Book Read Free

Skye Light

Page 18

by A R Maloney

  I looked away, staring at the cool falling water. “I wasn't gone that long,” I responded, “I came across something…something very unexpected.” I wasn’t sure what to say. My hand slid to my side, and I imagined that I could feel it again, as the scar tingled for a moment. Maybe it did.

  Niera didn’t miss a thing. “What happened?” She was watching my hand. “Are you injured?” Concern filled her voice…then irritation. “You know you can come to me, just ask. I will heal you, and if I cannot….”

  I looked to her. “Yes, well no. I was injured. I took an arrow to my gut. It was poisoned, I lost a lot of blood. And then….” I stopped, afraid to continue.

  “And then what? Damn it, Skye. Just talk to me.” Niera was getting frustrated quickly.

  I continued. “I was cared for by an Ustenian. She worked over me for days, leeching the poison from my body with herbs. She even gave me her own armor.” I pointed to the clothes which were drying in the sun. Saying it out loud, I still couldn’t believe it, even as I said it. “I probably owe my life to her. No, I definitely owe her my life. I had passed out, off the side of the trail, even before meeting her.”

  “That explains the strange clothes.” Niera said. “But there is more to tell. I can see you are holding something back.”

  “Espencheid sent me to find his kin.” I said, “He gave me memories to carry to them.” I turned, raising my face to try to catch the spray from the waterfall blowing at us as the water hit the rocks. “It got more unusual at this point.” I spoke, my back still to Niera, my face pointing skyward.

  “What happened? Did you find them?” Niera was becoming more attentive again.

  I turned to her, holding my palms out in supplication. “I am telling you this only because you know the truth of what has been happening here in Lucenia. I need to know what I say will remain between you and I only.” My eyes were beseeching for her agreement. “Please.”

  “Skye, you are as close to a sister as I have had in decades, maybe longer. I would do nothing to bring you trouble. What happened?”

  “I found the Kauri, and while we were meeting, they called one of the Ustenian Generals to speak to them as well. They brought him…to speak with me.” I whispered.

  “Oh my…!” Niera’s hands flew to her mouth and she cursed under her breath.

  “Yes, I was nervous too,” I replied with a nervous laugh. “He heard me up in the branches and he was furious I was there.”

  “Who was it?” She began listing names of the most notorious enemies with a morbidly curious fascination.

  I shook my head at name after name. “It was Lancer who answered the Kauri’s summon.”

  “Really? I can imagine he was mad. He hates anything that has to do with Lucenia. I’ve heard stories about that one for years now, and I’ve seen his work on the battlefield. He’s fierce in the fight.” She was looking at me with intense interest.

  I nodded. “Yes, we all have heard much of this one, he is said to be unmatched in battle. Well, apparently the Kauri had plans for him. We were forced to stay together in the branches of the Kauri, Nabaru. Nabaru showed this general my memories…I mean everything. My mom. My dad. Cooper. You. Droghel. My life’s story was thrust upon him.” I looked at Niera sitting speechless next to me. My voice dropping to a whisper as I continued, “We were made to promise to work together. He protected me, even at the risk of his own army coming down upon him.” I was quiet for several long moments. Niera was still silent. “He was actually very nice, once we found some common ground; nothing like the stories I had heard. Well, maybe a little like the stories. He was arrogant for sure, and quite commanding.” I resisted the urge to speak more, instead choosing to go stand in the cascading water, my back to her. A smile came to my face as I stood under the streams of water tumbling down onto my neck and back, remembering my encounter with Lancer.

  Niera watched me playing in the water. Her eyes closed as she pinched her lips together in scrutiny. “You are still leaving something out.” She glared at me accusingly. “What happened?” She blanched. “Oh shit! Tell me you didn’t…. Skye!”

  I stepped forward, away from the waterfall, brushing the water off my face and wringing out my knotted braids as I turned to meet my friends gaze. “It wasn’t my intention. Nor do I believe it was his. Things just sort of…happened.” I looked away. “Do you think Cooper would forgive me?” My eyes were filled with a range of emotions as I looked at my friend who was so close to my love. I felt so torn, I didn’t know what else to say. I just stood there, confused and broken, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

  Niera hopped off the rocks and waded to me. She put her arms around me. “Skye, hun, Cooper is gone. He is lost to us now. He was a good man, a great warrior even. And he loved you more than he has loved anyone—that, I can guarantee you. If this man was good to you, if he risked maybe even his life…to keep you safe…well, I don’t know how Cooper could find fault in that.” We sat together on the gravel bottom of the stream. “Maybe he was the rebound you needed to deal with the loss of Cooper, maybe more. We’ll have to see. But I caution you, do not share this information freely. Gods know you have enough trouble already.” She looked at me with firm insistence. “Do you understand me?”

  I nodded. “I understand completely.”

  Niera looked satisfied until she said, “Remember this for all intents and purposes. No matter what we know about what happens when people aren’t watching, we are still Lucenian. And the Ustenian are still the enemy. You will have times where you most definitely will come across him or his soldiers. What then?”

  I smiled, and I blushed, splashing the water as I spoke. “He said if we are to meet in battle, that his blade would not find me; but instead there would be flowers.”

  Niera rolled her eyes and gave me a hard shove, pushing me backwards and shouting, “That's a line if I ever heard one.” I lost my balance and fell, my feet coming up and my head plunging into the water. I came up sputtering water from my mouth and nose, wiping at my face. Niera laughed hard. “You look like a drowned rat.”

  “Hey!” I grabbed her ankle and pulled up sharply while pushing her shoulder back. Water rushed over her face as she went under. “Turnabout is fair play!” I sang out to her while I laughed hard. We wrestled in the water playfully, letting our worries wash downstream. Niera splashed an armful of water at my back as I finally left the water to dry off.

  Chapter 21—Savannah

  WE WERE MET BY the bright Lucenian sun as we arrived at Savannah Gate Fortress. The air was hot and heavy with moisture, the only breeze seemed to be caused by the wings of sentinels coming and going. Human soldiers could be seen manning the lookout towers and walking the perimeters in pairs and small groups. I raised a hand to my forehead, shielding my eyes as my body adjusted to my new surroundings. I had never been part of an entire company mobilization before and found myself amazed by the efficiency and speed of our large group. As promised, our platform tents were up and waiting for us.

  Masio and Patie divided us into patrol squadrons and we moved in small groups as we were directed to stow our gear. I groaned inwardly as I entered our makeshift home. The wet heat was almost oppressive. I looked to my group as I wiped the sweat from my forehead with the back of my arm. I had to count my blessings; our company officers had kept my closest friends together. Dimitri and Andre were there along with Niera, of course. A new face joined us, another magus, new to the company with the move apparently. He approached us, smiling as he set his gear down on an empty bunk.

  “Hi, I’m Ansker.” He greeted us, “I’ll be with you from what I understand.” He was tall and narrow, and his light brown hair was pulled back behind him and tied neatly at the nape of his neck with a deep silver-blue tie which matched his light armor.

  Masio entered after a few more minutes. He looked at us and stated, “I’ll be your sixth, and you will need a primary healer.”

  “Awesome!” I said, “We’ll try hard not to let you get too d
ead!” A smile covered Masio’s face at the comment.

  “Whew! It is hot in here!” Everyone murmured in agreement as gear was stored in cabinets and under bunks. Sweat began to bead on our foreheads and our arms as we put finishing touches on our makeshift homes. Niera and I pulled open the heavy canvas sides of our tent in hopes that a breeze may find its way through an open space, but the air here was heavy and still.

  I looked to Niera and whispered, “This heat almost makes me wish for Morland again.”

  Her blue eyes caught mine as she winked and bent her lips to my ear in a whisper, “Is it really the cold you miss…or some heat of a different nature?” My eyes widened and I scowled at her as my cheeks burned red in a furious blush. I raised my arm to shield my face as I attempted to regain my composure. I hushed Niera as I noticed Masio turning his back to us. He had heard something, but what he knew? I wasn’t sure.

  Ansker finally broke the silence, standing tall and stretching. He seemed oblivious to the heat. “Skye, how are your ice spells?” He asked as he assessed me.

  I turned to face him. “Fair enough.” A smile crept over my lips. “How is your aim?” I asked the lean magus.

  “Fair enough.” He responded with a grin. He motioned me up. “You take the front; I’ll take the back.”

  I nodded and we stepped several paces from each other, taking up dueling stances and facing each other, our arms wide and ready to cast. “Are you ready, magus?” My voice was a sharp bark, cutting through the thick air.

  He nodded, beckoning me with a finger. Simultaneously, we began casting in unison. Cold blue mist developed, first surrounding our fingers and then enveloping our hands as we whispered our spells. Moments later bolts of ice flew towards each other, colliding with a loud *POP!* Immediately the air surrounding the explosion cooled and for a brief moment snow could be seen falling from the points of impact. Several explosions later we were all a little damp, but also a little cooler for a short time at least.

  Masio stood after a few minutes, his face half-scowl, half-amused. “We’ll be introduced to this area this evening. Let’s meet on our steps here after dinner. Be prepared for a walk. Between now and then study these maps of our area. Learn our patrol routes, the garrison points, and flight paths the sentinels here will be utilizing.” He handed maps out one by one until I was left. “Skye, I need a moment of your time please.” His voice was quiet but held an air of authority. I had no choice but to nod and follow as he handed me my map.

  We exited the platform tent and made our way across the barracks towards the shade of the fortress’ inner wall. Dust flew at our feet as we moved to a stairway on the far side of Savannah Gate. I looked around seeing nobody nearby, other than a few soldiers patrolling the inner walls of the gate. Masio motioned for me to sit beside him. I took a seat and waited for him to speak.

  Masio brushed at the dust on his chain leggings, it was strange to see him searching for words. “Skye,” he began, “You’ve had quite a time since joining our ranks.” I nodded. “Your mother…Serafina…I understand that she had quite a past herself.” He looked as if he was searching harder for words now.

  “Are you speaking of my father?” I asked directly, not certain if it was better for me to continue acting as if I wasn’t sure where he was going with this conversation. “Soulkos was her husband. They were married before the Great Break.” My voice drew softer as I began guarding my words. “What do you need to know?”

  “We received word while you were in Morland, and I’m not sure if there is any gentle way to put this….” I looked at Masio and squared my jaw. “We received word that Serafina had been working as a spy for the Ustenian forces.”

  I felt a surge of anger flood my chest, running its way through my shoulders, down my arms, and to my hands. My palms burned as I held my anger in check. “Lies! Where did this ‘information’ come from? What else did they say?!” I demanded, my voice was sharp, and my words sprung out angrily. I could not have held them back, try as I may.

  “Please, calm down. They said that you should be watched closely, there are some who say you are working for the Ustenians as well.” I closed my eyes briefly, trying to imagine what could come as a result of the implications. “Skye, I want to believe you went to Morland for the good of the Lucenia. I will speak on your behalf. I know you were injured while you were there, and I know that you have something you are holding on to, for whatever reason. This is the reason behind why I am in your patrol. I’m giving you an opportunity to tell me anything I need to know. I’m very well aware of Droghel and his witch hunts. You are a good magus and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Droghel.” I could not help but spit the name from my lips. “He has brought me nothing but grief, anger, and sorrow. I will be the one to end his reign of terror.” Again, words began spilling from my mouth before I could filter them out. “Masio, I appreciate your candor. My time in Morland was neither what I had expected nor anticipated. I had a job to do for General Eno, and I completed it to the best of my ability. I believe I was very successful in fulfilling his request. I had another job to complete while I was there. It was a delivery on behalf of the Kauri, Espencheid. The Kauri have been cut off from their brethren for some time now. I completed the delivery for Espencheid, and Nabaru of the Kauri of Ustenia had a request…well not even a request, a demand of my time more or less.” I paused, wondering how much I should share.

  Masio rubbed at the small patch of hair covering his chin. “The Kauri are the record keepers of our world. They have been since the start of time. I had never considered how the Great Break could have affected them.” He stretched his legs out in front of him. “What did they have to say, if I may ask?”

  I looked at the ground between my boots before answering. “Nabaru and Espencheid have both told me that we need to find a way to make peace with the Ustenians. We need to work together, or we will destroy our world. Though, I have no idea how to accomplish such an endeavor.” I sighed, not able to say anymore at this point. My mind went to Lancer and his vow to work together. I shook my head, clearing the vision from my eyes. This would bring nothing but trouble for me and who knows who else would be watching me now?

  Masio thanked me for my time and released me to my map. I watched him walk away, hoping I had not just talked my way into a noose.

  Chapter 22—Badlands

  I LEARNED OUR NEW lands like the back of my hand as the days and weeks passed. The heat was relentless, moist and oppressive here. It didn’t seem to affect most of my company mates, actually many seemed to thrive in the heat of the sun, perhaps my discomfort was an effect of my mixed blood. Niera knew how conflicted I had been, but we did a good job of keeping it quiet.

  More frequently I found my dreams bringing me back to the walls of that icy cave above Morland Fortress. I began to develop insomnia, my concerns eating away at me. I couldn’t trust myself to keep my mouth shut when I slept. Eventually, I sought help from Masio, begging him to bind my voice while I slept, stating that I could not share the information I had carried to Eno, with anyone. He accepted the excuse and I kept the truth to myself, not even willing to share that with my best friend.

  Patrols had become monotonous. Day after day of nothing but the rainforest which surrounded us, followed by short spurts of heavy fighting. On those days we would constantly be pushing back both bandits and wild men from either side of the map. Occasionally we would find ourselves stationed at remote outposts, with little contact with the rest of our company.

  Finally, the call came. Savannah's Western Fortress had been taken over by the Ustenians and our forces had been holding it under siege for some time. Our patrol was to assist in securing the fortress for Lucenia. I had not spent any time at all in Dusk Fortress, our home base in the badlands, and was amazed when I finally found myself there. In many ways it reminded me of the grand city of Plano, but it was much smaller, much more structured, more regimented.

  We didn’t have much time before we were to jo
in the alliance of sentinels currently assaulting the fortress. We began to assemble on a flight pad on the far south of Dusk. There we made our final checks. Niera looked over to me and smiled, excited for the upcoming battle. “Stay close to me, we will help each other.” I tried to appear confident as I whispered spells which would both protect us and increase my focus. Masio gave us a nod and we opened our wings, taking off as a group nearly twenty strong and flying freely for the first time in what seemed like a long while.

  I felt an undercurrent of excitement and trepidation coursing through me as we made our way through the eternal evening skies of the badlands. We flew far and long, carried by the hot air currents blowing under our wings. We stopped only to rest our wings for a few short moments before setting off again. I looked towards what appeared to be the center of the badlands. Masio saw my expression, “Skye, that is our earth’s core. When the Great Break tore our world apart, it became a vacuous hole, a whirlpool in the depths, if you will. We will avoid that area entirely.” His hand was pointing towards the swirling mass of blackened clouds of ash and fire. “The pull can be very overwhelming, it’s rare that anyone would attempt crossing through there.” The core of the badlands glowed ominously with a hot orange molten fury. Deep blackened sooty clouds circled and spiraled around the center, casting an eerie dim light over everything it touched. “Only the most experienced sentinels will be assigned anywhere near its edges. It’s nothing compared to this.” He allowed us a moment longer to rest then we were on our way again, on the final leg of the flight to where the battle was being staged.

  We spent several moments stretching out our muscles after the long flight to the small island near the eastern gate of Western Savannah Fortress. I looked around in awe at the sheer number of sentinels which had rallied together for the assault, many having assembled from Dusk Fortress, others from the far side of the badlands. In the distance I could hear the sounds of the battle already raging. Flashes of fire and ice could be seen on the horizon. Metal rang out against metal and explosions sounded as spells hit their marks.


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