilt, he let out a low cry, until Chaz covered his mouth with his hand, his eyes almost pleading with Kendis to be quiet.

  Fuck, that was hot.

  Kendis rocked a little faster, his heartbeat racing as Chaz’s dick slid in and out of him a little more fluidly. No more burn, just a wonderful friction that made him feel alive. Chaz curled his fingers around Kendis’s heavy cock and worked it with a languid hand. Every rock of Kendis’s hips pushed his cock through the tunnel of Chaz’s slick fingers.

  Sensation overload.

  Kendis arched his back with a sigh. “Not gonna last.” The words were barely past his lips before he creamed Chaz’s hand, his body jolting with each pulse of come. Chaz buried his face in Kendis’s chest, and he clung to Chaz as the initial wave of pleasure gave way to a flood, like nothing he’d ever experienced. His arms were locked around Chaz’s neck, his senses going into overdrive. Chaz lifted his head and their lips met in a soft kiss. He shivered as Chaz slid his hand down Kendis’s shaft.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Chaz said in a low voice.

  His chest was covered in sweat, and he felt like he’d just had a pole rammed up his ass, but on hearing Chaz’s words his throat tightened. “Your turn,” he whispered. He ached for Chaz to come inside him. Will I feel it? God, he hoped so.

  Chaz moved unhurriedly, pushing up with his hips and pulling Kendis down onto his shaft, picking up a bit of speed. “Not long,” he said, his breathing more rapid.

  “I wanna feel you come,” Kendis whispered.

  Chaz stared at him with wide eyes, then shuddered, his dick throbbing inside Kendis. Chaz’s breathing, loud and erratic, filled his ears. The slick feel of Chaz’s skin beneath his fingertips… He held Chaz tightly until Chaz’s trembling subsided. Then tilted his chin higher to kiss him on the lips.

  Chaz stared at him. “Well? Did you?”

  Kendis wanted to laugh out loud. “Oh yeah.” He was aware of an ache where there had never been one before. “Do I have to move? Because I don’t think I can.”

  Sex was exhausting.

  Chaz cupped the back of his head and drew him closer. The kiss was sweet, just how Kendis hoped it would be. Everywhere was a good deal stickier than he’d anticipated, however.

  Chaz sighed. “I think we need a clean-up. Thank God the bathroom is only a door away.”

  “But… Jon’s out there.”

  Chaz chuckled. “Jon won’t see us, trust me. In fact, knowing him an’ how shy he gets? He’s gonna stay out of sight.”

  Kendis raised himself up, and Chaz’s dick slipped out of him. Both of them sighed. “I think I’m gonna be feeling that for a while,” Kendis said.

  Chaz snorted. “That’s nothing compared to what I’m gonna be feelin’ when it’s my turn. You ain’t exactly small.”

  Kendis couldn’t wait.

  They crept out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, Kendis listening intently for any noise from Jon. All he heard was the TV. A shower was the fastest way to remove all traces, and sharing it with Chaz was a damn sight more practical than any shower scene Kendis had ever watched. As they slipped quietly back into the bedroom, Kendis realized there was another first to come, one that made him warm inside.

  I get to sleep with him.

  His next thought was distinctly more practical.

  If this is gonna be a habit, Chaz has got to get Jon to find him a bigger bed.

  Yeah. Kendis would love to hear that conversation.

  Jon lowered the volume on the TV when he caught the sound of Chaz’s door closing. Sounds like they’re done. He’d tried not to listen, even going so far as to turn up the sound, but it didn’t alter the fact that he knew what they were doing in there. Now and then, noises made it through, low moans and soft cries, and it was the hottest fucking thing Jon had ever experienced.

  He switched off the TV, got up off the couch, went over to the shelf where he kept his whiskey, and poured himself a glass. Then he sat, his feet up, slowly drinking—and remembering.

  Twenty-two years old. He’d finally gotten up enough nerve to step inside that bar. And it would’ve been fine, except he’d chosen either the wrong bar or the wrong night to frequent it—to this day, Jon wasn’t certain which one it was. Whatever. It didn’t fucking matter. The result was an experience that was to haunt him for a long time. Okay, so it could have been a whole lot worse. That didn’t alter how it had affected his life.

  Jon imagined Chaz and Kendis in bed, their arms around each other, their first experience so much safer than his had been. He was happy for them, he truly was. And although he’d tried not to listen, it was apparent their first time together had been wonderful.

  I hope it was magical. Because after what life had dealt the pair of them so far, they deserved to encounter a little magic.

  What a difference compared to his first experience. What had begun as an exciting first step had rapidly turned into a nightmare. And how long had it taken him to try again? Fucking years, only for that too to end badly. With hindsight, Jon knew the mistake that time had been his. He hadn’t intentionally led Wayne down that particular path, but when it turned out they weren’t on the same page, Jon had reacted the only way he knew.

  He’d run.

  And here I am, stuck in the same fucking cycle.

  Except that wasn’t entirely true, not anymore. Because for the first time, Jon was envisaging finally breaking free, and that was down to Chaz and Kendis. And the key to that?


  He trusted them. He knew, with all his heart, they wouldn’t hurt him. Hell, after Chaz’s performance the other morning, Jon had even gotten the impression that he wasn’t the only one who sensed there could be more than friendship between them. At least, he hoped he’d read the situation correctly. Chaz in that towel, making sure Jon got to see what he was packing? Yeah, that had been about as subtle as a brick to the head. Where Kendis was concerned, Jon was less certain.

  What he couldn’t get his head around, was why Chaz would be interested in him, or why the Lord had seen fit to bring not one, but two men into Jon’s life for him to lose his heart—and his sleep—over.

  Whatever happened, Jon wasn’t going to make the same mistake again. If he’d misread the signals with Wayne, he sure as fuck was gonna make sure he read ’em right the next time.

  Lord, I hope there’s a next time.

  Jon finished his whiskey and went into the kitchen to rinse the glass. He needed sleep, but he had an idea it would take its time getting there. There was too much going on in his head and he knew from experience it would take a while to shut his brain down.

  I am sick ‘n’ tired of going to bed alone.

  Maybe tired enough to finally do something about it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Thursday Dec 21

  Kendis’s waking thoughts that morning were of two firsts that couldn’t be any more different. Yes, the sex had been exhilarating, treading a thin line between pain and pleasure, and in the end pleasure had definitely taken the lead. But waking up in Chaz’s bed, seeing him sleeping there, his hair more tousled than Kendis had ever seen it—and Lord, that was cute—brought to him a new realization.

  I am so happy right now.

  Sex was great. Sex was a whole lotta fun. But this feeling of quiet bliss gave rise to a euphoria Kendis hoped he’d never tire of. Gazing at the sleeping Chaz, his face at peace, his breathing slow and steady, could fast become one of Kendis’s favorite pastimes.

  I could lie here all day and watch him sleep. How craz
y was that?

  Except that wasn’t possible. For one thing, he had work. For another, he had his momma to deal with. Twenty years old, and it was the first time he’d ever spent a night away from home in a place she didn’t know about.

  And she’s not gonna know. Not until Kendis was certain he knew where this was leading. Oh, he knew where he hoped it would lead, but that was unrealistic, given he’d only known Chaz for—he mentally did the math—almost two weeks. He wasn’t about to jeopardize the situation by bringing up the subject. If Chaz wanted to broach it, that was fine. Until then, Kendis figured keeping quiet about his feelings was the best policy.

  His thoughts veered off to the previous night. From the moment they’d left the movie theater, it had been obvious—to Kendis at least—where the night was going to end. And he certainly hadn’t been disappointed. Of course, there were twinges where there’d never been twinges, and Kendis thought it might be a while before he gave up his ass again, but then what did he know? There were always alternatives, right? And just then, the idea of one of those alternatives was not helping his severe case of morning wood.

  He smiled to himself. It was still early. They had time.

  “Well, that’s a nice sight to wake up to.”

  Kendis gave a start. Chaz was gazing at him, and smiling. “Good morning.” Now Chaz was awake, Kendis suddenly felt a little shy.

  “You know the best part about spending the night?”

  Kendis had a good idea that part would include sex in some form or other.

  “Morning cuddles.” Chaz rolled onto his back and opened his arms.

  Kendis moved without hesitation, a fluttery feeling in his belly as Chaz held him close. If he’d been happy before… “Okay, this is good.” In fact, it was pretty goddamn perfect: Chaz’s body against his, Chaz’s arm around him…

  “Did you sleep okay?”

  Kendis gave a happy sigh. “I slept great. Woke up once or twice, but that was down to the snoring.”

  Chaz chuckled. “Yeah, you can hear him sometimes. These walls are pretty thin.”

  Kendis craned his neck and looked Chaz in the eye. “Who said I was talking about Jon?” He bit back a smile.

  Chaz blinked. “Seriously?”

  Kendis laughed softly. “Hey, it wasn’t that bad. You did make some cute little noises though.” He snuggled closer. “You feel good in the morning.” Scrap that—he felt amazing.

  “You know what would feel even better?”

  Okay, he’d been wrong before, but Kendis was willing to bet he knew exactly where this was going. “What?”

  Chaz tugged Kendis until he was lying on top of him. “This,” Chaz said decisively, gently rolling his hips.

  Yeah, there was no way Kendis could miss that. He caught his breath. “Are you always this hard in the morning?”

  Chaz grinned. “Pretty much.”

  Kendis bit back a moan as his dick encountered Chaz’s. “Dear Lord. How big is that thing? Feels like anywhere you go in the bed, you’re next to it.”

  Chaz stared at him for a moment before bursting into a peal of laughter. Seconds later there was a soft knock at the door.

  “Okay, so now I know you’re awake, would you boys like some breakfast? I know Kendis has to be at work this morning.” Jon snickered. “An’ I’m sure you’re both hungry.”

  Chaz sighed heavily. “Dammit. I had plans.”

  Kendis couldn’t resist. He lowered his head and kiss the tip of Chaz’s nose. “Your plans will have to wait. There’ll be another time.” He had every intention of coming back, providing he was invited.

  Chaz cupped Kendis’s nape. “You’re damn right about that.” His voice softened. “If I had my way, I’d be wakin’ up with you every mornin’.”

  Kendis gave a rueful smile. “I think my momma might have something to say about that.” A whole lotta somethings, he had no doubt.

  A loud cough came from the other side of the door. “Am I addressing the living?”

  Kendis laughed, and Chaz rolled his eyes. “We’ll be out there soon.”

  Jon snorted. “Yeah, right. Dry that one out an’ I could fertilize the lawn with it.” Minutes later, faint music could be heard, a lilting melody played on a piano.

  Kendis had to smile. “Wow. That’s beautiful. I never would’ve guessed Jon was a classical kinda guy.” Jon was full of surprises, it seemed.

  Then he recalled the previous night. “D’you think he heard us? I know we said we’d be quiet, but—”

  “What if he did?” Chaz stroked Kendis’s head. “An’ speakin’ of Jon…maybe you’re not so crazy after all.”


  “I had a talk with Del. A very interesting talk.” Chaz glanced toward the door. “Not now. When I know we’re out of earshot.”

  Kendis chuckled. “Are you always this intriguing before breakfast?” With great reluctance, he sat up, looking around for his clothes.

  “They’re on the floor where we threw ’em last night,” Chaz volunteered. His eyes sparkled. “We were in kind of a hurry to get naked, if you recall.” He stroked Kendis’s thigh, and the light touch both tickled and aroused him.

  Yeah, Kendis recalled that all right. Then he caught his breath as Chaz pushed him onto his back before spreading his thighs wide. “What… what are you doin’? We have… we have to get up.”

  “Looks like you’re already up,” Chaz said with a grin, wrapping his hand around Kendis’s solid shaft. He moved closer until his lips were maybe an inch from the head. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”

  Kendis widened his eyes. “He’s makin’ breakfast!” he remonstrated.

  “An’ I’m just makin’ sure I get enough protein.”

  Before Kendis could respond, a hot mouth took away all desire to speak, and he grabbed Chaz’s head.

  It was useless to argue with a man who had his mouth full anyway.

  Chaz got off the bike and stowed it by the garage. Jon was already in there, working on the Harley. He looked up as Chaz entered. “He get to work on time?”

  Chaz nodded. “With about a minute to spare.”

  Jon cackled. “You ain’t got no one to blame for that but yourselves.” He cocked his head to one side. “His momma know where he was last night?”

  “She knows he stayed with a friend.”

  Jon nodded. “Yeah, and I bet that’s all she’s gonna know.” He peered intently at Chaz. “I’m guessing things have moved on with you two.” His eyes twinkled. “Not that guessing was all that difficult.”

  “Yeah, about that.” Chaz crouched beside the bike. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked first.”

  Jon frowned. “Why in the hell should you do that? It’s your home too.” He went back to cleaning the chrome.

  Chaz absently picked up a rag and went to work on another spot. “Y’know, if you wanna bring a date home, I’ll make myself scarce.” For some reason, the thought of Jon having someone in his room set off a burning sensation in his chest, and he didn’t understand the reaction. So what if he does? That doesn’t affect me, right?

  Jon huffed. “I think it’s safe to say that’s not gonna happen anytime soon.”

  “Why not? You’re only, what, forty?”

  Jon coughed violently. “What the fuck, dude? I’m thirty-eight.”

  Chaz beamed. “Even better. It’s never too late, right? I mean, look at Del. Forty-six and all loved up.”

  “Yeah, well, we ain’t all as lucky as Del.”

  Chaz wasn’t going to give up that easily. “You never know who’s gonna walk into your life. You just have to be ready for ’em when they do.” He gazed at Jon, his stomach clenching. “You’re a great guy. You’d make someone real happy.” And Jon being alone felt wrong.

  Jon’s sigh sounded like it came from someplace deep inside him. “Maybe it’s too late for that. Maybe that boat has sailed.” He glanced across at Chaz. “So how was Del? Is he missin’ the shop already?”

  Chaz got the message. They were not go
ing to talk about this. “Actually? I think he’s missin’ you.”

  Jon blinked. “Did he say that?”

  “Nope, but I’m not blind.” Chaz didn’t break eye contact. “You two have a fallin’ out or somethin’?”

  Jon returned his attention to the bike with another sigh. “If we did, it was my fault. Something was said an’ I… I overreacted.” He leaned back on his haunches. “I suppose I need to go see him.” He snickered. “Especially today.”

  “Why? What’s today?”

  Jon grinned. “His birthday. He ain’t forty-six anymore.”

  “He never said a word!”

  Jon snorted. “You’re eighteen. Wait till you’re my age. Birthdays don’t mean shit anymore.”

  Chaz narrowed his gaze. “When’s yours?”

  Another snort. “Like I’m gonna tell you. An’ who says I wanna be reminded of another year passing?”

  Chaz lowered his rag. “Are you happy?” The question was out before he had time to think about it.

  Jon regarded him quizzically. “Why’d you ask that?”

  “Just a feeling.” Fuck it. He’d gotten this far. “It’s just that… I remember how you were at Thanksgiving.”

  “Yeah? And?”

  Chaz took a deep breath. “You’ve changed. It’s like you’re carryin’ a heavy load most of the time.” His heartbeat sped up. “You know how you were there for me after I saw my daddy? Well… can’t I be there for you?” Christ, he just wanted to help.

  Jon stared at him for a moment, then pulled him into a hug. “Your daddy is a blind fool to lose out on having a wonderful, caring guy like you in his life.”

  Chaz wasn’t listening. He was too busy loving the feeling of being in Jon’s arms. Dammit, when he holds me… Chaz felt safe. Secure. Cared for.

  Jon released him and sat back once more, his gaze focused on Chaz’s face. “And just so we’re clear? You do not have to sneak Kendis into your bedroom, y’hear? You wanna be… alone with him, you go ahead.” He narrowed his gaze. “Y’all are being safe, right? Not that I’m suggestin’ for one second there’s anything wrong with either of you, but…”


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