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Skye Light

Page 6

by A R Maloney

  Galena looked at me and smiled with a nod. “Skye. You have come to us from humble beginnings. May you not forget your roots as your life begins again. You are charged with protecting Lucenia from all invaders and securing victory for us all.”

  There was cheering and I turned to the crowd, scanning the faces for those of my friends. As the room began to clear Riven approached us, greeting Galena. “This fledgling has real potential. I can see her skills surpassing mine easily.”

  I blushed under Riven’s praise, “I have been graced with the best of teachers.” I looked at Galena and smiled. “I wasn’t sure what to expect. It wasn’t that bad. Is there more to this ceremony?”

  Galena looked at me smiling and said, “No, that was it. Welcome back to us young sentinel. May you have a strong heart and good health, fledgling.”

  I thanked the priest and Riven called me to come with him. “Skye, let me introduce you to Charna, she will be your greatest resource as you continue to gain strength and power. Charna is a very powerful magus. She was a child when the Great Break nearly destroyed our world. She was once my teacher as well.”

  We walked together through the walkways and halls of Plano. We passed gardens and shops, crossed bridges that were long and tall. I paused in the middle of the longest bridge and looked over the edge, off towards the horizon of the vast ocean. I didn’t realize until now just how large Plano was. I looked with wonder at enormous ships coming and going from the many docks, amazed at how different this was from anything in my known past. Still, as strange and foreign as it seemed, there was some part of it all that was inherently familiar. I did finally believe that I had known this place before.

  We entered a great building with high vaulted ceilings. In the corner of the largest room was a raised terrace. We stood and waited here and after a couple of minutes an elevator came down to rest on the ground on the far side of the space. When it had settled, we stepped onto the platform and soon the elevator began to carry us to another great room high above. We stepped off the elevator and entered a room where Charna waited for us.

  Charna embraced Riven briefly and chastised him saying, “You always stop in when we are both so busy. Sometime soon we will need to catch up!” Charna then spoke to me. “You will come to me Skye, for any training you may need in the future. I can teach you newer spells to work with, to keep you challenged. You will report this evening to Colonel Elden, who is in LaSalle. He will assess your skills before your next assignment.” She handed me the orders and nodded and turned to follow Riven.

  Riven and I met with Cooper and Niera soon after leaving Charna. Riven took my hands in his and spoke his farewell. “I am expected back in Ridott Village soon. I wish you well and strong of heart, Skye.”

  I hugged him briefly and a pang of sadness hit me as I realized I would miss him. I repeated the customary farewell to him adding, “Riven, I will miss singeing your hair, I do hope that I will have the chance to try that again very soon.” Remembering Roman’s first lesson I held my composure, refusing any emotion. I nodded to my mentor saying, “Take care. Thank you for your guidance.”

  Riven bowed in return, “You take care of yourself too, my friend.” He shared fast goodbyes with Cooper and Niera, and in a flash he was gone.

  A bittersweet melancholy spread over me as I realized how quickly my world was changing again. Niera excused herself to find the armor smith, mumbling something about repairs. Cooper and I were left standing in Plano’s busy main square.

  We walked through the bustling thoroughfares to a small garden on a tier overlooking a portion of the city. We found ourselves surrounded by a small jungle of palms, bright hibiscus, fragrant roses and a myriad of other tropical greens and flowers. Colorful birds sang to each other while flitting from tree to tree. We found a bench and sat side by side, in companionable silence, for a long time before either of us spoke.

  Cooper turned to me finally, removing a platinum chain from his neck. He pulled a small silver ring from the chain and inspected it carefully as he spoke. “I never really knew my mother. I was a newborn when she died in the Great Break. My father survived, somehow, but his spirit was broken. I was a child at that time, the memories are still horrific. He never recovered from her loss…never got over her death. He wore this until the day he died. It was all he had kept of her. I was told she was a great magus also.” Cooper took my hand, holding it gently, as if it could break at any moment. “Skye, I have received my next orders.” He trembled as he spoke, carefully picking his words. “I’m sorry; I’m not shaking from fear, I’m shaking from the thought of being separated from you.”

  My gaze narrowed and I sucked in a cool breath, keeping my emotions in check. “Where will they send you?”

  “The priests have released me from their care. My wings are fully recovered. I will be rejoining Hellfire Company in Dusk Fortress tonight.” Cooper said quietly, still holding the ring on his smallest finger.

  “Tonight?” I gasped. I had known this could happen at any time, but I was not prepared. Not yet. It was too soon. Niera was coming with me; I had assumed Cooper would too. So much for holding my emotions back. I began breathing faster and my throat felt tight, a ball of bile threatening to choke me. I swallowed once…twice…still not feeling relief. My heart was racing anxiously as I searched for the words that couldn’t even pass my lips. Tears threatened my eyes and my nose stung as I desperately tried to maintain my composure. I stood up and walked to the edge of the balcony, using the railing to keep my balance. The cool carved stone felt good under my hands. I looked out over the edge of the city, searching for anything else to focus on in the land so far below.

  Cooper stood, following me to the railing. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me back against his chest and whispered, “It’s ok. We’ll be ok.”

  I closed my eyes and whispered, “Will we? It’s so far away. When will we see each other again?”

  As I turned, looking toward him, his face was all the answer I needed. He had no idea when or where we would be together. We stood together for several minutes quietly, my head nestled in the crook between his ear and his shoulder; his arms wrapped tight around my waist.

  Cooper took my hand and kissed it gently. He slid the ring onto my finger saying, “This will help you. My father said that when it was crafted for my mother, it was imbued with a powerful magic. It will help to strengthen your spells, and with it you will rarely miss your mark. Keep it on you, promise me. And I will know that I have done what I can to keep you safe while I am away.”

  I held my hand up, looking at the ring shimmering on my finger, the grey stone shone the same as his eyes. “I have nothing to give you in return.” My voice trembled as I spoke. “The ring is beautiful, but I don’t know if I can accept such a fine gift.”

  Cooper met my green and brown eyes with his own gray gaze. “Please, you have given me more than I ever realized I had wanted.” He took my hand and placed it over his heart, covering it with his own. “I won’t take it back. The ring is yours now, as am I.”

  For a moment the panic rose up, once again threatening to overcome me. I wanted to ask him to stay. We could find some place far from the wars; a place like where I grew up. But looking at him I knew I could never ask that. Cooper was a soldier. He was a true warrior. He loved his friends and country, and he would happily die to keep them safe. I knew I could never ask him to turn his back from this—I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't do my part as well. So, I vowed to fight; for our country, for him, and for us.

  I took the ring and slid it down my finger until it was snug and sure to stay. I then reached my arms up around Cooper’s neck, pulling him down to me so our foreheads pressed together. “I will destroy any foe in my path, until I find my way back to you,” I vowed.

  Niera approached, pausing and placing her hands on our shoulders. “Skye, we need to report to Elden soon.”

  Cooper kissed my forehead, and my cheeks, and then my lips, murmuring softly, “Not
hing can truly part us.” He looked to Niera and said, “Niera, my sister, be of good health and strong of heart. Keep watch over my lady.”

  Niera responded and held a fist over her heart.

  We promised to write when we could and parted ways. I was in my thoughts, quiet, as Niera and I made our way to the teleporter. We produced our orders and I steadied myself for my passage to LaSalle.

  The teleporter spoke his spell and once again the world flashed around me as I was sent from Plano to LaSalle.

  Chapter 7—LaSalle

  “THE WILDLINGS ARE OUT of control. They multiply like roaches and are coming at us from every passage!” We heard the messenger as he begged for reinforcements. He continued his pleas, “The observatory is running short on supplies and I’ve recently heard these bandits are pushing into our holy grounds.”

  Colonel Elden stood with his back turned to us, deep in thought. He ran his hands through his long salt and pepper hair, taking a ragged breath. Dark circles under his eyes showed the extent of his lack of sleep as he turned to face the messenger. “I know it has been difficult for you all at that post, but you must hold tight there. Let me think on this.” Elden’s response was as weary as his haggard face, “Between the pirates tying up the coastlines and the bandits to the west, we have been stretched very thin. If we could discover what is driving them to such insanity, perhaps, we could find a solution here.” He dismissed the messenger and turned to us. He took a deep breath, stifling a yawn and hit us with a hard gaze. “What business do you have here?”

  Niera and I produced our orders, handing them to the fatigued officer. He looked them over briefly while crossing the room to sit behind his heavy wooden desk. Elden rubbed his eyes, examining Niera and myself. “Niera…your reputation precedes you. Welcome aboard.” He turned his attention back to the papers. “Magus, huh?” he commented, his gaze still on the papers in his hand. Finally, he looked at me, staring hard. “You trained with Riven directly?” he asked.

  Nodding I answered, “Yes sir, several weeks were spent with him directly. I will continue my training with Charna in Plano as needed.”

  “Very good, he’s a good man.” Replied Elden. “You two shall continue working together. I couldn’t think of a better pairing, since you already know each other. Niera, you will help prepare Skye for her flight test, after which I will give your assignments. Make sure you have your basics down before you return to speak with me.” The last sentence was directed at me. Colonel Elden dismissed us with a wave. I could hear him yawning again as we left the room.

  Niera explained to me how my wings would work, that I would need to learn how the lifts and falls of the winds would affect my flight, and how my legs would help with my balance and stability in the air. I was nervous, but excited to give them a try. We left the gates of the fortress, walking through the sandy dunes which surrounded the outer gates. Tall cattails and other thick swamp grasses grew around the shallow ponds and coastal pools. Pink feathered flamingos and thick shelled tortoises waded in the warm water. Several crabs and lizards could be seen scurrying about at the water’s edge.

  “First let’s try gliding, just a short way to begin with.” Niera spoke as we walked. We had climbed to the top of a large dune. The wind was blowing a light hot breeze over the beach, occasionally gusting and picking up small bits of sand and carrying them away. The sun was shining bright, making the skin on my arms tingle with its heat. I nodded to Niera and together we ran a few steps and jumped, pulling out our wings. Niera soared above me, watching. The sensation was amazing! I felt the wind passing beneath my wings as it carried me across the beach. I caught an updraft, pulling me several feet up into the air. It took me by surprise, causing me to flail my arms and legs in an effort to steady myself. The frantic panic of my actions caused me to pull my wings back in and I plummeted, falling several feet, throwing sand in every direction as I landed on my chest and face.

  Niera was there immediately to check on me. “Skye! Skye! Are you ok?!” Her voice was shrill and loud as she shouted next to my ear.

  I lay there on the sand, testing my arms and legs and getting the air back into my lungs. Sand made for a softer landing; I found myself grateful to be learning on the beach instead of the rocky cliffs which surrounded LaSalle. Landing on boulders would have made for a painful day of training. After several long moments the shock of the fall had worn off. I nodded to Niera and began to sit up. As I looked around, I noticed I was beginning to draw a crowd. The ramparts of the fort lay behind us. Several soldiers lined the tall walls, watching. Some calling out shouts of encouragement. Just as many, laughing and pointing.

  I groaned, pulling myself to my hands and knees and spitting sand from my mouth as I made sure I wasn’t injured. I took a deep breath and stood up, brushing the grit from my arms, legs and face, and shaking it from my hair and armor. “I’m alright.” I nodded. Niera sighed in relief. I heard the ruckus coming from the walls and turned my back to them, shaking the embarrassment from my limbs. “Let’s go again!” I said, ready for another try.

  “Remember, the air currents. They can take you up or down. Use them to your advantage, but don’t let them push you around.”

  I nodded. “I’m ready.” When Niera nodded back at me I ran a few more steps and opened my wings again. The wind blew hard in my face as I caught an updraft; the earth fell further beneath me as I glided up high into the air. I turned, diving back towards the ground, gliding in circles, changing directions. I began to learn the feel of the air around me in a new way. This time I could hear shouts of encouragement from the wall. I let myself drift, learning the feel of the wind as it passed over and under my wings. Finally, I returned to the sand, exhilarated.

  Niera landed near me, watching intensely. “Good! Good! How do you feel? What do you think?”

  I whooped loudly and gave her a triumphant smile, “That was awesome! I want to fly!”

  We worked hard through the afternoon, and by the time the sun began dipping over the horizon, I felt confident in my new skills. I couldn’t cast while flying but could while hovering or gliding; a great beginning according to Niera. We returned to the fortress and ate dinner then parted ways. I was ready to sleep, my muscles felt spent from the hard day’s work. My arms and legs were bruised and sore. I should have showered, but the only thoughts in my mind were my cot, my pillow, and deep sleep. I trudged towards my door and as I was pulling the handle my name was called out from behind me.

  A small messenger not much taller than my waist stood patiently with a letter in her tiny hand. “Skye? I have a letter for you!” she said with a quiet small voice. I nodded to her and she handed me the envelope, then she was gone in a flash.

  I entered my quarters, running my fingers over the envelope in my hands, lifting the flap. I lay down on my bunk and began reading.

  My Skye,

  I have returned to Dusk Fortress and rejoined my battalion. Tomorrow I will resume flying sorties with my comrades. Currently activity is fairly calm here, though we are always on guard for attack by the Ustenian or the Lluren.

  It feels good to be using my wings once again. Flying has always exhilarated me, as I’m sure you are learning now. However, this is nothing compared to the feeling I have when I’m near you. We’ve only been apart a short time but there is such a void now, I feel emptiness, a hole inside me that I’ve never had here before. I can’t wait until we are together again. Until then, please know that you have my heart, you have a piece of my spirit, and only you can return it to me.

  Stay safe, my Skye. I pray the gods will bring us together soon.

  All my love,


  I held the letter tightly in my hands, reading it over and over. I could almost feel him near as I finally let sleep take me.

  Time dragged on for me as well. The occasional letter from Cooper made our separation more bearable. Niera was a good friend to me; she had known Cooper for many years before either had met me, they had grown up together. I und
erstood the empty feeling he had described; I felt it too. With Niera’s encouragement I used that feeling to focus on my magic more. When I had mastered flying, we began working with a small party to release the areas surrounding the fortress from the influence of the wildlings. Many weeks were spent restoring order to farms and villages, as several small camps of bandits were discovered and destroyed.

  Our next assignment brought us to the rolling hills and fields, several miles east of the fortress, to a large farm belonging to a man named Brennig. He had been missing for some time and foul play was suspected. His family was staying in a nearby village, they were all very concerned and hoping the he could be returned. We found that pirates had overrun his farm and were now using his home and barns as a makeshift base. We did manage to capture a few prisoners for questioning after a particularly bloody battle. Many died to my magic that day. By the time we returned to our base, Niera’s staff was caked with blood and dirt, and the cloying stench of burnt flesh and hair clung to us. We were able to report that Brennig had been taken by his captors to a large compound on the edge of the province of DuPage.

  I was exhausted as I left the corporal’s office. I dragged myself to the showers to clean the stink of death from my body and forced myself to eat. By the time I made my way to my bunk I collapsed on the mattress, face down in the pillow, dog-tired, and drained of energy.

  The next morning, we had gathered to plan our attack. Pirates are not known for an abundance of wit or clever thinking. They tend to rely on fear tactics and brute force to get their way. Additionally, they were a lazy bunch, often drunken for days and easy to manipulate.

  We reached their compound; the guards were easy enough to subdue. Spells were first cast to silence their screams then a ranger would dispose of them quickly. No elemental magic was cast, no need to raise the alarm. Niera chanted quietly under her breath, barely an audible whisper from her, muffling our footsteps and allowing us to pass quietly, unheard.


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