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Skye Light

Page 16

by A R Maloney

  Mera nodded to him gratefully. “Thank you for the herbs. You did a perfect job with the plants, and what you brought will be more than adequate. Can I make you something for the pain?” I nodded to Mera. She began pulling herbs out from the hidden places in her walls and crushing them into hot water. Mera spoke to me again, “We’ve been talking, and are trying to decide how to handle this.”

  “What do you mean?” I looked to Lance and Mera for an answer.

  Lance spoke now, handing me the hot medicated drink prepared by Mera. “It looks like we have three choices, basically. First, we can let you return to Lucenia, hoping you can make it to your healers safely. Second, we can treat you here and hope for the best. Third, I can call in one of my clerics to heal you, and we can hope that none of this is discovered. He waved his hand between the three of us to accentuate his point.

  Mera added, “None of these choices are easy. If we send you back, there is no telling if you could make it to a healer before Droghel gets to you somehow.”

  “The second choice is too risky for you Mera.” Lancer shook his head. “I can bury nearly anything in a pile of lengthy paperwork, but you…you are many things to many people, and I do not wish to bring any more scandal or negative talk your direction. The last thing you needs is a bigger target on your back. Besides, this would be a long time to keep anyone hidden here.” Lance looked to Mera and then to me again.

  Mera’s voice was quiet. “So, it’s decided then? I go for a cleric from your camp?” She looked at me, “You will need to play the part of ‘prisoner’ a bit longer with this option. Is that something you can do?”

  Both looked at me for my consent. I sipped on my tea thoughtfully for several moments before speaking. “I cannot place either of you in such danger. I believe you both have neglected one more possibility.” The time had come to disclose the secret of the gift I held. Mera placed her hands on her hips, giving me a stern look.

  Lance stood and turned his back to me. He ran a clawed hand through his silver hair. “Skye. I promised Nabaru no harm would come to you. I’ve already failed in that.” Turning to me he added, “I’m sorry, but I will not have you harmed on my watch again, no matter the reason.”

  My voice was quiet but firm as I spoke now, “This is really not your decision though, is it?” My eyes were sharp as I continued, “The greatest concern is that I need to be in good shape and healed upon my return, is it not?” Both nodded in agreement. “Then I say let me place my spell here, at your home Mera. We will call the ranger back to finish the job if you will not do it yourself, Lance.” My eyes pierced them showing my conviction to the decision. “I will be resurrected again, where the blood spell has been placed. My body will once again be whole and unscathed. I can rest a short time until I have regained my strength, after which I can complete the spell which will allow my return to my company hall.”

  Lance and Mera looked from one to another, then to me. Lance opened his mouth to object, but I cut him off before he could speak. My voice was quiet but firm as I spoke now, “My leg is useless as it is, but this will work, and my company is loyal. I am too weak to cast the spell to return. My injuries prevent that. We do this…they can sequester me safely until I can figure out our next step.” My eyes pierced them showing my conviction to the decision. “I have the explanation of the Kauri to cover my time away and my movements here. Of this I am certain.”

  “Although I don’t like the plan, it does seem to be the most reasonable.” Lance frowned as he conceded. Mera nodded as well. “Mera, go for Kumar. Skye, when morning light comes, you may place your spell here inside the home, and I will carry you to the meadow on the far side of the main trail. I will return to you here as soon as I can send Kumar away again. Mera, do you know the place of which I speak?”

  Mera nodded, “Yes, I know it well. Okay then, Skye, there is stew at the hearth. You should eat some before you leave, you will need the strength.” She passed me a cup of tea, filled with medicine which would help numb the pain. Then she had me stretch out on the bed while they reinforced my bound leg with strong sticks and leathers to hold it straight. She looked to Lance and me. “Sleep tonight while you can Skye, and you too General, tomorrow I will meet you both in the meadow.” Mera slipped through the door without another word.

  “What time is it?” I asked sleepily, the pain medicine was beginning to work.

  Lancer looked at the table, noticing Mera had not taken any speed scrolls with. He would need to remember to thank her. “It’s not even dusk yet. Are you hungry?” I shook my head silently. “Can I do anything else for you?” He knelt at my side, his arm lightly resting on my belly as he kissed me softly.

  I sighed, returning the kiss, running my left hand from his ear to his neck. “You need to sleep.” I whispered.

  His crimson eyes blinked at me, “A warrior is trained to…”

  “Hush!” I commanded. “I know as well as you what we are all trained to do…survive. Come, sleep…with me.”

  He looked at me in wonderment. “Woman, you amaze me.” Minutes later his armor was set in a corner of the cabin and the door was bolted closed. Lance checked that the shades were drawn down tight and then climbed onto the bed, careful not to jolt my broken leg. He stretched out on his side, facing me. “Rest now, Skye.” His hand rested lightly on my left shoulder.

  I reached up and took his hand in mine, placing a kiss on the palm of his clawed hand. “Shh. Hush now. Before a have to cast a sleep spell on you.” I turned my head to wink at him before closing my eyes.

  “Hmm.” The contented sound came from deep in his throat as he kissed my hand in return and laid his cheek on the pillow under my head. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my shoulder as I fell asleep.

  Chapter 18—Home?

  THE SOUNDS OF NIGHT still filled the cabin as my eyes blinked in the darkness. The light press of lips on my shoulder was a gentle reminder that I was not alone. I turned my head to look at my unusual companion and smiled. Two red pinpricks of light peered back at me through the darkness. “Did you sleep?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He answered, although I don’t know if he really did or if he just said so for my benefit.

  “What time is it?” I couldn’t hear the early morning birds yet, so I assumed it was still late.

  Lance rolled to his other side, reaching and arm up to pull aside a heavy shade covering the window above the bed. “The moon is not quite halfway across the sky. It’s just before midnight.” He sat up and stretched with a long yawn. “How is the pain?”

  I gently lifted my head, shifting my shoulders up and down, testing my arms gently. “The shoulder seems much better already. I’m sort of scared to check the leg. Give me a moment.” Generally, a sentinel will heal much faster than a human, but poisons, infections and fractures are still more serious, and take time to heal normally. “The leg is still blown, but I can make the return home. If I can cast the blood spell, I will heal.” I paused for a moment, thinking and added, “Unless someone was to take my wings.”

  Lance’s eyes grew hot red at that suggestion, casting a soft red glow over the space before him. “I will personally see to it, that will not become an issue.” My hand slid up his arm to his shoulder. “You should get more rest, there’s still plenty of time before dawn.” His voice was softer as he spoke.

  “I’m not sleepy.” I pulled him closer to me, ignoring the pain in my leg as I felt the blood coursing through my veins. I held my breath, steadying myself against the sharp shouts of my damaged leg as I turned on my side to face him. My mind wandered in the darkness as I ran a hand over him, feeling the muscles of his chest, the contours of his abdomen, the strange softness of his clawed hands. In ways he was so similar to Cooper, yet so different. Lance stayed silent as I explored him. Finally, my hand settled on the long length of his back. My fingers played with his mane as I spoke. “Tell me something about yourself.”

  His eyes were closed, and he hummed softly. A single lit candle illuminated
showed me the small smile which was pasted on his lips as my fingers played through his long hair. “What do you want to know?” He opened one crimson eye to look to me and took my other hand in his claws, gently lifting it to his lips and kissing the palm.

  We talked until before dawn. Actually, he did most of the talking; I asked questions here and there. Mostly we spoke about early life, ascension, family, friends and duty. He had seen my memories, the most important ones anyway. We were on the cusp of dawn. “Are you hungry?” Lance stood, moving to the hearth. He picked up several pieces of wood and placed them onto the dying embers. Small flames licked and climbed the dry wood hungrily as he blew gently on the coals.

  “I can’t eat right now. I will need to eat after I return to my company hall, but a port of this distance may have me losing anything I would eat now.” It was a poor excuse, but my nerves were beginning to get me. I sat upright, gingerly placing my good foot on the floor of the cabin. White hot pain enveloped my left leg under my knee. “Yep. Still broke.” Not that I would have expected anything different. “Did Mera leave any more of the tea she mixed for me?”

  Lance poured water into a kettle hanging at the hearth and moved it close to the growing flames. “Yes, she left it at the table.” I watched as he crossed the room taking a mug from the wall and placing the small pile of crushed herbs inside. Next, he sat on a chair and began to inspect his armor, piece by piece. After several minutes of care, the heavy plate seemed to glow with a light sheen. With a satisfied sigh he moved to the hearth and added steaming water to the cup of herbs. He handed me the mug, touching my shoulder fondly before returning to his armor. “Dawn is coming soon.”

  I nodded. While I was not looking forward to the pain which would come as I moved through space with my body as damaged as it was, I was eager to be rid of the pain in my leg. I took the tea gratefully. “Thank you, Lance.” I sipped the hot drink as I watched him don his armor one piece at a time. He looked magnificent. I thought to myself, still feeling a measure of guilt as I reflected on Cooper in the back of my mind, unsure of what the future would bring. “I’m ready.” I said quietly as I finished the last of the tea. “Mera should be at the meadow soon, wouldn't you think?” Lancer nodded quietly. “I will prepare the spell.”

  I drew the vial from my pouch, it gave off a gentle glow that illuminated the cabin much like a small candle. I then pulled my small dagger from the belt at my waist and drew it across the palm of my hand. I cupped my palm, letting my blood gather there before turning it slightly and letting my blood mix with that of the phoenix while I whispered the words of the spell. The glow of the vial increased with the activation of the spell and I carefully poured the mixture on the floor, creating a circle while I continued my incantation. The blood on the floor sparked and flamed for several moments before burning itself out. A circle of ash waited where the spell had been placed.

  I motioned to Lancer, indicating I was ready. The spell was complete. It would stay active for the cycle of one day. All I could do now was wait. Lancer crossed the room to me, bending to kiss me softly before gently lifting me up in his arms. He carried me to the door, careful not to disturb the circle of ash where the spell sat awaiting my return. Together we left the cabin, Lance carrying me out the door and down the path.

  The sun was not up over the horizon yet, but the predawn light bathed the forest in a soft golden haze. Lance showed no sign of fatigue as we crossed the main trail, moving through the brush on the way to a small meadow. His strong taloned feet were steady and sure as he navigated the forest floor. When we approached the clearing, Lance carried me about halfway across before setting me gently beside a tree which was surrounded by long grasses and flowers. “I need you to look like a prisoner here.” He explained as he produced the shackles once more. I nodded to him, understanding his actions and offered my wrists to him. He placed the heavy cold cuffs around my wrists and secured the chain to the trunk of the tree.

  “They will be arriving soon.” I stated.

  “Yes, sooner than you would know.” He held a finger to his lips as he moved away from me. Lance turned his head, looking across the field. “They come.” I smeared my face and arms with dirt and lay in the tall grass, trying my best to look exhausted and well interrogated.

  Moments later Mera emerged through the trees, followed by the ranger Kumar. Mera approached Lancer. “General, how is the prisoner? Did you get anything?” She gave me a cold look.

  Lance looked at me with a sneer. “She has nothing more to offer us at this time. I’ve received much valuable information regarding the Lucenians and their initiatives.”

  Kumar looked at me, his eyes burning with red fire as he cast a spell over his bow. “I understand you are ready for me to return this cream-wing to the skies?” He raised his bow high and nocked an arrow onto the heavy bowstring. The early morning light threw a light glow over his burgundy leather armor.

  I looked to the ranger silently, meeting his look of disgust without shame, fear, anger or judgement in my eyes. For a brief moment he seemed to be taken aback by my calm indifference. Lancer hid a look of admiration by turning his back to us. “Prisoner!” His voice was loud and commanded attention. “Have you anything more to say?”

  There was plenty I could have said to him, to Mera, to Kumar…but I held my tongue knowing the time would come when the gods would have more who are ready to hear the truth. Instead, I simply pushed myself to a sitting position and looked at the three before me, stating confidently, “We will meet again, I assure you.”

  “Not today.” The rangers voice was hoarse and bitter.

  I silently thanked Mera for the pain-relieving tea and braced myself for what was to come, willing myself to be silent. I prayed to myself, ‘Gods, give me strength in the face of he who would be my enemy.’ I turned, taking hold of the large tree trunk, to which I was anchored, and forced my bound arms to pull me up into a standing position. I turned to face the ranger, emotionless, unwavering and ready for what was coming.

  Lancer turned to face me. “Kumar.” The ranger looked to him raising his bow to a ready position. “On your ready, let it be done.”

  The ranger’s eyes glowed with a red fire as he spoke another blessing onto his bow. His gaze met mine and with amazing speed I saw the arrow leave the bow. Not even moments later the arrow drove into my chest with a sharp *thwack*.

  I gasped as I tried not to cry out in pain this time. A breath later a second, then a third arrow dug into me, missing no vital organ. The ranger’s brow furrowed, pulled into a frown as I collapsed onto the ground, finally finished.

  This process of death and rebirth was beyond unusual. I struggled, feeling my spirit lingering near my body for a few moments, watching the others speaking. I couldn’t hear them, but I could see. Finally, I began to feel the tug of my spirit towards the cabin where I had placed the spell. I ceased fighting this pull and allowed my spirit to move forward, dragged along by the call of the magic. The soothing effects of the tea disappeared as my body died. The return trip to the cabin was painful. I could feel everything as my injuries knit together, bones, muscles, ligaments and skin returning to its pre-injury state. When I woke, I found myself breathless and physically exhausted, but whole, as I collapsed inside the circle of ash on the floor of the cabin. I concentrated on slowing my pounding heart and controlling my breath. After a short time, I stood and wrapped a blanket around my body, making my way to the hearth, helping myself to a mug of stew from Mera’s kettle. I sat at her table and began eating in small bites, building my strength as I rested. Mera and Lance should be returning soon. After I’d eaten enough, I stood, testing my strength. My joints had fully healed; there was a small scar at my side and one again on my shoulder where I had been injured previously. These would remain until fully healed by a cleric, the one on my side would probably become permanent, as it was healed by time, without the help of magic. I still felt a bit weak, so I lay down on Mera’s bed still wrapped in the blanket, resting while I wai

  I’m not sure how long I had been asleep when I was awakened by the sound of feet approaching the cabin. I cursed myself silently for neglecting to bolt the door. I readied myself to cast a sleep spell and spoke the spell to create a shield around myself. The door opened and Mera entered, followed by Lancer.

  “Hey there.” I gave a sigh of relief and returned their greetings warmly.

  Lance set his sword and shield down and removed his helm. He looked at me and smiled warmly. He held my clothing in one hand and shook it at me. “You don’t look any worse for the wear.” His voice was calm and happy again.

  Mera came to me and grasped my forearms, “Skye, I could see you were different from the moment we first met. I wish you happiness and good fortune, and may you remain healthy and strong on your return to Lucenia.”

  “Thank you again, Mera.” I bowed my head in respect to her. “You have been more than gracious; I hope I can return these favors someday.”

  Mera excused herself now, saying something about needing more firewood. She picked up a hatchet and with a smile to me, left the home.

  Lance was sitting in a chair at the table. “You look like you’re ready to leave, once you get your clothes back.” He observed, eyes roaming over me. “You could stay a while longer….”

  I pulled a chair next to him out away from the table and took a seat. His knees were nestled between mine and his hands rested gently on my thighs, grasping lightly at my bottom. I picked up one of his large clawed hands and examined it beside my own smaller softer hand, comparing the two. The palm was soft like mine, but the top was more like that of the large hunting birds, the material was hard and thick.

  I knew my decision before I even looked back into his crimson eyes. I scooted forward, sitting on his lap, my legs straddling his waist. “You are too sweet, despite what others may say.” I whispered as I pushed my wings out, revealing them to him for the first time. I wrapped my wings around us as I bent forward to kiss him. He returned the kiss lightly at first, and then his claws held me closer and our kisses became harder and more demanding. My pulse was racing, and my breathing increased. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered, “I’ve got to go.” I heard a murmur of protest leave his lips and he pulled me back onto his lap, pinning me down while sucking and biting at my neck and ears. I kissed his forehead sweetly, trying to pull myself from his embrace. “Mera…”


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