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Skye Light

Page 19

by A R Maloney

  Masio led us across the rocky base to a place where many guards had gathered. “This is where we will rally.” he stated as he pushed a banner with our company emblem into the ground beneath his feet. He whispered an incantation over the marker, a quiet prayer of protection for our group. “Keep steady, calm, and stay alive.” His tone was serious now. We grouped up and made our way to a ledge looking out high over the north side of the fortress.

  I fell silent as we listened carefully to the orders being barked out by a large sentinel who was leading our battle group. My gaze followed his, covering the crowd of sentinels gathered on the stony cleft. Some appeared excited for the battle to come to us. Others looked wide-eyed and anxious. Still others appeared bored.

  A cry came out from my far left. As I turned my head to see the cause of the activity, I could hear the whispers coming from around me even before the dark shape came into view. “General Lancer approaches!” My breath hung still in my throat as my eyes caught sight of the ominous dark shape of the Ustenian covered in his burgundy shining plate armor. His charcoal wings were spread wide. He was a dark shadow, embraced by the inky blackness of the badlands skies. He held his shield high upon his left arm. His right hand was empty, and I could see his heavy sword was still strapped on his back. Lancer's eyes cast a crimson glow through his helm as he scanned our forces. He flew past with amazing speed as arrows from rangers in the ranks bounced off his heavy plate armor, unable to find purchase.

  Taunts and jeers could be heard as the ebon winged sentinel flew out of sight. Niera nudged me, her eyes wide with excitement. “That's HIM!” she gasped. “Am I right?”

  I froze in place, unable to respond for a moment. Finally, I nodded. “Yes.” My response was a mere whisper, barely audible to even my own ears. My mind was assaulted by overwhelming thoughts and questions. Why was he here? I knew why he was here. It was his job, just like it was mine. But why here? Why now? Was he crazy? He came so close to our front...alone...carrying only his shield.

  My thoughts carried me deeper inside my mind. I barely heard Niera calling to me until I felt her nudging my shoulder. “Look! He has circled back!!”

  I raised my head in time to see Lancer's form fast approaching from far above. His black wings were tucked close to his body in a deep dive. His shield was held in front of him, protecting him from the many spells and projectiles now heading his way. My eyes were glued to the warrior as he continued his approach. Suddenly his ebon wings shuddered as a ranger found a weak spot in his armor. The fast descent turned into a faster plummet as the sentinel tumbled towards the ground below. Moments before impact the warrior opened his wings wide one last time in an attempt to slow his fall. He hit the ground hard, bouncing and sliding several feet across the rocky earth, throwing up dust and dirt as he skidded to a halt several feet in front of me.

  His right hand was extended out in front of him, immobile, holding a single red rose. His body lay still and lifeless on the ground. The feathers on his raven wings ruffled as they were pushed about by the hot badlands wind. Seconds passed...then what seemed like minutes—still he lay unmoving. I glanced to my left then to my right, knowing any move I made would not go unnoticed. I had the overwhelming feeling that the fallen sentinel who should be my enemy would not release from his form until I acknowledged him. Behind me I could hear the voices of others talking. A cruel laugh could be heard coming from a group of soldiers nearby. “Those wings would look nice hanging on my company walls.” Another voice said, “Bet I could get a promotion for bringing home the wings of a general.”

  My stomach turned and I held my nausea as I turned my head to Niera and closed my eyes in an attempt to control my look of futile exasperation. I looked at her, “I’m sorry,” was all I could say. Finally, I stepped forward towards the lifeless body of my secret friend and knelt briefly at his side. “Thank you for the flower,” I whispered. “You kept your weapons.” I tried to hide my smile as I took the rose from his still hand. “Now release! Many are whispering greedily about your beautiful wings.” I inhaled deeply, catching his scent once more before standing and turning to rejoin my group once more as angry shouts and hateful stares of those nearby bore into my back.

  “Oh shit.” Niera looked at me, panic in her eyes. She held her arms back and began chanting, creating a shield over all in my company. The air was filled with angry shouts and threats called from all sides. The shield up, Niera whispered to me, “Go to Torres, now. You must!”

  Shaking my head, I turned to my friend. “I cannot. It’s not time yet. I’m sorry.”

  As the rest of my company moved closer together, I looked over their faces. I was met with a mix of shock, awe and a lot of animosity. “Skye!” Masio shouted, pushing his way forward. “You are out of line!” He glared at me, his disappointment and frustration palpable, as he pulled his fingers through his hair.

  “Yes sir.” I could not talk my way out of this. I hung my head in defeat as I awaited my punishment.

  Masio stepped closer to me and spoke softly. I could feel the outrage in his voice as the directive came from his lips. “Skye. You are to return to Lucenia immediately. Go directly to Rockton Village. Tell Arnie I have sent you to him and for gods sakes, follow his directives until I contact you.” I nodded wordlessly. “Do not mess up there! I'll have a hard-enough time trying to save your wings already as it is.” He turned and yelled out over his shoulder. “Dimitri! Change of plans.” When Dimitri approached, Masio continued, “You are to accompany this one to Rockton. Stay with her.” Dimitri nodded in response. Masio looked at us both. “Do not divert from these orders, do you understand me?”

  “Yes sir!” Dimitri snapped to attention.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded, giving Niera a miserable look, shrugging in my defeat. I had felt that was the only thing I could have done.

  Lancer's body disappeared as he finally returned to wherever it was, he had bound his soul. I spared a moment to give silent thanks to the crafty Kauri and his phoenix friends once again, for I had a good guess what had just happened, but why? I blinked, holding my emotions in check as my eyes scoured the space where my Ustenian friend had fallen. Masio dug into his pouch again and produced two scrolls. He handed one to Dimitri and the second to me. “These scrolls will return you both to the West Gate of Savannah Fortress. Do not linger there. We do not want to add to the questions which are certain to come.” Masio turned and walked away, mumbling under his breath…something about a shit show.

  Dimitri sighed and looked over at me as he slung his bow onto his back. He had been looking forward to the battle. I mumbled apologetically to him as we whispered the spells which would return us to Savannah. His response was an angry glare. “I do this for my company.”

  Chapter 23—Disgraced

  THE WALK TO THE flight master was short and Dimitri hurried me along in hopes that we would not be noticed. Soon we found ourselves carried on the backs of the large birds as we headed towards Rockton Village.

  When we landed, we were met by a sturdy warrior named Erin who escorted us to the makeshift station post located in one of the village’s smaller buildings. Erin looked us over as he walked to the tiny armory building. He was a short sentinel; his skin was baked a deep red from the sun where it poked out beneath his blue and black plated armor. He pulled his helmet off revealing a short sweaty mop of graying hair. He ushered us in through the worn wooden door and motioned us to a bench on the wall of the building. “Take a seat. Do you have any papers?” Erin placed his helmet on a desk nearby and began removing his gauntlets.

  “Masio sent me...err us.” My voice wavered momentarily. I was unsure what information to give this man. “We don't have any papers. We were instructed to see Arnie.”

  The stocky warrior shook his head. “Well you're out of luck there. He is gone on an extended assignment. I don't expect him back for several days.” I frowned at this news and looked to Dimitri. Perhaps he would know what to do next. Perhaps I should go to Torres and Es
pencheid, the thought was pressing hard in my mind. But no…a feeling came over me, so overwhelming…no. I need to remain here for whatever may come.

  Erin continued looking us over. Several moments passed before anyone spoke. Finally, he sighed. “There is really only one reason anyone is sent to Arnie. I don't want the details.” He waved his hand through the air to make his point. “I don't want to know which one of you it is even. I will put you in the patrol rotation with my squadron. You will eat, sleep, and work, with my people. You will not leave the village alone for any reason, and you will both keep your mouths closed. You will speak to no one of whatever it was that brought you here. When Arnie returns from assignment, you will see him immediately. Pray to the gods he will get here before whatever it is that may come looking for you.” Erin opened the door to a small closet at the back of the room and pulled out two dark cloaks. He crossed the room to us and handed one to each of us. “Pack up your company cloaks for the moment. You will wear these. Do not do anything to draw attention to yourselves, okay? If you mess up here, there will be no way anyone can help you.”

  Dimitri looked at me expectantly. “Thank you, sir.” I responded with a quiet voice as I nodded in grim understanding.

  Dimitri replaced his company cloak with the one handed him and looked at Erin. “I'm just along for the ride, sir.” He said, “No need to worry about me.”

  Erin grunted and nodded his head. “I worry about everyone here, it’s my job.” The grey-haired sentinel then sat. “Since I don't recognize either of you, I will assume neither has been here before. Let me clue you in. Rockton Village is no quiet little fishing town. You will soon find that we are near constantly under siege. The Ustenians are forever culling our scouts and lookouts. This is considered a last stop detail by many. When you are not fighting the dirty fur-backed crows, you will be helping to keep back the throngs of wild men. Gods only know what had been done to this land to leave it so cursed, I sure don't. Just know that you should never let your guard down outside of these gates. Hell, don’t let your guard down inside the gates either.” He stood and motioned for us to follow. “Your shift starts now. Stow your gear in the guards barracks next door then take the bridge on the west edge of the village. You will find the rest of your patrol there. Tell them I sent you.”

  And that was it. Dimitri and I began our shift. He had not said more than a couple words to me since leaving the badlands. I'm sure he knew everything. Dimitri was smart enough, but silent. He complied without complaint, sharing my punishment, as it was, even though he was faultless. I'm sure he was exhausted. It had been over a day now since either of us had rested or eaten. Was he angry with me? I couldn't blame him if he was...I paused and looked over at him. “Hey Dimitri,” I whispered low into his ear, “I'm sorry you got pushed into this. I know it's not what you wanted.”

  Dimitri nodded. “You're my company, mate. Yes, I’m angry, but we're responsible for each other. We all know something happened while you were away, I think everyone in the company knows that much. I'm pretty sure I have an idea of who it involves now. I've been here long enough to know that there is no way Masio will be able to quash the rumors now. I'm not sure what will happen to you, Skye, but I'm positive it won't be good. I wish I could give you more encouragement, but honestly, I don't know what else to say.”

  I pursed my lips and looked out to the waves slowly rolling in towards the sandy shore of the beach surrounding the small village. It seemed quiet, despite Erin’s warnings. The wind blew softly, carrying the briny smell of salt and seaweed to my nose. I wiped a bit of sand from my face and tried to imagine my life as it was before. Quiet and simple, like the beach and the breeze. My gut tightened as my thoughts drifted back to my home...Arden...and of course I was forced to play out the memories. Mom baking bread while I saw to the animals. But she had been sent from this world. Cooper...he was gone too. Droghel will surely be coming now. Morland.... Shoot! I had really mucked things up. My mind went to the Ustenian with his sharp claws and piercing red eyes. He gave me flowers. During a fort siege! What the hell was he thinking?! And I picked them up? What was I thinking?!!!

  “Skye!” Dimitri was calling my name. “Skye!” He repeated louder this time. I turned to my friend as I was shaken from my mini mental rant. “The wildlings are pushing heavily on the northeast guard! We are needed immediately to force them back away from the gates of the village.” I nodded and hurried as we moved to join our new squadron, who were already working hard to push back the enemies.

  The sound of metal and spells smashing on shields and bodies echoed through the coastal hills. I had lost count of how many I had slain. These foes were particularly susceptible to my fire spells, but they just kept coming. It seemed like hours. Where were they all coming from? I had no idea. Smoke hung thick in the air. My arms were long past aching and my voice was hoarse from the constant spells I had been casting. I took a brief break to rest, pulling water and dried fish from my pouch. I sat for a few moments, eating and drinking, and wiped the sweat from my brow. Looking around I realized I had separated myself from the rest of my patrol. How long had it been since we began? I could hear the others fighting in the distance, not so far off, but already the wildlings had moved in effectively separating me from the rest of my patrol. There was something else. I couldn't put a name to the new feeling which was trying to weave its way to the forefront of my mind. I stood and brushed off my hands. I took one last drink from my canteen and closed my pouch, turning to once again face off with the horde of enemies.

  A small bird flew out from the brush on my left side. I turned and noticed the burst of bright red flowers that appeared to be growing next to a scrubby dried out tree. I gasped to myself as a pair of crimson eyes suddenly appeared before me. I shook my head to clear the image from my mind, just as a wildling attacked me from my right. His rusty sword bit at my forearm and I hastily jumped away with a scream of pain. My survival instincts kicked in. I began fighting again, harder than ever. My frustration and anger wound together, spilling out from me with each spell that was flung from my hands. I would not die today.

  “It’s wrong!” “This can never be!” “It will never be allowed!” “Traitor!” Everyone seems to have something to say. My company, my brothers and sisters in arms, they all fear this will return me to the skies once and for all. They don’t understand these thoughts…no, this obsession…which has been driving me forward. I raised my arms towards the sky, once again calling forth the flames to my hands. Fire from my fingers burned everything in my path…no ice today. I wanted to fully feel my rage as I directed it towards the beasts I fought. Again, and again the flames flew from me, burning my enemies, cleansing the land surrounding the small fishing village to which I’ve been assigned.

  “Damn the beasts! Damn the dread!! Damn the thoughts that won’t leave my head!! I paused to regain my strength, breathless, when I sensed something approaching…flowers…his face. Then, with a sharp crack to the back of my head… darkness.

  “No!” I hear him shout. “Not that one!” I’m on the ground, squinting my eyes as the world spins crazily around me. Crimson eyes search over my body. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry… sorry, sorr, sor…………” He’s kneeling next to me and shaking my shoulders. Numb pain surrounds me as I feel my consciousness slip away and I am dragged back into darkness.

  Chapter 24—Droghel

  MOMENTS LATER I WAKE in a clearing, weak kneed and slightly shaken. I take a moment to pull myself together and regain command of my limbs. I shake the haze from my head and take off at a jog, making my way back to where I thought I had seen Lancer. I pass Dimitri and glance briefly in his direction. He won’t like this at all.

  “Skye!” he calls. “Are you okay?” I rub the knot on the back of my head and nod, trying to go past him without any more conversation. “You found some trouble?” He was being persistent.

  Again, I nod. “Just a little, I’m going back. I’ll be fine.”

  He looks at me, “You know t
he Ustenians are nearby again. You should be careful.”

  “Dimitri, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you later.” And without giving him an opportunity to stop me again, I bolt down the path at a quick run, managing to avoid any foes.

  I slow my pace as I near the spot where I had fallen. Stepping lightly, I close the distance to where my friend was waiting. “Tell them to show themselves”, I call out quietly. Lance is looking at me, saying nothing. “Nobody is following, and I will not retaliate. I know better than to believe they would stray too far from you in this land.”

  “You’ve grown stronger. I didn’t expect to see you at the fortress.” He looked at me with a curious expression as he stood. “You took me by surprise.” He stepped closer to me, walking around me in a close circle, his eyes piercing my soul. He raised his head, looking beyond me. “You may come out; she is not an enemy to us.” His voice rang out clear and loud as Lancer called to his unseen soldiers. A cleric came out of the trees, looking at me nervously. “You too.” He turned glancing over his shoulder. Moments later I heard a scowl as a familiar ranger entered the grove from the shadows...Kumar. Lance directed his sentinels to take positions further up the trail to watch for anyone who would come too near.

  “You’ve caused me quite a bit of trouble.” I stated plainly. “Not that this trouble wouldn’t have found me on its own. I don’t blame you. I’m the one who took the flower, but it was the only way you would leave your body. The soldiers there had big plans for your wings.” We sat on the steps of an old stone ruin and talked quietly. “Droghel will come for certain now.” I nodded to myself knowingly. Lancer wrapped his arm around me, and I leaned into his chest as we talked. He listened more than anything. My nerves were starting to get the best of me. It had been so long since I had been able to really talk about the situation to anyone. Even Niera had not heard everything.


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