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Skye Light

Page 15

by A R Maloney

  “Mmmm. Cooper….” I turned to face him, my hand caressing his cheek lightly. I opened my eyes to look into his, but instead of finding steel grey eyes looking back into mine, I was met by a pair of crimson eyes. I gasped and blinked, moving away quickly. “Aggh!!”

  The wind was blowing harder through the trees. I rubbed my eyes, looking through the small space created by the Kauri. Lancer was still sleeping where he had been this morning. Nabaru watched me quietly, wordlessly. “I...I have the most vivid dreams.” The words stumbled clumsily as they fell from my lips. “It seems I keep saying this over and over.” I glanced up, looking through the canopy of leaves, trying to see the sky above. Nabaru shifted his branches to reveal a sky filled with dark clouds. A storm is coming in. I was grateful to be out away from the icy mountains where I had first landed in Morland.

  Lancer began to wake. He stretched and gave me a long yawn. “I guess I didn’t need that sleep spell of yours after all.” He said with a grin. Nabaru chuckled at this, causing seeds and small twigs to shower down upon both of us.

  “We’d probably best get ready; night will be upon us soon.” Lance bent to pick up a piece of his heavy plate mail.

  I stood and tucked my pouch onto my belt, sliding my dagger in place before pulling it tight. “Let me help you, it will go much quicker.” I stepped behind him, reaching up to tighten a loose strap on his shoulder. He turned to look at me as I pulled a strap tight on his other shoulder.

  “Do you miss him much?” The question caught me by surprise.

  I tried not to appear flustered and I took a deep breath before pulling the straps at his waist tight. He nodded at the work done and handed me the thick piece which would protect his back. “Yes, very much at times. His death will not be in vain.”

  Lance grunted as I pulled a last strap tight. “Easy girl! I gotta breathe!”

  “Pfffft. Don’t be a baby.” I quipped back, slapping his armored shoulder.

  The warrior turned to me; his face serious now. “Ok. I have thought on this. Keep your cloak and hood up. At best, people will believe you are Ustenian. If we are approached by anyone, hide your hands. Your robes are tailored in our style, so that is of benefit. Lastly, don’t show your wings unless I tell you to, and do not, do not question my directions.” His crimson eyes flashed with fire as they pierced into me. “Can you agree to that?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  The Kauri grunted in satisfaction. “I will return you to the earth now.” We took our seats on Nabaru’s thick branches as he lowered us gently to the ground.

  Lance swung the sturdy shield into place on his back and slid his sword into its scabbard. “Let’s go.” He said, turning to lead me down the trail.

  We moved easily through the cool night. I kept my eyes open for the plants. After some time, I had an idea. “Perhaps we will have more luck finding them if we leave the main path.” Nodding, he led me off the trail. The moon lit the forest around us, giving off a soft glow onto the plants and trees in the grove. After some searching, I was able to locate small patches of the plants we sought. I whispered a spell moving the earth away from the base of the plants and carefully picked them, whispering another small series of spells to encourage the earth to grow more in the future. The process was lengthy, but my mother had always told me that gathering peacefully would not only allow you to obtain larger samples of plants, but many times the strongest; most potent parts of plants would be found underground, in the roots them self. Several hours passed and we had only found a small amount of the cat’s claw. The valerian and ginger roots were fairly common. Occasionally we could hear the sounds of others moving up or down the main trail, but none came to investigate. I kept my heavy cloak around me and the hood over my head. Although my skin is darker, duskier in comparison to most Lucenian’s, it would still be far too light to try to pass myself off as an Ustenian. That combined with my soft hands and fingers and feet, which are too different from the claws of the Ustenian’s. Lastly, my dichromatic eyes, green and rosewood brown, a rarity among both races lacked the spark of flame which is inherent to any Ustenian.

  My mind continued to wander as I moved around from plant to plant, searching for the right ones. I had found another small patch of valerian and had begun whispering them from the ground when Lancer approached me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and knelt down whispering in my ear. “How much longer with this one? Someone comes and I’m not certain how much longer you will be safe here.”

  I lifted the plant carefully, pulling the strong root away from the earth, whispering the ground back in place. “I’m finished with this one; still we don’t have quite half of what was asked of us.” I looked to the warrior. “What would you have me do? It is not my intention to bring you trouble Lance.”

  “Back up to the wall behind you Skye…and trust me.” The large warrior stretched, pulling two deep ebony and rust colored wings out from his shoulder blades. He stepped towards me until we were toe to toe, pulling me into his arms. I could hear the soft sound of footsteps approaching. “Do not speak, love. Your mouth is only for me and it is not your voice I want tonight.” His voice was loud against the late-night sounds as he wrapped his dark wings around us tightly.

  I gave him a half-panicked look and threw my hands against his chest, beginning to push him away while shaking my head. I opened my mouth to shout “No!” but I was too late. “Trust me.” He whispered, cutting off my protests as he leaned his face closer towards me, kissing me hard. His lips were heavy on mine at first but became lighter and gentler when I stopped fighting. I felt a wave of emotions. Anger at being forced into this submission. Guilt, Cooper was barely dead…had he even returned to the skies yet, or was he still lingering as a spirit? Then there was disgust mixed with…eww…I realized I was kissing him back. My hands had found their way behind his neck, my fingers twining in his thick, shaggy mane of silver-blue hair. I closed my eyes and a soft moan escaped my lips. He must have taken this as encouragement as he deepened his kiss, pressing the full length of his body against mine.

  The footsteps stopped and the stranger cleared his throat. “General! Are you aware there have been reports of a Lucenian magus nearby recently?”

  I froze, looking at Lancer. My heart was beating wildly, and I couldn’t stop from panting. I opened my mouth to speak but he hushed me softly; his forehead and nose touching mine. He heaved a great exaggerated sigh, turning his head slightly. “I am very aware of the reports. Do you not see that I am…indisposed…at the moment? This ridge is clear, soldier. You may move on.” Lance stroked my cheek lightly with a clawed hand, kissing me again and whispering to me in Ustenian. I could feel the presence of the stranger still there. Lances eyes glowed red with irritation and his mane bristled slightly. I felt the corded muscles of his neck tense and bunch under my fingertips. “Soldier!” he barked loudly, still not turning his attention from me. “Is there anything more? If I am pulled away from my lady once more tonight, she will have me sleeping with the dogs! You do NOT want that.” The threat came out as a dangerous growl. “Trust me on this!”

  There was a stifled chuckle from the stranger. “Understood sir. I will move further south into the Peshtigo Forests.” Lancer waved him off with a hand, kissing me hard once again. He let out a slight moan as my lips traveled to his neck, my teeth grazing his skin lightly. The rock wall was cool against my back while Lance pressed against me. The sound of footsteps faded as the stranger left us, making his way for the main trail, the sounds of his heavy boots pounded the ground as the distance between us grew.

  A long groan came from deep in Lance’s chest, “Mmmmmm, Skye, I can see exactly why your Cooper hated to leave your side.” He said, relaxing his grip on me and moving aside.

  I trembled lightly, furious at having lost the fight against my baser instincts. I raised the back of my hand to rub at my swollen lips lightly and then looked at Lance, while I blushed bright red. Then my fist connected with Lancer’s jaw.

  He threw his he
ad back and laughed in response.

  “You would disrespect me?” My voice was a low growl.

  “No disrespect at all. In fact, I could not hold you in higher regard.”

  “Cooper is barely dead.”

  I was furious, frustrated, ashamed, and angry at him and myself. My eyes searched the ground for something unknown. Lance lifted my chin with a calloused clawed hand, looking deep into my eyes. His voice was now low and serious. “He would want you to live. Do not be ashamed. Know this, Skye, when you return to Lucenia we will find each other on the battlegrounds. But my sword shall never find your skin. I will have only flowers for you.” He ran his fingers through my many thick cords of braided hair, leaning in to kiss me again.

  I tilted my head up to meet his kiss once more, breathing in deeply to take in his scent. I smiled shyly and paused for a moment before adding, “Thank you Lance. I understand what you risk by helping me.” I bowed my head, blushing again. “I will be looking for those flowers!” Suddenly, overwhelmed with emotion, I found myself pulling him closer. “Oh, fuck it!” Straps were loosened as armor and clothing began to hit the forest floor. Moments later we were panting and straining, as we let the lust overcome us. I couldn’t hold back the moans as I scratched at his shoulders, as he slid inside me. I was breathless as I let him take me fast and hard against the stone wall.

  We were both sated, our eyes glazed over in that bliss that follows good sex. I cleaned myself up a bit and caught my breath. “We should finish finding these plants before someone else finds us.” I moved away, feeling awkward but sated.

  The warrior nodded and smiled smugly, “Search nearby, I’ll scout the surrounding area and direct anyone else who comes near towards Peshtigo as well. I’m sure the Kauri can keep any who come by fairly busy.

  I searched the ground near the trees and bushes, quickly whispering out more of the plants as I found them. We worked our way up the hillside off the trail. By the time the sun had begun to burn off the dawn haze I had several thick bundles of each plant collected.

  I looked to my escort, “I believe this is more than enough. Do you know how far we are from Marena’s home?” I feigned, using the wrong name purposefully. I wanted to assure her safety would not be compromised.

  “Mera is her name,” Lancer corrected me. “We can make it there in a couple hours if we move quickly. I am trying to think on how to explain you to her.”

  I nodded, smiling inwardly, happy my friend’s secret remained safe. “Mera” I repeated. “The Ustenian names are foreign to me.” I said.

  Lance laughed, “Our languages are quite different, changed with the many years, it is true, but I see that some things have remained the same. His eyes raked over me and his last words were heavy with not-so-hidden meaning. I felt the color rising in my cheeks again as I looked away blushing. Maybe he did intimidate me…just a little. But maybe it was something completely different.

  We stayed off the main path as long as possible. The air was moist and heavy, but not too warm, in fact it cooled considerably as we climbed higher into the mountains again. Overhead, birds squawked loudly at our intrusion. Small squirrels scampered from tree to tree, watching us warily. Eventually we came to a point where we needed to travel on the well-worn path, as the trail up had become very narrow.

  Lance paused briefly at the edge of the road to reach into his pouch. He produced a pair of heavy iron shackles. My eyes grew wide at the sight of the bindings. “Be still, Skye, worry not. Trust me again. Wear these and I will lead you up the trail to Mera’s home. Anyone we encounter will be told you are my prisoner and are being brought to my camp for interrogation. Hopefully they will accept this explanation.”

  I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. “And the plants? What is your explanation for that?”

  “Easy. You have stolen the plants and I am leading you back to Mera to return them properly before dealing with you.” He responded.

  I nodded, satisfied with the plan. I held my arms out in front of me. The metal was cold and heavy on my forearm. Lance placed a clawed hand on my shoulder, giving a light squeeze. “Behind.” He whispered. “They must be bound behind you.” His breath was warm on my ear. I turned my back to him and felt the hard metal lock around my other wrist.

  A heavy metal chain attached the two bindings together while a longer length acted as a leash of sorts, keeping me near to my ‘captor’. Lance’s hands gripped my shoulders and I leaned back against his broad armored chest. He gave me a brief hug and bit my ear lightly saying, “Let’s go. Ustenia’s shadows will protect us.”

  We stepped out onto the trail and resumed our walk to Mera’s home. Side by side we traveled, talking easily as our time passed. The shackles were heavy on my wrists, but Lance was careful not to pull at the chain and he let me set the pace, holding my elbow lightly to give me added stability. Eventually we came to the path leading up to Mera’s home.

  Lancer rapped loudly on the cabin door calling out, “Mera! Are you here?”

  Chapter 17—Sharing Secrets

  MOMENTS LATER THE DOOR opened and Mera emerged. “General Lancer.” Her face was a stony mask and her voice was icy as she looked at me. “What do we have here?” Mera nodded my direction with a tilt of her head as she spoke to the warrior with a tinge of disdain in her voice.

  “Are you alone?” asked Lance in a hushed tone, looking at Mera.

  Mera nodded. “Yes, I am alone.” Her gaze rested on the large bundles of herbs protruding from a satchel at my waist. “How can I be of service to you, General?” Mera’s gaze moved from my waist to the iron chain which was attached to the heavy bindings on my wrists.

  “We have been sent here by the order of the Kauri, Nabaru.” Lancer explained. “He requested we bring you these bundles of herbs.” Lance looked back down the path briefly and I took a moment to wink at Mera. Our secret was safe indeed.

  About this time a ranger came up the short path from the main road. He looked at me with his red eyes glowing and let an arrow fly from his bow. A short hiss could be heard as the arrow streamed through the air, striking me in the shoulder. I screamed in pain and Lancer turned to the ranger yelling, “Cease and desist soldier! This is my prisoner, and I need her alive for questioning!”

  I struggled in my bonds, my shoulder burning from where the arrow still protruded. The ranger stood with his feet planted firmly in the soil and his bow at the ready. “General, this is the one we’ve been seeking!” He looked wild with his short shaggy black hair and dark skin blending into the shadows of the trees.

  “Yes Kumar, this is the very one. You may go alert the others. Let them know that I will be dealing with this one personally.” Lance spoke, his words taking on a deadly tone as he looked towards me, his eyes glowing fiercely. I trembled in response to his violent tone despite our pretense. I hoped it was still pretense.

  Kumar looked at me, hatred shining in his bright eyes as he turned to leave. Suddenly he swung around and sent another arrow flying at me faster than the sting of a scorpion’s tail. Again, I screamed in pain as the bone below my left knee shattered from the force of the projectile, causing me to crumble to the ground.

  “Kumar!” Lance shouted, “Enough! You will go to the others now. I need this one alive for the time being! That is a direct order! Disobey me once more and I will return you to the skies myself.”

  “My brother is still missing. Forgive me, my lord.” Kumar bent under Lance’s anger. Raising his eyes to me with a smug look once more he added, “She looked at me funny, I thought she may try to escape. No chance of that now.” Kumar turned away again, I caught a smirk on his face as he made his way back down the path, leaving for good this time.

  I lay on the ground, wiped out by my pain and bleeding heavily. I struggled to keep my breathing still, chastising myself for letting my guard down. How was it that I did not even cast a protective barrier over myself? I could feel Lance and Mera’s eyes upon me, neither speaking at the moment. I struggled to turn myself, sitt
ing up to look at them. I opened my mouth to ask for help but instead I was claimed by a soft white haze as I passed out. Muffled voices pushed at me through the fog of pain which kept pulling my mind away from my body. A man urged a woman to action in an insistent foreign tongue. My eyes fluttered open briefly again. I heard a door open and watched Lance approach me, bending low with arms outstretched. He whispered an apology to me as he gently lifted me from the ground like a child in his iron clad arms. The pain tore through me again and I opened my mouth to scream, or vomit, but am unsure if either happened as I passed out once more.

  I’m not sure when I woke again, but I found myself back in Mera’s huge bed. The arrows had been removed and there was a large compression bandage placed on my shoulder. My left leg had been pulled straight and was crudely wrapped against a board.

  Mera and Lancer sat at her table sipping tea. My eyes looked over the familiar room, searching from face to face. “She is coming around again.” Mera’s voice was like a quiet song in my ears.

  Lancer pulled his chair closer to me. “Skye?” He spoke low. “Can you hear us? How is your pain?”

  I moved to stretch my arms, realizing they were no longer bound; gasping as the pain in my shoulder exploded. Then I tried to sit up and groaned. I wasn’t sure which felt worse, the shoulder or the leg. The leg, I decided, definitely the leg. “Hurts bad.” My lips turned down into a frown. Lance picked up my hand, holding it gently in his. I gasped in surprise asking him, “Mera?” nervously glancing in her direction.

  “Hush,” He calmed me. “We’ve been speaking quite a lot this day. It appears we have been sharing some similar secrets, she and I.” Lances voice scolded me gently. “I understand why you kept silent. The fact that you cared so much for us both, as Ustenians, proves to me again that you are everything the memories showed.” He looked at Mera now, “Your secrets are safe with me.”


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