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Skye Light

Page 5

by A R Maloney

  I wasn’t sure what I was looking for until Riven stopped, A large branch moved before him. I gasped and took a step backwards. My eyes moved from the branch to the trunk of the large tree, only to find a knotty pair of ancient eyes looking back at me. It took a moment for me to comprehend what I was seeing.

  A deep rumble surrounded us and Espencheid spoke. “Riven, my friend. How good of you to visit.” The old eyes turned to me, appearing to look through me. “Young one, come here to me. Let me see you. Sit, sit, both of you.” Together Riven and I sat, supported in the embrace of the strong thick branches of the Kauri. The old tree creaked; a wooden smile came to his ancient face. “A fledgling, you have brought. Young one, I am Espencheid, how shall I know you today?” he asked.

  “My name is Skye. I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance.” I said, not quite believing I was speaking with a tree, and not sure I believed it was talking back either. Wait. What did he call me? Fledgling?

  The old tree responded, “My dear young one, you too, are not so young. Let me show you once again what has been foreseen. Relax in my branches and you will know.” Espencheid’s voice was low and slow, as his strong branches wove around Riven and me.

  I was flooded once again by the images of me, winged and furious, in exquisite armor. I coursed through the dark sky, joining a massive battle. The Lluren champion stood before me, sword in hand. His heavy scaly skin was glowing in the night sky. We circled each other and the fight began. Spells were cast and weapons swung. I fell with a scream but arose once more with a great shout as a powerful spell flew from my hands. Darkness.

  It seemed so real. The great tree released us from his grasp, setting us gently on the ground below. “You have healed the earth and so I will heal you by restoring this portion of your memory.” Espencheid said, a great crystal tear fell from his eyes, landing in my hand. “Take this as a sign, bring it to Ian, for you were chosen at the beginning of time to this life of service, and the time has come again for you to serve.” The great tree caressed my back with a small leafy branch saying, “Fledgling, go seek him now. For your future awaits, young sentinel.”

  I looked at Riven and he nodded. We thanked the ancient Kauri and made our way to Ian. The old man was sitting in front of a small stone cottage, poking at a fire with a long stick. Occasionally he would pull the stick away, the end glowing bright in the dusky haze. He could be seen drawing images and shapes into the ground below.

  He began speaking as we approached. “A very long time ago we were one people, the Lucenian and the Ustenian. The gods chose some of these people to become sentinels. They were imbued with a type of immortality. These sentinels were born to fight the Lluren, who were wont to kill us and enslave us. We were given this gift of magic and immortality to bring freedom to our world. Wars raged for many generations between us and the Lluren. At one point it was believed by some that a peace could be made between us and a council was called. But before a treaty could be made, tragedy came. One of ours was struck down, there is no record of who attacked first, but what is known is that this spawned another great battle, one that could have ended our world forever. It almost did. This is when the world was nearly destroyed, and the Great Break occurred. We saved ourselves but at a horrible cost. Many were lost forever that day, never to return. For a very long time we believed we were alone in this world, that only the Lucenian had survived. But before long we discovered this was not the truth.”

  We sat down near the old man as he continued speaking, not ever acknowledging our presence.

  “Strange portals began appearing throughout our lands. Eventually we sent a small team through to explore one. When they passed through, they were amazed to find another world. This land was dark and cold. It was inhabited by a race of people, very similar to us, but almost feral in appearance. They were dark skinned and had hair running down their backs. Their fingers were long, and their feet were scaled and sharp like those of the greatest birds of prey. Long sharp talons sat in place of toes. and teeth as sharp as razors. Most disturbing were their eyes which glowed red, filled with a hatred and blood rage. We tried to contact them, so we could learn about them, but all they seemed to want was war. They attacked, killing most of the company. The couple who made it back to Plano had barely escaped with their lives.”

  I shuddered. “These were the Ustenians?” I asked.

  “Yes, young one.” Nodded Ian. “We have been warring ever since that time. Soon you will be joining this fight, fledgling. The gods have chosen you, as they did so many lifetimes ago. You are one of our immortals, born and reborn to fight for the freedom of Lucenia. You shall help us to gain the victory over all who would oppose us!”

  I gazed at the old man, trying to wrap my mind around what he was saying. Riven looked at me nodding and said, “You have received Espencheid’s Tear. That gem is a piece of his soul. It is the piece that recognizes you. It has always known you, through all your immortal lives.”

  “Immortal lives?” I asked. “Doesn’t that mean you don’t die?”

  “It is your spirit which lives on. The body is a shell. As a human it is very fragile, very short. As a sentinel, it will become much sturdier, and it has the capacity to last much longer. Our bodies will die eventually, but a sentinel’s spirit will find their way back, if not in their current body, then reborn into a new one.” Ian looked at me through his old, pale blue eyes. “Although, it seems that lately there are less and less of us sentinels who return. Espencheid has given you his tear, his memory of you. You are ascending, young one. You are to be a sentinel once again.”

  My mind was reeling. Woah, wait sentinel? I thought of my mom. Had she known? What would she say? What would Cooper say? A giddy excitement came over me. Me! Ascending?!

  Ian turned to me, his elderly hands grasping mine and smiled, “We will journey together to Plano. Galena, the high priest, will officially announce your ascension in a ceremony tomorrow evening at sunset.”

  Riven stood and looked over to me, “For now we will return to Ridott Village. You will be free to do as you wish until dusk tomorrow. We will meet at the north guard tower at dusk, where we will go together to Plano.” Riven said.

  Together we walked back. As we entered the village, we began passing many others. Several regarded me with approving smiles and nods, meeting my gaze with bright eyes. “News travels fast here,” whispered Riven.

  I nodded.

  “Your time is yours to spend as you please tonight. Many will be gathered in the pub. I would be the first to congratulate you if you decide to stop by.”

  “Thank you, Riven” I gave him a genuine smile. “You have been a great instructor and a good friend.” We clasped each other’s wrists tightly.

  I turned to return to my barracks, trying to decide what to do first. So much free time!! I neared my quarters and found Niera and Cooper there waiting for me. They greeted me with warm hugs and welcomed me, unofficially of course, as a sentinel.

  Niera spoke first, “We know you have the night and much of tomorrow off.”

  Cooper still had an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him, he added, “So you’re stuck with me!”

  “Stuck with US!” corrected Niera. “However,” she continued sniffing the air and wrinkling her nose, “we will give you a little time to clean up, you're stinky!” She laughed, sweeping the palm of her hand over her nose and feigning faintness.

  Cooper presented me with a package wrapped in light blue cloth. I looked up at him smiling with wonder. “Your stinky doesn’t bother me one bit.” He punctuated the point by sticking his nose in my neck before kissing and nipping me lightly.

  “Says the stinky warrior. You get pretty rank yourself there, brother!”

  “Open it!” He exclaimed, ignoring Niera’s jab. “It’s from both of us.” Niera nodded.

  I unwrapped the package, pulling out finely woven armor. The tunic and skirt were pale silvery blue, the color of the Lucenian sentinels, crafted of soft cloth spun with
thin strands of metal meshing which was embroidered with a deeper blue and purple pattern. There were tall, soft lined boots, the indigo shade of the evening sky.

  “Wow!” I didn’t know what else to say, “Thank you!!” Thank you very much!” I threw my arms around them both, kissing their cheeks.

  Cooper nudged my hip. “Go get cleaned up, we’ll be waiting.”

  I nodded at them, “I’ll be back,” I said as I left for the bathhouse.

  Almost an hour later, I emerged. My skin had been scrubbed until it glowed pink, then a fragrant jasmine oil was rubbed deep into my skin. I wore my braids down tonight, the thin chocolate tendrils hanging over my shoulders and draping onto my back. My new armor fit well. The tunic covered one shoulder and wrapped loosely around me, from my chest to my back. It showed off my arms, which were solid from weeks of backbreaking practice. The skirt was short, stopping several inches above my knees, with a long swatch of embroidered cloth hanging behind me to my calves. Best of all were the soft boots which laced up to just below my knees. I had never owned anything so fine as this before. I approached my friends awaiting their approval.

  “You look great!” exclaimed Niera, her eyes gleaming with pride. Cooper stared at me. Niera thwacked him on the back of the head saying, “Shake your head, your eyes are stuck!”

  “You look better than great, you look beautiful.” He finally said, still staring at me.

  I blushed deeply and thanked them both.

  We walked to the pub where they were serving a hearty stew with lamb and thick cut vegetables. The bartender brought out large mugs of stout. I looked at the rich dark brew and took a sip. The bittersweet taste filled my mouth. It was delicious!

  Riven approached us and took a seat, setting his heavy mug on the wooden table, splashing a little over the edge as it dropped down. He smiled at me with his mossy eyes. “Skye,” he said, “you have come so far. I have nothing left to teach you. Everything else you will learn in the field.” He raised his mug and continued, “I wish you well and strong of heart, my fledgling!” He took a large draw from the mug before setting it down again.

  The others raised their drinks as well, calling out and repeating the words, then drinking deeply from their own mugs. Torres and Anara stopped through and bought us a round, and Roman even made an appearance to congratulate me.

  We drank and talked until late into the night. Finally Riven excused himself for the night and shuffled out the door. Niera was looking very comfortable with a man at the bar, laughing and playing with his spiky bluish hair. She looked like she wouldn’t be leaving for some time. She gave Cooper and me a conspiratorial wink and a small wave with her pinky finger as Cooper opened the door for us to leave.

  We stepped out into the warm night air and began walking. We crossed through town and began heading towards the forest. The moon lit the night enough to see the path before us. We talked easily as we moved farther into the woods.

  I stopped at the edge of a warm spring and sat down on the mossy bank, pulling Cooper’s hand. “Sit with me?” I asked. Cooper pulled himself down beside me, draping a long arm over my shoulder and pulling me close. “They keep calling me fledgling. What’s it like? The change, I mean.” I was drawing circles on his palm with my finger.

  “My Skye, it has already happened.” Cooper whispered low into my ear. “When Espencheid gave you the memory in his tear you were marked once again by the gods.”

  I stopped and turned, looking at Cooper, confused and shook my head. “But nothing has changed.” I said, pulling my lips into a small frown.

  “Hasn’t it?” asked Cooper, smoothing my hair back from my face.

  “I don’t feel different.” I looked at my feet, inspecting a bit of dust which was clinging to the toe of my boot.

  Cooper turned to me and placed his hand on the nape of my neck, pulling me closer. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “Do you feel this?” he asked. He looked at me before kissing me again, moving his teeth over my ear and down my neck, biting and licking lightly.

  I closed my eyes and a soft moan escaped my lips, “I can feel that just fine.” I whispered. I reached my hands up, cupping his face as I returned the kisses. We continued leisurely like this for a long time. Our hands, lips, teeth and tongues explored each other thoroughly. Eventually, our clothing lay scattered on the riverbank. Our limbs were tangled together, our bodies slick with sweat. Cooper pulled me on top of him and thrust into me deeply, he forced my passion to swell until I felt like I was coming undone from the inside out. Wings sprouted from between my shoulder blades as I shuddered, a long cry of relief tearing from my lips. Then I noticed something different. A pulling sensation from under my shoulder blades caused me to stiffen and I became very still, feeling my new wings for the first time. I giggled and blushed, looking from side to side, inspecting the long white feathers. Cooper lay beneath me gazing up at me, smiling intensely.

  “You have changed.” He said, his voice was husky with emotion.

  “Is this going to happen every time?” I whispered with an impish smile.

  Cooper shrugged and pinched my side, “We could always test the theory.”

  I pulled my wings around us like a canopy as I leaned down to kiss him deeply again. We spent the night on the mossy bank of the spring, playing in the warm water and enjoying each other’s company. Finally, we slept, tangled together until long into the morning.

  My dreams were filled with new images tonight and when my eyes finally opened, I was ready to spend more time making Cooper sweat!

  It was past noon when we finally returned to the village. We stopped at the pub for a late lunch then parted ways to prepare for the trip to Plano. Wow! I never imagined I would be going to Plano. I smiled to myself, feeling quite satisfied as I returned to my quarters to pack.

  Chapter 6—Plano

  THE SUN HAD TRAVELED far across the sky. I was waiting nervously at the guard tower, my pack resting on the ground near my feet. I passed the time whispering spells, creating small balls of fire and ice and tossing them from hand to hand. This occupied me for about ten minutes. Finally, frustrated with waiting, I flung an ice ball high up into the air and countered it with another small ball of ice. The frozen elements hit each other, and the ice exploded with a loud *POP* causing small white flakes to drift back down to the earth, melting as they touched the ground.

  I turned around when I heard the clapping behind me. “Snow!” Niera excitedly skipped up to me, her blonde hair arranged in small, neat spiky curls. “Are you ready?”

  “I am! I hate waiting. Are you coming with?” My eyes pleaded with her. I hoped I didn’t need to leave my friends just yet.

  Niera nodded. “I’ve just received my orders. I’ll be staying with you through your first assignment at least.” She said smiling happily. Niera’s eyes sparkled brilliantly as she turned her gaze to four others coming up the hill.

  I waved to Cooper, Riven and Ian. The fourth I recognized as the sentinel with the blue hair from last night at the pub. We all greeted each other. Cooper smiled and rubbed my back lightly.

  “This is Reno, he will be teleporting us into Plano.” Riven stated, explaining that this was the only way in or out of the inner sanctum of the city; “security reasons,” he had cited. “Watch and listen closely, Skye, this is one more spell you will need to learn. I would have taught you myself, but Reno works as an envoy to Galena. He’s here under special orders.

  The blue haired man nodded at me. “Skye, I am happy to meet you. Relax, this will be over in two shakes of a wolf's tail.” He said. “Gather near me and place a hand on my arm or back.” Reno began whispering a spell, raising his arms high into the air. A light glowing ball formed in front of us, growing larger, quickly, until it finally enveloped us. Then with a flash it closed, and we were gone!

  Moments later I began hearing new sounds. The ground beneath my feet felt different. Nothing smelled the same. I held my arms out away from my sides to help steady my balance as the world arou
nd me changed from fuzzy to in focus. When I could once again see straight, I noticed the others watching me intently. Cooper was trying to mask a look of concern, eventually relaxing when my eyes finally focused, seeing the buildings of the city for the first time. We were standing in a large courtyard, which was ringed by a number of guards, both human and sentinel.

  Reno looked me over asking, “Do you feel ok? Transports can be a bit disorienting the first few times. It does get easier and eventually it will not affect you at all.” Riven nodded in agreement.

  A young girl approached us, she greeted Reno with a deep bow. When he tapped her shoulder, she then turned and inclined her head, “Welcome to Plano. Galena is expecting you immediately. You can find him in the Halls of Knowledge with the other high priests.”

  We hurried down a maze of busy passageways, following Reno as he led us onward through the labyrinth of stone and people. It was hard to keep up with the group. I kept finding myself trying to stop to see the vast gardens and architecture of all the buildings. I had never seen so many people, and the buildings were so huge…so tall…and more incredible than anything I could imagine. We crossed over a large bridge and entered an imposingly tall building of alabaster. The white stone walls were stately and the room inside was glorious in its impeccable simplicity.

  A tall sentinel stood on a riser near the back of the room. He motioned me forward and directed me to stand beside him. The room began to quickly fill with many people as I was escorted to Galena. He nodded at me and raised his arms. His voice was loud and commanded the attention of everyone in the room. “Skye. It is time to confirm you have been touched by our gods! Show the proof of your divinity for all to see!”

  My cheeks flushed with warmth and I took a deep breath. I gave a triumphant cry and pushed out two large white wings from between my shoulder blades. I pumped my new wings hard once, then once again; my body lifting up several feet into the air. I landed gently on my feet and pulled my new wings back in.


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